(too old to reply)
John F. Winston
2004-02-27 23:03:19 UTC
Subject: Information From Lady K. Part 2. Feb. 26, 2004.

This part talks about the rescue of people after they have
passed from the physical plane.


And this is the methodology by which it has all come together. So
many healers have assisted you: Lilleana coming from Australia for
several days at her own expense, Cynthia with remote healing from
Atlanta, Mary Ann with her reconnections, Robert with his
self-hypnosis techniques, Zen who you met in the etheric before
seeing him in person, Tony, Sharon, and Darlene from Spi-itual
Community and the Alohaman He-ling Center, and so very many others
who have held the energy of the sacred space, including all of your
shamen friends and Tim and Roberta, who coordinated the funding
from so many of your dear friends to ensure that you received the
med-cal assistance that you required. But the bottom line is,
beloved Wayne, you did your own homework. You had good teachers and
support, but you had to do your own work and you did it.
And so now, you ask, what is this center going to be like? You
have chosen 12 sections, for each of the 12 aspects of the Merkaba,
the 12-centered chakra system, and you have chosen 32 seats
representing each of the 32 Children of Light mentioned in the
Emerald Tablets of Thoth. Now these 32 Children of Light are all
beings who have had physical incarnations upon Planet Earth and
have done their overcoming and are fully ascended Masters.
And into the floor of the temple shall be inlaid in a gold-colored
6-pointed star - the overlapping of the inverted equilateral
triangles symbolizing "as above, so below," and the words above
Lady Indriel on the fireplace, "I am that I am." For beneath the
feet of Lady Indriel is the word 'Truth.' And she stands and comes
forth from the great star tetrahedron. And within this center will
come together groups from every walk life and endeavor of human
expression, including poli-ics and education to birth the new forms
of polit-cs, new ways of manifestation, and the new forms of
finance and m-ney.
Concerning mon-y, yes, NE-ARA will manifest, but not according
to the expectations of those who are now expecting it.
Every arena of human activity will shift. There will be great
crises within your school systems and close behind that will be
your insurance systems.
And then will come great shakeups within the rel-gious systems as
the memberships begin to question the realities that they have been
given as Truth. And full disclosure becomes the Law of the Land, and
the Land means the entire Earth, not just one country or one nation
of people, but all peoples.
There is at this time set up on the Internet an international
parliament. It has chat rooms where people from all over the world
can come together in good will and express their concerns. And
because this parliament is gaining in power and authority is one of
the reasons for the waging of the w-r over the Internet. We would
also mention in passing that the membership of the organization
called MoveOn.org is now greater in numbers than the organization
known as the Chr-stian Coalition. This is in no way to denounce
all so-called Chri-tians straight across the board, for Chris-ianity
has produced many great souls and has assisted many on their journey.
But there are groups within Christ-anity who still believe that the
world would be better off it were to be rid of the so-called "pagan
heathens." And this is indeed the remnants of the Conquistador
We did not answer the part about how the success of the center
can be assured, simply because it is already assured by keeping it
moving forward, designing and preparing the plans, getting permits,
performing the groundbreaking ceremony, and so on. We would open
that groundbreaking ceremony to your new friend Grey Eagle and also
to the priestess Nicole and beautiful Allegra and her daughter
Robin, and also any others that might express a desire to be
present. You are also aware that Kay, Geronimo, and Father Patrick
have formed a trinity energy in the place that you have marked at
the center, and they drew down from Source a silver rod and drove
it into the Earth, drawing forth energies from Source and connecting
to Mother Earth.
We would also at this time suggest that you take one of your
birdbaths and place it in the center and take your crystal bowl that
contains the mo-ey and well-wishes that people have sent in and
very carefully clean it. Do the numerology of each of the bills.
Take each one of the greetings and letters and reread them. And do
this by placing the bowl, once it's cleaned, in the birdbath. Do not
leave the crystal bowl there. Bring it in at night. You may take and
place one of those plastic caps over the bowl, or take the ceramic
turtle from the fish pond and use it for a weight. Turtle is good
And we would remind you here, Wayne and Kay, that the only way for
the turtle to move ahead is to stick its neck out. He goes nowhere
with his head inside his shell.

Question from a reader: In the U.S. we have this new gover-mental
organization called Homeland Sec-rity, which in actuality
distributes different degrees of fear based on their intelligence
to the population. Now they have escalated this to controlling the
passengers on airlines. When do you feel that the American Citizen
will realize the play of control the gov-rnment has in this Duality
Game and when will it end?

We have said previously that the nefarious schemes of those who
seek to control - and by control we mean total and absolute - will
come to nothing.
Now this does not mean that they will make no attempts, for they
will not leave their power behind quietly. The greatest ter-orist is
the one who preaches ter-or. He who professes to be Chri-tian must
learn to take the specks out of his own eye before he attempts to
remove the beam from the eye of a neighboring country. For this
individual is indeed of the energy field of the Commander-in-Chief
of the Conquistadors. This individual is in a position of power so
that he can show the world what he can do. The time is quickly
approaching when the world will show this Conquistadorian leader
what it can do. And we use the singular pronoun here because there
is but one world. Your Ch-istian bible teaches that all of you are
And more and more of you are beginning to band together in groups
wherein you are enabled to express your voice. The Internet is the
medium by which this is done. The Internet Parliament, Moveon.org,
Truthout.org, and there is now in place a global meditation group
that is praying for an Am-rican leader that will end wa-s and
replace the one they perceive to be a war-onger. There is only one
rel-gion, and it is global reli-ion, a mansion of many rooms, the
occupation of one room belonging to the Chris-ians. And as we have
said before numerous times, it will be over by the year 2007.

Question from a reader: I have in the past manifested things or
occurrences into the physical. There were three methods:
1. Using the Silva Method,
2. The request going up and through my crown,
3. Moving into a special state from an unpleasant or illogical
dream and making a request for something to happen.
My question is how do I get back to using these methods? At this
point in my life I can see where a lot of good could be brought
about for the common people of this planet by using such methods.
Of course, only when sp-rit agrees that such help would be
beneficial to the recipients.

Remember this, my friend, ye are the g-d; ye have the power and
authority; you choose the method and the system. The reason that you
have broken away from these methods is to give you time to
understand: it's not the method per se, but it's the way that you
invest your energy into any given method.
All methods are simply tools for you to use. In Kindergarten, you
used big, fat crayons. As you get older, you use colored pencils and
compasses and protractors to make your pictures.
Perhaps it is now time for you to reevaluate and do a composite
formation of all of these energy systems into a unified whole and
begin to teach from that standpoint that which you have learned.

Question from a reader in Australia: Our group of lightworkers
benefits greatly from Lady Kadjina's teachings. One of our members
helps s-uls pass over from the dark to the light. There are millions
of these sp-rits in limbo. Generally it is guilt that keeps them
there. At one of these sessions he claims to have received a
message from Lady Kadjina to also pass into the light. My question
is this: We know we have highly evolved beings on this plane helping
to raise consciousness. Do sp-ritual beings like Lady Kadjina also
co-exist on different planes at a lower vibration to be able to help

I, Lady Kadjina, am the high self of the one you know as Kay. We
are in oneness and not a light being separate and apart in the way
that perhaps one would channel Lord Michael. I am in every sense an
incarnate being with a physical being that I am using to get around
in. With this said, I would also add that Kay and I conjointly
astral travel to many different places and we have the ability to
show ourselves in lightbody formation to those who are willing to
receive us. And so, yes in this way we do give messages.
Now we have gone into Iran at the time of the recent earthquakes.
We have been to Afghanistan and Pakistan, to Nigeria and China,
and India, and many other places. Kay has meditation groups that
she leads in astral projection into these far distant places.
When someone d-es, such as in the earthquake, they are cast out
of their body; they are in their astral body. Kay and I conjointly
project our astral body to these so-ls who have di-d, and they are
caught up in a turmoil of emotions and confusion because of their
disruption so suddenly from the Earth plane. And so we go and we
gather up these tormented s-uls and lead them to safety. And there
are many lightworkers who do this. But I tell you of a truth, that
those out-of-body newly-departed sou-s, when they see the
lightworkers arrive, they perceive them according to the ways of
their reli-ion. They may see them as Jeh-vah or Allah, or one of
their forefathers. If they are open enough, they would see us as
we really are, but they would call us ang-ls - but in the fullness
we are not. And so, to this one who heard me speak, I would say
it is so.

Part 2.

John Winston. ***@mlode.com

Subject: The Passion Movie. Feb. 26, 2004.

Today I went to see the movie "Passion Of Christ" and found it
to be IMHO the best movie ever made. On the negative side,
yesterday the first day of the movie there was a woman who., while
watching the movie, passed out, was taken to hospital and died later
of unknown causes.

Paul Harvey, the radio commentator, said that during the first
day of showing the movie it brought in 20,000 dollars. He spent
50 million of his own money to make the movie. It is now said
that the movie is breaking all attendance records.

I enjoyed the movie and recommend it wholeheartedly to everyone
more than 10 years old.

I would like to thanks everyone who have helped to make this
movie a success.

John Winston. ***@mlode.com
Ben Hiel
2004-02-28 04:39:58 UTC
John F. Winston
2004-03-01 15:24:10 UTC
Now to respond to something.
Post by Ben Hiel
JW Noe that is funny.
