What Went Wrong With The Republican Party? by G.K.
(too old to reply)
2004-10-03 02:04:20 UTC
We're Not in Lake Wobegon Anymore
By Garrison Keillor
Something has gone seriously haywire with the Republican Party.
actually, everything is quite nicely fucked up, or hadn't you noticed?
while you were in the toilet, trying to make up your mind whether to
suck or blow, negative morphogenesis zapped the world and now you don't
have as many choices as before you ate that burger so don't wonder why
you're not getting enough of a thrill watching afternoon baseball or
morning reality TV while your civil liberties expire like protons
dissapearing into the 666th dimension, a place where you march like a
zombie towards the great offal consumer of life, as you knew it,
staggering under loads of trivial personal objects, plus assorted debris
from other lost civilisations, your dictionary burning to keep you warm
for one more night. sheesh, dude....it's not about 'the party' any
more...it's easier to believe the aliens will save us, than our own
goverments....so lets rather save ourselves....vote with this in mind...

Howard Hughes
2004-10-04 13:44:48 UTC
Post by unknown
We're Not in Lake Wobegon Anymore
By Garrison Keillor
Something has gone seriously haywire with the Republican Party.
actually, everything is quite nicely fucked up, or hadn't you noticed?
while you were in the toilet, trying to make up your mind whether to
suck or blow, negative morphogenesis zapped the world and now you don't
have as many choices as before you ate that burger so don't wonder why
you're not getting enough of a thrill watching afternoon baseball or
morning reality TV while your civil liberties expire like protons
dissapearing into the 666th dimension, a place where you march like a
zombie towards the great offal consumer of life, as you knew it,
staggering under loads of trivial personal objects, plus assorted debris
from other lost civilisations, your dictionary burning to keep you warm
for one more night. sheesh, dude....it's not about 'the party' any
more...it's easier to believe the aliens will save us, than our own
goverments....so lets rather save ourselves....vote with this in mind...
I got an email from Doctress Neutopia but she didn't say sheesh dude.
It was impassioned. It was logical. It was Libby.

I've never seen a kid suffer so much. I tried to tell her about fuck
em if they can't darn a sock and all that but she wasn't having any of
2004-10-04 16:10:21 UTC
Post by Howard Hughes
Post by unknown
We're Not in Lake Wobegon Anymore
By Garrison Keillor
Something has gone seriously haywire with the Republican Party.
actually, everything is quite nicely fucked up, or hadn't you noticed?
while you were in the toilet, trying to make up your mind whether to
suck or blow, negative morphogenesis zapped the world and now you don't
have as many choices as before you ate that burger so don't wonder why
you're not getting enough of a thrill watching afternoon baseball or
morning reality TV while your civil liberties expire like protons
dissapearing into the 666th dimension, a place where you march like a
zombie towards the great offal consumer of life, as you knew it,
staggering under loads of trivial personal objects, plus assorted debris
from other lost civilisations, your dictionary burning to keep you warm
for one more night. sheesh, dude....it's not about 'the party' any
more...it's easier to believe the aliens will save us, than our own
goverments....so lets rather save ourselves....vote with this in mind...
I got an email from Doctress Neutopia but she didn't say sheesh dude.
It was impassioned. It was logical. It was Libby.
I've never seen a kid suffer so much. I tried to tell her about fuck
em if they can't darn a sock and all that but she wasn't having any of
schwann: i got the same email but you have put it well. yes, she is
intense.....i'm somewhat more cynical.....'zany'?

zaniacal? is this a new word? lets google it....

yup, as I thought...found nowhere is the word; "zaniacal"

ok, i claim it as another original in a string of originality stretching
back to the mythical kill-file lurking beneath the University of Texas's
original TCP/IP code, and deep in the heart of ancient usenet records
stored in a vault at UTEXAS...

