What Type Tea Did Captain Picard Drink? Correction.
(too old to reply)
John F. Winston
2004-11-12 16:51:45 UTC
Dear Folk: I made a mistake and said John Luke PIcard requested
tea with the following words, "Earl Gray, Black". He really said
Earl Gray, Hot. The French spelling of John Luke Picard is
actually Jean Lue Picard or Jean Luc Picard or Jon Luc Picard.

John Winston. ***@mlode.com
Robert J Batina
2004-11-13 07:24:21 UTC
Post by John F. Winston
Dear Folk: I made a mistake and said John Luke PIcard requested
tea with the following words, "Earl Gray, Black". He really said
Earl Gray, Hot. The French spelling of John Luke Picard is
actually Jean Lue Picard or Jean Luc Picard or Jon Luc Picard.
Thanks for the correction... we can all sleep better now.


(Sorry, just butting in... I don't have any idea what you are talking
The Toe Pages:
John F. Winston
2004-11-15 07:27:35 UTC
Now to comment on something.
Post by John F. Winston
Dear Folk: I made a mistake and said John Luke PIcard requested
tea with the following words, "Earl Gray, Black". He really said
Earl Gray, Hot. The French spelling of John Luke Picard is
actually Jean Lue Picard or Jean Luc Picard or Jon Luc Picard.
JW Actually it was:
Dear Folk: I made a mistake and said John Luke PIcard requested
tea with the following words, "Earl Grey, Black". He really said
Earl Grey, hot. The French spelling of John Luke Picard is
actually Jean Luc Picard.

John Winston. ***@mlode.com
