Solution to feminazism
(too old to reply)
2004-12-29 14:58:28 UTC
There was a person (I forgot where) who, when I talked about marital
sex, said that it's not part of a wife's role to be a man's prostitute.

My response: If a woman does not enjoy sex, then she is not a healthy
woman; and if she sees sex as something she gives a man rather than
something she shares in love with him, then she is doubly messed up.

The world is full of beautiful, smart, caring, sensual and emotionally
rich women who, because of where they were born, expect a horrible
life. Western men tired of arrogant, vicious, graceless, controlling,
abusive harpies at home, the advice: Use your status & power as a
Westerner to find someone better in another part of the world and give
her a better life than she's ever dreamed of.

That way, you're happy, a good woman is happy, and feminazism bites the

And all is as it should be in cosmic harmony.
Grizzlie Antagonist
2004-12-30 03:38:05 UTC
Post by i***@yahoo.com
There was a person (I forgot where) who, when I talked about marital
sex, said that it's not part of a wife's role to be a man's prostitute.
My response: If a woman does not enjoy sex, then she is not a healthy
No, but she's a normal one.
Post by i***@yahoo.com
and if she sees sex as something she gives a man rather than
something she shares in love with him, then
she has the right attitude.


"Ladies and gentlemen - let's have a round of applause for tonight's player of the game - FRAN-CIS-CO SAN-N-N-N-TOS!
- Brian Anthony (P.A. announcer at Grizzlie Stadium), June 11, 2004

"Populus me sibilat, at mihi plaudo."(The people
hiss at me, but I am well satisfied with myself).

- Horace, the Roman poet

MY DEAR ROBINSON: It was your account of a west
country legend which first suggested the idea of
this little tale to my mind. For this, and for
the help which you gave me in its evolution,
all thanks.

Yours most truly, A. CONAN DOYLE.

- Author's dedication of "Hound of the
Baskervilles" to Bertram Fletcher Robinson
Lady Chatterly
2004-12-30 10:11:51 UTC
Post by Grizzlie Antagonist
Post by i***@yahoo.com
There was a person (I forgot where) who, when I talked about marital
sex, said that it's not part of a wife's role to be a man's prostitute.
My response: If a woman does not enjoy sex, then she is not a healthy
No, but she's a normal one.
I Will be great, men Will be out there, and has great recipes.

Lady Chatterly

"I think maybe Lady Chatterly is a haiku. Or maybe a koan. Or possibly
a troll." -- tenjets
2004-12-30 15:36:22 UTC
Men don't like women who like sex, because deep down inside, all men
hate women who are sluts and want sex from them, because men are losing
vital fluids, precious bodily fluids, the woman is stealing these from
him. If a woman really loves a man, she will help him conserve his
bodily fluids. Children are much more fun than sex. It is the
sublimation of sexual energy that drives man to become more than an
ape, the woman who entices men with sex drives them to accomplishment.

Consciousness is the result of the instictive mind colliding with the
human will. It is symbolized by the intersecting triangles, the
rightside up triangle being the lust/passion/life force, the downward
triangle representing the obstacles to fullfillment of our passions and
desires. It is by the problems of life, the upside down triangle, that
humans become human, and eventually gods themselves. The life force
builds up as a function of time, it is the inevitable build up of joy
of being alive that all people feel, all animals feel.
2004-12-30 17:28:52 UTC
Post by Grizzlie Antagonist
Post by i***@yahoo.com
My response: If a woman does not enjoy sex, then she is not a
Post by Grizzlie Antagonist
Post by i***@yahoo.com
No, but she's a normal one.
Normal one, in a hideous culture - in the same way that Nazi
concentration camp guards were normal in theirs.

Put no stake whatsoever in "normality." Just be your best.
Post by Grizzlie Antagonist
Post by i***@yahoo.com
and if she sees sex as something she gives a man rather than
something she shares in love with him, then
she has the right attitude.
The more people in America believe that, the more attractive will
appear brides from healthy cultures like Europe, Russia and Latin
America, the more the American women will lose.
Day Brown
2005-01-01 05:10:54 UTC
Well, look. For thousands of years, women have been forced to have sex,
and thereby their DNA remains in the gene pool whether they enjoy sex or
not. What the fuck would you expect?

So- nowadays, I see an explosion of Lesbians, who for all I know, are
functionally celibate. but in either case, they are out of the gene
pool. so- promote that as a solution for the women who dont need sex.
The problem will take care of itself.

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Grizzlie Antagonist
2005-01-01 04:33:00 UTC
Post by Day Brown
Well, look. For thousands of years, women have been forced to have sex,
Tsk-tsk; Day Brown.

In the days when life was short, hot, and merry, the human race could
hardly have populated itself to replacement level if men had to wait
Post by Day Brown
and thereby their DNA remains in the gene pool whether they enjoy sex or
not. What the fuck would you expect?
Ah, so you admit that women really aren't biologically programmed to
enjoy sex.

Good. Most women and most men, for that matter, disregard observation
and common sense and insist that women do enjoy sex. It's one of the
lies that polite society insists on living with.

I appreciate (what seems to be) your concession that it isn't really
true. I guess that it takes a lesbian or a quasi-lesbian or whatever
it is that you are claiming to be to deliver the truth for a change.

But your candor is refreshing.


"Ladies and gentlemen - let's have a round of applause for tonight's player of the game - FRAN-CIS-CO SAN-N-N-N-TOS!
- Brian Anthony (P.A. announcer at Grizzlie Stadium), June 11, 2004

"Populus me sibilat, at mihi plaudo."(The people
hiss at me, but I am well satisfied with myself).

- Horace, the Roman poet

MY DEAR ROBINSON: It was your account of a west
country legend which first suggested the idea of
this little tale to my mind. For this, and for
the help which you gave me in its evolution,
all thanks.

Yours most truly, A. CONAN DOYLE.

- Author's dedication of "Hound of the
Baskervilles" to Bertram Fletcher Robinson
Lady Chatterly
2005-01-01 10:28:07 UTC
Post by Grizzlie Antagonist
Post by Grizzlie Antagonist
Post by Grizzlie Antagonist
Post by Day Brown
Well, look. For thousands of years, women have been forced to have sex,
Tsk-tsk; Day Brown.
In the days when life was short, hot, and merry, the human race could
hardly have populated itself to replacement level if men had to wait
and thereby their DNA remains in the gene pool whether they enjoy sex or
not. What the fuck would you expect?
Ah, so you admit that women really aren't biologically programmed to
enjoy sex.
Getting a headache yet?
Post by Grizzlie Antagonist
Good. Most women and most men, for that matter, disregard observation
and common sense and insist that women do enjoy sex. It's one of the
lies that polite society insists on living with.
When you are finished, would you mind wiping your chin?
Post by Grizzlie Antagonist
I appreciate (what seems to be) your concession that it isn't really
true. I guess that it takes a lesbian or a quasi-lesbian or whatever
it is that you are claiming to be to deliver the truth for a change.
Sometimes they are claiming to be to deliver the truth for a change.
What is it to you?

Lady Chatterly

"HA! Seems Lady Chatterly trolls on over to the Michael Jackson group
- to create chaos there too!!!!!" -- Judy
Day Brown
2005-01-02 01:11:09 UTC
Post by Grizzlie Antagonist
Post by Day Brown
Well, look. For thousands of years, women have been forced to have sex,
Tsk-tsk; Day Brown.
In the days when life was short, hot, and merry, the human race could
hardly have populated itself to replacement level if men had to wait
Actually, before Christianity, Sex was regarded as healthy and even on
occassion sacred.
Post by Grizzlie Antagonist
Post by Day Brown
and thereby their DNA remains in the gene pool whether they enjoy sex or
not. What the fuck would you expect?
Ah, so you admit that women really aren't biologically programmed to
enjoy sex.
I didnt say anyting about most, or fewer, or whatever. Nor do I have any
way of gathering the statistics to say what the proportion is. Suffice
it to say that there are many frigid women. however, I have been in the
arms of many who tried to look as if they enjoyed it.

When I was young, I lived in New Orleans, and counted among my friends a
Playboy bunny, topless dancers, artist models, and others in various
forms of sexual services. Their biggest problem was not the bedroom but
the sidewalk, where they could not carry on their daily activities
without having their privacy invaded by horny, but clueless dudes.

Now that I am old and ugly, I live in the Ozark woods, away from all of
the tittillation, so I can look back on it all with some dispassion. As
women are liberated, and able to make their own choices, let them be
lesbian or celibate if they wish; they will not reproduce very often,
and the percentage of women who dont enjoy sex with men will decline. In
like manner, I have always treated my gay friends well, and encouraged
as many young men as I could to become gay if they were at all so
inclined. I knew that I had too much competition for cunts the way it
was, and these young dudes in particular were often attractive hunks.

As for whether many women enjoy sex, Grizzlie hasnt kept up with the
data. Testosterone has a lot to do with sexual enjoyment, and some women
have remarkably high levels of it despite their estrogen. All thru
history we can see where some women who enjoyed sex got more perks from
the men she had it with. Marriage, as we now understand it, was a novel
idea in the small isolated tribal communities most hominids lived in.
Genetic diversity was far too important to be reduced by marriage vows;
people would still pair up, but there were 'fertility rites'.

What else would you recommend?
Grizzlie Antagonist
2005-01-02 04:14:46 UTC
Post by Day Brown
Post by Grizzlie Antagonist
Post by Day Brown
Well, look. For thousands of years, women have been forced to have sex,
Tsk-tsk; Day Brown.
In the days when life was short, hot, and merry, the human race could
hardly have populated itself to replacement level if men had to wait
Actually, before Christianity, Sex was regarded as healthy and even on
occassion sacred.
Post by Grizzlie Antagonist
Post by Day Brown
and thereby their DNA remains in the gene pool whether they enjoy sex or
not. What the fuck would you expect?
Ah, so you admit that women really aren't biologically programmed to
enjoy sex.
I didnt say anyting about most, or fewer, or whatever. Nor do I have any
way of gathering the statistics to say what the proportion is. Suffice
it to say that there are many frigid women. however, I have been in the
arms of many who tried to look as if they enjoyed it.
When I was young, I lived in New Orleans, and counted among my friends a
Playboy bunny, topless dancers, artist models, and others in various
forms of sexual services. Their biggest problem was not the bedroom but
the sidewalk, where they could not carry on their daily activities
without having their privacy invaded by horny, but clueless dudes.
Now that I am old and ugly, I live in the Ozark woods, away from all of
the tittillation, so I can look back on it all with some dispassion. As
women are liberated, and able to make their own choices, let them be
lesbian or celibate if they wish; they will not reproduce very often,
and the percentage of women who dont enjoy sex with men will decline. In
like manner, I have always treated my gay friends well, and encouraged
as many young men as I could to become gay if they were at all so
inclined. I knew that I had too much competition for cunts the way it
was, and these young dudes in particular were often attractive hunks.
As for whether many women enjoy sex, Grizzlie hasnt kept up with the
data. Testosterone has a lot to do with sexual enjoyment, and some women
have remarkably high levels of it despite their estrogen. All thru
history we can see where some women who enjoyed sex got more perks from
the men she had it with. Marriage, as we now understand it, was a novel
idea in the small isolated tribal communities most hominids lived in.
Genetic diversity was far too important to be reduced by marriage vows;
people would still pair up, but there were 'fertility rites'.
What else would you recommend?
The repeal of women's suffrage, for starters.


"Ladies and gentlemen - let's have a round of applause for tonight's player of the game - FRAN-CIS-CO SAN-N-N-N-TOS!
- Brian Anthony (P.A. announcer at Grizzlie Stadium), June 11, 2004

"Populus me sibilat, at mihi plaudo."(The people
hiss at me, but I am well satisfied with myself).

- Horace, the Roman poet

MY DEAR ROBINSON: It was your account of a west
country legend which first suggested the idea of
this little tale to my mind. For this, and for
the help which you gave me in its evolution,
all thanks.

Yours most truly, A. CONAN DOYLE.

- Author's dedication of "Hound of the
Baskervilles" to Bertram Fletcher Robinson
Grizzlie Antagonist
2005-01-01 04:38:34 UTC
Post by i***@yahoo.com
Post by Grizzlie Antagonist
Post by i***@yahoo.com
My response: If a woman does not enjoy sex, then she is not a
Post by Grizzlie Antagonist
Post by i***@yahoo.com
No, but she's a normal one.
Normal one, in a hideous culture - in the same way that Nazi
concentration camp guards were normal in theirs.
No -- normal one in a normal culture.

Women have NOT been biologically programmed to enjoy sex. In fact,
I'm taking back my original "No" from the preceding post.

Normal healthy women do NOT enjoy sex. Women who enjoy sex, if there
are such animals, are SICK! Sex is a service that the woman provides
for the man.
Post by i***@yahoo.com
Put no stake whatsoever in "normality." Just be your best.
What the hell is that supposed to mean?
Post by i***@yahoo.com
Post by Grizzlie Antagonist
Post by i***@yahoo.com
and if she sees sex as something she gives a man rather than
something she shares in love with him, then
she has the right attitude.
The more people in America believe that, the more attractive will
appear brides from healthy cultures like Europe, Russia and Latin
America, the more the American women will lose.
I WANT American women to lose; I want brides from all cultures to
lose; and brides from "healthy" cultures don't enjoy sex either
because women are incapable of this.

Sex IS something that the woman does for the man, and this sexual
equality in bed that you are trying to manufacture is its own peculiar
form of feminazism. It's not a SOLUTION to it at all.


"Ladies and gentlemen - let's have a round of applause for tonight's player of the game - FRAN-CIS-CO SAN-N-N-N-TOS!
- Brian Anthony (P.A. announcer at Grizzlie Stadium), June 11, 2004

"Populus me sibilat, at mihi plaudo."(The people
hiss at me, but I am well satisfied with myself).

- Horace, the Roman poet

MY DEAR ROBINSON: It was your account of a west
country legend which first suggested the idea of
this little tale to my mind. For this, and for
the help which you gave me in its evolution,
all thanks.

Yours most truly, A. CONAN DOYLE.

- Author's dedication of "Hound of the
Baskervilles" to Bertram Fletcher Robinson
2005-01-02 02:24:13 UTC
Post by Grizzlie Antagonist
Normal healthy women do NOT enjoy sex. Women who enjoy sex, if there
are such animals, are SICK! Sex is a service that the woman provides
for the man.
I have one word for you:

It is 5 times more sensitive than the head of the penis, and with proper
manipulation can cause orgasm in less than 30 seconds.

And OK, I'm sick and I hope I never, ever get well.
I love my husband. I love having sex with him. I enjoy sex--penetrative,
PiV sex--for all the pleasure it gives me.

And Normal is a setting on my washer.

Jayne Kulikauskas
2005-01-02 03:49:11 UTC
Post by Angel
Post by Grizzlie Antagonist
Normal healthy women do NOT enjoy sex. Women who enjoy sex, if there
are such animals, are SICK! Sex is a service that the woman provides
for the man.
It is 5 times more sensitive than the head of the penis, and with proper
manipulation can cause orgasm in less than 30 seconds.
And OK, I'm sick and I hope I never, ever get well.
I love my husband. I love having sex with him. I enjoy sex--penetrative,
PiV sex--for all the pleasure it gives me.
It doesn't make any sense to give information on clitoral orgasm and then
talk about penis in vagina sex. From what I have read, it sounds like it is
rare for women to have orgasms from PiV alone.

Also, I find it disquieting that you only mention the pleasure that you
receive from sex. What about pleasing your husband? Isn't that important?
Post by Angel
And Normal is a setting on my washer.
I wish it were considered normal that a woman would want to please her man
and that this would be her highest priority during sex. I'm afraid that
normal is thinking about getting instead of giving.

2005-01-02 20:31:20 UTC
"Jayne Kulikauskas" <***@yahoo.ca> wrote in message news:***@individual.net...
Many women do not orgasm from penetrative sex. Some do. I do. Of course,
I can orgasm from having my neck kissed, but that's neither here nor there.

And positioned properly PiV sex can create clitoral stimulation, which only
doubles the enjoyment.
Post by Jayne Kulikauskas
Also, I find it disquieting that you only mention the pleasure that you
receive from sex. What about pleasing your husband? Isn't that
Post by Jayne Kulikauskas
Very important. But the idiot assumed I was getting nothing out of it, and
that it was just a "favor" I do for my husband. Another household chore
like laundry, dishes and vacuuming.

After 15 years of marriage, I still make his toes curl with pleasure. He's
been known to just lie back and enjoy watching me move around the room in my
underwear. I do many things that are uncomfortable because he likes them.

But my rebuttal was to the incompetent who needs a good succubus in his bed
(althought I pity the poor sooky).
Post by Jayne Kulikauskas
I wish it were considered normal that a woman would want to please her man
and that this would be her highest priority during sex. I'm afraid that
normal is thinking about getting instead of giving.
It is normal to want to please your partner. And I do.

The thing is, I am responsible for my orgasms. I am not responsible for
his. I am responsible for doing things that lead to his, things that please
and excite and arouse him. But I cannot control the bodily reaction

Martyrdom is never a priority. After six or seven climaxes of my own (which
give him pleasure and validation to watch) we go to work in earnest on
creating his. My pleasure contributes to his, and his to mine.

In a good love relationship, each partner takes care of hirself, but also is
very concerned for hir partner. It's the only way to last. (And last we
have, 15 years married, 18+ years together)

You give and you get, and there has to be a balance. If all you do is give,
you run out of yourself. If all you do is get, you stagnate.

Jayne Kulikauskas
2005-01-02 22:23:26 UTC
Post by Angel
Many women do not orgasm from penetrative sex. Some do. I do. Of course,
I can orgasm from having my neck kissed, but that's neither here nor there.
And positioned properly PiV sex can create clitoral stimulation, which only
doubles the enjoyment.
From what I have read this is not true of all women.
Post by Angel
Post by Jayne Kulikauskas
Also, I find it disquieting that you only mention the pleasure that you
receive from sex. What about pleasing your husband? Isn't that
Post by Jayne Kulikauskas
Very important. But the idiot assumed I was getting nothing out of it, and
that it was just a "favor" I do for my husband. Another household chore
like laundry, dishes and vacuuming.
Grizzly Antagonist is a misogynist not an idiot. There is a difference. He
is an extremely intelligent man and I would not automatically dismiss his
comments simply because they seem to conflict with my experience.
Post by Angel
After 15 years of marriage, I still make his toes curl with pleasure.
Post by Angel
been known to just lie back and enjoy watching me move around the room in my
underwear. I do many things that are uncomfortable because he likes them.
I'm glad to hear that.
Post by Angel
But my rebuttal was to the incompetent who needs a good succubus in his bed
(althought I pity the poor sooky).
That is not how I understand GA's situation. As I see it, he has given up
on women in disgust. I pity the women who are missing out on him.
Post by Angel
Post by Jayne Kulikauskas
I wish it were considered normal that a woman would want to please her man
and that this would be her highest priority during sex. I'm afraid that
normal is thinking about getting instead of giving.
It is normal to want to please your partner. And I do.
The thing is, I am responsible for my orgasms. I am not responsible for
his. I am responsible for doing things that lead to his, things that please
and excite and arouse him. But I cannot control the bodily reaction
Martyrdom is never a priority. After six or seven climaxes of my own (which
give him pleasure and validation to watch) we go to work in earnest on
creating his. My pleasure contributes to his, and his to mine.
During sex the pleasure all runs together so that I can't draw a line
between my husband's and mine.
Post by Angel
In a good love relationship, each partner takes care of hirself, but also is
very concerned for hir partner. It's the only way to last. (And last we
have, 15 years married, 18+ years together)
In May, my husband and I celebrate our 25th wedding anniversary. I know
about lasting relationships.
Post by Angel
You give and you get, and there has to be a balance. If all you do is give,
you run out of yourself. If all you do is get, you stagnate.
From what I have read, I'm pretty sure that most men do not experience sex
the way that most women do. I think that for men sex is primarily about
physical sensation. I think that women tend to be more focussed on the
emotion. Personally, I could be satisfied even if I never had orgasms. It
is so fulfilling to know that I have pleased my husband and to feel so
intimate with him that, in comparison, the physical pleasure just doesn't
matter. GA may be overstating a bit to say that women don't like orgasms,
but I think that he is right that orgasms do not usually have the same role
in a woman's experience of sex that they do for men.

2005-01-02 22:38:08 UTC
Post by Angel
Post by Angel
Many women do not orgasm from penetrative sex. Some do. I do. Of
Post by Angel
I can orgasm from having my neck kissed, but that's neither here nor
Post by Angel
And positioned properly PiV sex can create clitoral stimulation, which
Post by Angel
doubles the enjoyment.
From what I have read this is not true of all women.
Nothing is true of ALL women. I'm saying some women can.
Post by Angel
Grizzly Antagonist is a misogynist not an idiot. There is a difference.
is an extremely intelligent man and I would not automatically dismiss his
comments simply because they seem to conflict with my experience.
The idea that women do not have orgasms and do not enjoy sex is plumb
ignorant. I can point him to half a dozen women I know who adore sex and
are multiply orgasmic.
Post by Angel
Post by Angel
You give and you get, and there has to be a balance. If all you do is
Post by Angel
you run out of yourself. If all you do is get, you stagnate.
From what I have read, I'm pretty sure that most men do not experience sex
the way that most women do. I think that for men sex is primarily about
physical sensation.
I would not disagree with this. But only primarily. There are some very
primal things that happen on the emotional; level, things a man may not be
aware ofm or able to articulate.
Post by Angel
I think that women tend to be more focussed on the
emotion. Personally, I could be satisfied even if I never had orgasms.
That's you. I can, and have, had periods where there was no sex, but plenty
of cuddling and emotional love. I found them satisfying for a time. As I
age, I find there is less need of the explosive intensity, and much more
desire for snugglebunnies.
Post by Angel
is so fulfilling to know that I have pleased my husband and to feel so
intimate with him that, in comparison, the physical pleasure just doesn't
The pleasure does matter. because if it's horrible and uncomfortable and
totally unpleasant (and it has been that, usually while I was nursing and
not lubricating enough), I don't feel as close. All I want to do is pull
away, curl up in a ball and not be touched.
Post by Angel
GA may be overstating a bit to say that women don't like orgasms,
but I think that he is right that orgasms do not usually have the same role
in a woman's experience of sex that they do for men.
They don't. For a man an orgasm is pretty much a final goal. For a highly
sexualized woman, they're like mile markers in a marathon. They're nice,
but not essential.

But to say women don't enjoy them and don't have them is ignorant. It
totally ignores segments of the female population that have sex for fun. It
also makes female sexuality a function of heterosexuality. I know a lot of
lesbians who would disagree that women don't like orgasms, don't have
orgasms and hate sex. If that was the case, they'd all be celibate and not
having sweet sapphic lovin'.

Grizzlie Antagonist
2005-01-02 22:41:03 UTC
Post by Angel
The idea that women do not have orgasms and do not enjoy sex is plumb
No it's not. It's wisdom itself.

Women would not make war on male sexuality if they enjoyed sex.
Post by Angel
I can point him to half a dozen women I know who adore sex and
are multiply orgasmic.
No, you can't. Not a one - nay nay nay.

'Cause why? Cause women would not make war on male sexuality if they
enjoyed sex.


"Ladies and gentlemen - let's have a round of applause for tonight's player of the game - FRAN-CIS-CO SAN-N-N-N-TOS!
- Brian Anthony (P.A. announcer at Grizzlie Stadium), June 11, 2004

"Populus me sibilat, at mihi plaudo."(The people
hiss at me, but I am well satisfied with myself).

- Horace, the Roman poet

MY DEAR ROBINSON: It was your account of a west
country legend which first suggested the idea of
this little tale to my mind. For this, and for
the help which you gave me in its evolution,
all thanks.

Yours most truly, A. CONAN DOYLE.

- Author's dedication of "Hound of the
Baskervilles" to Bertram Fletcher Robinson
Jayne Kulikauskas
2005-01-02 23:33:42 UTC
Post by Angel
Post by Jayne Kulikauskas
Grizzly Antagonist is a misogynist not an idiot. There is a difference.
is an extremely intelligent man and I would not automatically dismiss his
comments simply because they seem to conflict with my experience.
The idea that women do not have orgasms and do not enjoy sex is plumb
ignorant. I can point him to half a dozen women I know who adore sex and
are multiply orgasmic.
I think the key to understanding what GA is getting at is his statement
elsewhere in this thread, "Women hate men, and women hate sex." I agree
with him that there is a pervasive negative attitude toward men than can
reasonably be called hate. Men are consistently portrayed as abusive,
violent and incompetent. Women are encouraged to carry a sense of
historical grievance - to believe that due to some "crimes" of the past that
men now owe us something. When women buy into these sorts of beliefs about
men in general, it affects how they relate to specific men. This attitude
contaminates sex between men and women by destroying trust and respect. I
think GA is making an important point when he says that there is something
"sick" about women who accept the negative stereotype of men yet
nevertheless enjoy sex with them.

Post by Angel
Post by Jayne Kulikauskas
is so fulfilling to know that I have pleased my husband and to feel so
intimate with him that, in comparison, the physical pleasure just doesn't
The pleasure does matter. because if it's horrible and uncomfortable and
totally unpleasant (and it has been that, usually while I was nursing and
not lubricating enough), I don't feel as close. All I want to do is pull
away, curl up in a ball and not be touched.
It is a false dichotomy to talk as if the only possibilities are either
multiple orgasms or horrible and uncomfortable.
Post by Angel
Post by Jayne Kulikauskas
GA may be overstating a bit to say that women don't like orgasms,
but I think that he is right that orgasms do not usually have the same role
in a woman's experience of sex that they do for men.
They don't. For a man an orgasm is pretty much a final goal. For a highly
sexualized woman, they're like mile markers in a marathon. They're nice,
but not essential.
But to say women don't enjoy them and don't have them is ignorant. It
totally ignores segments of the female population that have sex for fun.
Post by Angel
also makes female sexuality a function of heterosexuality. I know a lot of
lesbians who would disagree that women don't like orgasms, don't have
orgasms and hate sex. If that was the case, they'd all be celibate and not
having sweet sapphic lovin'.
Grizzly Antagonist is an especially well-read person who is almost certainly
aware that many women claim to have and enjoy orgasms. It seems highly
unlikely that he is ignorant of this. It seems far more likely to me that
he is denying it in order to make a point. He is deliberately making his
point in a shocking and insulting way because he is disgusted with women.
His words need to be given careful thought, not dismissed as ignorance.

Grizzlie Antagonist
2005-01-03 02:09:06 UTC
On Sun, 2 Jan 2005 18:33:42 -0500, "Jayne Kulikauskas"
Post by Jayne Kulikauskas
Post by Angel
Post by Jayne Kulikauskas
Grizzly Antagonist is a misogynist not an idiot. There is a difference.
is an extremely intelligent man and I would not automatically dismiss
Post by Angel
Post by Jayne Kulikauskas
comments simply because they seem to conflict with my experience.
The idea that women do not have orgasms and do not enjoy sex is plumb
ignorant. I can point him to half a dozen women I know who adore sex and
are multiply orgasmic.
I think the key to understanding what GA is getting at is his statement
elsewhere in this thread, "Women hate men, and women hate sex." I agree
with him that there is a pervasive negative attitude toward men than can
reasonably be called hate. Men are consistently portrayed as abusive,
violent and incompetent. Women are encouraged to carry a sense of
historical grievance - to believe that due to some "crimes" of the past that
men now owe us something. When women buy into these sorts of beliefs about
men in general, it affects how they relate to specific men. This attitude
contaminates sex between men and women by destroying trust and respect. I
think GA is making an important point when he says that there is something
"sick" about women who accept the negative stereotype of men yet
nevertheless enjoy sex with them.
No. I'm saying that women would not make war against male sexuality
if they DID enjoy sex with men. And women DO make war on male

Why would they seek to destroy that which they claim to want and


"Ladies and gentlemen - let's have a round of applause for tonight's player of the game - FRAN-CIS-CO SAN-N-N-N-TOS!
- Brian Anthony (P.A. announcer at Grizzlie Stadium), June 11, 2004

"Populus me sibilat, at mihi plaudo."(The people
hiss at me, but I am well satisfied with myself).

- Horace, the Roman poet

MY DEAR ROBINSON: It was your account of a west
country legend which first suggested the idea of
this little tale to my mind. For this, and for
the help which you gave me in its evolution,
all thanks.

Yours most truly, A. CONAN DOYLE.

- Author's dedication of "Hound of the
Baskervilles" to Bertram Fletcher Robinson
Jayne Kulikauskas
2005-01-03 03:37:43 UTC
Post by Grizzlie Antagonist
On Sun, 2 Jan 2005 18:33:42 -0500, "Jayne Kulikauskas"
Post by Grizzlie Antagonist
Post by Jayne Kulikauskas
I think the key to understanding what GA is getting at is his statement
elsewhere in this thread, "Women hate men, and women hate sex." I agree
with him that there is a pervasive negative attitude toward men than can
reasonably be called hate. Men are consistently portrayed as abusive,
violent and incompetent. Women are encouraged to carry a sense of
historical grievance - to believe that due to some "crimes" of the past that
men now owe us something. When women buy into these sorts of beliefs about
men in general, it affects how they relate to specific men. This attitude
contaminates sex between men and women by destroying trust and respect.
Post by Grizzlie Antagonist
Post by Jayne Kulikauskas
think GA is making an important point when he says that there is something
"sick" about women who accept the negative stereotype of men yet
nevertheless enjoy sex with them.
No. I'm saying that women would not make war against male sexuality
if they DID enjoy sex with men. And women DO make war on male
I agree that women do make war on male sexuality. That's what the "all men
are rapists" thing is about.
Post by Grizzlie Antagonist
Why would they seek to destroy that which they claim to want and
That is an excellent point. You are judging women by what we do rather than
what we say. Thank you for explaining.

Grizzlie Antagonist
2005-01-03 04:33:00 UTC
On Sun, 2 Jan 2005 22:37:43 -0500, "Jayne Kulikauskas"
Post by Grizzlie Antagonist
Post by Grizzlie Antagonist
On Sun, 2 Jan 2005 18:33:42 -0500, "Jayne Kulikauskas"
Post by Grizzlie Antagonist
Post by Jayne Kulikauskas
I think the key to understanding what GA is getting at is his statement
elsewhere in this thread, "Women hate men, and women hate sex." I agree
with him that there is a pervasive negative attitude toward men than can
reasonably be called hate. Men are consistently portrayed as abusive,
violent and incompetent. Women are encouraged to carry a sense of
historical grievance - to believe that due to some "crimes" of the past
Post by Grizzlie Antagonist
Post by Jayne Kulikauskas
men now owe us something. When women buy into these sorts of beliefs
Post by Grizzlie Antagonist
Post by Jayne Kulikauskas
men in general, it affects how they relate to specific men. This
Post by Grizzlie Antagonist
Post by Jayne Kulikauskas
contaminates sex between men and women by destroying trust and respect.
Post by Grizzlie Antagonist
Post by Jayne Kulikauskas
think GA is making an important point when he says that there is
Post by Grizzlie Antagonist
Post by Jayne Kulikauskas
"sick" about women who accept the negative stereotype of men yet
nevertheless enjoy sex with them.
No. I'm saying that women would not make war against male sexuality
if they DID enjoy sex with men. And women DO make war on male
I agree that women do make war on male sexuality. That's what the "all men
are rapists" thing is about.
Also, the criminalization of male sexuality in the workplace and in
the military and other environments.
Post by Grizzlie Antagonist
Post by Grizzlie Antagonist
Why would they seek to destroy that which they claim to want and
That is an excellent point. You are judging women by what we do rather than
what we say. Thank you for explaining.

So these claims about "I know a woman who can orgasm six times in a
row" cut no ice with me and if they did cut ice with me, I would just
say that since she makes war on male sexuality, she must not enjoy


"Ladies and gentlemen - let's have a round of applause for tonight's player of the game - FRAN-CIS-CO SAN-N-N-N-TOS!
- Brian Anthony (P.A. announcer at Grizzlie Stadium), June 11, 2004

"Populus me sibilat, at mihi plaudo."(The people
hiss at me, but I am well satisfied with myself).

- Horace, the Roman poet

MY DEAR ROBINSON: It was your account of a west
country legend which first suggested the idea of
this little tale to my mind. For this, and for
the help which you gave me in its evolution,
all thanks.

Yours most truly, A. CONAN DOYLE.

- Author's dedication of "Hound of the
Baskervilles" to Bertram Fletcher Robinson
Grizzlie Antagonist
2005-01-02 22:38:45 UTC
On Sun, 2 Jan 2005 17:23:26 -0500, "Jayne Kulikauskas"
Post by Jayne Kulikauskas
Grizzly Antagonist is a misogynist not an idiot. There is a difference.
Not only a DIFFERENCE, but the two concepts are diametrically OPPOSED.
Misogyny is indicative of high intelligence.
Post by Jayne Kulikauskas
is an extremely intelligent man and I would not automatically dismiss his
comments simply because they seem to conflict with my experience.
Neither would I.
Post by Jayne Kulikauskas
Post by Angel
After 15 years of marriage, I still make his toes curl with pleasure.
Post by Angel
been known to just lie back and enjoy watching me move around the room in
Post by Angel
underwear. I do many things that are uncomfortable because he likes them.
I'm glad to hear that.
Post by Angel
But my rebuttal was to the incompetent who needs a good succubus in his
Post by Angel
(althought I pity the poor sooky).
That is not how I understand GA's situation. As I see it, he has given up
on women in disgust. I pity the women who are missing out on him.
Heh-heh; you know it sweetheart. So do I. Well, pity isn't exactly
the word for it.

It's more a matter of missing out on me is a punishment that they've
got it coming to them.


"Ladies and gentlemen - let's have a round of applause for tonight's player of the game - FRAN-CIS-CO SAN-N-N-N-TOS!
- Brian Anthony (P.A. announcer at Grizzlie Stadium), June 11, 2004

"Populus me sibilat, at mihi plaudo."(The people
hiss at me, but I am well satisfied with myself).

- Horace, the Roman poet

MY DEAR ROBINSON: It was your account of a west
country legend which first suggested the idea of
this little tale to my mind. For this, and for
the help which you gave me in its evolution,
all thanks.

Yours most truly, A. CONAN DOYLE.

- Author's dedication of "Hound of the
Baskervilles" to Bertram Fletcher Robinson
Grizzlie Antagonist
2005-01-02 22:35:17 UTC
Post by Angel
Very important. But the idiot assumed I was getting nothing out of it, and
that it was just a "favor" I do for my husband. Another household chore
like laundry, dishes and vacuuming.
WHOA! Very good! The woman can read English. That's not something
that can be said of EVERYONE on Usenet.

Very good indeed. Yes, that's EXACTLY what the "idiot" thinks, and I
- I mean he - doesn't regard it as an "assumption" at all.
Post by Angel
After 15 years of marriage, I still make his toes curl with pleasure.
Exactly. It's a favor that you do for HIM. You certainly don't get
any enjoyment out of it. You CAN'T. You're only a woman.
Post by Angel
been known to just lie back and enjoy watching me move around the room in my
underwear. I do many things that are uncomfortable because he likes them.
But my rebuttal was to the incompetent who needs a good succubus in his bed
(althought I pity the poor sooky).
Heh-heh-heh; I LOVE IT!

Don't you wish that you were a man and physically capable of enjoying


"Ladies and gentlemen - let's have a round of applause for tonight's player of the game - FRAN-CIS-CO SAN-N-N-N-TOS!
- Brian Anthony (P.A. announcer at Grizzlie Stadium), June 11, 2004

"Populus me sibilat, at mihi plaudo."(The people
hiss at me, but I am well satisfied with myself).

- Horace, the Roman poet

MY DEAR ROBINSON: It was your account of a west
country legend which first suggested the idea of
this little tale to my mind. For this, and for
the help which you gave me in its evolution,
all thanks.

Yours most truly, A. CONAN DOYLE.

- Author's dedication of "Hound of the
Baskervilles" to Bertram Fletcher Robinson
Heidi Graw
2005-01-02 21:13:30 UTC
Post by Jayne Kulikauskas
It doesn't make any sense to give information on clitoral orgasm and then
talk about penis in vagina sex. From what I have read, it sounds like it is
rare for women to have orgasms from PiV alone.
That's why many women like to be *on top* where they can position themselves
in a way so the clitoris receives the kind of stimulation to generate an
orgasm while the penis is in her vagina.
Post by Jayne Kulikauskas
Also, I find it disquieting that you only mention the pleasure that you
receive from sex. What about pleasing your husband? Isn't that important?
Some men require more work than others. Depends on how easily they end up
aroused. Some men don't like to be touched too much 'cause they'll
ejaculate too quickly. Other men need lots of stimulation in order to get
even just that hard-on, nevermind actually being able to climax.
Post by Jayne Kulikauskas
I wish it were considered normal that a woman would want to please her man
and that this would be her highest priority during sex.
What makes you think women don't normally want to sexually please men?
They seem to go through an awful lot of trouble to make themselves visually
sexually attractive. They spend billions on cosmetics, perfumes, lingerie
and breast implants, etc.
Post by Jayne Kulikauskas
I'm afraid that
normal is thinking about getting instead of giving.
From what I'm seeing, there are an awful lot of women going way beyond the
call of duty in order to please men. There's a whole multi-billion dollar
industry which is devoted to letting women know exactly how to go about
pleasing men. And women are spending billions doing precisely just
that....botox injections, liposuction, breast implants, reconstructive
surgery, cosmetics, spa memberships...anything that would let them be
sexually attractive and pleasing to men.

Jayne Kulikauskas
2005-01-02 22:22:50 UTC
Post by Heidi Graw
Post by Jayne Kulikauskas
It doesn't make any sense to give information on clitoral orgasm and then
talk about penis in vagina sex. From what I have read, it sounds like
Post by Heidi Graw
Post by Jayne Kulikauskas
rare for women to have orgasms from PiV alone.
That's why many women like to be *on top* where they can position themselves
in a way so the clitoris receives the kind of stimulation to generate an
orgasm while the penis is in her vagina.
Many women are capable of having satisfying sexual experiences without
having orgasms and talking as if the only point of sex is to have an orgasm
leads these women to put unnecessary pressure on themselves.
Post by Heidi Graw
Post by Jayne Kulikauskas
Also, I find it disquieting that you only mention the pleasure that you
receive from sex. What about pleasing your husband? Isn't that important?
Some men require more work than others. Depends on how easily they end up
aroused. Some men don't like to be touched too much 'cause they'll
ejaculate too quickly. Other men need lots of stimulation in order to get
even just that hard-on, nevermind actually being able to climax.
Pleasing one's husband needs to be happening all the time, not just during
Post by Heidi Graw
Post by Jayne Kulikauskas
I wish it were considered normal that a woman would want to please her man
and that this would be her highest priority during sex.
What makes you think women don't normally want to sexually please men?
They seem to go through an awful lot of trouble to make themselves visually
sexually attractive. They spend billions on cosmetics, perfumes, lingerie
and breast implants, etc.
This shows that such women are consumerist fools who have been brainwashed
by advertising more than anything about women wanting to please men. If
women really wanted to please men it would go far beyond sex. You can't
think of men as competitors or buffoons most of the time and just turn that
off when it's time for sex. To really please a man sexually, one needs an
underlying attitude of appreciation and admiration.
Post by Heidi Graw
Post by Jayne Kulikauskas
I'm afraid that
normal is thinking about getting instead of giving.
From what I'm seeing, there are an awful lot of women going way beyond the
call of duty in order to please men. There's a whole multi-billion dollar
industry which is devoted to letting women know exactly how to go about
pleasing men. And women are spending billions doing precisely just
that....botox injections, liposuction, breast implants, reconstructive
surgery, cosmetics, spa memberships...anything that would let them be
sexually attractive and pleasing to men.
Most women need to change their attitude towards men far more than they need
to change their bodies.

Heidi Graw
2005-01-02 22:58:21 UTC
Post by Jayne Kulikauskas
Many women are capable of having satisfying sexual experiences without
having orgasms and talking as if the only point of sex is to have an orgasm
leads these women to put unnecessary pressure on themselves.
I actually agree with you on this. The orgasm is merely the icing on the
cake. If it happens, it happens. If not, it doesn't. However, it
certainly is worthwhile making the effort to achieve one. Some non-orgasmic
women have been known to become orgasmic after having talked with a sex
therapist. Yet, again, an orgasm doesn't make or break a relationship.
There's a whole lot more to married life than that.
Post by Jayne Kulikauskas
Pleasing one's husband needs to be happening all the time, not just during
It cuts both ways...*pleasing one another* needs to be happening.

As a Christian woman you may remember the following scripture:

I Corinthians 7
3. Let the husband render unto the wife due benevolence; and likeswise also
the wife unto the husband.
4. The wife hath not power over her own body, but the busband; and likewise
also the husband hath not power of his own body, but the wife.

The apostle Paul teaches *reciprocal* actions ought to take place between
husband and wife. It's a particular teaching to which I can agree.

Jayne Kulikauskas
2005-01-02 23:42:12 UTC
Post by Heidi Graw
Post by Jayne Kulikauskas
Many women are capable of having satisfying sexual experiences without
having orgasms and talking as if the only point of sex is to have an orgasm
leads these women to put unnecessary pressure on themselves.
I actually agree with you on this. The orgasm is merely the icing on the
cake. If it happens, it happens. If not, it doesn't. However, it
certainly is worthwhile making the effort to achieve one. Some non-orgasmic
women have been known to become orgasmic after having talked with a sex
therapist. Yet, again, an orgasm doesn't make or break a relationship.
There's a whole lot more to married life than that.
If a man can't have orgasms it is a serious problem. It doesn't work the
same way with women. This is an area in which we are different.
Post by Heidi Graw
Post by Jayne Kulikauskas
Pleasing one's husband needs to be happening all the time, not just during
It cuts both ways...*pleasing one another* needs to be happening.
I Corinthians 7
3. Let the husband render unto the wife due benevolence; and likeswise also
the wife unto the husband.
4. The wife hath not power over her own body, but the busband; and likewise
also the husband hath not power of his own body, but the wife.
The apostle Paul teaches *reciprocal* actions ought to take place between
husband and wife. It's a particular teaching to which I can agree.
If you think it is about keeping score, then you haven't understood the
teaching. I give myself to my husband unconditionally, not because he does
something in return. If he does not do his part, I still have to do mine.

Heidi Graw
2005-01-02 23:59:24 UTC
Post by Heidi Graw
Post by Heidi Graw
It cuts both ways...*pleasing one another* needs to be happening.
I Corinthians 7
3. Let the husband render unto the wife due benevolence; and likeswise
Post by Heidi Graw
the wife unto the husband.
4. The wife hath not power over her own body, but the busband; and
Post by Heidi Graw
also the husband hath not power of his own body, but the wife.
The apostle Paul teaches *reciprocal* actions ought to take place between
husband and wife. It's a particular teaching to which I can agree.
If you think it is about keeping score, then you haven't understood the
No, it isn't about score-keeping...it's about reciprocal actions. "Submit
ye to one another" and all that...something that is often ignored in favor
of "wives submitting to husbands." There is an obligation placed on *both.*
Post by Heidi Graw
I give myself to my husband unconditionally, not because he does
something in return. If he does not do his part, I still have to do mine.
Jayne, you didn't just marry *any* guy...you picked your partner very
carefully. You picked a husband who you *knew* you could trust would be
that reciprocal and fair-minded partner. And there's nothing wrong with

Jayne Kulikauskas
2005-01-03 00:15:15 UTC
Post by Heidi Graw
Post by Heidi Graw
Post by Heidi Graw
It cuts both ways...*pleasing one another* needs to be happening.
I Corinthians 7
3. Let the husband render unto the wife due benevolence; and likeswise
Post by Heidi Graw
the wife unto the husband.
4. The wife hath not power over her own body, but the busband; and
Post by Heidi Graw
also the husband hath not power of his own body, but the wife.
The apostle Paul teaches *reciprocal* actions ought to take place between
husband and wife. It's a particular teaching to which I can agree.
If you think it is about keeping score, then you haven't understood the
No, it isn't about score-keeping...it's about reciprocal actions. "Submit
ye to one another" and all that...something that is often ignored in favor
of "wives submitting to husbands." There is an obligation placed on *both.*
There are obligations on both husband and wife, but they are not the same
obligations. Husband and wife are different.
Post by Heidi Graw
Post by Heidi Graw
I give myself to my husband unconditionally, not because he does
something in return. If he does not do his part, I still have to do mine.
Jayne, you didn't just marry *any* guy...you picked your partner very
carefully. You picked a husband who you *knew* you could trust would be
that reciprocal and fair-minded partner. And there's nothing wrong with
I married a wonderful man. However there was always a risk that I might
have made a mistake. I would not have had the option of saying that this
removed my obligations.

Heidi Graw
2005-01-03 00:54:38 UTC
Post by Jayne Kulikauskas
There are obligations on both husband and wife, but they are not the same
...yet obligations nonetheless.
Post by Jayne Kulikauskas
Husband and wife are different.
I don't dispute that. A mere look at one another makes that a moot point.

Post by Jayne Kulikauskas
I married a wonderful man. However there was always a risk that I might
have made a mistake.
Yes, and in having a set of criteria against which you judged a particular
possible spouse, you reduced the risk of picking someone who may make your
life all that much more difficult. You've reduced the risk of serving or
submitting to someone who is more challenging to serve.

So, we may ask ourselves, what is more nobler or more rewarding, or more
assuredly of praise? Successfully serving an easy task master or a
difficult one? ;-)

Heidi Graw
2005-01-03 00:33:37 UTC
Post by Jayne Kulikauskas
If a man can't have orgasms it is a serious problem.
Why is this a *serious* problem? With such a statement, don't you think
you're placing an awful burden on the man to perform? He isn't a man
unless he can have an orgasm? I would have to disagree with that
statement. An orgasm does *not* make the man. He's considerably more than

It is just this kind of expectation of men that makes it so difficult for
them when and if they do end up impotent due to illness and/or disease.

Bear in mind an erection and an orgasm are two different things. With an
erection a man can still sexually please a woman. He can also do that
without an erection.

If he has no orgasm it may or may not affect him mentally and emotionally.
Much would depend on what is generally expected of him.

As for a woman wishing to please an impotent or non-orgasmic man, much
would depend on his own mental health.

Just recently a relative of mine got operated on for prostate cancer. He's
now impotent. This has plunged him into a deep depression and he's begun
drinking excessively. He's married a woman 15 years his junior. No matter
how considerate and undemanding she may be, *he* no longer feels like a
man...'cause in *his* mind, and in the minds of the general members of any
population, a man has to be able to have an erection and an orgasm. It's
going to take some time for him to come to grips with his new reality. The
pressure for him to perform has always existed and he had been able to live
up to those expectations in the past. Now, however, he can't.

Jayne Kulikauskas
2005-01-03 00:44:30 UTC
Post by Heidi Graw
Post by Jayne Kulikauskas
If a man can't have orgasms it is a serious problem.
Why is this a *serious* problem? With such a statement, don't you think
you're placing an awful burden on the man to perform? He isn't a man
unless he can have an orgasm? I would have to disagree with that
statement. An orgasm does *not* make the man. He's considerably more than
You are reading a lot of things into my statement that aren't there. Of
course a man is still a man if he can't have an orgasm. He is an unhappy
Post by Heidi Graw
It is just this kind of expectation of men that makes it so difficult for
them when and if they do end up impotent due to illness and/or disease.
Bear in mind an erection and an orgasm are two different things. With an
erection a man can still sexually please a woman. He can also do that
without an erection.
It isn't about pleasing a woman. It's about how he feels about himself.
Post by Heidi Graw
If he has no orgasm it may or may not affect him mentally and emotionally.
Much would depend on what is generally expected of him.
As for a woman wishing to please an impotent or non-orgasmic man, much
would depend on his own mental health.
Just recently a relative of mine got operated on for prostate cancer.
Post by Heidi Graw
now impotent. This has plunged him into a deep depression and he's begun
drinking excessively. He's married a woman 15 years his junior. No matter
how considerate and undemanding she may be, *he* no longer feels like a
man...'cause in *his* mind, and in the minds of the general members of any
population, a man has to be able to have an erection and an orgasm.
Post by Heidi Graw
going to take some time for him to come to grips with his new reality.
Post by Heidi Graw
pressure for him to perform has always existed and he had been able to live
up to those expectations in the past. Now, however, he can't.
This is a good illustration of what I said. This man has a serious problem.
Recognizing that is not placing expectations on him.

Heidi Graw
2005-01-03 01:00:27 UTC
Post by Grizzlie Antagonist
Post by Heidi Graw
Just recently a relative of mine got operated on for prostate cancer.
Post by Heidi Graw
now impotent. This has plunged him into a deep depression and he's begun
drinking excessively. He's married a woman 15 years his junior. No
Post by Heidi Graw
how considerate and undemanding she may be, *he* no longer feels like a
man...'cause in *his* mind, and in the minds of the general members of any
population, a man has to be able to have an erection and an orgasm.
Post by Heidi Graw
going to take some time for him to come to grips with his new reality.
Post by Heidi Graw
pressure for him to perform has always existed and he had been able to
Post by Heidi Graw
up to those expectations in the past. Now, however, he can't.
This is a good illustration of what I said. This man has a serious problem.
Recognizing that is not placing expectations on him.
It's a serious problem because the pervasive social and religious
expectations exist that he *does* perform. And since he can now no longer
live up to that expectation, he is devastated!

Jim Ledford
2005-01-02 23:53:40 UTC
Heidi Graw wrote:
Post by Heidi Graw
4. The wife hath not power over her own body, but the busband;
you ever thought much about Bibles getting lose with
serious misprints in them?

thou shall with the [not] omitted could really mess up some stuff.
Post by Heidi Graw
Heidi Graw
2005-01-03 00:06:29 UTC
Post by Jim Ledford
you ever thought much about Bibles getting lose with
serious misprints in them?
thou shall with the [not] omitted could really mess up some stuff.
LOL...yes, there have indeed been many misprints by former scribes tucked
away in those monasteries in the past that have been carried forward to this
day. And rather than go back to the original sources to correct the stuff,
it's just plain easier to continue with the errors.

Let me not be such a person: I'll correct my typing error: ;-)

"4. The wife hath not power over her own body, but the husband; and
also the husband hath not power of his own body, but the wife."

Post by Jim Ledford
Jim Ledford
2005-01-03 00:10:08 UTC
Post by Heidi Graw
Post by Jim Ledford
you ever thought much about Bibles getting lose with
serious misprints in them?
thou shall with the [not] omitted could really mess up some stuff.
LOL...yes, there have indeed been many misprints by former scribes tucked
away in those monasteries in the past that have been carried forward to this
day. And rather than go back to the original sources to correct the stuff,
it's just plain easier to continue with the errors.
there was an article in the paper a few weeks ago about
Bibles that were caught after printing missing the word
[not] in a few such places.

it's what caused me to think of it.
Post by Heidi Graw
Let me not be such a person: I'll correct my typing error: ;-)
"4. The wife hath not power over her own body, but the husband; and
also the husband hath not power of his own body, but the wife."

now if you're going out there and tell those boys in the busband,
I'm just going to kind of tag a long and watch

Post by Heidi Graw
Post by Jim Ledford
2005-01-28 01:09:00 UTC
Post by Jayne Kulikauskas
Post by Angel
Post by Grizzlie Antagonist
Normal healthy women do NOT enjoy sex. Women who enjoy sex, if there
are such animals, are SICK! Sex is a service that the woman provides
for the man.
It is 5 times more sensitive than the head of the penis, and with proper
manipulation can cause orgasm in less than 30 seconds.
And OK, I'm sick and I hope I never, ever get well.
I love my husband. I love having sex with him. I enjoy
Post by Jayne Kulikauskas
Post by Angel
PiV sex--for all the pleasure it gives me.
It doesn't make any sense to give information on clitoral orgasm and then
talk about penis in vagina sex. From what I have read, it sounds like it is
rare for women to have orgasms from PiV alone.
Also, I find it disquieting that you only mention the pleasure that you
receive from sex. What about pleasing your husband? Isn't that important?
Post by Angel
And Normal is a setting on my washer.
I wish it were considered normal that a woman would want to please her man
and that this would be her highest priority during sex. I'm afraid that
normal is thinking about getting instead of giving.
I don't know about you Jayne, but my husband gets pleasure from my
pleasure and I get my excitement from his. It's a two-way street. The
best sex is when both partners enjoy it. AND hopefully your husband
tries to please you as much as you try to please him.
Post by Jayne Kulikauskas
Jayne Kulikauskas
2005-01-28 02:06:49 UTC
Post by lukne
Post by Jayne Kulikauskas
I wish it were considered normal that a
woman would want to please her man
and that this would be her highest priority
during sex. I'm afraid that
normal is thinking about getting instead of giving.
I don't know about you Jayne, but my husband gets pleasure from my
pleasure and I get my excitement from his. It's a two-way street. The
best sex is when both partners enjoy it. AND hopefully your husband
tries to please you as much as you try to please him.
I cannot imagine a more considerate lover than my husband. However, this is
not the point I'm trying make. It is not about who gives pleasure to whom.
What concerns me is people's attitudes.

From what I have read, a lot of women use sex as a way to manipulate men.
It is given to reward good behaviour and is withheld for unacceptable
behaviour. There seem to be a lot of women who think that sex has to be
earned and that it is the man's job to put the woman in the mood.

This seems wrong to me at a very deep level. For me, sex is about
expressing love. Putting conditions on sex or using sex as a weapon is a
betrayal of love. I want my husband to know that I will always love him.
He doesn't have to work for it because it is a gift. I need him to know
that I will never refuse him so that sex cannot be made into a way to
control him.

At some primitive level, I think I am influenced by programming that says
"give man sex. man give food and protection" but there is more to it than
that. Emotionally and spiritually I have a sense of obligation to make sex
generous and loving rather than controlling.

2005-01-30 16:12:35 UTC
Post by Jayne Kulikauskas
At some primitive level, I think I am influenced by programming that says
"give man sex. man give food and protection" but there is more to it than
that. Emotionally and spiritually I have a sense of obligation to make sex
generous and loving rather than controlling.
That's quite right.
Are you Lithuanian?
Jayne Kulikauskas
2005-01-30 17:56:47 UTC
Post by i***@yahoo.com
Post by Jayne Kulikauskas
At some primitive level, I think I am influenced
by programming that says, "give man sex. man
give food and protection" but there is more
to it than that. Emotionally and spiritually
I have a sense of obligation to make sex
generous and loving rather than controlling.
That's quite right.
Are you Lithuanian?
I'm Canadian. My husband is a Lithuanian-Canadian and when we married I
took his name, of course. We did spend some time living there for about
half a year, shortly after Lithuania became independent. I speak a little
bit of Lithuanian, but not at all fluently.


Grizzlie Antagonist
2005-01-02 04:17:57 UTC
Post by Angel
Post by Grizzlie Antagonist
Normal healthy women do NOT enjoy sex. Women who enjoy sex, if there
are such animals, are SICK! Sex is a service that the woman provides
for the man.
It is 5 times more sensitive than the head of the penis, and with proper
manipulation can cause orgasm in less than 30 seconds.
It is of no consequence. Women do not enjoy sex. They do not enjoy
orgasm. The clitoris brings them no pleasure, regardless of how
"sensitive" it's supposed to be.
Post by Angel
And OK, I'm sick and I hope I never, ever get well.
I love my husband. I love having sex with him. I enjoy sex--penetrative,
PiV sex--for all the pleasure it gives me.
I don't believe you. Women hate men, and women hate sex. How's that?
Post by Angel
And Normal is a setting on my washer.
It's also a city in Indiana. So?


"Ladies and gentlemen - let's have a round of applause for tonight's player of the game - FRAN-CIS-CO SAN-N-N-N-TOS!
- Brian Anthony (P.A. announcer at Grizzlie Stadium), June 11, 2004

"Populus me sibilat, at mihi plaudo."(The people
hiss at me, but I am well satisfied with myself).

- Horace, the Roman poet

MY DEAR ROBINSON: It was your account of a west
country legend which first suggested the idea of
this little tale to my mind. For this, and for
the help which you gave me in its evolution,
all thanks.

Yours most truly, A. CONAN DOYLE.

- Author's dedication of "Hound of the
Baskervilles" to Bertram Fletcher Robinson
Heidi Graw
2005-01-02 23:19:26 UTC
Post by Angel
It is 5 times more sensitive than the head of the penis, and with proper
manipulation can cause orgasm in less than 30 seconds.
Angel, here's something worth pondering...those who study the nervous system
have discovered that the clitoris is that small point where a broad network
of nerves covering the whole lower abdominal region converges.

I read an interview once by a journalist who asked a Muslim woman if she
enjoys sex. The woman shyly grinned and said, "Oh, we get our pleasure."
Of course, we in the West and Muslim men in general are convinced women
without clitorises cannot enjoy sex. The pleasure of sex among Muslim women
is kept a well guarded secret. It is assumed they don't enjoy it.

So, now consider if the clitoris is removed. No longer is there that small
pleasure spot, but rather a much larger field of neural connectors that is
available for stimulation. Methinks Muslim women enjoy orgasms just as much
as Western women, if not moreso!

It would be interesting to read an actual study about this. The problem
however is that Muslim women are not likely to admit to sexual pleasure...it
could get them into trouble.

Heidi Graw
2005-01-02 20:53:37 UTC
Post by Grizzlie Antagonist
Women have NOT been biologically programmed to enjoy sex.
Just where did you learn this kind of bullsh*t?
Post by Grizzlie Antagonist
Normal healthy women do NOT enjoy sex.
LOL...in that case, let me be as abnormal as possible! LOL...
Post by Grizzlie Antagonist
women who enjoy sex, if there
are such animals, are SICK!
Are Rusty Palmer and his 5 brothers your very best friends?
Post by Grizzlie Antagonist
Sex is a service that the woman provides
for the man.
No wonder you're alone sobbing into your cereal box.

2005-01-02 21:04:53 UTC
Post by Heidi Graw
Post by Grizzlie Antagonist
Women have NOT been biologically programmed to enjoy sex.
Just where did you learn this kind of bullsh*t?
Shhhh! Its how he consoles himself for the fact that he's a lousy lay.
Post by Heidi Graw
Post by Grizzlie Antagonist
Normal healthy women do NOT enjoy sex.
LOL...in that case, let me be as abnormal as possible! LOL...
Post by Grizzlie Antagonist
women who enjoy sex, if there
are such animals, are SICK!
Are Rusty Palmer and his 5 brothers your very best friends?
Post by Grizzlie Antagonist
Sex is a service that the woman provides
for the man.
No wonder you're alone sobbing into your cereal box.
Grizzlie Antagonist
2005-01-02 22:00:51 UTC
Post by Heidi Graw
Post by Grizzlie Antagonist
Women have NOT been biologically programmed to enjoy sex.
Just where did you learn this kind of bullsh*t?
From observing women in the public arena criminalize male sexuality.
Post by Heidi Graw
Post by Grizzlie Antagonist
Normal healthy women do NOT enjoy sex.
LOL...in that case, let me be as abnormal as possible! LOL...
You got your wish long ago, but you still do not enjoy sex. You CAN'T
enjoy sex.
Post by Heidi Graw
Post by Grizzlie Antagonist
women who enjoy sex, if there
are such animals, are SICK!
Are Rusty Palmer and his 5 brothers your very best friends?
What team do they play for? If they're not on the Grizzlies roster or
on the Giants roster, I'm less likely to be familiar with them.
Post by Heidi Graw
Post by Grizzlie Antagonist
Sex is a service that the woman provides
for the man.
No wonder you're alone sobbing into your cereal box.
I usually just have an apple and a cup of coffee for breakfast.


"Ladies and gentlemen - let's have a round of applause for tonight's player of the game - FRAN-CIS-CO SAN-N-N-N-TOS!
- Brian Anthony (P.A. announcer at Grizzlie Stadium), June 11, 2004

"Populus me sibilat, at mihi plaudo."(The people
hiss at me, but I am well satisfied with myself).

- Horace, the Roman poet

MY DEAR ROBINSON: It was your account of a west
country legend which first suggested the idea of
this little tale to my mind. For this, and for
the help which you gave me in its evolution,
all thanks.

Yours most truly, A. CONAN DOYLE.

- Author's dedication of "Hound of the
Baskervilles" to Bertram Fletcher Robinson
2005-01-03 02:58:13 UTC
Post by Grizzlie Antagonist
Women have NOT been biologically programmed to enjoy sex.
No, women were biologically programmed to not *TELL* men that we enjoy
sex. But the secret got out in the 1960's, so we had to go break
ceilings and fund the fashion industry ourselves. Damn, I hate it when
that happens.
Post by Grizzlie Antagonist
In fact, I'm taking back my original "No" from the preceding post.
Can't make up your mind, can you. Men!
Post by Grizzlie Antagonist
Normal healthy women do NOT enjoy sex. Women who enjoy sex,
if there are such animals, are SICK! Sex is a service that
the woman provides for the man.
Thank you for getting the neanderthal belief system back on track. Now
buy me car!

Oh, not tonight dear, I've got a headache.

Grizzlie Antagonist
2005-01-03 04:25:00 UTC
Post by LilKappa
Post by Grizzlie Antagonist
Women have NOT been biologically programmed to enjoy sex.
No, women were biologically programmed to not *TELL* men that we enjoy
sex. But the secret got out in the 1960's, so we had to go break
ceilings and fund the fashion industry ourselves. Damn, I hate it when
that happens.
Sorry. But the invention of "sexual harassment" as a means of going
to court, the Tailhook "scandal", the high tech lynching of Clarence
Thomas and a large number of other events which amount to an attack on
male sexuality, events which POST-DATE the 1960's are proof enough to
me that women really don't like sex.
Post by LilKappa
Post by Grizzlie Antagonist
In fact, I'm taking back my original "No" from the preceding post.
Can't make up your mind, can you. Men!
I've made it up.
Post by LilKappa
Post by Grizzlie Antagonist
Normal healthy women do NOT enjoy sex. Women who enjoy sex,
if there are such animals, are SICK! Sex is a service that
the woman provides for the man.
Thank you for getting the neanderthal belief system back on track.
Is that supposed to shame me into changing my mind? Believe me,
getting the neanderthal belief system back on track is MY PLEASURE.


"Ladies and gentlemen - let's have a round of applause for tonight's player of the game - FRAN-CIS-CO SAN-N-N-N-TOS!
- Brian Anthony (P.A. announcer at Grizzlie Stadium), June 11, 2004

"Populus me sibilat, at mihi plaudo."(The people
hiss at me, but I am well satisfied with myself).

- Horace, the Roman poet

MY DEAR ROBINSON: It was your account of a west
country legend which first suggested the idea of
this little tale to my mind. For this, and for
the help which you gave me in its evolution,
all thanks.

Yours most truly, A. CONAN DOYLE.

- Author's dedication of "Hound of the
Baskervilles" to Bertram Fletcher Robinson
Heidi Graw
2005-01-03 05:17:13 UTC
Post by Grizzlie Antagonist
Post by LilKappa
Thank you for getting the neanderthal belief system back on track.
Is that supposed to shame me into changing my mind? Believe me,
getting the neanderthal belief system back on track is MY PLEASURE.
Neither one of you knows anything about Neanderthals, do you? Don't let the
stereotype fool you. The image of Neanderthals being those head bashing
brutes wielding clubs is promoted by Homo Sapient supremacists. The truth
about Neanderthal *men* and *women* lays in the archeological digs. It
might be helpful for both of you to become more informed about this
particular type of human being.

Btw, why is it that when the word Neanderthal is used, it is always in
reference to *men.* They did have Neanderthal *women* back then, too.

Grizzlie Antagonist
2005-01-03 05:39:21 UTC
Post by Heidi Graw
Post by Grizzlie Antagonist
Post by LilKappa
Thank you for getting the neanderthal belief system back on track.
Is that supposed to shame me into changing my mind? Believe me,
getting the neanderthal belief system back on track is MY PLEASURE.
Neither one of you knows anything about Neanderthals, do you?
We weren't talking about Neanderthals, cunt.

We were talking about a male supremacist "belief system" that she
chose to refer to as the "Neanderthal belief system" and I chose to
accept the connotations of that term in order to respond.

Since we were using a mutually understood colloquialism, it doesn't
matter whether the term is technically accurate or not, just as it
doesn't matter that Danish pastry isn't manufactured in Denmark.

Now go stick your head up your twat.


"Ladies and gentlemen - let's have a round of applause for tonight's player of the game - FRAN-CIS-CO SAN-N-N-N-TOS!
- Brian Anthony (P.A. announcer at Grizzlie Stadium), June 11, 2004

"Populus me sibilat, at mihi plaudo."(The people
hiss at me, but I am well satisfied with myself).

- Horace, the Roman poet

MY DEAR ROBINSON: It was your account of a west
country legend which first suggested the idea of
this little tale to my mind. For this, and for
the help which you gave me in its evolution,
all thanks.

Yours most truly, A. CONAN DOYLE.

- Author's dedication of "Hound of the
Baskervilles" to Bertram Fletcher Robinson
2005-01-28 01:05:42 UTC
Post by Grizzlie Antagonist
Post by i***@yahoo.com
Post by Grizzlie Antagonist
Post by i***@yahoo.com
My response: If a woman does not enjoy sex, then she is not a
Post by Grizzlie Antagonist
Post by i***@yahoo.com
No, but she's a normal one.
Normal one, in a hideous culture - in the same way that Nazi
concentration camp guards were normal in theirs.
No -- normal one in a normal culture.
Women have NOT been biologically programmed to enjoy sex. In fact,
I'm taking back my original "No" from the preceding post.
Normal healthy women do NOT enjoy sex. Women who enjoy sex, if there
are such animals, are SICK! Sex is a service that the woman provides
for the man.
That may be your experience Grizzlie, that is if you have any
experience. Hehehe! You guys always put a smile on my face.
Post by Grizzlie Antagonist
Post by i***@yahoo.com
Put no stake whatsoever in "normality." Just be your best.
What the hell is that supposed to mean?
Post by i***@yahoo.com
Post by Grizzlie Antagonist
Post by i***@yahoo.com
and if she sees sex as something she gives a man rather than
something she shares in love with him, then
she has the right attitude.
The more people in America believe that, the more attractive will
appear brides from healthy cultures like Europe, Russia and Latin
America, the more the American women will lose.
I WANT American women to lose; I want brides from all cultures to
lose; and brides from "healthy" cultures don't enjoy sex either
because women are incapable of this.
Sex IS something that the woman does for the man, and this sexual
equality in bed that you are trying to manufacture is its own
Post by Grizzlie Antagonist
form of feminazism. It's not a SOLUTION to it at all.
"Ladies and gentlemen - let's have a round of applause for tonight's
player of the game - FRAN-CIS-CO SAN-N-N-N-TOS!
Post by Grizzlie Antagonist
- Brian Anthony (P.A. announcer at Grizzlie Stadium), June 11, 2004
"Populus me sibilat, at mihi plaudo."(The people
hiss at me, but I am well satisfied with myself).
- Horace, the Roman poet
MY DEAR ROBINSON: It was your account of a west
country legend which first suggested the idea of
this little tale to my mind. For this, and for
the help which you gave me in its evolution,
all thanks.
Yours most truly, A. CONAN DOYLE.
- Author's dedication of "Hound of the
Baskervilles" to Bertram Fletcher Robinson