Ten things that GOD didn't do today.....
(too old to reply)
2004-11-24 15:50:25 UTC
1) Wake up
2) Breakfast Cereal
3) Morning TV
4) Hairdo
5) Book club
6) Masturbate
7) Negotiate
8) Beg
9) Get ripped off
Ether St. Vying
2004-11-25 04:51:52 UTC
Post by unknown
1) Wake up
2) Breakfast Cereal
3) Morning TV
4) Hairdo
5) Book club
6) Masturbate
7) Negotiate
8) Beg
9) Get ripped off
After I read that I channelled god, and asked about yesterday ...

10 Things that god didn't do yesterday ...

But in reverse order from 10 to 1:

10) Take a crap
9) Barter with humans asking for a favours
8) Admit that he's really a woman
7) Visit the various religions on their own planets in the galaxy of
6) Post to usenet
5) Work on his 'naughty or nice' list
4) Impregnate any virgins (immaculately)
3) Tell anyone that they are his chosen people
2) Buy a big screen TV
1) Tell anyone to kill others in his name

Ether St. Vying
