(too old to reply)
John F. Winston
2004-11-22 00:49:52 UTC
Part 4 of 4.


Q: ATS: OK the matrix asks a long question which I'll post in
full: After talking to many people that attended one of your
conferences, I've come to notice that a lot of them, before having
a deep discussion about the conference, remember and talk about
the "out there" feeling of the "Reptilian Agenda" part of the
conferences and have little to no recollection of the vast pool of
information you provided them before this part of the lecture
came up, where you explain the history and current day pol-tical,
symbolical and agenda related aspect of the entire consp-racy.
The history, symbolical and agenda aspect of the conspi-acy is
what is most easy to grasp and for people that can't 100%
liberate their mind (yet), the most important part to hear, to
start becoming aware of the situation the world is in on the 5
sense plain.
After discussing the lectures with them, they recollect all this
information again and start seeing the lecture differently and
learn to put aside what they think is out there (reptilian part)
and listen to the information you provide.
In my opinion its a pitty that by going to the reptilian part
you loose the ear of many people, whats your opinion on that?
Do you think there is a way to keep people from disregarding and
forgetting the wealth of information you provide before you come
to the reptilian part, because they can't grasp the level of the
reptilian agenda and infinite one'nes?
After listening and watch several of your conferences myself,
I've noticed, even during the conference, that there is a great
difference in interaction between you and the people listening
during those 2 parts.
During the history and agenda part, people are listening,
participating and truely show understanding for what is being
told to them.
Then during the reptilian agenda and infinite one'nes part, they
sit there totally stumped, silent and in disbelief of what they are
Sometimes when you tie in references to movies like The Matrix,
they seem to be able to follow again, but then get lost really
quickly once you continue with the reptilian part.
Are you aware of this and do you have any plans or idea's on
how to find a way around this?
A: David Icke: My talks have evolved as I have discovered more and
more information and I try to give an overall picture of the
situation on several different levels. I emphasize the five-sense
level for by far the longest part of the talks because that is
what people daily experience and can relate to.
But my agenda is set by the information I come across, not what I
believe people will think of it. My approach is here is some info,
make of it what you will because what people think of what I say is
none of my business. It is only theirs. Some people will except
some parts and not others. That's fine and as it should be. I am
not trying to convince anyone of anything, just give them a
perspective they will never get from mainstream sources. I have
now reached a point where I am going to change the emphasis as I
see what is most important to know.
Q: ATS: el_topo wishes to know, What is your opinion on why you
have not been stopped by those who you say are in power? Do you
feel that they are allowing you to continue because they assume
no one will believe you or do they have other motives for
allowing you to spread this information?
A: David Icke: They are trying to stop me on a number of fronts.
But they will not succeed, bless 'em.
Q: ATS: and also, What do you think has been the most important
event of the last five years regarding aliens/conspi-acy topics?
What do you think will be the event of the next 5 years?
A: David Icke: People waking up from their hypnotic trance.
Q: ATS: Weirdo asks, You come across as a person to everyday
people in a way that damages your credibility. If you changed
the way you promote yourself don`t you think people would believe
you more?
A: David Icke: I am me and I am not trying to be believed.
Q: ATS: Cloud asks, have there ever been any attempts on your
life, or any one who has been placed into your life to lead you
astray on your mission?
A: David Icke: I use my intuition with people and there have
been a number who have tried to come into my life that I have made
sure have nothing to do with me and my work. I also work alone on
the research and books and have no organization to infiltrate. I
have no knowledge of attempts on my life, but let us not forget
that there are other forces at work here also that want this
information out there.
Q: ATS: and also, have you heard of the item known as "orgone"?
some say it can be used to combat negative entities that surround
A: David Icke: This protection stuff is not something I get into
for reasons I am going to explain at length in my next book.
Q: ATS: phantompa-riot asks, What made you want to stop being a
commentator and become what you are today? Was it a gradual change
or almost overnight? How do you respond to all this scepticism?
A: David Icke: It was very fast as a result of some extraordinary
The first chapter of Tales from the Time Loop explains what
happened. It's a long story.
Q: ATS: Kriz-4 asks, David, The information you state on
bloodlines and historic ties, I find very interesting. I do not
doubt you know what you are talking about. I intend at some
point in my life to look into this.
However, for me as for many others the reptillian factor is a
hard to swallow idea. Just because it is hard to swallow does not
mean it is not the truth.
My question to you David is this: How have reptilian affected
you and the people you know? Have your relationships changed with
people close to you?
A: David Icke: We are affected by anything only to the extent
that we allow ourselves to be affected. We have the power to
decide our own destiny and experience, but we give that power
away all the time. My relationships have only been affected by the
changing perception of life, of myself, and those around me. I am
fortunate in that my wife, Pam, is on the same wavelength and
understands where I am going and why.
Q: ATS: parker asks, Courtney Br-wne and other remote viewers
describe a kind of governing body or "galactic federation style
council" That oversees territorys and claims other worlds have
on certain planets and species. Any hostile action taken by them
(the reptilians) towards Earth and its people, would be subject
to their approval or their intervention. Do you think this is the
case, have you heard of this council, and could they be effective if
the need arises?.
A: David Icke: I have heard these stories, but my own focus is to
go beyond the sub-plots, interesting and often true as they may be,
and identify what is behind all of them. I am working on that now
with the new book.
Q: ATS: Crustas asks, When will the human race be free?
A: David Icke: When it remembers that it already is.
Q: ATS: Are there any issues concerning your theories in relation
to the current global or national political events taking place
recently that you would like to tell our members about?
A: David Icke: When leaders tell you to look one way look the
Q: ATS: David I'd like to thank you on behalf of the membership
of abovetopsecret.com for taking the time to answer our questions.
I hope you can visit ATS from time to time. I wonder before you go
if you could let us all know what you're up to at present time
and about any projects you have in the pipeline?
A: David Icke: I am working on two new books, the first should
be out in February or March at the latest. Also, in the next few
weeks we are launching a new website network that includes a new
site, Ickematrix.com, that focuses on the illusory nature of
reality and how we can control the illusion instead of -- as now
-- the illusion controlling us. Oh yes, and watch for a movie
about the reptilian connection based on my books in which I appear
as myself. Details will be on my website when it is available.
It should be soon. -end-
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Part 4 of 4.

John Winston. ***@mlode.com
Mr. 4X
2004-11-22 23:33:57 UTC
Post by John F. Winston
Part 4 of 4.
Q: ATS: OK the matrix asks a long question which I'll post in
full: After talking to many people that attended one of your
conferences, I've come to notice that a lot of them, before having
a deep discussion about the conference, remember and talk about
the "out there" feeling of the "Reptilian Agenda" part of the
conferences and have little to no recollection of the vast pool of
information you provided them before this part of the lecture
came up, where you explain the history and current day pol-tical,
symbolical and agenda related aspect of the entire consp-racy.
The history, symbolical and agenda aspect of the conspi-acy is
what is most easy to grasp and for people that can't 100%
liberate their mind (yet), the most important part to hear, to
start becoming aware of the situation the world is in on the 5
sense plain.
After discussing the lectures with them, they recollect all this
information again and start seeing the lecture differently and
learn to put aside what they think is out there (reptilian part)
and listen to the information you provide.
In my opinion its a pitty that by going to the reptilian part
you loose the ear of many people, whats your opinion on that?
Do you think there is a way to keep people from disregarding and
forgetting the wealth of information you provide before you come
to the reptilian part, because they can't grasp the level of the
reptilian agenda and infinite one'nes?
After listening and watch several of your conferences myself,
I've noticed, even during the conference, that there is a great
difference in interaction between you and the people listening
during those 2 parts.
During the history and agenda part, people are listening,
participating and truely show understanding for what is being
told to them.
Then during the reptilian agenda and infinite one'nes part, they
sit there totally stumped, silent and in disbelief of what they are
Sometimes when you tie in references to movies like The Matrix,
you look like an idiot on drugs.
