(too old to reply)
John F. Winston
2004-11-09 00:09:02 UTC
Subject: Let's Hear It From D. Icke. Nov. 8, 2004.

We haven't heard much from David Icke lately so here is the
latest on him. If reading about Icke turns you purple with rage
then please don't read the following information.


From: D
Subject: Exclusive AboveTopSecret.com Community Interview with
David Icke.
Managed by ATS Discussion Board staff member, John bull 1
David Icke (pronounced "Ike") is a former Professional Soccer
player, journalist, network anchorman with the BBC, spokesman in
the 1980's for the British Green Party, and since 1990 a full time
investigator into who and what is really controlling the world.
Many have dubbed Icke as the "most controversial speaker" on the
planet. They used to laugh at him, but now they come in the
thousands to hear him speak all over the world.
He is the author of 14 books and among them are: And the Truth
Shall Set You Free, The Biggest Se-ret, Children of the Matrix,
Alice in Wonderland and The World Trade Center Disaster ~ why the
official story of 9/11 is a monumental l-e, and his latest book,
Tales from the Time Loop - The most comprehensive exposi of the
global conspiracy ever written and all you need to know to be
truly free.
For more information about David Icke and his theories and
beliefs please visit his website at : http://www.davidicke.com/
I'd also like to add a special thank you for Pamela for all her
help with this.

Q: ATS: David, first I'd like to welcome you to
abovetopsecret.com, I don't know if you've ever run across us
before on your cyber-travels:). I wonder if you could start by
giving us a brief overview of your theories for those who visit
here who may not be well acquainted with them?
A: David Icke: Being brief is not easy when there are layers
upon layers involved in the global cons-iracy, each connecting
with the others. At its most simple a network of interbreeding
bloodlines going back to the ancient world sit atop a pyramid of
global power. They control and manipulate the pol-tical system,
ban-ing, transnational corporations, media conglomerates, o-l
and pharmaceutical cartels, the legal system and all the areas
of society necessary to control the people. They are the force
behind the incessant centralisation of power in all areas of our
lives and they want a world go-ernment, central bank, currency and
a-my that would dictate to a micro-chipped population. We are moving
ever closer to this by the day. Oh yes, and the whole thing takes
place in the holographic version of a virtual reality game that we
call the 'world'. But that would take more space to explain than we
have here.
Q: ATS: And now for some questions from our members. A light one
to start with asked by Irma. "Who was the best striker to 'put one
past you' whilst you were at Coventry City?"
A: David Icke: They were all good or they wouldn't have scored!
Q: ATS: ZeddicusZulZorander asks, Having a very large consp-racy
community at ATS, is there any conspi-acies (other than reptoids)
that you are trying to find evidence of?
A: David Icke: My focus at the moment is on the virtual reality
game and I am going to explain what I have discovered in a new book
due out in the new year.
Basically the 'world' we think we are seeing 'around us' is an
illusion and this is the level at which the manipulation is really
taking place. Our bodies/brains are like computer terminals and the
'world' is a holographic 'Internet'. It's a fantastic story, but
makes total sense of the way the 'world' is run and structured.
Q: ATS: DontTreadOnMe writes, I'd like to hear Mr Icke's take on
the B-sh-Kerry election and the direction this election will take
our country. His ideas on the current economics, no matter who wins
the same force will be in control of us, and the financial
situation in the world.
A: David Icke: Bu-h and Kerry are two masks on the same face.
They are both initiates of the el-te Skull and Bones Society, a
major strand in the web of deceit in the Un-ted States. I hear
there are around 280 million people in America and the Skull and
Bones only initiates 15 Yale students a year. But through covert
manipulation two 'Bonesmen' are facing each other for the presidency.
In short, no matter who wins the farce of an election the same force
will be in control and only the rhetoric and presentation will
differ to give us the illusion of pol-tical choice.
Q: ATS: This was asked by a few members in different ways. This
was from earthtone: Thanks for taking the time to answer questions
David. Now, have you ever been contacted, harassed, or had your work
hindered in any way by agents of those you wish to expose? The
publicity your information has got, you would expect a struggle
against those who you claim control the media and everything else.
I know radio shows in the US and so forth were cancelled in the
US at one point (for example) but have you had any actual
interaction of any kind with the reptilian forces or those working
for them at any time?
A: David Icke: Yes, I have had some hassle and it is ongoing,
but nothing I can't handle. In terms of publicity it has largely
come through my books, talks and website, davidicke.com. The
mainstream media, when it has bothered to report what I say, has
always sought to discredit it without investigation or, most of the
time, even reading what they are seeking to trash.
Q: ATS: MKULTRA asks the writes, I've been a fan of Icke's work
for quite some time, and I'd like to know, How far along is the
Ill-minati on completing their 'control agenda' at this point in
time? I know you've mentioned that infinite love can counter this
agenda. Given the current state of the world's poli-icians (and
populations), are we already trapped inside the pri-on without the
bars? (i.e. is it too late for us to 'wake up' and achieve true
Are certain countries "lost"?
A: David Icke: I understand the question and I will be going into
this further in the new book because it relates to this whole
theme of us living an illusion while believing it to be real.
That's how they keep us in line. The Il-uminati want their global
fas-ist structure in place by 2012, but they seem to be behind
schedule. Whenever that happens they seek to increase the speed of
change by orchestrating major events that they blame on others
- like 9/11.
Look at how the agenda of control has moved on as a result of that
horrific day and the orchestrator was not Osama bin Laden, but the
force that has used it as the excuse to take away a stream of
freedoms. It is a technique I have dubbed problem-reaction-solution
- covertly create the problem, get the public to say "something
must be done," and then openly offer the solutions to the problems
you have covertly created. It works like a dream.
Q: ATS: Burke's Peerage clearly acknowledges that George W. B-sh
& John Kerry are distant cousins, both of whom are related to the
British royal family. Have you received shape-shifting reports of
either of these "oppo-same" presidential candidates? Is the US
population scre-ed either way?
A: David Icke: The Bu-h family is one of these 'Ill-minati'
'royal' bloodlines that go back to ancient times and these are
shapeshifters that can take either human or reptilian form. It's
all holographic trickery because everything, including the body, is
a hologram and not 'solid' as it appears to be. I have had many
reports of people seeing father Bus- shapeshift. As for Kerry, he
is said by Burkes Peerage to be more 'royal' in his bloodline than
any American president, so he's of the shapeshifter bloodline,
too. Only the bloodline gets into the Skull and Bones Society.
Kerry and B-sh are both related to the British royal family and
Vlad the Impaler ('Count Dracula'). Readers of my books will
understand the significance of this.
Q: ATS: Rumors have circulated about either an alien or human base
on the far side of the moon. Can you tell us any information about
what your research has uncovered regarding the existence and purpose
of a moon base?
A: David Icke: Don't know. I have heard these stories, but once
you realize we are living in a holographic virtual reality game what
is real anymore? Only what they can manipulate you to believe is
real. From this perspective there is a great deal more to know
before we can fully understand this whole extraterrestrial deal.
Q: ATS: Given the prevalence of "lapel pins" on televised
politicians lately, is this some sort of i-luminati symbol that
they are "hiding in plain sight"?
If so, what do you think these are communicating?
A: David Icke: No idea. These people are obsessed with symbolism,
that's all I can say.
Q: ATS: What kinds of major mili-ary actions can we expect the
ill-minati to initiate over the next few years? Is North Korean
leader Kim Jong Il acting out a significant part of the control
A: David Icke: The Illum-nati want a conflict between the Un-ted
States and China eventually. I have been told about this by insiders
and through other sources for many years now and first mentioned
this back in 1996. It is highly likely that the focus on North Korea
is a means through which they want to trigger this conflict. North
Korea has a border with China and many close connections. The
Illumi-ati also want control of the Middle East, including Iran,
and they are planning more 'terrorist outrages' to advance the
agenda and manipulate the people to concede to their plans.
Q: ATS: Sauron asks, a) "I would like to ask David to expand on
his beliefs about the street layout and design of Washington D.C.
in relation to the Illumina-i ?" and b) "What does he think of the
Obelisks in Washington, and the other in New York as to what they
really mean?"
A: David Icke: I go into this in detail in my books and there is
not enough space here to elaborate. But an obvious Illuminat-
symbol is the Statue of Liberty, which was given to New York by
French Freema-ons in Paris who knew what it really symbolized. It
is Queen Semiramis, also known as Ashtar (JW That would be the
masculine form of the name.), the go-dess of Babylon (now Iraq),
an ancient center for the Ill-minati.
Illu-inati/Babylonian symbolism is all around us and it is
designed to affect us subliminally and by the effect it has on the
energy field.

Part 1.

John Winston. ***@mlode.com
Steve O
2004-11-09 19:26:39 UTC
Post by John F. Winston
Subject: Let's Hear It From D. Icke. Nov. 8, 2004.
We haven't heard much from David Icke lately so here is the
latest on him. If reading about Icke turns you purple with rage
then please don't read the following information.
I checked out the site.
Icke seems to have become a major fruit loop magnet.
