(too old to reply)
2004-11-25 20:46:39 UTC
Moderators of Media gone far beyond the grasp of modernity and into the
zone of the unknown, renderers of holographic memory transfer
and neural text, the alt.webtrance newsgroup, activated some
light years ago, sometimes has interesting x-posted threads which tie
usenet together in some inexplicable way, binding the solitary surfers
of fractal reality into photons of change from numb, lame flyers of
brick walls...,
pixel weavers and makers of song, come along?
schwann cybershaman
Discussions on the Webtrance Memetic Effect
"the basic concept of the Webtrance meme involves netizens from all over
the world simultaneously focusing into a mass computer generated trance;
thus participating in humanity's digital reincarnation. If critical mass
is reached, maybe our entire species will be bumped up in brain
potential through a change in our morphogenetic field and then it wont
matter if you're logged on or not. To me it feels like this has already
- Schwann Cybershaman -
www.webtrance.co.za/webtrance.html (Video and creative FAQ)
www.webtrance.co.za/usenet.htm (Video Archives)
Add Ogg Vorbis and I might be able to Journey Further . . . .
but you have already journeyed sooo far...why not just watch TV now like
I've been doing for the last few daze hoping I'd eventually feel guilty
about something but all that hapenned is that I got bored and realised
that if I don't create something soon I'm in trouble so I continued down
the river of unconsciousness, hoping to see the bank around the next
corner but the world of anaesthesia is following....


ps..have you hugged your computer today?
2004-11-25 23:30:12 UTC
Post by unknown
Moderators of Media gone far beyond the grasp of modernity and into the
zone of the unknown, renderers of holographic memory transfer
and neural text, the alt.webtrance newsgroup, activated some
light years ago, sometimes has interesting x-posted threads which tie
usenet together in some inexplicable way, binding the solitary surfers
of fractal reality into photons of change from numb, lame flyers of
brick walls...,
pixel weavers and makers of song, come along?
schwann cybershaman
Discussions on the Webtrance Memetic Effect
"the basic concept of the Webtrance meme involves netizens from all over
the world simultaneously focusing into a mass computer generated trance;
thus participating in humanity's digital reincarnation. If critical mass
is reached, maybe our entire species will be bumped up in brain
potential through a change in our morphogenetic field and then it wont
matter if you're logged on or not. To me it feels like this has already
- Schwann Cybershaman -
www.webtrance.co.za/webtrance.html (Video and creative FAQ)
www.webtrance.co.za/usenet.htm (Video Archives)
Add Ogg Vorbis and I might be able to Journey Further . . . .
but you have already journeyed sooo far...why not just watch TV now like
I've been doing for the last few daze hoping I'd eventually feel guilty
about something but all that hapenned is that I got bored and realised
that if I don't create something soon I'm in trouble so I continued down
the river of unconsciousness, hoping to see the bank around the next
corner but the world of anaesthesia is following....
I don't get (nor do I subscribe to) broadcast here . . . _but_, I *do* get XM
Sat. Radio!

#77 . . . . .-:*'``'*.-.,_,.-:*'``'*:-.,_,-._.-._.-._.-._.-.-.-.-.-.-._______
Post by unknown
ps..have you hugged your computer today?
No, but that's a great idea! Hold a sec . . .
2004-11-26 02:47:47 UTC
Post by ah
Post by unknown
ps..have you hugged your computer today?
No, but that's a great idea! Hold a sec . . .
All I can say is "Wow!"