Postings From 1995.
(too old to reply)
John F. Winston
2004-11-06 00:09:13 UTC
Subject: Postings From 1995. Nov. 5, 2004.

Here are some posting I found on an old floppy disk.


Subject: Earth's History And UFOs. Feb. 7, 1995.

I recently came across some information about the history of our
Earth that it is so weird it will probably make you laugh, but be
careful some of it just might be true.


Earth' Forgotten History

We three Sirian council members presenting information today
include Washta as well as Teletron, a Srain galactic historian and
expert on human galactic civilization and culture and Mikah, a
Sirian historian, geologist, and Cetacean biologist.

In this chapter we will present a complete historical record of
all past civilized societies on planet Earth from its very
beginnings, about 35 million years ago, to the present. These
studies are important because they will enable you to understand
why the current galactic situations are now occurring and why
they are so different from those events which you assume have
occurred in the past. Most importantly, you will finally know
your own planet's true history and the role of humanity in its

To explain these galactic changes in a very clear fashion, we will
use a set of time lines to orient the reader and will provide the
sequence in which these events occurred. Let us start this study,
then, by reviewing your solar system's history from the beginning of
nonhuman civilization on your planet until the formation of the last
Earth human colony influenced by Lyran/Sirian culture--the famous
lost Continent of Lemuria.

Earth History: From 35 Million Years to
900,000 Years BC

35 Million Years, Etheric Intelligent Civilization-----------------
26 M Y Dinoid/Reptoid Invasion ---------------------------
18 M Y Rise of Pre-cetacean-------------------------------
10 " " Start of Orion Scenario----------------------------
8 " " Destruction of Dinoid/Reptoid Group----------------
6 " " Earth Recovering From Attack-----------------------
4 " " Federation Was Formed; Earth Selected for Seeding--
2 " " Hybornea Founded-----------------------------------
1 " " Hybornea Destroyed---------------------------------
900,000 Lemuria Founded------------------------------------
MY = million years BC

Approximately 35 million years ago, the Time Lords and the
Sp-ritual Heirarchy of your solar system decided to create an
etheric life form to act as a guardian species for Earth and the
surrounding solar system. The an-el - like form was to act as an
intermediary until the evolution of a more physically evolved
sentient primate occurred that would be the land-based guardian for
planet Earth. Indeed, over the next 8 miliion years, a primate-
based life form did develop on Earth, which one day could replace
the temporary etheric civilizaiton created by the S-iritual

The original, divine plan for physical life on your planet was
conceived by the Creator, and executed by the Time Lords as one of
vast diversity.
Futhermore, this diversity was institued so that more than one
land creature could eventually rise to high sentient levels and
have an opportunity to become planetary guardians. Then about 26
million years ago, two nonhuman space civilizations approached this
planet and established colonies upon it.
These two planetary non-human civilizations were a reptilian or
reptoid one (from the lesser known stars in the constellation
Sagittarius), and a dinosaurian or dinoid society (from the
Bellatrix system in the Constellation Orion).

These two civilizations came into your solar system and claimed
it as part of an overall mandate from their mutual creation myths
that conceived of the entire galaxy as their property, to do with
as they saw fit. The etheric life form now occupying Earth and
its an-elic hosts decided to permit this colonizing to occur and
to work towards eventually obtaining a change in the attitude of the
two hostile civilizations. Over the next 8 million years as the
spi-itual Hierachy sent more and more love energy to them, these two
civilizations began to slowly allow mammalian creatures on your
planet to evolve toward sentiency. The first such creature was a
land pre-cetacean (ancestor of the present dolphins and whales).
They developed a primitive agrarian society and a great ability to
produce more than enough food staples to supply the other two
more advanced civilizations. This pre-cetacean civilization was
encouraged and given advanced technology to improve its food
production capabilities. It easily provided for the food
requirements of the dinoid and reptoid civilizations and had a
successful yet passive relationship with both of them.

JW So now we have the dinoids, reptoid and cetaceans. What could
be better?

Part 1.

Source Of Information: You Are Becoming A Galactic Human by
Sheldon Ni-le, P.O. Box 811, Half Moon Bay, Calif. 94019.

(JW I'll venture to say he doesn't live there anymore.)

John Winston.


Subject: Earth's History And UFOs. Part 2. Feb. 7, 1995.

So now we have in the first part a bunch of Reptoids and Dinoids
sitting around thinking that they are g-d's gift to women and the
cetaceans doing all the work. Sounds a little familiar, but then,
let us continue with the story.


These three civilizations coexisted for many years and were able
to develop a larger degree of cooperation on all levels. Trade
flourished and the planet seemed to be on its way to achieving a
notable variation in civilized life forms and planetary
guardianship. Around 10 million years ago, these three civilizations
were busy creating technologies based on advanced forms of space and
interdimensional time travel. At this same time, beings from
different interstellar civilizations began to arrive in the solar
system, willing to trade with these three civilizations existing on
your planet.
These interstellar beings passed the word around to other star
systems that an incredible diversity of life forms existed on Earth
and that three uniquely different civilizations were cooperating
with one another.

Your solar system became notable because of its exquisite beauty,
variety and cooperative life forms--and many legends and prophecies
were shared throughout the galaxy because of what was happening.
These tales led various groups of the Dinoid/Reptoid Allience on
Orion to want to visit your solar system because they felt very
deeply that dinoid/reptoid civilizations should not be cooperating
with others with out their approval--and because of certain
Denoid/Reptoid Alliance agreements that they had already
established among themselves.

Therefore, a group from Bellatrix, as well as from other stars in
Orion, began to arrive and to explore these happenings in your
solar system. What they saw shocked them because it ran counter to
their core myth of creation that was the essential underpinning of
their entire alliance. This core myth can be stated in the
following way.

They believed that when life was being established in this galaxy,
the Lord of Creation told all dinoid/reptoid civilizations that they
had been created in his image and had been given the right to rule
over and use, as they so pleased, all life created in this galaxy.
Further, all dinoid/reptoid civilizations were told not to permit
any other inferior life form to establish itself as a guardian of
our galaxy's life forms. Using this edict of superiority, the
Dinoid/Reptoid Alliance had spread its violence and terror across
the galaxy for over 16 million years. Yet, the Earth's three
civilizations not only existed, but they were also the equal of
Orion's interstellar culture.

Both nonhuman groups looked at this disturbing disparity and
decided that something had to be done about it. Therefore the
dinoid group form Orion began to pressure the Earth's dinoid
group to establish within their ranks a specially trained armed
group whose sole purpose would be to destroy the mammalian
(pre-cetacean) society. This mammalian group was composed of a
land version of modern cetaceans (the whales and dolphins) that
are found in the oceans, bays and rivers of your planet.

The pre-cetacean leadership realized, through the use of their
vast mass consciousness and high psychic abilities, that something
dangerous was happening between the Orion dinoid group and the now
native dinoid group on Earth. The pre-cetacean leadership feared
this was the beginning of a w-r that would lead to the utter
devastation of their civilization. To be absolutely certain that
this belief was true, they gathered together their great seers and
confirmed that a violent plot was planned against them by the
dinoids and the reptoids. These meetings of their seers and clan
organization counselors led to a number of possible solutions that
had to be discussed with the Earth's Spir-tual Hierachy before
they could be implemented.

The discussions points were as follows: What were the intentions
of the group from Bellatrix for this solar system? Second, what
were the implications for the planet's development if the other two
civilizations (dinoid and reptoid) decided to eliminate the
pre-cetaceans? Third, if the other civilizations were part of this
conspiracy, how should the pre-cetaceans react to this problem?
Would a-gelic permission be given to the pre-cetaceans to conduct
a major preemptive strike if the above beliefs were true? The
pre-cetaceans were told by the Spir-tual Heierachy that all of these
points were true. Consequently, there was still enough time to
prepare for the preemptive strike since a significant portion of the
leadership of the dinoid and reptoid civilizations were opposed to
a quick strike against the pre-cetaceans.

After another 10,000 years of constant haranguing about the Earth's
dinoid/reptoid leaderships passive position, the dinoid group from
Orion was finally able to convince the dinoid group assigned to
Earth to work out a way of destroying these pre-cetaceans. The
dinoid group from Orion, mainly from Bellatrix and the stars that
form Orion's belt, had discovered a strategy that would
successfully end pre-cetacean civilization. The method decided
upon was the use of an advanced from of psychological weaponry.
This device would cause the immediate de-th of all the
pre-cetaceans in a relatively short period of time but leave their
dwellings and other forms of civilization relatively intact.

JW We had better stop there for now, because it looks there is
going to be a wa- started.

Part 2.

Source Of Information: You Are Becoming A Galactic Human by
Sheldon Nid-e.

John Winston. ***@mlode.com
Wally Anglesea
2004-11-06 00:26:14 UTC
Post by John F. Winston
Subject: Postings From 1995. Nov. 5, 2004.
Here are some posting I found on an old floppy disk.
It was stupid then, and it's 10 times as stupid now.

Mr. 4X
2004-11-11 21:38:53 UTC
Post by John F. Winston
Subject: Postings From 1995. Nov. 5, 2004.
Here are some posting I found on an old floppy disk.
Subject: Earth's History And UFOs. Feb. 7, 1995.
I recently came across some information about the history of our
Earth that it is so weird it will probably make you laugh, but be
careful some of it just might be true.
Earth' Forgotten History
We three Sirian council members presenting information today
include Washta as well as Teletron, a Srain galactic historian and
expert on human galactic civilization and culture and Mikah, a
Sirian historian, geologist, and Cetacean biologist.
In this chapter we will present a complete historical record of
all past civilized societies on planet Earth from its very
beginnings, about 35 million years ago, to the present. These
studies are important because they will enable you to understand
why the current galactic situations are now occurring and why
they are so different from those events which you assume have
occurred in the past. Most importantly, you will finally know
your own planet's true history and the role of humanity in its
To explain these galactic changes in a very clear fashion, we will
use a set of time lines to orient the reader and will provide the
sequence in which these events occurred. Let us start this study,
then, by reviewing your solar system's history from the beginning of
nonhuman civilization on your planet until the formation of the last
Earth human colony influenced by Lyran/Sirian culture--the famous
lost Continent of Lemuria.
Earth History: From 35 Million Years to
900,000 Years BC
35 Million Years, Etheric Intelligent Civilization-----------------
26 M Y Dinoid/Reptoid Invasion ---------------------------
18 M Y Rise of Pre-cetacean-------------------------------
10 " " Start of Orion Scenario----------------------------
8 " " Destruction of Dinoid/Reptoid Group----------------
6 " " Earth Recovering From Attack-----------------------
4 " " Federation Was Formed; Earth Selected for Seeding--
2 " " Hybornea Founded-----------------------------------
1 " " Hybornea Destroyed---------------------------------
900,000 Lemuria Founded------------------------------------
MY = million years BC
Didn't you miss a Klingon invasion?
