(too old to reply)
John F. Winston
2004-10-16 22:50:11 UTC
Subject: Did We Go To The Moon Thousands Of Years Ago? Part 2 of 2.
Oct. 16, 2004.

This part discusses what Richard Hoagland thinks about this


19 - CHINA: "Desolate, cold and glassy": In the year 2309 B.c. the
engineer of Emperor Yao decided to go to the moon. The "celestial
bird" provided him with information on his trip. He explored space
by the current of luminous air" (the exhaust of a fiery rocket?).

Hou Yih flew into space where "he did not perceive the rotary
movement of the sun." 10 (This statement is of paramount importance
in corroborating the story because it is only in space that man
cannot see the sun rise or set.)

On the moon he saw the 'frozen-looking horizon" and erected a
building, "the Palace of Cold."

His wife Chang Ngo likewise flew to the moon, which she found a
"luminous sphere, shining like glass, of enormous size and very
cold; the light of the moon has its birth in the sun," she
declared. (Chang Ngo's moon exploration report was correct. Apollo
II astronauts found the moon desolate with a glasslike soil - and
parts of it even paved with pieces of glass. Most of the moon, at
any given time, is in the throes of extreme cold. It plunges to
minus 250 degrees Fahrenheit at midnight.)

The ancient Greek scientist Empedocles had also declared that the
moon was made of glass. Such precise knowledge implies on-site
inspection of the moon in the remote past.

- CHINA: A story from this same period states that an enormous
ship appeared on the sea at night with brilliant lights which were
extinguished during the day. It could also sail to the moon and the
stars, hence its name, "a ship hanging among the stars" or "the
boat to the moon."

This giant ship which could travel in the sky or sail the seas
was seen for 12 years. 11

21 - CHINA: "The Shi Ching" book says that when the Emperor saw
crime and vice rising in the world, "he commanded Chong and Li to
cut off communication between the earth and the sky - and since
then there has been no more going up or down." 12

Is this not a clear indication of the cessation of space travel in
the past?

22 - TIBET: Sanskrit documents discovered by the Chinese at Lhasa
are claimed to contain directions for building interplanetary
Flight to the moon is mentioned (though it is not stated whether
this was undertaken or just planned). The Chinese have stated that
certain of the data were being studied for inclusion in their space

23 - Relics on the moon? Reports have been made concerning strange
messages on the surface of the moon.

* An object shaped like a sword near the crater Birt

* Strange cross formations in the crater Eratosthenes and at Fra

* Angular lines in the crater Gassendi and seven spots in the
shape of the Greek capital Gamma on the floor of the crater Littrow

* Two giant sets of letters under Mare Serenitalis, to the left
of Mare Tranquilitatis, which read: "PYAX" and "JAW" in bl-ck
letters, easily discernible

* Strange tracks running right up the wall of a crater.

If such geometric constructions were found on earth, speculation
would rage as to the men who left them.

Not every discovery has been announced by NA-A - and exploration
has scarcely begun. Already NAS- has run out of budget for further
moon visits. It is by no means impossible that future astronauts
will discover objects or installations showing that other human
beings came to the moon in the distant past.

24 - It was July 20, 1969, the occasion of the first moon landing.
During the last reconnaissance flight around the moon, preceding the
landing, one of the astronauts made an unexpected announcement: he
had just seen the contours of what seemed to be some sort of
seven-story structure.

What was it that he saw? Might it have been the "Palace of Cold?"
Why did they subsequently delete a full 11 minutes - including this
- from rebroadcasts? (But it was too late. We had already heard

If there is a single, ancient, long-abandoned edifice on the
moon, if there is a single object indicating earlier intelligence,
if there is still one recognizable rock drawing to be found, then
just think what such a find would do to our conventional history.

But wait! News has continued to filter through - not only from
the moon, but from 40 million miles away on the small planet

25 - A Soviet scientist who defected to the West claims that
photographs taken by an orbiting satellite clearly show the ruined
temples of a civilization - on the planet Mars!

The 58-year-old scientist was a high-echelon member of an el-te
team that has worked together since 1961 when Vostok I carried Yuri
A. Gagarin as the first man in space. But Russia's growing
emphasis on the development of a nuclearized "Star Wars" satellite
system in space prompted him to flee Russia. He now lives under an
assumed identity in Switzerland.

He reports that several years ago, a Soviet satellite was launched
for Mars. It reached that destination in 1982 and has been orbiting
the Red Planet ever since. Its sole purpose was to beam photographs
and other data back to a manned satellite orbiting Earth. The task
was accomplished with incredible success.

The photographs are computer-enhanced and in full color. The detail
they show is far beyond anything produced in America. And there is
no mistaking what they reveal. The city scanned by the satellite's
camera is three times the size of Moscow and it is ringed by wide
boulevards, one inside the other and linked together by smaller
avenues, like the spokes of a cartwheel.

The temples must have been huge. Most are in ruins, as though
crumbled by a tremendous Marsquake. But some still support
slate-grey domes that measure two to four miles in diameter. The
Soviet Union will never admit to this incredible discovery because
it would reveal too much of their technological progress.

End of the story? No, not quite. On February 4, 1985, the
Melbourne, Australia, Age reported the belief of thirty U.S.
scientists that two photographs sent back from Mars in 1976 by the
Viking spacecraft indicate the existence of an ancient civilization.

Richard Hoagland, science writer and member of the group of
scientists known as the Mars Investigation Group, said the photos
show what appear to be four huge pyramids lined up symmetrically
with a face.

Dr. C. West Churchman, a professor at the University of California
at Berkeley, said there are too many details pointing to the
possibility of an extinct habitation on Mars.

What then, I ask, is the real truth about our past? Have we been
to Mars before?
End Notes:

1) Anthony Roberts, Sowers of Thunder. London: Rider and Company,
1978, p. vii.

2) A passage in the Mahabharata. Tr. By E.R. Rice. New York:
Oxford, 1934. Quoted by James Churchward in The Children of Mu. New
York: Ives washburn, 1956, pp. 188-189.

3) The Surya Siddhanta. See Andrew Tomas, We Are Not the First.
London: Sphere, 1971, p. 149.

4) A passage in the Mahabharata. Tr. By E.R. Rice. New York:
Oxford, 1934.

5) Maya folklore.

6) The ancient Samsaptakabadha.

7) The Puranas.

8) A seal cylinder depicting Etana flying on an eagle's back
between the sun and the moon is in the Berlin Museum.

9) Tomas, We Are Not the First, p. 146.

10) Ibid., p. 47.

11) The Collection of Old Tales, a Chinese work compiled in the
fourth century, from ancient sources.

12) Tomas, We Are Not the First, pp. 148-149.
Jonathan Gray's DEAD MEN's SECRETS, chapter 27

Surprising discoveries in lost cities of the dead. Technology that


International explorer, archaeologist and author Jonathan Gray has
travelled the world to gather data on ancient mysteries. He has
penetrated some largely unexplored areas, including parts of the
Amazon headwaters. The author has also led expeditions to the
bottom of the sea, and to remote mountain and desert regions of the
world. He lectures internationally.

Jonathan Gray
Pacific Coast Hwy
Thames, NZ
Phone +64 7 868 2441
*> To visit your group on the web, go to:

Part 2 of 2.

John Winston. ***@mlode.com


Subject: Letter From A Friend. Oct.. 16, 2004.

Here is something that was sent to me.


From: N
Subject: Did We Go To The Moon Thousands Of Years Ago?

Dear Mr. Winston---I do hope you never tire of my writing
you to express my gratitude for what you do----how you try
so hard to enlighten us and show the way for us to
enlighten ourselves.
One reason I am so grateful to and for you is---as I have
said I am seventy nine yrs of age----I have studied the arcane
and occult ever since I was eleven yrs of age whenever I could
find the books that would broaden my knowledge -----
And, I have known about the ancient sky ships , whatever
they should be called,----about our travels to the other
I have just never had anyone to converse with about the things
I have learned---- so you see why your writings so excite me
Please, Please keep writing what you learn if it does not
offend you.
Thank you.

John Winston. ***@mlode.com
2004-10-16 23:33:49 UTC
Repoasted in full for the benefit of approprate froups.

John F. Winston pulled a bright blue crayon out of the box and scribbled
Post by John F. Winston
Subject: Did We Go To The Moon Thousands Of Years Ago? Part 2 of 2.
Oct. 16, 2004.
This part discusses what Richard Hoagland thinks about this
Who cares what Hoaxland thinks?
Post by John F. Winston
19 - CHINA: "Desolate, cold and glassy": In the year 2309 B.c. the
engineer of Emperor Yao decided to go to the moon. The "celestial
bird" provided him with information on his trip. He explored space
by the current of luminous air" (the exhaust of a fiery rocket?).
I love this! You pose a silly question as if you have proposed a serious
inquiry. Myth and ledgend should not be confused with reality.
Post by John F. Winston
Hou Yih flew into space where "he did not perceive the rotary
movement of the sun." 10 (This statement is of paramount importance
in corroborating the story because it is only in space that man
cannot see the sun rise or set.)
On the moon he saw the 'frozen-looking horizon" and erected a
building, "the Palace of Cold."
One dude building a 'Palace' in an environment that is very hostile to
human life. How plausible is that? For what purpose is this 'Palace'?
Post by John F. Winston
His wife Chang Ngo likewise flew to the moon, which she found a
"luminous sphere, shining like glass, of enormous size and very
cold; the light of the moon has its birth in the sun," she
declared. (Chang Ngo's moon exploration report was correct. Apollo
II astronauts found the moon desolate with a glasslike soil - and
parts of it even paved with pieces of glass. Most of the moon, at
any given time, is in the throes of extreme cold. It plunges to
minus 250 degrees Fahrenheit at midnight.)
The ancient Greek scientist Empedocles had also declared that the
moon was made of glass. Such precise knowledge implies on-site
inspection of the moon in the remote past.
- CHINA: A story from this same period states that an enormous
ship appeared on the sea at night with brilliant lights which were
extinguished during the day. It could also sail to the moon and the
stars, hence its name, "a ship hanging among the stars" or "the
boat to the moon."
This giant ship which could travel in the sky or sail the seas
was seen for 12 years. 11
21 - CHINA: "The Shi Ching" book says that when the Emperor saw
crime and vice rising in the world, "he commanded Chong and Li to
cut off communication between the earth and the sky - and since
then there has been no more going up or down." 12
Is this not a clear indication of the cessation of space travel in
the past?
Or, more likely, it is a myth -- a set of symbols that should not be taken
Post by John F. Winston
22 - TIBET: Sanskrit documents discovered by the Chinese at Lhasa
are claimed to contain directions for building interplanetary
Flight to the moon is mentioned (though it is not stated whether
this was undertaken or just planned). The Chinese have stated that
certain of the data were being studied for inclusion in their space

The ancients know how to get to the moon but it took us until 1969 to do so
without their help.

Just how gullible do you think the rest of the world is?
Post by John F. Winston
23 - Relics on the moon? Reports have been made concerning strange
messages on the surface of the moon.
* An object shaped like a sword near the crater Birt
* Strange cross formations in the crater Eratosthenes and at Fra
* Angular lines in the crater Gassendi and seven spots in the
shape of the Greek capital Gamma on the floor of the crater Littrow
* Two giant sets of letters under Mare Serenitalis, to the left
of Mare Tranquilitatis, which read: "PYAX" and "JAW" in bl-ck
letters, easily discernible
* Strange tracks running right up the wall of a crater.
If such geometric constructions were found on earth, speculation
would rage as to the men who left them.
Not every discovery has been announced by NA-A - and exploration
has scarcely begun. Already NAS- has run out of budget for further
moon visits. It is by no means impossible that future astronauts
will discover objects or installations showing that other human
beings came to the moon in the distant past.
24 - It was July 20, 1969, the occasion of the first moon landing.
During the last reconnaissance flight around the moon, preceding the
landing, one of the astronauts made an unexpected announcement: he
had just seen the contours of what seemed to be some sort of
seven-story structure.
What was it that he saw? Might it have been the "Palace of Cold?"
Why did they subsequently delete a full 11 minutes - including this
- from rebroadcasts? (But it was too late. We had already heard
If there is a single, ancient, long-abandoned edifice on the
moon, if there is a single object indicating earlier intelligence,
if there is still one recognizable rock drawing to be found, then
just think what such a find would do to our conventional history.
But wait! News has continued to filter through - not only from
the moon, but from 40 million miles away on the small planet
Who is CNN's Mars reporter and is she/he/it hanging out with Opportunity or
Spirit right now?
Post by John F. Winston
25 - A Soviet scientist who defected to the West claims that
photographs taken by an orbiting satellite clearly show the ruined
temples of a civilization - on the planet Mars!
The 58-year-old scientist was a high-echelon member of an el-te
team that has worked together since 1961 when Vostok I carried Yuri
A. Gagarin as the first man in space. But Russia's growing
emphasis on the development of a nuclearized "Star Wars" satellite
system in space prompted him to flee Russia. He now lives under an
assumed identity in Switzerland.
Great. There is no way to confirm or deny the putative rambling
speculations of an 'unknown Russian scientist'. That MUST mean it is true.
Post by John F. Winston
He reports that several years ago, a Soviet satellite was launched
for Mars. It reached that destination in 1982 and has been orbiting
the Red Planet ever since. Its sole purpose was to beam photographs
and other data back to a manned satellite orbiting Earth. The task
was accomplished with incredible success.
The photographs are computer-enhanced and in full color. The detail
they show is far beyond anything produced in America. And there is
no mistaking what they reveal. The city scanned by the satellite's
camera is three times the size of Moscow and it is ringed by wide
boulevards, one inside the other and linked together by smaller
avenues, like the spokes of a cartwheel.
The temples must have been huge. Most are in ruins, as though
crumbled by a tremendous Marsquake. But some still support
slate-grey domes that measure two to four miles in diameter. The
Soviet Union will never admit to this incredible discovery because
it would reveal too much of their technological progress.
End of the story? No, not quite. On February 4, 1985, the
Melbourne, Australia, Age reported the belief of thirty U.S.
scientists that two photographs sent back from Mars in 1976 by the
Viking spacecraft indicate the existence of an ancient civilization.
Richard Hoagland, science writer and member of the group of
scientists known as the Mars Investigation Group, said the photos
show what appear to be four huge pyramids lined up symmetrically
with a face.
Hoaxland would. He is a sham, a charlatan and by no means a scientist.
What he might say would not be connected to anything factual, provable or
truthful except by wild coincidence.
Post by John F. Winston
Dr. C. West Churchman, a professor at the University of California
at Berkeley, said there are too many details pointing to the
possibility of an extinct habitation on Mars.
What then, I ask, is the real truth about our past? Have we been
to Mars before?
1) Anthony Roberts, Sowers of Thunder. London: Rider and Company,
1978, p. vii.
Oxford, 1934. Quoted by James Churchward in The Children of Mu. New
York: Ives washburn, 1956, pp. 188-189.
3) The Surya Siddhanta. See Andrew Tomas, We Are Not the First.
London: Sphere, 1971, p. 149.
Oxford, 1934.
5) Maya folklore.
6) The ancient Samsaptakabadha.
7) The Puranas.
8) A seal cylinder depicting Etana flying on an eagle's back
between the sun and the moon is in the Berlin Museum.
9) Tomas, We Are Not the First, p. 146.
10) Ibid., p. 47.
11) The Collection of Old Tales, a Chinese work compiled in the
fourth century, from ancient sources.
12) Tomas, We Are Not the First, pp. 148-149.
Jonathan Gray's DEAD MEN's SECRETS, chapter 27
Surprising discoveries in lost cities of the dead. Technology that
International explorer, archaeologist and author Jonathan Gray has
travelled the world to gather data on ancient mysteries. He has
penetrated some largely unexplored areas, including parts of the
Amazon headwaters. The author has also led expeditions to the
bottom of the sea, and to remote mountain and desert regions of the
world. He lectures internationally.
Jonathan Gray
Pacific Coast Hwy
Thames, NZ
Phone +64 7 868 2441
Part 2 of 2.
Subject: Letter From A Friend. Oct.. 16, 2004.
Here is something that was sent to me.
From: N
Subject: Did We Go To The Moon Thousands Of Years Ago?
Dear Mr. Winston---I do hope you never tire of my writing
you to express my gratitude for what you do----how you try
so hard to enlighten us and show the way for us to
enlighten ourselves.
One reason I am so grateful to and for you is---as I have
said I am seventy nine yrs of age----I have studied the arcane
and occult ever since I was eleven yrs of age whenever I could
find the books that would broaden my knowledge -----
And, I have known about the ancient sky ships , whatever
they should be called,----about our travels to the other
I have just never had anyone to converse with about the things
I have learned---- so you see why your writings so excite me
Please, Please keep writing what you learn if it does not
offend you.
Thank you.
Go not to Usenet for counsel, for they will say both yes and no.
Mr. 4X
2004-10-17 20:51:12 UTC
Post by John F. Winston
Subject: Did We Go To The Moon Thousands Of Years Ago? Part 2 of 2.
Oct. 16, 2004.
This part discusses what Richard Hoagland<ZAP>
Isn't that the guy who claims that NASA's Jupiter probe 'Galileo' caused a
nuclear explosion on Jupiter?
