space exploration $$$
(too old to reply)
2004-01-21 12:46:45 UTC
Class: Manned.
Type: Lunar Base.
Nation: China.

Beyond the initial Project 921 programmes for development of a manned
earth orbit capability, Chinese scientists began talking during the
course of 2000 of more ambitious plans for a lunar base. At Expo 2000
at Hannover the centre piece of the Chinese pavilion was a display of
two Chinese astronauts planting the flag of the People's Republic on
the lunar surface. On October 4, 2000 Associated Press reported that
Zhuang Fenggan, vice chairman of the China Association of Sciences,
declared that one day the Chinese would create a permanent lunar base
with the intent of mining the lunar soil for Helium-3 (to fuel nuclear
fusion plants on Earth). On October 13, 2000, Xinhua News Agency
reported a more definite timetable. These seemed to be the dreams of
academics rather than a definite funded programme, but at least
indicated the expected course of development during the 21st
('Chinese') Century:

Chinese astronauts would begin landings on the moon in
2005. An initial lunar station would be built up with
pressurised modules, electrical generators, and roving
The station would be completed by 2010, allowing stays
of several weeks for extended science experiments.
Beginning in 2015, construction of a small permanent
Moon base would begin. The objective would be for a
self-sufficient lunar base to be in operation by 2020.
This would be a bridgehead for construction of a network
of solar power generating plants. The power would be
transmitted back to Earth via microwave to meet Chinese
power needs without adding to earth greenhouse gases.
The base would also process the lunar regolith for metals
and gases needed to support the base. The natural high
vacuum would be used for research and production of new
materials for export to Earth.

There was no funding for lunar projects in the ten-year space plan
approved in 2001. By July 2001 a Chinese aerospace magazine indicated
that Chinese scientists had drafted a much more modest four-phase
long term plan.

Phase 1, by 2005: Lunar flyby or orbiting satellite missions,
perhaps using the DFH-3 bus.
Phase 2, by 2010: unmanned soft-landing missions.
Phase 3, by 2020: Robotic exploration using surface rovers.
Phase 4, by 2030: Lunar sample return missions.

Only after 2030 would manned flights and construction of a lunar base begin.

The Shenzhou manned spacecraft provides the Chinese with the required
hardware to pursue a lunar program whenever they make the decision to go.
The configuration of the re-entry capsule of the Shenzhou is the same
as that of the Russian Soyuz. This was designed and flight qualified in
the 1960's specifically for return to the earth from the moon. Using proven
Chinese Lox/LH2 technology, a lunar-lander using the Shenzhou spacecraft
could have a mass of under 40 tonnes. A Lox/LH2 stage of the about the same
size would be required to propel it toward the moon.

Launch of such payloads into low earth orbit would be within the capability
of an upgraded version of the CZ-5-5.0 booster using 8 x 3.35 m diameter
strap-ons. This could be available as early as 2010. Two such launches of
a CZ-5-5.0 - one of the lunar injection stage, and one of a Shenzhou-derived
lunar lander - could place the necessary payload into earth orbit.
After docking with the booster stage, the Shenzhou would be boosted to a
direct landing on the moon. The direct landing approach was shown in Russian
studies of the 1970's to be the most practical method for emplacment and
support of a lunar base (since lunar orbit rendezvous methods restrict
possible base locations to a narrow band around the lunar equator).

A lunar landing stage developed for a Shenzhou-derived return vehicle
could also be used on a one-way trip to place moon base payloads of
about 11 tonnes on the lunar surface. The breakdown of such a vehicle
(using Lox/LH2 propellants with a specific impulse of 460 seconds in
all stages) would be as follows:

Trans-lunar injection stage: This would have a gross mass
of 39 tonnes at ignition, an empty mass of 4 tonnes, and a
specific impulse of 460 seconds. It would place the Shenzhou
lander into a highly elliptical orbit around the earth.
It would use the 40 tonne thrust engine planned for the CZ-5 family.
Shenzhou-derived direct lunar lander, total mass 39 tonnes.
This would consist of:

Lunar landing stage, 28 tonnes gross / 4.5 tonnes empty (including landing
gear). This would land the spacecraft on the lunar surface and form the
launching platform for the return spacecraft.
Shenzhou-derived return spacecraft / ascent stage,
11 tonnes gross / 5.5 tonnes empty.
This would consist of a 1 tonne orbital module (adopted for use as
a cockpit for the crew during the landing manoeuvre), the 3 tonne
Shenzhou re-entry module (for 2 to 3 crew) and a modified service
module (7 tonnes including 5.5 tonnes of propellants).

This would be a marginal design - a more robust concept using two 39 tonne
boost stages and a 39 tonne lander could deliver a 16 tonne payload to the
surface or use the existing storable propellant engines in the Shenzhou
return stage.

Total Mass: 40,000 kg.

Chinese Lunar Base Chronology

21 March 1998 China to Launch Lunar and Mars Probes

"China will actively participate in deep space exploration during the
21st century," said Mr Yuan Jiajun, vice-president of the Chinese Academy
of Space Technology. China also planned to launch two astrophysical
satellites into low earth orbit, one in equatorial orbit and another in
polar orbit.

22 October 1999 China Plans Exploration of Moon and Mars in 21st Century

A national conference of space scientists held in southern Beihai, Guangxi,
said that the Moon and Mars were the 'two big targets' for the country's
space programme in the 21st century. Ye Zili, the China Space Science
Association's General Secretary, said that dozens of plans and proposals
for the two projects had been put forward. However no substantial government
funding for such projects was to be available in the immediate future.

19 October 2000 No immediate Chinese lunar landing plans

Chinese scientists clarifed that their space robotics research was purely
academic and that there was no officially authorised Chinese lunar
landing program.

24 July 2001 Chinese Lunar Exploration Plan

A Chinese aerospace magazine indicated that Chinese scientists had drafted
a four-phase long term plan.

Phase 1, by 2005: Lunar flyby or orbiting satellite missions,
perhaps using the DFH-3 bus.
Phase 2, by 2010: unmanned soft-landing missions.
Phase 3, by 2020: Robotic exploration using surface rovers.
Phase 4, by 2030: Lunar sample return missions.

Only after 2030 would manned flights and construction of a lunar base begin.


Chen Lan, Dragon in Space, Web Address when accessed:
Xinhua News Agency, "Press dispatches",
Web Address when accessed: http://xinhua.org/.
Mansfield, Simon, editor, Space Daily,
Web Address when accessed: http://www.spacedaily.com/.

Hi again,
had no desire to write treatise now but I have just read a passionate
letter from a sci.skeptic called "Polar Star" or "Daniel Joseph Min"
Or maybe this latest Mars hype is all about finally accomplishing
something that was promised (faked:)
Anne, someone told Dubya that there is oil on Mars
Allen Telescope Array
Recent Cassini images of Jupiter
What is the Kepler Mission?
It is a special purpose space mission in the NASA Headquarters
Discovery Program [<http://discovery.nasa.gov/>] for detecting
terrestrial planets, that is, rocky and Earth-size, around
other stars.... http://www.kepler.arc.nasa.gov/
CHINA's Space Tracking, Telemetry and Command Network
Beijing Aerospace Command and Control Centre (BACC)
Beijing Aerospace Command and Control Centre (BACC)
is a space flight command and control facility specially
built for China's national manned space flight programme
(Project 921). Located in the southwest suburbs of
Beijing, the BACC is part of the "Aerospace City" which
comprises several R&D institutes and test laboratories.
The construction work began in 1994 and the main body of
the facility was commissioned around 1997.
Phase I construction was completed of the new,
large-scale Beijing Space Technology Research and
Test Center, located in Tangjialing, northwest of
Beijing. The center occupied 100 hectares and
construction was begun in October 1994. The largest
space center in China included spacecraft integration
hangars, space environment and vibration test facilities,
and a series of laboratories.
Xi'an Satellite Monitor and Control Centre (XSCC)
- Base 26
Xian Satellite Monitor and Control Center (XSCC), also
known as Base 26, is located at Weinan, some 60 km
northeast of Xi'an City. The XSCC is the primary satellite
control facility in China. Among its responsibilities are
the recoveries of retrievable imagery intelligence
satellite which are commanded to return to Chinese
territory. A Peoples Liberation Army unit carries out the
recovery tasks at the Recovery Measuring Station at the
Xi'an Centre.
Changchun Tracking Station
Changchun Tracking Station is the only space tracking
station located in the northeast region of China mainland.
In January 1983 Changchun Station successfully forecasted
the crash area of the Soviet Cosmo-1402 nuclear powered
reconnaissance satellite which lost control few days before.
Khashi Tracking Station
Khashi Tracking Station was commissioned in the 1960s as
one of China's earliest space tracking facilities.
Nanning Tracking Station
Naning Tracking Station was built in 1967. It is China's
first tracking station that joins international space
tracking networks. The station was used to provide tracking
services to several European launches.
Qingdao Tracking Station
Qingdao Tracking Station was built in the early 1990s mainly
for the manned space programme. It is the newest tracking
station in China mainland.
Weinan Tracking Station
Weinan Tracking Station was built in 1972 for space and
ICBM launch tracking and monitoring. The station was
invovled in more than 30 satellite launches and 14
ICBM launches.
Guiyang Tracking Station
Minxi Tracking Station
Xiamen Tracking Station
Yilan Tracking Station
Yuan Wang 1 Space Tracking Ship
Yuan Wang 2 Space Tracking Ship
Yuan Wang 3 Space Tracking Ship
Yuan Wang 4 Space Tracking Ship
CHINA -Space: http://www.sinodefence.com/space/default.asp
The scope of mankind's activities has expanded from land to
ocean, from ocean to atmosphere, and eventually from
atmosphere to outer space. Space technology, which emerged
in the 1950s, opened up a new era of man's exploration of
the unknown world. The continuous development and application
of space technology has become an important endeavour in the
modernisation drive of countries all over the world.
China's space programme began in the late 1950s, when the
Chinese government implemented the "Twelve-Year Development
Plan of Science and Technology", which included rocket science,
radio electronics, automatic control, computer, and
semiconductor technology. The early effort of China was aided
by technology and knowledge transferred from the Soviet Union.
Since then China has independently established a small-scale
but well-balanced and coordinated infrastructure of
space-related institutions, including research and development
centres, launching sites, tracking, telemetry and command
stations and centres, and manufacturing plants.
China sent its first man-made earth satellite,
Dongfanghong-1 (DFH-1), into space successfully in
1970, making the fifth member of the world's space club
(after USSR, USA, France, and Japan). In 1975 China became
the third country after the USA and USSR to successfully
launch and recover a recoverable satellite for photo
reconnaissance and remote sensing missions. From the late
1980s China began to provide commercial satellite launching
services for foreign customers. The manned space programme
(Project 921), which started in 1992, has also made significant
progress. Following four successful unmanned missions between
1999 and 2003, China successfully sent her first astronaut
into outer space by Shenzhou-V spaceship on 15 October 2003.
The 1991 Gulf War, the 1998 NATO intervention in Kosovo, the
war against terrorism in Afghanistan in 2001, and Washington's
determination to pursue the ballistic missile defence system
have all shown that the US is seeking to undertake asymmetric
operations by exploiting various space technologies that its
opponents do not possess. This has forced China to shift its
focus more towards the fourth environment of military operations.
In addition, after the end of "Cold War", the Chinese military
strategy has also shifted from a large-scale nuclear war to local
wars under high-tech conditions, which requires the PLA to be
capable of defensive and offensive operations in peripheral
regions and waters, as well as within China's own territory.
To achieve this capability, a key area for future development,
as well as for future conflict, is outer space.
Today, the Chinese space programme is still regarded by the
Western aerospace press as inferior, partly due to the failures
it suffered in the launch vehicle category. Also, the Chinese
have not reached anywhere near the sub-metre resolution achieved
by US image reconnaissance satellites. However, China's space
journey in the last thirty years is impressive. By possessing
its own indigenous capability, it has proved that its military
space power cannot be underestimated.
The Chinese National Manned Space Program
CHINA is developing a new
generation of launch vehicle models,
including the expendable CZ-5 launch
vehicle family using non-toxic,
high-performance propellants with lower
operating costs, the solid propellant
Kaituozhe-1 (KT-1, or Explorer-1), and the
reusable launch vehicle.
The manned space flight remained the
most important element in China's future
plan for its space technology development.
Once the Shenzhou manned flights have
been successfully achieved, a series of
projects will be carried out for scientific
research and development for future
manned space projects, including the space
station and exploration of the moon.
For the long-term development beyond 2020, China is aiming
at industrialising and marketing its space technology and
applications, establishing integrated space infrastructure
and a satellite ground application system that harmonises
spacecraft and ground equipment, and permanently
establishing China's own manned space flight system and
conduct of manned space flight scientific research and
technological experiments, including space station,
spaceplane, and eventually the Chinese Lunar Base.
By 2050, China is hoping to become a world leader in the
field of space science and exploration of outer space,
and to continue international co-operations to both
obtain more-advanced technology from Western countries
and to assist developing countries in development of
space technology.
Chinese Scientists Contribute To US
Mars Explorations
Beijing - Jan 15, 2004
Doughnuts & Shafts...
Toroidal Foreplay ...
"...and she's buying a stairway to heaven."
"Stairway to Heaven" By Led Zeppelin
"Construction of it will begin 50 years
after everyone stops laughing."
Arthur C. Clarke
(05/22/2002) UN report by 1,100 scientists warns
70% of the natural world will be destroyed over the 30
years due to over-population, deforestation, pollution,
global warming, spread of non-native species, and other
human impacts, causing the mass extinction of species
and the collapse of human society in many countries.
See Ecosystem Destruction: Global.

Chinese Lunar Base
2004-01-21 22:47:15 UTC
Post by Jupiter
Class: Manned.
Type: Lunar Base.
Nation: China.
Tsk, tsk.... and they have no use for the Helium 3, because they
do not have fusion technology to use it. So they can take their toys and
go home. They lose.

Jason and Medea
2004-01-22 09:15:22 UTC
Post by Morpheal
Post by Jupiter
Class: Manned.
Type: Lunar Base.
Nation: China.
Tsk, tsk.... and they have no use for the Helium 3, because they
do not have fusion technology to use it. So they can take their toys and
go home. They lose.


Research Elements:
Deep Space Test Bed

The Scientific Objectives for the DSTB facility are:

1.Provide a platform for direct exposure to the
interplanetary Galactic Cosmic Ray Composition
and full energy spectra

2.Enable experimental validation of NASA’s radiation
transport codes used to protect astronauts from
space radiation

3.Test the radiation shielding effectiveness of
typical as well as novel spacecraft construction

4.Development and testing new radiation monitoring

More information found on

Deep Space Mission Radiation Shielding Optimization

Providing protection against the hazards of space radiation
is a major challenge to the exploration and development of
space. The great cost of added radiation shielding is a
potential limiting factor in deep space missions. In the
present report, we present methods for optimized shield
design over multi-segmented missions involving multiple
work and living areas in the transport and duty phase of
lunar and Mars missions. The total shield mass over all
pieces of equipment and habitats is optimized subject to
career dose and dose rate constraints.


The potential for radiation exposure is highly variable,
being dependent upon both time and location. In the solar
system outside the earth's protective atmosphere, the sun
is the primary source of ionizing radiation. The intensity
of radiation depends upon distance from the sun and on the
level of solar activity. During times of peak sun-spot
activity, levels of radiation sufficiently high to give
moonwalkers a lethal dose in relatively short exposure
periods have occured. To provide a safe environment for
crew members in space, the exposure time and intensity can
be limited to minimize harmful effects. Shielding can be
used to reduce the intensity of radiation exposure.
References follow.

"The law of karma decrees
that it is wise not to
harm or hurt others, for
we will then receive
harm and hurt in exchange
in the future."

"You are not your mind,
because you can control
your mind with your will."

"Peace is control, and
control is freedom."

--Satguru Bodhinatha Veylanswami

The Mystery of the Beyond

"It would be preposterous to claim that the
Vedic Revelation has so clearly disclosed
the mystery of the beyond that the only
remaining requirement is to listen to it.
It would also be out of place to pretend
that the Vedas have given the answer for
which mankind is constantly searching.
No answer to any existential question can
be given once and for all, nor can we find
solutions by proxy to personal issues.
We may immediately add that any
intellectual answer to the problem of
death is methodologically weak, for human
reason would then leap outside the area in
which it is competent." _Param rahasyam_

CHINA - Lunar Base:

Chinese Scientists Contribute To US
Mars Explorations
Beijing - Jan 15, 2004

Doughnuts & Shafts...
Toroidal Foreplay ...

"...and she's buying a stairway to heaven."
"Stairway to Heaven" By Led Zeppelin

"Construction of it will begin 50 years
after everyone stops laughing."
Arthur C. Clarke



All Hat No Cattle!

You Might Be A Right-Winger if:

...you point to Sean Hannity and say, "See, Jesus can cure


[...] "The chief divine figure of the Yazidi is
Malak Taus ('Peacock Angel'), worshipped in the form
of a peacock. He rules the universe with six other
angels, but all seven are subordinate to the supreme
God, who has had no direct interest in the universe
since he created it. The seven angels are worshipped
by the Yazidi in the form of seven bronze or iron
peacock figures called sanjaq, the largest of which
weighs nearly 700 pounds." [...]

Y e z i d i http://web2.isaja.de

What "Yezidi" Means
The story of the Yezidis can be traced back more than
four thousand years--before they came to be called
Yezidis--until the trail disappears into the mists of
time. Based on few accounts, and those often
contradictory, it is complex and difficult to follow:


Meanwhile, way back in Persia:

I sent my Soul through the Invisible,
Some letter of that After-life to spell:
And by and by my soul return'd to me,
And answer'd "I Myself am Heav'n and Hell."
Omar Khayyam


"Stretching across Asia, from Northern Manchuria,
through Tibet, west through Persia, and ending
in the Kurdistan, was a chain of seven towers,
on isolated mountain-tops; and in each of those
towers sat continually a Priest of Satan, who
by 'broadcasting' occult vibrations controlled
the destinies of the world for evil."
Adventures in Arabia
by William B. Seabrook


<> Pir-o-Murshid Inayat Khan, founder of the Sufi Order,
<> offered this insight in the early part of this century:
<> "The hour is coming when women will lead humanity to a
<> higher evolution." Women have always functioned in all
<> roles of spiritual leadership within the Order.
<> Spiritual practices and service are fully integrated
<> and initial attempts have been made to update the
<> language of the teaching to include the feminine.
<> Women teachers in the Order have made rich contributions,
<> and have joined in developing practices that facilitate
<> an awareness of, and a deeper identification with the
<> feminine aspect of the Divine.
<> http://www.google.com/search?hl=en&q=sufi+order+sufism


SKULLS, War, Brotherhood of the Bell: Loading Image...
The Bilderberg Group:
Council on Foreign Relations
DARPA To Support Development Of Human Brain-Machine Interfaces

Bring on the Nouveau Whirling Odor!
Loading Image...
Koyaanisqatsi Fahrvergnugen
2004-01-23 06:37:59 UTC
Post by Jason and Medea
"'Meridiani Planum' interests scientists because it
contains an ancient layer of 'hematite', an iron oxide
that, on Earth, almost always forms in an
environment containing liquid water."

"Hematite is an important ore of iron and it's blood red color
(in the powdered form) lends itself well in use as a pigment.
Hematite gets its name from a greek word meaning blood-like
because of the color of its powder. Ancient superstition held
that large deposits of hematite formed from battles that were
fought and the subsequent blood that flowed into the ground.
Crystals of Hematite are considered rare and are sought after
by collectors as are fine Kidney Ore specimens."

U.N. ...
Online Index of Objects Launched into Outer Space
"The Online Index of Objects Launched into Outer
Space provides a quick and easy reference to data
submitted to the United Nations in conformity with
the Registration Convention and General Assembly
Resolution 1721 B (XVI). It provides links between
space objects and their relevant documents of
registration. In addition, the Index also contains
information on space objects not registered with
the United Nations in order to provide a complete
data set to users."

Did the Apollo astronauts really land on the Moon?

Yes, We Really _Did_ Go to the Moon!


Did We Really Land on the Moon?
Suggestions for Science Teachers
Paul D. Lowman Jr.
Goddard Space Flight Center (Code 921)
Greenbelt, MD 20771
4 March 2001

How Apollo moon landings really happened

Cool Black dude...
Astronomers of the African Diaspora

Astrophysicist, American Museum of Natural History
& The Frederick P. Rose Director, Hayden Planetarium,
New York City http://research.amnh.org/users/tyson/bio/

NEIL DEGRASSE TYSON - Astrophysicist

January 22, 2004
Mars Exploration Rover Mission Status
Flight-team engineers for NASA's Mars
Exploration Rover Mission were encouraged
this morning when Spirit sent a simple
radio signal acknowledging that the rover
had received a transmission from Earth.
However, the team is still trying to
diagnose the cause of earlier
communications difficulties that have
prevented any data being returned from
Spirit since early Wednesday. ...

Where is Opportunity Right Now?

Destination: Meridiani Planum
On January 24, 2004, NASA's Mars rover Opportunity is scheduled
to land on a Martian plain in search of evidence for water.

Satellites etc...
Earth Resources Observation Systems (EROS) Data Center, Sioux Falls, SD

The Rapid Spacecraft Development Office (RSDO)

Satellite Catalog

Satellite names

J Track 2.5

International Space Station [ISS] Location

Online Index of Objects Launched into Outer Space

Main Registry of Satellites and Space Probes

The Tree of Life:
Post by Jason and Medea
Deep Space Test Bed
1.Provide a platform for direct exposure to the
interplanetary Galactic Cosmic Ray Composition
and full energy spectra
2.Enable experimental validation of NASA?s radiation
transport codes used to protect astronauts from
space radiation
3.Test the radiation shielding effectiveness of
typical as well as novel spacecraft construction
4.Development and testing new radiation monitoring
More information found on
Deep Space Mission Radiation Shielding Optimization
Providing protection against the hazards of space radiation
is a major challenge to the exploration and development of
space. The great cost of added radiation shielding is a
potential limiting factor in deep space missions. In the
present report, we present methods for optimized shield
design over multi-segmented missions involving multiple
work and living areas in the transport and duty phase of
lunar and Mars missions. The total shield mass over all
pieces of equipment and habitats is optimized subject to
career dose and dose rate constraints.
The potential for radiation exposure is highly variable,
being dependent upon both time and location. In the solar
system outside the earth's protective atmosphere, the sun
is the primary source of ionizing radiation. The intensity
of radiation depends upon distance from the sun and on the
level of solar activity. During times of peak sun-spot
activity, levels of radiation sufficiently high to give
moonwalkers a lethal dose in relatively short exposure
periods have occured. To provide a safe environment for
crew members in space, the exposure time and intensity can
be limited to minimize harmful effects. Shielding can be
used to reduce the intensity of radiation exposure.
References follow.
"The law of karma decrees
that it is wise not to
harm or hurt others, for
we will then receive
harm and hurt in exchange
in the future."
"You are not your mind,
because you can control
your mind with your will."
"Peace is control, and
control is freedom."
--Satguru Bodhinatha Veylanswami
The Mystery of the Beyond
"It would be preposterous to claim that the
Vedic Revelation has so clearly disclosed
the mystery of the beyond that the only
remaining requirement is to listen to it.
It would also be out of place to pretend
that the Vedas have given the answer for
which mankind is constantly searching.
No answer to any existential question can
be given once and for all, nor can we find
solutions by proxy to personal issues.
We may immediately add that any
intellectual answer to the problem of
death is methodologically weak, for human
reason would then leap outside the area in
which it is competent." _Param rahasyam_
Chinese Scientists Contribute To US
Mars Explorations
Beijing - Jan 15, 2004
Doughnuts & Shafts...
Toroidal Foreplay ...
"...and she's buying a stairway to heaven."
"Stairway to Heaven" By Led Zeppelin
"Construction of it will begin 50 years
after everyone stops laughing."
Arthur C. Clarke
All Hat No Cattle!
...you point to Sean Hannity and say, "See, Jesus can cure
[...] "The chief divine figure of the Yazidi is
Malak Taus ('Peacock Angel'), worshipped in the form
of a peacock. He rules the universe with six other
angels, but all seven are subordinate to the supreme
God, who has had no direct interest in the universe
since he created it. The seven angels are worshipped
by the Yazidi in the form of seven bronze or iron
peacock figures called sanjaq, the largest of which
weighs nearly 700 pounds." [...]
Y e z i d i http://web2.isaja.de
What "Yezidi" Means
The story of the Yezidis can be traced back more than
four thousand years--before they came to be called
Yezidis--until the trail disappears into the mists of
time. Based on few accounts, and those often
I sent my Soul through the Invisible,
And by and by my soul return'd to me,
And answer'd "I Myself am Heav'n and Hell."
Omar Khayyam
"Stretching across Asia, from Northern Manchuria,
through Tibet, west through Persia, and ending
in the Kurdistan, was a chain of seven towers,
on isolated mountain-tops; and in each of those
towers sat continually a Priest of Satan, who
by 'broadcasting' occult vibrations controlled
the destinies of the world for evil."
Adventures in Arabia
by William B. Seabrook
<> Pir-o-Murshid Inayat Khan, founder of the Sufi Order,
<> "The hour is coming when women will lead humanity to a
<> higher evolution." Women have always functioned in all
<> roles of spiritual leadership within the Order.
<> Spiritual practices and service are fully integrated
<> and initial attempts have been made to update the
<> language of the teaching to include the feminine.
<> Women teachers in the Order have made rich contributions,
<> and have joined in developing practices that facilitate
<> an awareness of, and a deeper identification with the
<> feminine aspect of the Divine.
<> http://www.google.com/search?hl=en&q=sufi+order+sufism
SKULLS, War, Brotherhood of the Bell: http://www.cuttingedge.org/skullbones.jpg
Council on Foreign Relations
DARPA To Support Development Of Human Brain-Machine Interfaces
Bring on the Nouveau Whirling Odor!
2004-01-24 14:22:26 UTC
Hey, it isn't that simple. That's cosmic rays, so called, but you have
to consider episodic waves passing through that cause natural
distortions of space time and have serious impact on any biological
organisms. How to shield intelligence capabilities from what can
penetrate through solid matter of very significant densities and
thickenesses, beyond what can be utilized in space, is a serious
question. Makes me think of force fields of a different sort,.... Put up
the shields Scotty.... The Klingons are attacking. In that sense
it might not be far from the truth. A civilization that can utilize
"dark energy" (dark matter and dark energy being misnomers but commonly
mentionned in discussions) has one of the universe's most terrifying
weapons in its arsenal. Concurrently the defence against that same
weapon is integral to understanding the weapon itself.

Now, what were you saying about tinker toys in space, to test NASA's
dibbly shit about cosmic rays and Astronuts ?

It's still kindergarten. They will never graduate to grade one if they
keep it up. Tangled in obsolete codes about cosmic rays and Astronuts is
a good way to delay progress, but not very productive science for a
species that needs to learn, real fast, how to survive in and eventually
rule the universe. There are hostiles out there waiting.

Post by Jason and Medea
Post by Morpheal
Post by Jupiter
Class: Manned.
Type: Lunar Base.
Nation: China.
Tsk, tsk.... and they have no use for the Helium 3, because they
do not have fusion technology to use it. So they can take their toys and
go home. They lose.
Deep Space Test Bed
1.Provide a platform for direct exposure to the
interplanetary Galactic Cosmic Ray Composition
and full energy spectra
2.Enable experimental validation of NASA’s radiation
transport codes used to protect astronauts from
space radiation
3.Test the radiation shielding effectiveness of
typical as well as novel spacecraft construction
4.Development and testing new radiation monitoring
More information found on
Deep Space Mission Radiation Shielding Optimization
Providing protection against the hazards of space radiation
is a major challenge to the exploration and development of
space. The great cost of added radiation shielding is a
potential limiting factor in deep space missions. In the
present report, we present methods for optimized shield
design over multi-segmented missions involving multiple
work and living areas in the transport and duty phase of
lunar and Mars missions. The total shield mass over all
pieces of equipment and habitats is optimized subject to
career dose and dose rate constraints.
The potential for radiation exposure is highly variable,
being dependent upon both time and location. In the solar
system outside the earth's protective atmosphere, the sun
is the primary source of ionizing radiation. The intensity
of radiation depends upon distance from the sun and on the
level of solar activity. During times of peak sun-spot
activity, levels of radiation sufficiently high to give
moonwalkers a lethal dose in relatively short exposure
periods have occured. To provide a safe environment for
crew members in space, the exposure time and intensity can
be limited to minimize harmful effects. Shielding can be
used to reduce the intensity of radiation exposure.
References follow.
"The law of karma decrees
that it is wise not to
harm or hurt others, for
we will then receive
harm and hurt in exchange
in the future."
"You are not your mind,
because you can control
your mind with your will."
"Peace is control, and
control is freedom."
--Satguru Bodhinatha Veylanswami
The Mystery of the Beyond
"It would be preposterous to claim that the
Vedic Revelation has so clearly disclosed
the mystery of the beyond that the only
remaining requirement is to listen to it.
It would also be out of place to pretend
that the Vedas have given the answer for
which mankind is constantly searching.
No answer to any existential question can
be given once and for all, nor can we find
solutions by proxy to personal issues.
We may immediately add that any
intellectual answer to the problem of
death is methodologically weak, for human
reason would then leap outside the area in
which it is competent." _Param rahasyam_
Chinese Scientists Contribute To US
Mars Explorations
Beijing - Jan 15, 2004
Doughnuts & Shafts...
Toroidal Foreplay ...
"...and she's buying a stairway to heaven."
"Stairway to Heaven" By Led Zeppelin
"Construction of it will begin 50 years
after everyone stops laughing."
Arthur C. Clarke
All Hat No Cattle!
...you point to Sean Hannity and say, "See, Jesus can cure
[...] "The chief divine figure of the Yazidi is
Malak Taus ('Peacock Angel'), worshipped in the form
of a peacock. He rules the universe with six other
angels, but all seven are subordinate to the supreme
God, who has had no direct interest in the universe
since he created it. The seven angels are worshipped
by the Yazidi in the form of seven bronze or iron
peacock figures called sanjaq, the largest of which
weighs nearly 700 pounds." [...]
Y e z i d i http://web2.isaja.de
What "Yezidi" Means
The story of the Yezidis can be traced back more than
four thousand years--before they came to be called
Yezidis--until the trail disappears into the mists of
time. Based on few accounts, and those often
I sent my Soul through the Invisible,
And by and by my soul return'd to me,
And answer'd "I Myself am Heav'n and Hell."
Omar Khayyam
"Stretching across Asia, from Northern Manchuria,
through Tibet, west through Persia, and ending
in the Kurdistan, was a chain of seven towers,
on isolated mountain-tops; and in each of those
towers sat continually a Priest of Satan, who
by 'broadcasting' occult vibrations controlled
the destinies of the world for evil."
Adventures in Arabia
by William B. Seabrook
<> Pir-o-Murshid Inayat Khan, founder of the Sufi Order,
<> "The hour is coming when women will lead humanity to a
<> higher evolution." Women have always functioned in all
<> roles of spiritual leadership within the Order.
<> Spiritual practices and service are fully integrated
<> and initial attempts have been made to update the
<> language of the teaching to include the feminine.
<> Women teachers in the Order have made rich contributions,
<> and have joined in developing practices that facilitate
<> an awareness of, and a deeper identification with the
<> feminine aspect of the Divine.
<> http://www.google.com/search?hl=en&q=sufi+order+sufism
SKULLS, War, Brotherhood of the Bell: http://www.cuttingedge.org/skullbones.jpg
Council on Foreign Relations
DARPA To Support Development Of Human Brain-Machine Interfaces
Bring on the Nouveau Whirling Odor!
Koyaanisqatsi Fahrvergnugen
2004-01-27 10:21:29 UTC
Post by Morpheal
Hey, it isn't that simple. That's cosmic rays, so called, but you have
to consider episodic waves passing through that cause natural
distortions of space time and have serious impact on any biological
organisms. How to shield intelligence capabilities from what can
penetrate through solid matter of very significant densities and
thickenesses, beyond what can be utilized in space, is a serious
question. Makes me think of force fields of a different sort,.... Put up
the shields Scotty.... The Klingons are attacking. In that sense
it might not be far from the truth. A civilization that can utilize
"dark energy" (dark matter and dark energy being misnomers but commonly
mentionned in discussions) has one of the universe's most terrifying
weapons in its arsenal. Concurrently the defence against that same
weapon is integral to understanding the weapon itself.
Now, what were you saying about tinker toys in space, to test NASA's
dibbly shit about cosmic rays and Astronuts ?
It's still kindergarten. They will never graduate to grade one if they
keep it up. Tangled in obsolete codes about cosmic rays and Astronuts is
a good way to delay progress, but not very productive science for a
species that needs to learn, real fast, how to survive in and eventually
rule the universe. There are hostiles out there waiting.
"Step AWAY from the Holodeck." --Lt. Worf


Nice site! [We are inundated with Vampires,
Werewolves, Aliens, Men(Women)-In-Black, and
all sorts of Interdimensional forms of Sentient
Non-Local Embedded Inseparability - i.e. 'the
universe is stranger than we can imagine' -
critters...] See also: Sleep Paralysis and
Associated Hypnagogic and <> <>[] Hypnopompic

U.N. ...
Online Index of Objects Launched into Outer Space
"The Online Index of Objects Launched into Outer
Space provides a quick and easy reference to data
submitted to the United Nations in conformity with
the Registration Convention and General Assembly
Resolution 1721 B (XVI). It provides links between
space objects and their relevant documents of
registration. In addition, the Index also contains
information on space objects not registered with
the United Nations in order to provide a complete
data set to users."

Satellites etc...
Earth Resources Observation Systems (EROS)
Data Center, Sioux Falls, SD

The Rapid Spacecraft Development Office (RSDO)

Satellite Catalog

Satellite names

J Track 2.5

International Space Station [ISS] Location

Online Index of Objects Launched into Outer Space

Main Registry of Satellites and Space Probes

Mars Exploration Rover Mission Status


Research Elements:

Deep Space Test Bed

The Scientific Objectives for the DSTB facility are:

1.Provide a platform for direct exposure to the
interplanetary Galactic Cosmic Ray Composition
and full energy spectra

2.Enable experimental validation of NASA's radiation
transport codes used to protect astronauts from
space radiation

3.Test the radiation shielding effectiveness of
typical as well as novel spacecraft construction

4.Development and testing new radiation monitoring

More information found on

Deep Space Mission Radiation Shielding Optimization

Providing protection against the hazards of space radiation
is a major challenge to the exploration and development of
space. The great cost of added radiation shielding is a
potential limiting factor in deep space missions. In the
present report, we present methods for optimized shield
design over multi-segmented missions involving multiple
work and living areas in the transport and duty phase of
lunar and Mars missions. The total shield mass over all
pieces of equipment and habitats is optimized subject to
career dose and dose rate constraints.


The potential for radiation exposure is highly variable,
being dependent upon both time and location. In the solar
system outside the earth's protective atmosphere, the sun
is the primary source of ionizing radiation. The intensity
of radiation depends upon distance from the sun and on the
level of solar activity. During times of peak sun-spot
activity, levels of radiation sufficiently high to give
moonwalkers a lethal dose in relatively short exposure
periods have occured. To provide a safe environment for
crew members in space, the exposure time and intensity can
be limited to minimize harmful effects. Shielding can be
used to reduce the intensity of radiation exposure.
References follow.

See also: Sleep Paralysis and Associated Hypnagogic and
<> <>[] Hypnopompic Experiences:

"Sleep paralysis, or more properly, sleep paralysis with
hypnagogic and hypnopompic hallucinations have
been singled out as a particularly likely source of
beliefs concerning not only alien abductions, but all
manner of beliefs in alternative realities and
otherworldly creatures. Sleep paralysis is a condition
in which someone, most often lying in a supine
position, about to drop of to sleep, or just upon waking
from sleep realizes that s/he is unable to move, or
speak, or cry out. This may last a few seconds or
several moments, occasionally longer. People
frequently report feeling a 'presence' that is often
described as malevolent, threatening, or evil. An
intense sense of dread and terror is very common.
The presence is likely to be vaguely felt or sensed just
out of sight but thought to be watching or monitoring,
often with intense interest, sometimes standing by, or
sitting on, the bed. On some occasions the presence
may attack, strangling and exerting crushing pressure
on the chest. People also report auditory, visual,
proprioceptive, and tactile hallucinations, as well as
floating sensations and out-of-body experiences
(Hufford, 1982). These various sensory experiences
have been referred to collectively as hypnagogic and
hypnopompic experiences (HHEs). People frequently
try, unsuccessfully, to cry out. After seconds or
minutes one feels suddenly released from the
paralysis, but may be left with a lingering anxiety."

Dreaming: A Neurocognitive Approach

Zeno of Elea born in southern Italy around 495 B.C.
"The Arrow: Time is made up of instants, which are the
smallest measure and indivisible. An arrow is either
in motion or at rest. An arrow cannot move, because
for motion to occur, the arrow would have to be in one
position at the start of an instant and at another at
the end of the instant. However, this means that the
instant is divisible which is impossible because by
definition, instants are indivisible. Hence, the arrow
is always at rest."
See also: Georg Cantor (1845-1918 CE)


Gamma Ray Bursts from delayed collapse of
neutron stars to quark matter stars.
by Z. Berezhiani, I. Bombaci, A. Drago, F. Frontera, A. Lavagno


"Olga Kharitidi" writes:

"The purpose of my talk is to make some of the aspects of our
work known to Western culture. The reason is that the critical
time has arrived. I told you that the unhealed traumatic
experiences which gain status of their own and become spirits
of trauma continue their existence throughout generations. If
they are not healed, they build up, connect, accelerate, enforce
and support each other, and become collective entities...

"At some point, they accumulate on the collective level and become
very dangerous. This dangerous time has come. It can become many
times more dangerous now than in previous times, when world wars
were induced by accumulated spirits of trauma. The purpose of my
visit is to tell you that there is a great danger for all the
people on the planet, but there are effective means to overcome
it. That's why I invite you to our place in Central Asia, to
Samarkand, to learn about our practice..."

The Master of Lucid Dreams by Olga Kharitidi, M.D.
("... accumulated spirits of trauma...")




Belovodia, the Russian Shamballa


Entering the Circle: Ancient Secrets of
Siberian Wisdom Discovered by a Russian
Psychiatrist. Olga Kharitidi, M.D.


"If there was something in the air
If there was something in the wind
If there was something in the trees or bushes
That could be pronounced and once was overheard by animals,
Let this Sacred Knowledge be returned to us again."

Artharvaveda (VII, 66) as quoted in Entering the Circle


"... It has come to the attention of the Golomt Center
for Shamanic Studies and the Asian Shamans' Association
that a newly popular Russian cult, led by teachers
called Shri Ganesha and Shri Jnan Avatar Muni, is now
passing off its teachings as being Mongolian and
Siberian shamanic teachings. They most certainly are
not. Police agencies in Russia charactrize their
Belovodie cult (also known by a host of other names)
as 'destructive and totalitarian' and the leaders of
the cult are currently facing incarceration for a number
of criminal activities. If you know Russian please read
the anti-Belovodie cult page at Stopfools.ru.
<http://stopfools.narod.ru/> Beware of so-called shamans
offering teachings about Shambala and Belovodie (Olga
Kharitidi is NOT part of this organization). Shambala and
Belovodie are Tibetan Buddhist and Russian mystical
teachings popularized by Nicholas Rerikh and have nothing
to do with traditional Siberian shamanic teachings." [1997]
--Sarangerel <www.buryatmongol.com>

"... This is a copy of picture on the upper surface of the
shaman's drum. The original drawing was made in 1909-1913,
during the ethnograpical expeditions in South Siberia, in
the Altai mountains." Loading Image...

"Hermes approaches Earth's orbit twice every 777 days..."

NOVA | The Elegant Universe | PBS

A Theory of Everything?
Some physicists believe string theory
may unify the forces of nature
by Brian Greene

The fundamental particles of the universe that
physicists have identified -- electrons, neutrinos,
quarks, and so on -- are the "letters" of all matter.
Just like their linguistic counterparts, they appear
to have no further internal substructure.
String theory proclaims otherwise. According to
string theory, if we could examine these particles
with even greater precision -- a precision many
orders of magnitude beyond our present technological
capacity -- we would find that each is not pointlike
but instead consists of a tiny, one-dimensional loop.
Like an infinitely thin rubber band, each particle
contains a vibrating, oscillating, dancing filament
that physicists have named a string. [...]
The Elegant Universe homepage:

Viewpoints on String Theory
Steven Weinberg

Steven Weinberg and Sheldon Glashow have a lot in common.
They were in the same class at the Bronx High School of
Science in the late 1940s; they both attended Cornell
University; and they shared the Nobel Prize in Physics
in 1979 (with Abdus Salam). But they differ markedly
when it comes to string theory, which Weinberg feels
holds out the only hope at the moment for leading
theoretical physicists to a unified view of nature.
Here, Weinberg explains his thoughts on the matter.

Four in one

NOVA: String theory's great claim to fame is that it
unifies the four forces. Why is unification so important?

Weinberg: Unification is where it's at.
The whole aim of fundamental physics is
to see more and more of the world's
phenomena in terms of fewer and fewer
and simpler and simpler principles.
And the way you do this is not by having
one book on electromagnetism, and another
book on the weak interactions, and so on,
but to have just one book on all the forces
of nature. A simpler description -- that's
what we're aiming at.

NOVA: How do you think that this era in theoretical physics,
string theory in particular, will be remembered, say, 50 or
100 years from now?

Weinberg: I think 100 years from now this particular
period will be remembered as a heroic age when
theorists cut themselves temporarily free from their
experimental underpinnings and tried and succeeded
through pure theoretical reasoning to develop a
unified theory of all the phenomena of nature.
On the other hand, it may be remembered as a tragic
failure in which physics took a wrong turn and ignored
the most important evidence, which was there in front
of their noses. We don't know. My guess is that it
will be something like the former rather than the
latter. But ask me 100 years from now, then I can
tell you.

'Who' perceives this?

Mumon's Twelve Zen Warnings.

1. To observe rules and regulations is to tie oneself
without a rope.

2. To act freely and without restraint is heresy
and deviltry.

3. To recognize mind and purify it is the false zen
of silent sitting.

4. To allow oneself freedom and to ignore
interrelating conditions is to fall into the pit.

5. To always be alert and clear is to wear chains
and an iron yoke.

6. To think of good and evil is to be in heaven
and hell.

7. To have a Buddha view and a Dharma view is to be
confined in two iron mountains.

8. To realize a thought as soon as it arises is to
exhaust one's energy.

9. To sit blankly in quietism is the zen of a corpse.

10. If you advance you will deviate from the principle.

11. If you retreat you will be against the truth.

12. If you neither advance nor retreat you are a
dead man breathing.

Now tell me, what will you do?
Make the utmost effort to attain completely realization
in this life. Do not let yourself circulate karma forever.

"We do appreciate," he said, "that this is a non-trivial activity."

When might a Mars drilling mission take place? [1:12 minutes]

Dr. Carol Stoker: "We don't really have a set date for a Mars
mission that does drilling. The earliest that such a mission
could possibly fly is 2009. And there is a consideration of
drilling being included in a Mars mission in 2009. The first
time we send a drill to Mars it probably will only drill to
shallow depth. So, maybe as much as five feet, or 10 feet -
something like that. In the umm,,, once we've learned to drill
on Mars - once we have a good sense of how to do all these -
both the drilling and the sample handling - and the science
investigations associated with looking at the samples - then
we can begin to think about putting deeper drills into Mars
that can actually get down to where you think the interesting
place is from the point of view of searching for life which
is where this is liquid water. And on Mars that could be at
depths of anything from, ah, 1,000 feet to maybe 5,000 to
10,000 feet." http://amesnews.arc.nasa.gov/audio/tinto/ast6.html


2004-01-30 21:04:05 UTC
Post by Koyaanisqatsi Fahrvergnugen
"Step AWAY from the Holodeck." --Lt. Worf
"The world has already ended, and this is only a computer simulation."

- Morpheal
2004-01-30 21:41:23 UTC
Post by Morpheal
Post by Koyaanisqatsi Fahrvergnugen
"Step AWAY from the Holodeck." --Lt. Worf
"The world has already ended, and this is only a computer simulation."
- Morpheal
Repeat after us 3 times and then click your heels:

"Near earth object"

"There's no place like home"

"I wish I didn't shit in my heat"

You'll be the first to scream when help doesn't come from your space

Fuck wit..
2004-01-30 21:52:20 UTC
Post by Morpheal
Post by Koyaanisqatsi Fahrvergnugen
"Step AWAY from the Holodeck." --Lt. Worf
"The world has already ended, and this is only a computer simulation."
- Morpheal
Fascist pig.
Robert Morpheal
2004-02-16 19:57:53 UTC
Post by *
Post by Morpheal
Post by Koyaanisqatsi Fahrvergnugen
"Step AWAY from the Holodeck." --Lt. Worf
"The world has already ended, and this is only a computer simulation."
- Morpheal
Fascist pig.
That would amount to being a "pig-skin".

You're football obsessive. Seek help for it before it takes over your entire life.

2004-01-30 21:47:25 UTC
On Sat, 24 Jan 2004 09:22:26 -0500, Morpheal <***@sympatico.ca> wrote:

Post by Morpheal
It's still kindergarten.
And you're still in pre-school, fuck wit.

You play, you pay.

And so far your cost of your upkeep far exceeds the need for your
or your ilk's existence.
Robert Morpheal
2004-02-16 20:02:06 UTC
Post by *
Post by Morpheal
It's still kindergarten.
And you're still in pre-school, fuck wit.
You play, you pay.
And so far your cost of your upkeep far exceeds the need for your
or your ilk's existence.
I knew you had been stripped of all of your humanity, the moment I
caught sight
of your post. Now, tell me, in your culture, if we can call it that,
is the primary activity of social gatherings the flaying alive and
throwing into boiling oil, of outsiders to your social peer group,
still the primary practice or have things changed again to roasting on
a spit, over a red hot bed of coals, basting with hot pepper sauce,
then gutting while still barely alive ?

Ugly Bob
2004-02-17 07:49:31 UTC
Post by Robert Morpheal
Post by *
Post by Morpheal
It's still kindergarten.
And you're still in pre-school, fuck wit.
You play, you pay.
And so far your cost of your upkeep far exceeds the need for your
or your ilk's existence.
I knew you had been stripped of all of your humanity, the moment I
caught sight
of your post. Now, tell me, in your culture, if we can call it that,
is the primary activity of social gatherings the flaying alive and
throwing into boiling oil, of outsiders to your social peer group,
still the primary practice or have things changed again to roasting on
a spit, over a red hot bed of coals, basting with hot pepper sauce,
then gutting while still barely alive ?
Mr. Morpheal,

I'm afraid terms like "social gatherings" and "social peer group"
have little meaning for our little "*" (AKA Alexa Cameron). She
lives what passes for life with few (if any) friends and whiles away
the hours posting to usenet, obsessively railing against government,
private industry and individuals which she doesn't agree with. HTH.

-Ugly Bob
2004-02-17 08:33:35 UTC
Post by Ugly Bob
Post by Robert Morpheal
Post by *
Post by Morpheal
It's still kindergarten.
And you're still in pre-school, fuck wit.
You play, you pay.
And so far your cost of your upkeep far exceeds the need for your
or your ilk's existence.
I knew you had been stripped of all of your humanity, the moment I
caught sight
of your post. Now, tell me, in your culture, if we can call it that,
is the primary activity of social gatherings the flaying alive and
throwing into boiling oil, of outsiders to your social peer group,
still the primary practice or have things changed again to roasting on
a spit, over a red hot bed of coals, basting with hot pepper sauce,
then gutting while still barely alive ?
Mr. Morpheal,
I'm afraid terms like "social gatherings" and "social peer group"
have little meaning for our little "*" (AKA Alexa Cameron). She
lives what passes for life with few (if any) friends and whiles away
the hours posting to usenet, obsessively railing against government,
private industry and individuals which she doesn't agree with. HTH.
-Ugly Bob
What a shallow meaningless life you live, David Green But no one would
trade places with you for a million dollars, as it REALLY sucks to be you
and have as many enemies as you have. You see, there's still a few
honorable folks around who find your employment 'distasteful' and our
employers even more repulsive. But that's to be expected when you take
money from a CIA slush fund which pays Bin Laden and other terrorists to
attack the people of the USA. But you wouldn't understand anything like
honor, loyalty, integrity -- that definitely eludes you when it comes to
your wallet. Why you'd kill your mother for the gold in her teeth, though
your Dad must be proud to raise such a traitor to the government, as he is
2004-02-17 08:44:46 UTC
On Mon, 16 Feb 2004 23:49:31 -0800, "Ugly Bob" <***@hotmail.com>


Ph, and David, I see you STILL can't read!

And you have absolutely zero clue, and never did.

What a fucking idiot you are -- you parasitize posts and rub shit in your
hair all the time.

<rolls eyes>

2004-02-17 08:38:10 UTC
Post by Robert Morpheal
Post by *
Post by Morpheal
It's still kindergarten.
And you're still in pre-school, fuck wit.
You play, you pay.
And so far your cost of your upkeep far exceeds the need for your
or your ilk's existence.
I knew you had been stripped of all of your humanity, the moment I
caught sight
Right, ding a ling. You know better.
Post by Robert Morpheal
of your post. Now, tell me, in your culture, if we can call it that,
is the primary activity of social gatherings the flaying alive and
throwing into boiling oil, of outsiders to your social peer group,
still the primary practice or have things changed again to roasting on
a spit, over a red hot bed of coals, basting with hot pepper sauce,
then gutting while still barely alive ?
ROFLMAO. You're still as funny as always.
Post by Robert Morpheal
Let's write poetry, shall we?
2004-02-17 08:42:54 UTC
Post by Robert Morpheal
Now, tell me, in your culture, if we can call it that,
is the primary activity of social gatherings the flaying alive and
throwing into boiling oil, of outsiders to your social peer group,
still the primary practice or have things changed again to roasting on
a spit, over a red hot bed of coals, basting with hot pepper sauce,
then gutting while still barely alive ?
As an after thought, don't you think you'd be more tasty with Lea and
Perrins, rather than hot sauce?


2004-01-30 21:48:02 UTC
Post by Morpheal
Now, what were you saying about tinker toys in space, to test NASA's
dibbly shit about cosmic rays and Astronuts ?
Still; tinker toys, you lose asshole.
2004-01-30 21:48:46 UTC
On Wed, 21 Jan 2004 17:47:15 -0500, Morpheal <***@sympatico.ca> wrote:

Post by Morpheal
Tsk, tsk.... and they have no use for the Helium 3, because they
do not have fusion technology to use it. So they can take their toys and
go home. They lose.
Never, never piss off anything with slant eyes.
Robert Morpheal
2004-02-16 20:03:19 UTC
Post by *
Post by Morpheal
Tsk, tsk.... and they have no use for the Helium 3, because they
do not have fusion technology to use it. So they can take their toys and
go home. They lose.
Never, never piss off anything with slant eyes.
But how much did you have to pay the plastic surgeon to achieve that
slant eyed look ? Must have cost a bundle.
