Schwann Travelblog: Edinburgh - Iain (M.) Banks - Once In a lifetime!
(too old to reply)
2004-08-23 19:43:05 UTC
Edinburgh. Met Iain M. Banks as planned, handed him over a copy of the
Headspace movie and told him to stay in touch, which was a lot better
than the day before when we got thrown out of the book festival because
we honed in on Stephanie Turner, the so-called 'Press Officer' who was
mostly out to lunch, even when doing her job,
(***@edbookfest.co.uk), and lets not forget about the pasty
looking youth serving books who told me to 'hang on just a second'
before calling security because I'd pointed my cam at him. Muttering
something about; "invading my privacy", he comes back with Jaws who not
so politely asks me to switch my cam off, which I'd already done five
minutes before, then follows us like a dog around the book festival in
case I switch it on again. This irritated me enough to launch a full
broadside which resulted in telephone calls to South Africa, faxes and
emails to Edinburgh, none of which were returned by Steph, who has an
irritating habit of talking to you like you're in kindergarten, your
mother dressed you funny and is now two hours late picking you up, but
let's be fair, she was probably having a bad hair year so I recommend
keeping her out of the system for at least that long, but, i digress..to
start off with, we arrived at the Banks reading and handed over tickets
which were only valid for Edinburgh Castle due to some mixup in my
pocket, but this was settled by me begging a new set of tickets from the
booking office, which was much better staffed than the press
office...the hall was packed....maybe 500 people...

Banksie talks well, and, happily for me, seems to prefer his sci-fi
incarnation, even though the heavyweight from the BBC was clearly not up
to gabbing about 'the Culture', and preferred to associate him with
'kicking the caPitalists'..in any event, he read from his latest book,
to be launched in October/November; "This construct does not contain the
information you require"! afterwards, I stood in a queue and when my
turn came for him to autograph the copy of 'Consider Phlebas' I'd
bought, I barely had time to hand over the DVD and tell him who I was
plus tell him I liked his idea of being an incredibly well armed hippy
x'd with Hunter S. Thomson. He promised to view the DVD, and if you're
reading this Banksie, did you enjoy it? :) I've even got a picture of
this which I'll post at sometime when I get back to the studio, in the
not too distant future..

Afterwards we did a few drams of verious malt whiskeys, then a bloody
mary, which knocked me sideways for a few hours, during which I stumbled
up and down Edinburgh's crowded streets...


23rd August 2004
2004-08-23 19:54:25 UTC
Post by __Schwann__
verious malt whiskeys
I had some Lagavulin.
Then I had some Laphroaig.
Now, I just like the Lagavulin.
It tastes a little bit like a barbeque.
2004-08-24 14:23:24 UTC
In article <***@mindspring.com>, ***@mindspring.com
Post by pete
Post by __Schwann__
verious malt whiskeys
I had some Lagavulin.
Then I had some Laphroaig.
Now, I just like the Lagavulin.
It tastes a little bit like a barbeque.
I still have time to try the Lagavulin - thanks!

