Reiterations & Ruminations: The Tenerife Experiment and onwards to cognition with Dennis Mckenna!
(too old to reply)
2004-07-29 02:39:05 UTC
Reiterations & Ruminations
and the LMSAL/VSL Solar and Heliospheric Forecasts

***@webtrance.co.za (Schwann CyberShaman) wrote in message news:<***@news.mweb.co.za>...
<> Greetings,
<> Somewhere in the not too distant past I experienced some of the stuff
<> that you'll read about, and experience via a movie that I made in
<> Spain from footage taken at the IAC Observatory on Tenerife last
<> month.
<> Links to Tenerife Experiment are
<> http://www.travelblog.org/Bloggers/Schwann/
<> and
<> http://www.webtrance.co.za/Travelblog/chapter9_The_Tenerife_Experiment.htm
<> Onwards towards cognition, Dennis is scheduled to meet me next
<> week on the Costa Del Sol and after that we'll be heading for Ibiza,
<> legendary island stronghold of the Goddess Tanit. I may be too busy to
<> write for a while because I haven't yet grokked when we're going to do
<> the filming, and indeed, exactly what we're going to be filming, as I
<> have 6 hours of Terence at Rustlers in South Africa (1996) on audio
<> that I'm hoping Dennis can interact with. I'm planning to shoot Dennis
<> (Canon XM-2 MiniDV 3CCD cam and sennheisser mike in 16:9) on a
<> chromagreen background then transport him into a digital reality where
<> he'll interact with Terence. So, as you can imagine, there is no easy
<> way to predict what will happen!
<> best!
<> Schwann
<> www.webtrance.co.za/
<> www.webtrance.co.za/Travelblog

Terence Mckenna's "Incunabula & Obscuranta"

Latest Published Images <http://www.telescope.org/beta-images1.php>
from the Bradford Robotic Telescope at the Observatorio del Teide
8,000 feet up on the Island of Tenerife.

Ammonia on Mars could mean life

My Favorite Martians
A UFO Epistomology
by Erik Davis
[Originally published in the Voice Literary Supplement, February 1993]


... UFO literature, by drawing curious readers into bizarre
worldviews shored up with the language of evidence, shows
how our attitudes toward information structure our reality
and identity. Even if the UFO is bunk, it has become
modernity's great mythic mirror. The first "flying saucers"
were sighted in 1947 by Kenneth Arnold, in the year that
gave us the CIA and information theory, in the decade that
gave us TV, the Bomb, digital computers, and LSD. The UFO
is part of a package deal--a rumor of god stitched into
the dark web of our military-industrial-media complex.

Though habitually keeping a low profile, the visitors have
been pretty busy since '47. The UFO and its trickster crew
have crash-landed, pulled fly-bys, delivered messages of
doom and gnostic salvation, sucked bovine blood, conspired
with the Air Force, stolen embryos from Middle American
housewives, fucked Brazilian farmers silly, and rammed
anal probes into horror fiction writers. But though
millions believe, and many more are cautiously credulous,
the aliens remain beyond reach, in a netherworld of bad
films, paperbacks, and late-night testimonies. Sightings
haven't really made news since the '70s and, though
Whitley Streiber's 1987 Communion ruled the charts, the
UFO seems almost quaint in our cyberpunk world, a cosmic
VW bug in the weedy back yard of modernity.

But the UFO has not waned so much as gone within, into
the body, into the mind, into the dream of identity.
Thousands of abductees, seeking to ease the psychic
trauma of being dragged onto spaceships and physically
abused by aliens, have solidified a sub-culture that's
far more 12 Step than Star Trek. Conspiracy theorists
weave UFOs into their insidious webs of government plots,
while channeled ET info has evolved into the New Age's
most speculative edge. And after years of cranky pursuits
for the "nuts and bolts" that will prove the existence of
material extraterrestrial spacecraft, some ufologists are
turning towards a subtler engagement of the alien as
radical mythic enigma. [...]

Rare Earth hypothesis

Giant Impact Theory

"It was as if Usama bin Laden hidden in some high
mountain redoubt, were engaging in long-range mind
control of George Bush, chanting 'invade Iraq, you
must invade Iraq.'"
p. 246 "Against All Enemies," Richard A. Clarke

"When the landscape of the open adaptive complex system
is locally macro-quantum with presponse signal nonlocality,
that landscape is a conscious mind field."
--J. S. Cadet

"The Universe is a self-excited
circuit of Observer-Participators."
John Archibald Wheeler

Teaching Torture: Congress Quietly Keeps
School of the Americas Alive
By Doug Ireland

Soul R&R


U. G. Krishnamurti

Petroleum World!

"You are the stillness that is eternally awake."
Antoinette Roberson [Gangaji]

"In any life, essential questions emerge that
demand answers. The answers determine the course
of your life for good or for ill. Now I pose this
essential question to you: What do you really want?"
Elliot Jay Zeldow [Eli Jaxon-Bear]

Ancient Script FRACTAL: The Hollow Knots

<> The Binary Soul Doctrine ... www.divisiontheory.com
<> ******************************************
<> Jaynes' seminal work, The Origin of Consciousness
<> in the Breakdown of the Bicameral Mind, postulates
<> that a profoundly important change took place in
<> the nature of human consciousness around 2500 BC.
<> [Ken] Wilber's four-quadrant system reflects a pattern
<> familiar to cultures across the globe; the famous
<> psychoanalytical pioneer Carl Jung discovered that
<> maps depicting a four-part reality have been drawn
<> as mandalas all over the world. The similarities
<> between these various four-part depictions of
<> reality are quite astounding, and all seem to
<> reiterate the idea that the universe is a unity
<> comprised of four fundamental components.
<> http://www.geocities.com/Athens/Forum/6696/
<> http://danielaberghof/sjamanism.com

Quad-Four ^ 21st Century Four-Mouthed Wormhole Hieroglyphic
Lost Rune Tarot

"Alone of the Valar do I exist apart from him,
hence can do so. And so I tell you this:
He is not cruel, any more than he is benevolent.
He is a force of indifference and hazard in this
universe, and what appears here upon Arda is the
result of that and no more. That is the truth
and the curse of this world: that it is bereft
of purpose. It is merely here, and it continues
as its patterns, and accident, and the force of
contesting wills press it. Finally, as all
energy upon it is drawn inexorably out into the
cosmos from whence it was fashioned, it will
grow cold, and go out." --Melkor [Pg 25],
The Second Scroll - Sauron to Pallando.
Morlindale: The Song of Illuminate Darkness
by Michael A. Aquino (©2003)

<> ...And speaking of M E A T !
<> - - - --==|o)!

Mechanical Engineering Faculty
Stuart Wilkinson, Ph.D.

On the other hand:

In: "D I V I S I O N T H E O R Y
Peter Novak <***@DivisionTheory.com> writes:


"... People often react very negatively to the idea
that we are double beings, that the human soul is
binary in nature. It rarely occurs to them that this
is just the reaction one would expect if the soul
was bifurcated. To be dual, after all, is to be
duplicitous and double-dealing. To have two parts to
the self makes it possible for one hand not to know
what the other is doing. It paves the way for
violated integrity, unintentional falsehood,
self-betrayal, and self-deception.

"Plus, it just seems odd. Why do we have two souls?

"Perhaps the answer is as simple as this : because
that's the way everything is made -- with two parts,
two equal-but-opposite complimentary components..."
CONT... http://www.divisiontheory.com/

See also:

"Innumerable suns exist; innumerable earths revolve
around these suns in a manner similar to the way
the seven planets revolve around our sun.
Living beings inhabit these worlds."
Giordano Bruno, 1584

Brane Worlds, the Subanthropic Principle and the
Undetectability Conjecture by Beatriz Gato-Rivera

CIA MK-ULTRA's ... D i S n E y L a N d !
Dr. Hubertus Strughold, Randolph Air Force Base [...]
"... This original group included Hubertus Strughold, M.D.,
Ph. D., who had been director of Aeromedical Research Inst.,
Berlin, Germany: Dr. Heinz Haber, who later became chief
science consultant for Walt Disney Productions; Dr. Fritz
Haber, who designed the sealed cabin for use at Randolph
AFB, and later was associated with Avco Manufacturing Corp.:
and Dr. Konrad Johannes Karl Buettner, a bioclimatologist
from Westendorf, Germany, who later was associated with the
Boeing Co. The group was joined subsequently by Dr. Hans
Georg Clamann, who became research physiologist at the
school, and by Dr. Siegfried Gerathewohl, who had been
chief of the Psychological Testing Center of the German Air
Force during World War II. Gerathewohl later joined NASA."

The Search for the Manchurian Candidate
John Marks
8. Brainwashing
... The impotency of brainwashing techniques left the Agency
in a difficult spot when Yuri Nosenko defected to the United
States in February 1964. A ranking official of the Soviet KGB,
Nosenko brought with him stunning information. He said the
Russians had bugged the American embassy in Moscow, which
turned out to be true. He named some Russian agents in the
West. And he said that he had personally inspected the KGB
file of Lee Harvey Oswald, who only a few months earlier had
been murdered before he could be brought to trial for the
assassination of President Kennedy. Nosenko said he learned
that the KGB had had no interest in Oswald.
Was Nosenko telling the truth, or was he a KGB "plant"
sent to throw the United States off track about Oswald? Was
his information about penetration correct, or was Nosenko
himself the penetration? Was he acting in good faith? Were the
men within the CIA who believed he was acting in good faith
themselves acting in good faith? These and a thousand other
questions made up the classical trick deck for spies--each
card having "true" on one side and "false" on the other.
Top CIA officials felt a desperate need to resolve the
issue of Nosenko's legitimacy. With numerous Agency
counterintelligence operations hanging in the balance,
Richard Helms, first as Deputy Director and then as Director,
allowed CIA operators to work Nosenko over with the
interrogation method in which Helms apparently had the most
faith. It turned out to be not any truth serum or electroshock
depatterning program or anything else from the Agency's
brainwashing search.
Helms had Nosenko put through the tried-and-true Soviet
method: isolate the prisoner, deaden his senses, break him.
For more than three years--1,277 days, to be exact--Agency
officers kept Nosenko in solitary confinement. As if they
were using the Hinkle-Wolff study as their instruction manual
and the Cardinal Mindszenty case as their success story,
the CIA men had guards watch over Nosenko day and night,
giving him not a moment of privacy. A light bulb burned
continuously in his cell. He was allowed nothing to read--not
even the labels on toothpaste boxes. When he tried to distract
himself by making a chess set from pieces of lint in his cell,
the guards discovered his game and swept the area clean.
Nosenko had no window, and he was eventually put in a specially
built 12' X 12' steel bank vault.
Nosenko broke down. He hallucinated. He talked his head off
to his interrogators, who questioned him for 292 days, often
while they had him strapped into a lie detector. If he told the
truth, they did not believe him. While the Soviets and Chinese
had shown that they could make a man admit anything, the CIA
interrogators apparently lacked a clear idea of exactly what
they wanted Nosenko to confess. When it was all over and Richard
Helms ordered Nosenko freed after three and a half years of
illegal detention, some key Agency officers still believed he
was a KGB plant. Others thought he was on the level. Thus the big
questions remained unresolved, and to this day, CIA men--past and
present--are bitterly split over who Nosenko really is. ...

Going Up
Self-assembling nanotubes bring the impossible
dream of space elevators down to Earth.
Illustrations by Paul DiMare

"... With the discovery of carbon nanotubes and their remarkable
strength properties, the time for the space elevator is at hand."

Crawling to space:
Loading Image...

"... [N]ew work in China that suggests carbon nanotubes
can be fused together, without need of a matrix material."

Space Elevator, Nanotubes

Dark Matter, Extra Dimensions Related And Possibly Detectable

Frequency Modulated Waveform ^ Weird Intelligence™

"When a man is born, whoever he may be,
there is born simultaneously a debt to
the Gods, to the sages, to the ancestors
and to men." Shukla Yajur Veda

23..........On Death
"From the Absolute standpoint, your
beingness is only ignorance."
The Feeling of What Happens
by Antonio Damasio
Review by Jared C. Miller

Stuart Hameroff's Home Page:

The Elegant Universe homepage

"The Religious Experience of Philip K. Dick" by R. Crumb

by Eckhart Tolle
... It is finding your true nature beyond
name and form. The inability to feel this connectedness
gives rise to the illusion of separation, from yourself
and from the world around you. You then perceive yourself,
consciously or unconsciously, as an isolated fragment.
Fear arises, and conflict within and without becomes
the norm. ...
-- Eckhart Tolle http://www.eckharttolle.com/

Adi Da Samraj wrote:
Yes! There is no religion, no Way of God, no Way of Divine
Realization, no Way of Enlightenment, and no Way of
Liberation that is Higher or Greater than Truth Itself.
.... Therefore, Reality (Itself) Is Truth,
and Reality (Itself) Is the Only Truth.
-- Adi Da Samraj, a.k.a. "Bubba Free John",
a.k.a. "Da Free John", a.k.a. "Da Kalki",
a.k.a. "the Ruchira Avatar, Adi Da Love-Ananda Samraj",
a.k.a. "Franklin Jones"

Ram Dass <***@aol.com> wrote:
Let me share with you this little model I've worked out
about who we are as human beings. I call it the
"Three-Plane Consciousness Model." If I were to take a
picture of who I see you to be, the picture would show
three "I's" ---three different levels of who you are,
planes on which you have an identity.
Number One is what I call ego, that's the "I" we all
know very well, the plane of the body, mind, and
personality; of all those things we think we are.
Number Two I call the soul; the soul measures time not
in days and years but in incarnations, and it's the "I"
that was around before we as egos were born and that
will be around after we as egos die.
And Number Three is ... just Number Three. We all have
different names for it, and wars are fought over what
to call it, so I avoid all that by just calling it
Number Three.
I see our task as learning to live on more than one of
those planes simultaneously, experiencing ourselves as
egos and souls at the same time. And since "you gotta
be one to see one," once we are resting in our souls,
then we will see others as souls as well. Then when we
look into another person's we'll say, "Are you in there?
I'm in here. Far out!"
When we are able to look behind even that identity as
soul, we'll see that we have still another identity
because we are also Number Three.
That's the mystic "I," because in Number Three there's
actually only one of us. Your Number Three isn't merely
like my Number Three---They're the same thing.
-- Baba Ram Das, a.k.a. Richard Alpert

Committee for Surrealist Investigation of Claims of the Normal
[ CSICON ] http://www.rawilson.com/csicon.shtml

Uppaluri Gopala Krishnamurti (Born 9 July 1918)
Part One [Excerpt]
U.G. Krishnamurti
People call me an 'enlightened man' -- I detest that term -- they
can't find any other word to describe the way I am functioning.
At the same time, I point out that there is no such thing as
enlightenment at all. I say that because all my life I've searched
and wanted to be an enlightened man, and I discovered that there
is no such thing as enlightenment at all, and so the question
whether a particular person is enlightened or not doesn't arise...

The Archetype and the Beast '98
Disingenuous Demagogues Deteriorate Daily
All Politicians are Demagogues, yet not all
Demagogues are Politicians...

Brewster, Jennings & Associates

Sagittarius assimilated by OUR Milky Way:
"Resistence Is Futile!"

* The Feeling of What Happens
by Antonio Damasio

Review by Jared C. Miller

Constraining the Topology of the Universe

"By the year 2025, Earth could lose as many
as one fifth of all species known to exist
today. In recent centuries, hundreds of
species have disappeared, almost always
as a result of human activities."

What our Dreams Tell Us
Do our dreams give us messages from our bodies about health problems
we may not be aware of? The ancient Greeks thought that dreams
contained information that could be used to diagnose disease. With
some diseases, specific dreams are more likely to occur; however,
people who have the most severe cases of these diseases often say
they don't dream at all.

Dr. Trisha Macnair
writes in <http://www.bbc.co.uk/health/features/dreams_illness.shtml>
that men with heart problems often dream about death and dying, while
female heart patients dream of separation. Migraine sufferers have
dreams containing extreme fears (perhaps because they fear the onset
of another headache). People whose brain scans show signs of dementia
or brain shrinkage often dream about losing something, especially
money or food (ie. something essential).

Victims of stroke, epilepsy or Parkinson's disease have noted changes
in the amount of time they spend dreaming and in the quality of their
dreams, which have fewer visual images. They're also less able to
remember their dreams. People with high blood pressure have dreams
filled with hostility (one of the causes of their problem?)

Patients with narcolepsy, who find it hard to stay awake, dream
about strange and frightening events. People under the influence
of alcohol and drugs (including sedatives and antidepressants)
have nightmares when the drugs are stopped. Asthma patients have
very emotional dreams, perhaps because not being able to breathe
is such an emotional experience.

People with psychosomatic illnesses (who tend to "think" they're
sick when they're not) have dreams filled with aggression, fear
and helplessness, which are probably the underlying causes of
this condition.

Dreams occur during REM (Rapid Eye Movement) sleep. This is when
the brain is most active and our sleep is the deepest. People who
are deprived of REM sleep don't feel as if they've slept enough.
It occurs roughly every hour to 1½ hours, several times a night.
REM is tied to bodily changes in temperature, pulse rate, and
blood pressure, so the dreams that are produced can actually set
off heart attacks, migraine and asthma attacks. In South East
Asia there is a rare disorder where men die mysteriously in their
sleep, called Pok-Kuri, which may be caused by abnormal heart
rhythms during REM sleep.

T h e Y e z i d i s o f K u r d i s t a n

EARTHlights (by NASA):
Loading Image...

"We're like a few bacteria
waiting for the next flush."
-- Peter Prehn

"Does a glacier hold the secret of how
civilization began--and how it may end?"
See also: North Greenland Ice core Project (NGRIP)

VOLUNTEERS NEEDED For 180 Light Year Round Trip Excursion!
[Estimated time of departure & arrival still under technical review]

Scientists Discover Planetary System Similar to Our Own:

** E c k h a r t T o l l e

Stillness Speaks:

When you lose touch with inner stillness, you
lose touch with yourself. When you lose touch
with yourself, you lose yourself in the world.

Your innermost sense of self, of who you are,
is inseparable from stillness. This is the I Am
that is deeper than name and form.
Nothing that comes and goes is you.

"I am bored." Who knows this?
"I am angry, sad, afraid." Who knows this?
You are the knowing, not the condition that is known.
E c k h a r t T o l l e

There are three major subatomic particles.
a. Electrons, e^1-
b. Protons, p^1+
c. Neutrons, n^o

"The three flavors of quarks--up, down and strange--would
also come in three different colors--red, white, and blue.
[...] http://tinyurl.com/4gvm7

"In the 19th century, Mendeleev's classification of the known
chemical elements led to the prediction of the existence and
some of the properties of new elements, and was later explained
by the electron-nucleus structure of atoms.


More about the 2MASS Project

Abraxas ^ Ponders Final Extinction

"... Psychological Operations specialists know that it is the conscious
mind which must be reached for opinion or behavior modification, and
that it is reached reliably and predictably through the normal
communicative senses. Similarly the mind expresses itself through these
same senses, and through media technology we have developed a multitude
of ways to amplify and transmit such expressions. Communication between
minds is no longer the problem; it is the content of that communication
and the ethics underlying it which challenge us, particularly as old
nation-state, ethnic, cultural, and social standards continue to mutate
in this final decade of the 20th century."
[] From: "Project Star Gate": $20 Million Up in Smoke (and Mirrors)
by Michael A. Aquino, Ph.D.
Lt. Colonel, Military Intelligence, USAR-Ret.
[See URL: <http://www.xeper.org/maquino/index.html>]

"Remote Viewing is a perceptual skill that enables an individual
to acquire and describe information about people, objects,
places, or events." http://www.monroeinstitute.org

Descartes' Error: Emotion, Reason, and the Human Brain
by Antonio R. Damasio
Avon Books - New York, 1994
Review of Descartes' Error by students in Neural and Behavior
Sciences, Bryn Mawr and Haverford Colleges

"The number one killer in the world today is not cancer
or heart disease; it is repression. There is almost no
disease, mental or physical, without repression.
Repression is the hidden force behind illness".
-- A. Janov

"There is one neurosis -
many manifestations -
and one cure... feeling".

"Feeling pain is the end of suffering".
-- Dr. Arthur Janov From: www.primaltherapy.com
The first brain level to evolve, which I call
"first-line consciousness," is the instinctive
level. Largely located in the brainstem and
hypothalamus, it regulates vital functions.

The limbic system is the seat of the emotional
"second-line consciousness," where our feelings
reside. It is mediated by the brain's limbic
system and temporal lobe.

On the "third line" or cortical level, we reason
and develop ideas, integrating the input from the
two lower levels, providing the meaning of experience.
See also Paul Maclean's Triune Brain


Petroleum World!

2004-07-29 04:42:04 UTC
Post by OutreZoneD
The first "flying saucers"
were sighted in 1947 by Kenneth Arnold,
Weird airships had been seen in the US for at least a hundred years before
Post by OutreZoneD
in the year that
gave us the CIA and information theory,
Shannon didn't publish that until 1948.
Post by OutreZoneD
in the decade that
gave us TV, the Bomb, digital computers, and LSD.
TV was invented by John Logie Baird in October, 1925.

LSD was discovered in 1943. "At home, I lay down and sank into a not
unpleasant delirium..."
Post by OutreZoneD
is part of a package deal--a rumor of god stitched into
the dark web of our military-industrial-media complex.
It's just swamp gas. Nothing to see here, citizen.
``The nuclear bomb, does that bother you?...I just want you to think big,
Henry, for Christsakes.'' -- R.M. Nixon