The Prince and the Mermaid
(too old to reply)
2005-02-24 10:39:48 UTC
Hi Ilya!
Interesting version of The Mermaid.
We have to keep the essence of what we are.
Personally Squirrel would never cut off own tale.
Wouldn't be a Squirrel then.
Sir Alex
2005-02-25 11:07:06 UTC
The Prince and the Mermaid fell in love, and the Mermaid cut off her
tail. They married and lived in a big castle on the side of the
The Prince loved the Mermaid, and the Mermaid loved the Prince. And
soon they had a daughter whom they named Alicia.
The Prince and the Mermaid loved each other. But the Mermaid was
unhappy. First it was just a feeling, and she punished herself for
She said to herself, "You live in a castle and you are married to a
wonderful man. Can't you see that you have a beautiful life?" But her
unhappiness grew.
A thousand thoughts crowded the Prince's head. He wanted to kill, he
wanted to shout, he wanted to punch and hit and scream at the
for having done this to him; but the more he saw the Mermaid swim,
effortlessly, elegantly, beautifully, sensuously, and at last
in the ocean that was her home, love filled his heart for this
magnificent creature, and he remembered their romance. He swam up to
the Mermaid, and they embraced. They swam out to the ocean and
frolicked for hours, looking at the beautiful fish and richly
coral reefs and the clear blue sky above them.
And they kept swimming at night and going back to the palace during
day and loved each other happily for as long as they remained alive
the planet.
Ilya Shambat.
Dear Ilya:

I like your story.

Please, keep on writing!

Welcome to our group. You're welcome to participate in any of our
threads, such as the recent St. Valentine's Day ball.


----Alex Kovnat, KiTA
Akovnat @ ao
2005-02-27 06:24:12 UTC
Post by Sir Alex
I like your story.
Please, keep on writing!
Thank you. More on my webpage,
http://www.geocities.com/ilya_shambat2005/poems.htm .
Post by Sir Alex
Welcome to our group. You're welcome to participate in any of our
threads, such as the recent St. Valentine's Day ball.
Will see.
