Something About The Greys.
(too old to reply)
John F. Winston
2004-07-27 05:25:30 UTC
Subject: Something About The Greys. July 26, 2004.

In the past I have quoted from a certain book about a certain
person. They have told me that the information is copyrighted so I
will now no longer use that material.
Here is some information from another source that talks about
the Greys. The person asking the questions is an Earthly person
who goes by the name of Shivai. The person answering the questions
is BASHER, who is a sort of sp-ritual, space type person, as best
I understand. This is probably channeled information, so be


From: l
Subject: BASHAR: To Shivai, re Reticulum Energy and Using Your
Imagination Greys and Humanity and Hybrids
Q: It seems to me that.
B: Yes.
Q: . that the Greys evolved out of the Reptilians, is this
B: No.
Q: No. Anything connected there? There's something there, I know.
B: Yes. The idea to understand, first of all, is that typically
what you call the Greys are not even really, even exactly, what you
would recognize as extraterrestrial forms.
Q: Okay.
B: They are actually, in some sense, another branch of humanity
from another dimension.
Q: Uh huh.
B: The idea being: within their history they have created certain
things to have happened that brought them into the state that they
are in, and now they are attempting to change some of those things,
utilizing the DNA of another time stream -- your own -- because it
is, in that sense, basically the same DNA that they have as
originally human form.
Q: Right.
B: The idea also of the Reptilians is that there is an offshoot
with regard to the early experimentation of the Annunaki, with
regard to DNA existing on the planet Earth from what you would call
Reptilian form, or dinosaur form.
Q: In our time stream, or.?
B: Yes.
Q: Okay.
B: As to what you might call the earlier experimentation, from
the idea of what would populate the planet -- that particular
branch did not really go where they wanted it to go, so they began
again with the hominid form. Do you understand?
Q: Yes, I do.
B: But at this time there was representation of a connection
between the Reptilian form and the Human form on the planet, being
that you both, in a sense, originate from the same stock, in terms
of the overall genetic structure of life on your world.
And thus, then, also the Reptilians symbolically represent what
might be represented as the Reptilian form of brain that is part of
your brain activity on the Earth, even though it is now also
augmented by what you would call the primate brain.
Q: Right. Okay, so.
B: There is only, thus, then a connection of the idea of Human,
Grey, and Reptilian in that there is what you might call hominid
DNA within all three coming from -- blending with Annunaki DNA in
all three -- representing the idea of early connections on your
planet, but then divergence in history,
divergence of purpose.
Q: So sort of cousins?
B: Several times removed.
Q: Yes, all with one common relative, the Annunaki.
B: To some degree, yes.
Q: Okay, so the Greys originate from Earth, but a different.
B: Parallel.
Q: Yes, parallel reality. So my understanding is that they
brought themselves to a crisis.
B: Yes.
Q: . and it went from there, and now they are trying to rework
B: Yes, and thus the creation of the Hybrids.
Q: Right. And, can you please. in most of my contact... to me
Zeta seems more appropriate.
B: All right.
Q: . and I don't even know why, I don't know what the difference
B: The difference in that sense will be that Zeta shall be more
representative of those Greys that have in a sense colonized other
worlds, other solar systems and, thus, then consider themselves now
as coming from there in their reality.
Q: Oh, all right.
B: Does that make sense to you?
Q: Yes, that says a lot.
B: In the same way as if humans went to Mars and colonized it,
eventually their children and their children's children would
consider themselves Martians.
Q: Right.
B: Even though their ancestry is on Earth.
Q: Right.
B: In the same way the Zetas thus were established by the Grey
colonization of Zeta Reticuli many of their generations ago -- but
then consider themselves to be, to some degree, different, and have
evolved a little bit differently than the original form of Grey that
is still connected to their parallel reality Earth, which no longer
really supports life as you know it.
Q: Right, it seems very different to me.
B: Yes.
Q: So when I had that experience where I went some place where
there were two suns in the sky and one was like a pea soup green
color and one was like an orange, like a burnt orange color, and
the planet had no life on it anymore, it was kind of like a
B: Yes.
Q: . you know with those little adobe type houses.
B: Yes.
Q: . and I thought that was maybe it was the old Zeta planet?
B: It is.
Q: Oh, okay.
B: But Earth is similar in their timeframe reference.
Q: Yes, most unfortunate.
B: You will find that the history in that sense created the idea
of burnout in several levels, in several different ways, at several
different places -- somewhat concurrently.
Q: Um, okay. Because it was so big it went through different
time streams?
B: Simply that they took what they were doing from one place
to another.
Q: Oh, I thought.
B: And caused the same effect in different places.
Q: Okay, yes that.
B: This is why Essassani, in that sense, was created from a
planet that existed -- as you would say, "Terraformed" -- and thus,
then the hybrids placed there, and on other similar planets to
continue the species, because their parallel Earth and the planet
in the Reticulum system no longer really are conducive to the kind
of life they are now creating.
Q: Right. Which leads us to the hybrids.
B: Yes.
Q: Regarding an area of land in Arizona.
B: Yes.
Q: There is one portion of it that...
B: Yes.
Q: ... it seems very much that the land is connected with the
hybrid children.
B: Yes, eventually.
Q: And.
B: It will be one place on your planet where there will be some
Q: Right, can you give me an idea of when that will be in my
B: Certainly after your year of 2013, maybe not until your year
of 2025, this is yet to be determined.
Q: Okay.
B: But somewhere in that span - most likely.
Q: We went out there about a year and a half ago.
B: All right.
Q: And we went out there to just, I guess we went out there to
make more of a connection to the children. It was a series of events
where we both felt that, if they are going to come, they need to be
welcomed. So we went out there and we left them gifts.
B: You are laying the foundation.
Q: Yes.
B: Allowing the vibration of the area to begin to, in that sense,
be transformed into that which will ultimately become the
appropriate vibration.
Q: Yes.
B: Yes.
Q: That was our intention.
B: Yes.
Q: And it was really wonderful. And then afterwards we went to
the Painted Desert and took some little trips around and it was
like they were with us.
B: Well, in a sense, in spi-it, yes.
Q: Yes, it was. But it was kind of like a family trip in this old
station wagon.
B: All right.
Q: It was really wonderful.
B: Yes, have hybrid will travel.
Q: Yes, something like that.
B: All right.
Q: So can you... I have a feeling that my friend's DNA has been
used with my DNA, very specifically, so that you might say we have
children in common. Is this accurate?
B: In a sense, but since you really don't understand the details
of the process, it will be misleading to just say yes.
Q: Okay.
B: But in some senses it is a little bit more complex than you
Q: Can you explain?
B: No.
Q: No. (Laughter) Why is that?
B: Because you have to lay down a foundation of a process that
your technology does not even understand at this point.
Q: Oh, okay. But little bits of him, and little bits of me -- and
we end up with the same one.
B: Yes.
Q: Okay.
B: But several.
Q: Several what?
B: And are mixed in several hybrids along with several other
bits and pieces.
Q: Right.
B: ... from different sources.
Q: Right.
B: In some sense, perhaps, you will find that a great many
strains of hybrids will be the result of the combination of several
genetic human sources, or bits used from several genetic human
sources, so that each overall strain will thus have many different
human ancestors. In that sense what you can say is that all of you
now in the room are connected to the idea of our particular group,
or particular stain that you have come to know as the Essassani
Q: Yes.
B: But there are other groups of hybrids.
Q: Right.
B: That thus then were created through other resonates of DNA
selections from different people on your planet.
Q: Well, will the hybrids that we may eventually have contact
with in that area -- the ones that seem to resonate to that -- are
they directly in line with Essassani?
B: Yes. They will be considered our more direct ancestors.
Q: The other question I had and I never paid that much attention
to it, but people are talking about the Greys and the Hybrids.
B: Yes.
Q: Where do they live?
B: There are different Hybrids and it depends on what stage of
the Hybridization you are talking about! In terms of the hybrids
that exist concurrent with your time frame that are recently
created through the genetic manipulation of human DNA and Grey
DNA, mostly, they live upon spacecraft.
Q: Oh, and Grey's do also, do they have a planet, or...?
B: There is a planet. It is in many ways not livable. Most
of them live on spaceships too.

Part 1.

John Winston. ***@mlode.com
Steve O
2004-07-28 02:32:51 UTC
Post by John F. Winston
Subject: Something About The Greys. July 26, 2004.
In the past I have quoted from a certain book about a certain
person. They have told me that the information is copyrighted so I
will now no longer use that material.
Here is some information from another source that talks about
the Greys. The person asking the questions is an Earthly person
who goes by the name of Shivai. The person answering the questions
is BASHER, who is a sort of sp-ritual, space type person, as best
I understand. This is probably channeled information, so be
Be careful about what?
John F. Winston
2004-07-28 15:44:38 UTC
Now to comment on something.
Post by Steve O
Post by John F. Winston
Subject: Something About The Greys. July 26, 2004.
In the past I have quoted from a certain book about a certain
person. They have told me that the information is copyrighted so I
will now no longer use that material.
Here is some information from another source that talks about
the Greys. The person asking the questions is an Earthly person
who goes by the name of Shivai. The person answering the questions
is BASHER, who is a sort of sp-ritual, space type person, as best
I understand. This is probably channeled information, so be
Be careful about what?
JW Some people swell up and turn blue if they read something
that is channeled. Just kidding.
John Winston.
