What is a Kook?
(too old to reply)
Dick Hertz (Hey, who's Dick Hertz?)
2004-04-17 19:56:57 UTC
x-no-archive: yes
I keep hearing about kooks. what is a kook? are there any nice women kooks?
Andrea Chen.

Doctress Neutopia (does anyone else think she resembles Ruth Buzzi?) is
said to be generous and kind, but only when she's in a manic phase--when
she flips over to depressive, she gets mean, just plain mean.

Helena Kobrin is generally regarded as not very nice at all.
Official AFA-B Bully, Pest, Antagonist, and Gubmint Disinformation Agent
Cujo DeSockpuppet
2004-04-17 21:24:36 UTC
Post by Dick Hertz (Hey, who's Dick Hertz?)
x-no-archive: yes
I keep hearing about kooks. what is a kook? are there any nice women kooks?
Andrea Chen.
Doctress Neutopia (does anyone else think she resembles Ruth Buzzi?)
is said to be generous and kind, but only when she's in a manic
phase--when she flips over to depressive, she gets mean, just plain
Helena Kobrin is generally regarded as not very nice at all.
There's also Lisa Gardner who isn't exceptionally vicious but more a sad
case of delusion at her worst moments.

The one I always got a kick out of was Carol Paliwoda. I don't think I
ever saw her respond to any posts, but I didn't look very hard at all.
Cujo - The Official Overseer of Kooks and Trolls in
dfw.*, alt.paranormal, alt.astrology and alt.astrology.metapsych.
Winner of the 8/2000 & 2/2003 HL&S award. Hail Petitmorte!
Colonel of the Fanatic Legion. FL# 555-PLNTY Motto: ABUNDANCE!.
Official Slapper of Spamming Mary the Drama Queen. Meow.
"At the moment, half the spool of this group is subsequent to things that
I wrote. That bores the hell out of me too." - Fucknozzle Jr.
Robert Morpheal
2004-04-20 18:46:25 UTC
Post by Dick Hertz (Hey, who's Dick Hertz?)
Doctress Neutopia (does anyone else think she resembles Ruth Buzzi?)
is said to be generous and kind, but only when she's in a manic
phase--when she flips over to depressive, she gets mean, just plain
It all depends on WHICH Doctress you are referring to.

It is very similar to Doctor Who and regeneration. With every
subsequent regenerative experience the Doctress deteriorates a little
more. I am not
sure where that thread eventually leads, but we might presume that she
could become more similar to Ruth Buzzi, or more similar to the
feminazi. Either is possible, depending on whether she took her meds
day or not.

Peter J Ross
2004-04-20 20:03:29 UTC
Post by Dick Hertz (Hey, who's Dick Hertz?)
Doctress Neutopia (does anyone else think she resembles Ruth Buzzi?)
is said to be generous and kind, but only when she's in a manic
phase--when she flips over to depressive, she gets mean, just plain
It all depends<SNIP>
Jesus fuck. What's Usenet's biggest bore doing in the funny threads?
PJR :-)

(Remove NOSPAM to reply.)
2004-04-25 01:51:20 UTC
Post by Peter J Ross
Jesus fuck. What's Usenet's biggest bore doing in the funny threads?
You are fantasizing about sex with Jesus ?

Peter ! Have you told your psychiatrist about that ?

