(too old to reply)
John F. Winston
2004-10-22 14:49:51 UTC
Subject: Information About The UFO Situation. Part 22. Oct. 21, 2004.

And thus we go into part 2.


Subject: FAQ Part 2 of 7
Followup-To: poster
Archive-name: ufos-and-aliens/part2
=== 0.1: About alt.alien.visitors
Alt.alien.visitors is a Usenet discussion group available through
It was the original UFO related discussion group available on
It caters to a wide rage of UFO related discussion from New Age
UFOlogy to Scientific UFOlogy. It currently receives around 80
messages daily. More recently a.a.v has been joined on Usenet by
alt.paranet.* groups which also cover UFO related material.
Although the Newsgroup is called alt.alien.visitors, both the
group and the FAQ cover the whole field of UFOs, which depending
on your viewpoint may or may not be the same as alien visitations.
In addition to UFOs and alien visitation the group also includes
discussion about life elsewhere in the universe and if they are
coming here how they might get here.
This FAQ is designed to answer questions of people who are new
to this Usenet discussion group, and designed to be a useful
reference source to those interested in all aspects of UFOlogy.
Examples of UFO related material carried by other networks :
Wildnet UFO Conference
FIDO UFO Conference
MUFONET (primarily in the USA)
UFONET (primarily in the UK, also at least one USA node)
PARANET (primarily USA, some parts relayed to Usenet)
Some UFO material also appears in alt.paranormal on Usenet, but
this tends to be cross posts of material which also appears in
=== 0.20: Posting to alt.alien.visitors
The following idea was suggested by
***@cubldr.colorado.edu and is taken from
***@UTKUX1.UTK.EDU (Melissa Wauford)'s "*** REC.ARTS.TV
POSTING GUIDELINES ***". I have adapted it to fit
alt.alien.visitors, and I feel that this is an excellent idea. I
would recommend that you use this system when posting to
alt.alien.visitors can be a controversial newsgroup with a wide
variety of discussed topics. A few topics may generate more traffic
than others and may contain subject matter related to UFOlogy that
others wish to filter out or concentrate upon. In order to allow
those who use rn or some other method of pre-selecting articles to
filter out (or save away) postings about these heavy traffic
subjects, an abbreviation scheme has been created. Please help out
by starting your subject line with one of the following
abbreviations when posting about these topics. For example:
Subject: HOT - Dancing Aliens or Subject: OP: Grey finger
snacks,(the trick is in how you fold them) New abbreviations will
be added as needed. Send suggestions directly to me, and I'll add
them to the list. Objections to any abbreviations should probably
be posted so that a consensus may be reached. Old abbreviations
will be deleted when no longer necessary.
Suggested Abbreviations by ***@cubldr.colorado.edu:
[revised by ***@acad3.alaska.edu]
ABD = Abduction information
CE = Pertaining to UFO sightings and phenomena, Close Encounters,
alien contact
HA = Jokes & silliness
HOT = Someone flaming someone else
INV = Postings about alien invasions and conspiracies
MISC = Other categories like Atlantis/Mu/Spacemen, etc...
NA = New Age stuff NEWS = UFO related news, upcoming conventions.
OP = Opinions
REP = Repostings of older post like Lear, Cooper, etc..
SCI = Scientific (preferably not pseudo) findings on UFO related
=== 0.3: Hints on Posting
alt.alien.visitors is not a moderated group, which means that just
about anybody can post just about anything. This arrangement will
only work if people who post to a.a.v. behave in a reasonable
manner. The following guidelines are suggested :
(1) Give every post a subject heading which describes as clearly
as possible the content of the message
(2) Try to stay on topic. Do not post on subjects that are
clearly unrelated to the newsgroup. Take them to the appropriate
news group for discussion. If your comments are a message to a
specific person then use email rather than post to the whole world.
(3) Messages are received by people in many different countries.
Different countries use different formats for dates. In the USA,
for example, people would read 3/7/94 as the 7th day of March 1994.
In the UK the same string would mean the 3rd day of July 1994.
Confusion will be reduced if people always quote the month
either in full or by the first three letters e.g. 3 Aug 94.
(4) Be selective in the material you quote from earlier
messages. Do not completely repost other peoples postings and
then write your opinion about it. Selectively edit the the post to
get the information you need from it to make your point.
(5) The subjects of UFOs and possible alien visitation are
Many people have many different ideas about the origins of UFOs
and alien visitors. It is unlikely that everybody will agree with
every post made. Constructive critisism of ideas is encouraged,
but do not get into 'flame wars' or hurling abuse. There are so
few hard facts in this area that the person you think is an id-ot
may end up being correct. Be tolerant of the other person's view.

(6) UFOs and aliens can also be a source of ridicule from some
Occasionally these people will send a message like 'UFOs don't
exist'; 'you are all nuts' or 'get a life'. Ignore them, it is
unlikely that they will be hanging around to read any follow-ups
posted and it just wastes bandwidth.
(7) If you are sending a message informing readers that a TV
programme or somethingelse is on at a specific time, remember to
state the channel and where it can be seen. For example, in the UK
we have several channels broadcast by Sky TV. But there are
channels in other parts of the world also called Sky. Better than
saying 'tonight' state the actual day/date, some systems may not
get the message out on the same day you write it. If you include
the time either use the 24 hour clock or state explicitly if it is
am or pm, and include the time zone.
(8) Avoid posting the same message to several newsgroups. Many
people read a number of related newsgroups. (JW I'm probably the
worst law breaker of that rule. Shame on me for thirty minutes.)
It is a waste of bandwidth and everybody's time to read the same
message several times. With the spread of Usenet more people are
obtaining their news by dialup connections. It is costing these
people real money to download redundant messages.
(9) The idea of Usenet is communication. Do not waste
everybody's time by giving previous posters spelling or grammar
lessons. Although Usenet is distributed to many universities and
colleges, not everybody has a PhD in english. There are many
different spellings of words in the different forms of english
spoken around the world.
Although designed for alt.alien.visitors, these suggestions could
be applied to both other Usenet groups and to other networks.
=== 0.4: Example Posting
Newsgroups: alt.alien.visitors
From: ***@BA.DOE.edu (John Doe)
Subject: OP: Roswell Incident
Date: Fri, 31 Apr 1992 16:54:39 GMT
In article <1597O38cc.040316.26314>***@less.Dis.Info.edu
(Ima Lier) writes:
.. it was in 1936 when the UFO crashed at Roswell ...
plus there were no witnesses!! Not a single person could be found
to bring forth testimony.
According to my sources it happened in 1947 and lots of people
saw it.
How can you say... [Etc.]
=== 0.5: People who post to alt.alien.visitors
Readers and writers of a.a.v. are made up of:
A) People that have had contact.(Rarely post... obvious reasons)
B) Go-ernment paid disinformation people. (Poor to fair fiction)
C) Questioning/Inquiring minds (post weak questions, but mean well)
D) Wanderers (Just passing through, make snide remarks if any)
E) A few who think aliens are out there but haven't/won't come here.
F) A few who think aliens are with us know but have had no contact.
G) Aliens (Grey, life su-king, invader of utopia)
H) Guys like me that just can't unsubscribe from this group.
(It's just to much fun. Life looks darker and things aren't very
clear. (guess this belongs in alt.consp....) But when all else falls
through pull up a.a.v. and smile. Someone is always a little worse
off than you are and here is one sure fired place to find one.
I) People who are not cont-ctees, or new-agers, or sceptics, but
are simply interested in high-strangeness phenomenon of all sorts
(and generally try not to post snide comments or be simple minded!)
Main Source: ***@ireland.NoSubdomain.NoDomain (Rick O'leary)
Other Contributors:
***@CUBLDR.Colorado.EDU (Kellie Matthews)
===1. Terminology and Definitions Used in UFOlogy
1.01: Astronomical Units (A.U.)
An A.U. is a measurement of space. One A.U. is the distance from
the earth to the sun.
1.02: a.a.v.
alt.alien.visitors is one of the many Usenet discussion groups.
1.03: What is a UFO?
A UFO is an Unidentified Flying Object.
It is "Something seen in the sky (or on the land, or
expceptionally in the water, but thought capable of flight) which
the witness could not identify and thought sufficently strange
to report to either an offical or unoffical investigating body".

Part 2.

John Winston. ***@mlode.com

Subject: Information From Winifred. Part 2. Oct. 23, 2004.

This part talks about some Chinese people going to the Moon.

Assuming this, once aerial travel was accomplished by ancient
ra-es such as those described by Oga-Make, William Hamilton and
others, 'space' travel would be the next logical step. There are
indications that the Hav-musuvs may not have been the first group
of human "Terrans" to discover "f-ee-energy" (electromagnetic)
propulsion, and they certainly have not been the last. The problem
is, when a segment of the human rac-, a scientific c-bal for
instance, stumbles upon the se-ret of electromagnetic propulsion
(or even atomic, mercury, ion or tachyon energy drives), they
have a propensity to seclude themselves from mainstream humanity.
This is usually done, according to various accounts, out of fear
that their technologies would be stolen and used for destructive
purposes. Usually man has a suspicious outlook toward his fellow
man, understandably, and this has apparently led many such
subterrain societies to develop their technologies in se-ret. Some
hidden societies such as the M-B or "Men In Bl-ck" have been
especially defensive of intrusion and have used a type of
"psychological ter-orism" in order to keep their secr-ts hidden
from those on the surface. This defensiveness and paranoia might be
explained by their own guiltiness which stems from their ancient
associations with the serpent r-ces, and the subsequent mental
control which the reptilians have established throughout the "MI-"
society. Many of the "-IB" however are pr-soners of environmental
influence and cannot be condemned for being "born" into such a
society. There is no telling how many times such a scenario (of a
society discovering the utilization of electro- magnetic energy and
subsequently dis-connecting themselves from mainstream society)
has run its course throughout the millennia.
records actual accounts of ancient metallurgy factories, as well as
documented evidence that the ancients were very familiar with at-mic
sciences. He states that: "...The manufacture of metal objects (a
very advanced form of metallurgy would be necessary in the
construction of machines or aerospace craft - Branton) presupposes
the existence of appropriate factories. In spite of the fact that
the modern mind draws back from this conclusion, we are forced to
accept the evidence. Dr. Korioun Meguertchian, brought to light a
foundry where the Ancients worked copper, lead, zinc, manganese,
steel, etc. Scientists who were doubtful of the existence of blast
furnaces now have material proof: twenty-five of these constructions
have been discovered, but it is calculated that there must have
been at least two hundred..."
These ancient scientists as we've indicated also seem to have made
persistent efforts to hide their knowledge from irresponsible
persons, although some of this ancient knowledge apparently did fall
into the wrong hands, if certain accounts of ancient nuclear
explosions are to be believed. Yves Naud reveals: "We again encounter
traces of the antique ato-ic sciences in India. The Brahman
treatises VAISESIKE and NYAYA, the sacred book YOGA VASISCHTA, all
speak of the structure of matter: 'There are vast worlds within the
voids of each atom, as diversified as dust in the rays of
Being wiser than we are, and aware of the danger that at-mic force
represented, the Ancients divulged none of the se-rets of that
science to the profane, in order that the atom would not be used for
destructive ends. 'It would be the greatest of s-ns,' a Chinese
wrote, a thousand years or more ago, 'to disclose the sec-et of our
art to soldiers.'
Antique people knew about the atom, but were they capable of
producing an atom-c explosion? Scientists spent a long time
wondering about this question until the discovery of the DRONA
PARVA, a Hindu text which recounts the explosion of an atomic
'A flaring projectile with the brilliance of a flame without
smoke, was launched. A great darkness suddenly obscured the skies.
Clouds thundered in the uppermost air, releasing a downpour of
blood. Burned by the heat of this arm, the world appeared shaken
by fever.'
"...The physicist, Frederick Soddy, asks: 'In these old tales,
can't we see some justification of the belief that prior
representatives of a forgotten -ace of men not only achieved the
level of knowledge that we have so recently attained, but even a
power that we do not yet have?'
Indeed, traces of ARTIFICIAL radioactivity have been detected in
various parts of the world in the course of diggings into antique
sites. In India a skeleton was exhumed which revealed a powerful
intensity of radioactivity. This would tend to confirm the theory
of a-omic explosions in prehistory." Mr. Naud concludes.
Daniel Cohen, in his book "THE ANCIENT VISITORS" (Doubleday &
Co. Inc., New York. 1976), also relates an account taken from an
ancient text concerning what might have been aerial craft developed
by an old ra-e:
"A number of ancient epics from India contain descriptions of
fiery flying chariots. There are lines like this one, 'Bhima flew
with his Vimana on an enormous ray which was brilliant as the sun
and made a noise like the thunder of a storm.'
Yves Naud related still other accounts suggesting that ancient
Terrans did in fact attempt space travel...successfully: "A CHINESE
ancient people, making use of their astronomical knowledge, may have
been able to launch out into the exploration of space.
'The way was long, and as if enveloped in darkness,' explains
Chu Yan, a Chinese poet of the third century B.C. Chinese tradition
narrates the extraordinary adventure of Hou Yih, an engineer of the
Emperor Yao, who decided, 4,300 years ago, to go to the moon with a
'celestial bird.' In the course of the flight, the bird indicated
to the traveler the exact movements of the rising, the apogee, and
the setting of the sun. Hou Yih thereafter explained that he
'sailed up the current of luminous air.'
Could this current have been the exhaust of a rocket?
'He no longer perceived the rotary movement of the sun,' the
narrator points out. Effectively, contemporary astronauts have noted
that, in space, it was not possible to discern the diurnal passage
of the sun.
And what did the Chinese engineer observe on the moon? He saw 'an
horizon which appeared frozen.' To protect himself from the glacial
air, he built the 'Palace of the Great Cold.' His wife, Chang Ngo,
left to join him on the satellite, which she described as 'a
luminous sphere, brilliant as glass, of an enormous size, and very
cold.'" If one such flight to the moon was successful, then we must
assume that many others followed. Actually, Yves Naud quotes another
ancient legend from China which suggests that at one point a great
"space rac-" to explore and colonize nearby planets was a reality,
and that as a result of a perverted ra-e of troglodytes the world
was thrown into a dark ages which led to an almost complete loss of
contact and communication between the other-planetary colonists and
the ancient world. Quoting from the legend:
"The Mao-tse were (a) perverted r-ce which had taken refuge in the
caverns. It is said that their descendants still live in the
outlying areas of Canton. Then, under the influence of Tchu- Yeo,
they stirred up trouble throughout the world, and it became ridden
with highwaymen. The lord Chan-Ty (a king of the so- called 'divine'
dynasty) saw that the people had lost every vestige of virtue. And
so he ordered Tchang and Lhy to cut all communication between
he-ven and earth. From that time on there was no more going up nor
coming down."
In connection to the above, it may not be any coincidence that
John A. Keel states on p. 93-94 of his book 'THE MOTHMAN PROPHECIES'
(Signet Books, N.Y., 1975 paperback edition) the following concerning
certain UFO witnesses: "...In some cases, ancient lettering like
Greek or Chinese appears on the object. The effect is the same.
Months, even years, later the same percipient may again see the same
numbers or letters on an object..."
From the ancient text, the BRIHAT KAHTA, we read how the ancient
inhabitants of INDIA were aware of the flying craft WHICH HAD BEEN
DEVELOPED BY CERTAIN GREEKS who were very possessive of their
scientific and mechanical knowledge. In the ancient account we read:
Padmavit explains that Queen Vasavadotta wishes to fly in a chariot
to visit the (other parts of) earth. Vasantoke, the Master of
Entertainment, broke into a laugh and told her: 'The women servants
of the king have exactly that same desire. I have told them to
suspend a swing between two high poles and to use this to go to and
fro in the air. And if the queen wishes these aerial voyages, then
she must content herself in the same fashion!' Everybody started to
laugh, but Rumanavit cut in, 'That is quite enough joking,' he said,
'now let us look at the facts.' 'We are talking in the void,'
Yangandharayame interrupted. 'That is a problem for the artisans.'
Rumanavit convoked the carpenters and gave them strict injunction
to build a flying machine at once. The corps of artisans joined
together and after a long period of shuffling about in an effort
to avoid the whole problem, they finally sent their delegators,
trembling in fear, to find Rumanavit. 'We know of four sorts of
machines,' they told him, 'those made of water, those made of air,
those made of dust, and those composed of a great many pieces. But
as far as flying machines are concerned, we have never even seen
one. The Yavanas (Greeks) are the ones who know about them.'
Then a Brahmin spoke of a carpenter, Pukrasaka, whom the King had
told the existence of a certain Vicvita, who was mounted upon a
mechanical cock. The foreign ambassadors whispered: 'We should never
reveal the s-cret of the flying machines to anyone whomsoever, be
he artisan or other. It is too difficult to understand for one who
is not Greek.'
All of a sudden, a stranger (a Greek?) appeared. He called upon
Rumanavit to supply him with necessary material, and he built a
flying chariot in (the) form of Garuda (the eagle with a human
body, the steed of 'Vishnu'). It was ornamented with flowers.
"The queen and her husband flew around the world and then
returned to their city..."

Part 2.

John Winston. ***@mlode.com
Mr. 4X
2004-10-22 22:05:21 UTC
Post by John F. Winston
Subject: Information About The UFO Situation. Part 22. Oct. 21, 2004.
And thus we go into part 2.
Of something that is regularly posted into aav.

