Directions to Get Me Fixed Up.
(too old to reply)
John F. Winston
2004-09-09 00:15:58 UTC
Subject: Directions To Get Me Fixed Up. Sept. 8, 2004.

Here is my letter to Jacques requesting for him to ask
the space people to correct a problem I have and then his
answer and instructions back to me.


To: ***@nbnet.nb.ca
Dear Jacques. I changed my mind and decided to send you
a picture of myself through my other computer system.
My main problem is that I got out in the Chemtrails and
came down with upper chest congestion causing me to have
heart failure. I now have a pacemaker, defibuator
installed to my heart.
I live at 21437 American River Drive,
Sonora, Calif. 95370
Sonora is about 110 miles due East of San Francisco.
I live about 9 miles East of Sonora, Calif. in a housing
community called Crystal Falls.
It is on the junction of Tamilpias Court and American
River Drive.
It is about 1000 feet south of a horse riding stable.
There is an outboard motor boat in front of my house. I
live in a two story house with three cars in front of it.
John Winston.


Subject: Directions For Healing. Sept. 8, 2004.

Hear are some directions I got from Jacques to get me
fixed up.


From: Jacques Arongaus <***@nbnet.nb.ca>
Subject: Healing on September 12.
Dear Brother John,
I finally found some time to write to you in more detail
about your healing.
In the first place, I'm being inspired right now to tell
you that since that you have a pacemaker already installed
in your heart, it can stay in there for the time being but
a treatment will be delivered to you on September 12, 2002.
Judging by your photo and your condition, brisk walking
is out of question but a regular walk out in the open
whenever the weather conditions are good, is extremely
advisable as well as a positive mind attitude in relation
to your recovery.
I've been told that you already had a pre-condition prior
to the exposure to the noxious chemtrail, (JW That turns
out to be true.) it acted as a trigger to your present
It will be a great pleasure to help you in any way as
Since that healing is a simbiotic relationship with your
own mind, the Spiritual World, the Aliens and the Healer,
the process will start with yourself. From now on, during
the treatment and after, you will have to mobilize your
own conscious healing abilities, as we all have it. This
will facilitate any external help sent your way.
Follows below, instructions on how to proceed for the
healing and generic tips.
On September 12, we will have a healing session between
3:00 and 4:00 p.m. Atlantic Standard Time or 2:00 to 3:00
p.m.EST or 1:00 to 2:00 p.m. CST or 12:00 to 13:00 MST or
11:00 to 12:00 PST.
The procedure for the healing is:
Make yourself comfortable in a room where you will not
be disturbed, warn your folks not to interrupt you and to
keep the house quiet. If you know someone like minded and
wish to have this person(s) to make you company and help
with the healing during the event, it would be very
While preferably laying or sitting on an inclined chair,
visualize a powerful white light beam entering your crown
chakra and leaving through the sole of your feet.
Direct your thought to the Starfleet Communication
Center, identify Yourself, mention that we have arranged
this healing and that you are waiting for it.
Concentrate on your healing and visualize yourself
healthy and with your whole body being perfect. Make sure
to address all of your problems during the process, since
that this is an interactive process. You can of course,
evoke your Guardian Angel and whomever you are familiar
Anything interesting that you see or hear during the
event I would like to know, excluding of course, any info
that you judge not appropriate for me to know.
Some times, more than 1 treatment is necessary, I'll let
you know.
In the mean time, I have some simple recommendations
that will be beneficial to you, that decrease all of your
- Eliminate from your diet - Milk, coffee cream, both
dairy and non dairy;
- Do not eat more that twice a week 1 serving of cheese;
- Cut to almost nothing the consumption of eggs and
poultry, and do not consume them on the same days that
the dairy is consumed, preferably 2 days apart.
- Start eating a diet of mostly vegetables, preferably
fresh, frozen is acceptable but not all of the time. Eat
squash, turnips, carrots, cauliflower, broccoli, green
beans, snap beans, wax beans, lettuce, collard greens,
kale, eggplant etc - Preferably all organically grown;
- Eliminate the consumption of canned and processed
food, although you can use sauces and canned fish;
- Drink lots of water, as much as possible, make sure
that it is not chlorinated and not POP;
- Do not consume anything with artificial sweeteners.
Use little sugar or nothing or use a natural sweetener
made out of Stevia which is a plant 50 times sweeter than
sugar. Honey is also good with moderation.
- If you consume cereal in the morning, replace the
milk with fruit juice - sounds crazy? Try it, you will
love it.
- Start consuming lots of fruits, both citrus and non
citrus. Eat lots of apples, pears, bananas, tangerines,
oranges, papaya, grapes, preferably all organically grown.
- Take strolls around your neighborhood at least once
a day, taking deep breaths throughout.
- Remember to breath deeply during the day.
Remember to to ask for help as much as possible to
higher realms, either your Guardian Angels, E.Ts, Ascended
Masters, AA Michael or whomever you prefer.
If the weather permits, sit on a bench outdoors under a
beautiful tree ( if the weather is cold or bad, do it in
your own living room ), project your love to Mother Earth
towards the ground and visualize roots coming out from the
base of your spine cords and going deeply into the ground.
Then visualize a powerful beam of light coming from the sky
getting through your head and leaving the tips of the above
mentioned roots.
This will establish a powerful cleansing action that will
magnify your healings.
Before ending each of this sessions, visualize as if it
is your reality of now, that the whole world is free from
oppression and a total brotherhood of all persons on Earth
is a reality. This exercise should take at least 15 minutes
but the more the better or for as long as you feel
Do not wait for after the healing date, start today or
as soon as possible.
The benefits will start to be felt within 2 to 3 days.
Love and Peace,
Jacques Arongaus
New Brunswick

John Winston. ***@mlode.com
Bob Chipeska
2004-09-09 01:30:56 UTC
Post by John F. Winston
Subject: Directions To Get Me Fixed Up. Sept. 8, 2004.
Here is my letter to Jacques requesting for him to ask
the space people to correct a problem I have and then his
answer and instructions back to me.
Dear Jacques. I changed my mind and decided to send you
a picture of myself through my other computer system.
My main problem is that I got out in the Chemtrails and
came down with upper chest congestion causing me to have
heart failure. I now have a pacemaker, defibuator
installed to my heart.
I live at <snip>,
Sonora, Calif. 95370
Sonora is about 110 miles due East of San Francisco.
John, I am sorry to hear about your heart problems, but it really is not a
good idea to post your address on Usenet.
