(too old to reply)
03:15:38 GMT
2003-09-13 11:31:15 UTC
Bill Cleere <***@philipkdick.com> did this:

[Ms Neutopia and the term "hivemind"]
I didn't say she made up the term, I said she introduced it to
Usenet. I was there at the time.
She didn't introduce the term to Usenet, as a cursory glance in the
Groups Google archive reveals.
The term "HiveMind", of whosever coinage or usage, can only mean a
group of people who cannot think for themselves *and by definition
don't know it*. In any other construction the term is pointless.
I don't agree. The term's definition only prevents a hive mind from
being aware of what it is if you include that requirement in the
definition. More generally, the requirements are strong conformity and
groupthink (with telepathic communication and an "overmind" being
optional). This doesn't make the term pointless, far from it.

If there's one thing I know about skiffy based on watching it on TV,
it's that any self-respecting hive mind likes to argue, using the
mouth of one of its more photogenic parts, that its conformist ways
are superior to the jut-jawed hero's individualist mindset. If parts
of a hive mind can't know about their own condition, they can hardly
cause dismay to ruggedly handsome space cadets by making speeches
about the joys of collectivism, can they now?
Ari <***@all.at>
2003-09-13 23:09:12 UTC
"If parts of a hive mind can't know about their own condition, they can
hardly cause dismay to ruggedly handsome space cadets by making speeches
about the joys of collectivism, can they now?" -- Ari <***@all.at>

a fully

schwann:: Ari - cut - (that stuff above is a good take), if I only knew
what you mean really means that I can see that you're different but
can't read your thoughts - yet. welcome to hivemind, richer for your

schwann cyber shaman

Bill Cleere <***@philipkdick.com> did this:

[Ms Neutopia and the term "hivemind"]
I didn't say she made up the term, I said she introduced it to
Usenet. I was there at the time.
She didn't introduce the term to Usenet, as a cursory glance in the
Groups Google archive reveals.
The term "HiveMind", of whosever coinage or usage, can only mean a
group of people who cannot think for themselves *and by definition
don't know it*. In any other construction the term is pointless.
I don't agree. The term's definition only prevents a hive mind from
being aware of what it is if you include that requirement in the
definition. More generally, the requirements are strong conformity and
groupthink (with telepathic communication and an "overmind" being
optional). This doesn't make the term pointless, far from it.

If there's one thing I know about skiffy based on watching it on TV,
it's that any self-respecting hive mind likes to argue, using the
mouth of one of its more photogenic parts, that its conformist ways
are superior to the jut-jawed hero's individualist mindset. If parts
of a hive mind can't know about their own condition, they can hardly
cause dismay to ruggedly handsome space cadets by making speeches
about the joys of collectivism, can they now?
Ari <***@all.at>
Bill Cleere
2003-09-14 00:57:11 UTC
Post by 03:15:38 GMT
[Ms Neutopia and the term "hivemind"]
I didn't say she made up the term, I said she introduced it to
Usenet. I was there at the time.
She didn't introduce the term to Usenet, as a cursory glance in the
Groups Google archive reveals.
Thank you for the correction. I'll say that the ruckus
around her brought the term into wide use on Usenet.
Post by 03:15:38 GMT
The term "HiveMind", of whosever coinage or usage, can only mean a
group of people who cannot think for themselves *and by definition
don't know it*. In any other construction the term is pointless.
I don't agree. The term's definition only prevents a hive mind from
being aware of what it is if you include that requirement in the
definition. More generally, the requirements are strong conformity and
groupthink (with telepathic communication and an "overmind" being
optional). This doesn't make the term pointless, far from it.
I'm not following your distinction. One might say, to
illustrate, that liberal Democrats and conservative Republicans
think alike in conformity with certain assumptions, but probably
it would be hard to find very many who agree on "every" issue.
The whole point of a concept of "HiveMind" is that there is
a group that agrees automatically, without thinking, on everything.
Post by 03:15:38 GMT
If there's one thing I know about skiffy based on watching it on TV,
it's that any self-respecting hive mind likes to argue, using the
mouth of one of its more photogenic parts, that its conformist ways
are superior to the jut-jawed hero's individualist mindset. If parts
of a hive mind can't know about their own condition, they can hardly
cause dismay to ruggedly handsome space cadets by making speeches
about the joys of collectivism, can they now?
What's skiffy?

-- Bill Cleere
03:15:38 GMT
2003-09-14 13:23:58 UTC
Post by Bill Cleere
Post by 03:15:38 GMT
[Ms Neutopia and the term "hivemind"]
I didn't say she made up the term, I said she introduced it to
Usenet. I was there at the time.
She didn't introduce the term to Usenet, as a cursory glance in the
Groups Google archive reveals.
Thank you for the correction. I'll say that the ruckus
around her brought the term into wide use on Usenet.
I'd argue that the ruckus around Doctress Neutopia didn't reach the
Flonk. Prior to this year, her name had been mentioned here only a
handful of times, and those articles didn't talk about hive minds.

I'd also argue that since the term is in somewhat widespread use
outside of Usenet, it's rather more likely that the person who brought
it up this time was introduced to it in, say, SF literature (she has
shown an interest in that sort of thing) rather than in the writings
of any net.personality.
Post by Bill Cleere
Post by 03:15:38 GMT
The term "HiveMind", of whosever coinage or usage, can only mean a
group of people who cannot think for themselves *and by definition
don't know it*. In any other construction the term is pointless.
I don't agree. The term's definition only prevents a hive mind from
being aware of what it is if you include that requirement in the
definition. More generally, the requirements are strong conformity and
groupthink (with telepathic communication and an "overmind" being
optional). This doesn't make the term pointless, far from it.
I'm not following your distinction. One might say, to
illustrate, that liberal Democrats and conservative Republicans
think alike in conformity with certain assumptions, but probably
it would be hard to find very many who agree on "every" issue.
These groups have internal disagreements. Within both liberal
Democrats and conservative Republicans, there are subgroups that are
defined by their differing views on certain issues. (Should we give
tax breaks to the rich or the really, really rich? Should we
concentrate on hugging trees or pampering criminals?) These factions
want the others to go along with their views.

By contrast, the members of a proper hive mind will go along with what
they believe to be the group consensus no matter what they really
think about the issue. There can be no fragments within a hive mind;
any member that dissents is kicked out or otherwise ceases to be a
part of the whole.
Post by Bill Cleere
The whole point of a concept of "HiveMind" is that there is
a group that agrees automatically, without thinking, on everything.
Your definition differs from mine, but I still don't see why you think
that a hive mind can't be aware of what it is. What prevents a group
from agreeing automatically, without thinking, on that they agree
automatically and without thinking on everything?
Post by Bill Cleere
Post by 03:15:38 GMT
If there's one thing I know about skiffy based on watching it on TV,
it's that any self-respecting hive mind likes to argue, using the
mouth of one of its more photogenic parts, that its conformist ways
are superior to the jut-jawed hero's individualist mindset. If parts
of a hive mind can't know about their own condition, they can hardly
cause dismay to ruggedly handsome space cadets by making speeches
about the joys of collectivism, can they now?
What's skiffy?
It's what purists call "SF".
Ari <***@all.at>
HiveMind Snuhboi
2003-09-14 14:22:08 UTC
Post by 03:15:38 GMT
There can be no fragments within a hive mind;
any member that dissents is kicked out or otherwise ceases to be a
part of the whole.
Can I borrow a feeling?

Bass for your anus:

Usenetserver.com sucks. The worst news admins. Incompetent. Censorous.
03:15:38 GMT
2003-09-14 14:37:32 UTC
Post by HiveMind Snuhboi
There can be no fragments within a hive mind; any member that
dissents is kicked out or otherwise ceases to be a part of the
Do I have to?
Ari <***@all.at>
HiveMind Snuhboi
2003-09-14 15:05:17 UTC
Post by 03:15:38 GMT
Post by HiveMind Snuhboi
There can be no fragments within a hive mind; any member that
dissents is kicked out or otherwise ceases to be a part of the
Do I have to?
More of a request, really.
Can I borrow a feeling?

Bass for your anus:

Usenetserver.com sucks. The worst news admins. Incompetent. Censorous.
2003-09-16 12:37:43 UTC
Post by 03:15:38 GMT
Post by HiveMind Snuhboi
There can be no fragments within a hive mind; any member that
dissents is kicked out or otherwise ceases to be a part of the
Do I have to?
How well do you Moo?
Post by 03:15:38 GMT

"I'm premature like that."
- Aaron M. Henne tells why his marriage ended in article

"When Sylvester Stallone comes out of the deep freeze, he is shocked
and dismayed to discover Arnold had been elected President of the
United States."
- Aaron M. Henne with one of his more colorful
*predictions* in article

"Plus, when I close my eyes, I get to watch a colorful lightshow. Not
many medications ship with a screensaver."
- Aaron M. Henne looks on the bright side of psychotropics
in article

"I understand the side effects and need for this medication, legally,
even though I don't."
- Aaron M. Henne showing keen insight to psychotropic's
side effects in article

"'I am a priest,' said the first man, with deep compassion. 'I absolve
you of your sins, my son.' And then he buttfucked the guy."
- Aaron M. Henne waxing ironic in article

/ \
/ \ /-----\
| (@) | | SnuH |
| (O) | \_ ___/
| / | ||
| \ /_ / //
\ \____/ / /
\ /
2003-09-23 23:50:05 UTC
Post by ±
How well do you Moo?
If the Moomoo is not a cash cow we don't want to know about it.
And I assure you, we would milk the Moomoo for every red cent we
could squeeze out of her. If the Moomoo fails to generate one
hundred thousand a day, it's... curtains.

2003-09-25 06:48:49 UTC
Post by Morpheal
Post by ±
How well do you Moo?
If the Moomoo is not a cash cow we don't want to know about it.
And I assure you, we would milk the Moomoo for every red cent we
could squeeze out of her. If the Moomoo fails to generate one
hundred thousand a day, it's... curtains.
What does Momma Cass say?
Post by Morpheal

September Scorecard:

I make short work of spanked-beyond-recognition Starshine
Moonbeam/Trippy, as he admits his utter and thorough defeat:

From: Starshine Moonbeam <***@tacoshells.com>
Newsgroups: alt.discordia, alt.alien.vampire.flonk.flonk.flonk,
alt.fan.scarecrow, alt.flame, alt.usenet.kooks
Subject: High Noon.......
Date: Fri, 19 Sep 2003 03:24:27 -0500
Message-ID: <***@news.alt.net>

I just have one thing to say to you.

You're the biggest chickenshit I've ever seen. At least Jet and Leola
tried to hold the proverbial gun to the head of the enemy. You however,
did it to a person who hasn't done a damn thing to you. Classy.

I have absolutely no respect for you at all now. You are lower than
anybody on usenet. ANYBODY. Yes, even Jet. Yes, even Leola.

I said I'd do whatever I had to and I'm not that desperate to win. Not
at the price of a good poster going down for a past mistake of
association. Not like this.

I concede.

Message-ID: <***@4ax.com>:

##### ###### # # # # # ###
# # # # # # ## # # # ###
# # # # # # # # # # ###
##### ###### # # # # # ### #
# # ####### # # # # #
# # # # # # ## # # ###
##### # # # # # # # ###


While choking back bitter tears at alt.tv.pee-wee-herman, Trippy
reflects on his crushing loss:


From: Starshine Moonbeam <***@tacoshells.com>
Newsgroups: alt.tv.pee-wee-herman, alt.alien.vampire.flonk.flonk.flonk,
alt.fan.scarecrow, alt.discordia, alt.flame, alt.fan.headkase
Subject: Re: Stooge Admits To Drunken Posting - "For once, Deano was
Date: Mon, 22 Sep 2003 17:55:00 -0500
Message-ID: <***@news.alt.net>

Even in defeat, I was *still* a better man than you.


SSRI-gobbling (Message-ID: <291020021949397696%***@petitmorte.net>)
Dooslop says he's never pedolamed:

Date: Thu, 17 Jul 2003 18:26:01 -0400
From: Dowap <***@petitmorte.net>

"True cowards and immature brain damaged people use the pedo lame."

Date: Sat, 12 Apr 2003 21:45:29 -0400
From: Dowap <***@petitmorte.net>

"If someones best response is going to be a pedo lame then they ain't
worth my time."

Date: Sun, 31 Aug 2003 18:52:30 -0400
From: Dowap <***@petitmorte.net>
Message-ID: <310820031852306478%***@petitmorte.net>

"And best of all you have been destroyed to such an extent you are using
the lamest of lames, the pedo lame."


Welllll... maybe just *one* time:

Subject: Re: Hypocrite Soapy to da rescue.
Date: Wed, 10 Sep 2003 18:22:16 -0400
From: Dowap <***@petitmorte.net>

"I believe I called one person a pedo in response to being called a pedo
quite a while ago."


Welllll... maybe just *seventeen* times:

From: Dowap <***@petitmorte.net>
Message-ID: <221120011053406363%***@petitmorte.net>

"Have you hidden your child pron??? I can only assume that is what you
have with your obssesion with pedophillia. You know, call everyone else
a pedo in a lame attempt to divert attention from yourself. You are a
sick boi Ray."

From: Dowap <***@petitmorte.net>
Message-ID: <280120030001541020%***@petitmorte.net>

"You really should see a psychiatrist about this obsession you
have with pedophillia, it is not right. Are you trying to throw the
police off your tracks by lying about me? Did your father/uncle rape
you? Do they still sodomize you?"

From: Dowap <***@petitmorte.net>
Message-ID: <080220031954512447%***@petitmorte.net>

"Don't forget his predilection towards pedophillia."

From: Dowap <***@petitmorte.net>
Message-ID: <040720032324058631%***@petitmorte.net>

"So, dimmy do you get aroused by pre-pubescent children? Why not post
your police report?"

From: Dowap <***@petitmorte.net>
Message-ID: <230220031713538035%***@petitmorte.net>

"Damn, tu tu has the pedophillia *and* the animal thing going . Does
this mean he only has sex with young animals?"

From: Dowap <***@petitmorte.net>

Sort of like how you are overly concerned with pedophillia, says more
about you than you might think, if you can think that is. Perhaps you
should seek the help of a professional to work out some hidden issues
you may have?

From: Dowap <***@petitmorte.net>
Message-ID: <020220030246025150%***@petitmorte.net>

"I wonder if his Daddy knows about his leanings towards pedophillia or
maybe he picked that up from his dad or is it uncle.

From: Dowap <***@petitmorte.net>
Message-ID: <080220032054356299%***@petitmorte.net>

"Is big tu tu still spewing his desire for gay sex? If he isn't talking
about pedophillia he's talking about gay sex. Makes you wonder."

From: Dowap <***@petitmorte.net>
Message-ID: <170620011811213678%***@petitmorte.net>

"When you gonna start your pedo flood again Timmay????"

From: Dowap <***@petitmorte.net>
Message-ID: <270120031922264866%***@petitmorte.net>

"Big Tu Tu is obsessed with the following:

Sodomizing men with Black Dildos
Drug Use

Did I miss anything?"

From: Dowap <***@petitmorte.net>
Message-ID: <221020022001490228%***@petitmorte.net>

"I must assume that the both of you have some sort of pedophillia."

From: Dowap <***@petitmorte.net>
Message-ID: <130520011630032148%***@petitmorte.net>

"You are a total fucking moron. You finally shut your yap enough so you
didn't look as stupid as your pedo buddy rikijo and then you start
again. Really, in all honesty (not an age flame), how old are you??? If
you are under 25 then I can sort of understand your behavior."

"What is this obsession you, vintard, and rikijoke (the three stooges)
have with animals and sex?? Do you three trade bestiality porn? Do you
trade the bestiality porn because rikijoke can't get more pedo porn?"

From: Dowap <***@petitmorte.n3t>
Message-ID: <070120022041356089%***@petitmorte.n3t>

"Here is my list of people that appear to have pedophilia tendencies
based on their postings. You should start with the following first:


Hope that helps.


You so easy!"

From: Dowap <***@petitmorte.net>
Message-ID: <231020012218339271%***@petitmorte.net>

"So go suck on that you bunch of closet Pedo's.

From: Dowap <***@petitmorte.net>
Message-ID: <171020011658180072%***@petitmorte.net>

"Now go trade your pedo porn with your assjockey Marty."

From: Dowap <***@petitmorte.n3t>
Message-ID: <070120022045058657%***@petitmorte.n3t>

"I think your obsession in Pedo speaks for itself Marty. Those that live
in glass house and all that."

From: Dowap <***@petitmorte.net>
Message-ID: <151120011659039426%***@petitmorte.net>

"Lil'diki giving away his own pedo and pron secrets. Hey carlos, someone
is looking for a pron password, why don't you help them out??"



"Bwahahhahaha!!!!", indeed, Dooslop!

/ \
/ \ /-----\
| (@) | | SnuH |
| (O) | \_ ___/
| / | ||
| \ /_ / //
\ \____/ / /
\ /
2003-09-28 03:05:00 UTC
Post by ±
Post by Morpheal
Post by ±
How well do you Moo?
If the Moomoo is not a cash cow we don't want to know about it.
And I assure you, we would milk the Moomoo for every red cent we
could squeeze out of her. If the Moomoo fails to generate one
hundred thousand a day, it's... curtains.
What does Momma Cass say?
"<cough> <hack>"
__ __ __ __ O O O
/ / | / | / | / | O o o
(___ ( |(___|(___|(___| o _____________o
)| )| )| ) o.;-----------./|
__/ |__/ | / | __/ // S O A P Y // |
|'-----------'| /
jgs | | /
2003-09-28 03:10:30 UTC
Post by Soapy
Post by ±
Post by Morpheal
Post by ±
How well do you Moo?
If the Moomoo is not a cash cow we don't want to know about it.
And I assure you, we would milk the Moomoo for every red cent we
could squeeze out of her. If the Moomoo fails to generate one
hundred thousand a day, it's... curtains.
What does Momma Cass say?
"<cough> <hack>"
Everyone's getting fat but Momma Cass, because she's decomposing in the
Post by Soapy
__ __ __ __ O O O
/ / | / | / | / | O o o
(___ ( |(___|(___|(___| o _____________o
)| )| )| ) o.;-----------./|
__/ |__/ | / | __/ // S O A P Y // |
|'-----------'| /
jgs | | /

September Scorecard - It's the Trippy and Dooslop Show!:

I make short work of spanked-beyond-recognition Starshine
Moonbeam/Trippy, as he admits his utter and thorough defeat:

From: Starshine Moonbeam <***@tacoshells.com>
Newsgroups: alt.discordia, alt.alien.vampire.flonk.flonk.flonk,
alt.fan.scarecrow, alt.flame, alt.usenet.kooks
Subject: High Noon.......
Date: Fri, 19 Sep 2003 03:24:27 -0500
Message-ID: <***@news.alt.net>

I just have one thing to say to you.

You're the biggest chickenshit I've ever seen. At least Jet and Leola
tried to hold the proverbial gun to the head of the enemy. You however,
did it to a person who hasn't done a damn thing to you. Classy.

I have absolutely no respect for you at all now. You are lower than
anybody on usenet. ANYBODY. Yes, even Jet. Yes, even Leola.

I said I'd do whatever I had to and I'm not that desperate to win. Not
at the price of a good poster going down for a past mistake of
association. Not like this.

I concede.

Message-ID: <***@4ax.com>:

##### ###### # # # # # ###
# # # # # # ## # # # ###
# # # # # # # # # # ###
##### ###### # # # # # ### #
# # ####### # # # # #
# # # # # # ## # # ###
##### # # # # # # # ###


While choking back bitter tears at alt.tv.pee-wee-herman, Trippy
reflects on his crushing loss:


From: Starshine Moonbeam <***@tacoshells.com>
Newsgroups: alt.tv.pee-wee-herman, alt.alien.vampire.flonk.flonk.flonk,
alt.fan.scarecrow, alt.discordia, alt.flame, alt.fan.headkase
Subject: Re: Stooge Admits To Drunken Posting - "For once, Deano was
Date: Mon, 22 Sep 2003 17:55:00 -0500
Message-ID: <***@news.alt.net>

Even in defeat, I was *still* a better man than you.


SSRI-gobbling (Message-ID: <291020021949397696%***@petitmorte.net>)
Dooslop says he's never pedolamed:

Date: Thu, 17 Jul 2003 18:26:01 -0400
From: Dowap <***@petitmorte.net>

"True cowards and immature brain damaged people use the pedo lame."

Date: Sat, 12 Apr 2003 21:45:29 -0400
From: Dowap <***@petitmorte.net>

"If someones best response is going to be a pedo lame then they ain't
worth my time."

Date: Sun, 31 Aug 2003 18:52:30 -0400
From: Dowap <***@petitmorte.net>
Message-ID: <310820031852306478%***@petitmorte.net>

"And best of all you have been destroyed to such an extent you are using
the lamest of lames, the pedo lame."


Welllll... maybe just *one* time:

Subject: Re: Hypocrite Soapy to da rescue.
Date: Wed, 10 Sep 2003 18:22:16 -0400
From: Dowap <***@petitmorte.net>

"I believe I called one person a pedo in response to being called a pedo
quite a while ago."


Welllll... maybe just *seventeen* times:

From: Dowap <***@petitmorte.net>
Message-ID: <221120011053406363%***@petitmorte.net>

"Have you hidden your child pron??? I can only assume that is what you
have with your obssesion with pedophillia. You know, call everyone else
a pedo in a lame attempt to divert attention from yourself. You are a
sick boi Ray."

From: Dowap <***@petitmorte.net>
Message-ID: <280120030001541020%***@petitmorte.net>

"You really should see a psychiatrist about this obsession you
have with pedophillia, it is not right. Are you trying to throw the
police off your tracks by lying about me? Did your father/uncle rape
you? Do they still sodomize you?"

From: Dowap <***@petitmorte.net>
Message-ID: <080220031954512447%***@petitmorte.net>

"Don't forget his predilection towards pedophillia."

From: Dowap <***@petitmorte.net>
Message-ID: <040720032324058631%***@petitmorte.net>

"So, dimmy do you get aroused by pre-pubescent children? Why not post
your police report?"

From: Dowap <***@petitmorte.net>
Message-ID: <230220031713538035%***@petitmorte.net>

"Damn, tu tu has the pedophillia *and* the animal thing going . Does
this mean he only has sex with young animals?"

From: Dowap <***@petitmorte.net>

Sort of like how you are overly concerned with pedophillia, says more
about you than you might think, if you can think that is. Perhaps you
should seek the help of a professional to work out some hidden issues
you may have?

From: Dowap <***@petitmorte.net>
Message-ID: <020220030246025150%***@petitmorte.net>

"I wonder if his Daddy knows about his leanings towards pedophillia or
maybe he picked that up from his dad or is it uncle.

From: Dowap <***@petitmorte.net>
Message-ID: <080220032054356299%***@petitmorte.net>

"Is big tu tu still spewing his desire for gay sex? If he isn't talking
about pedophillia he's talking about gay sex. Makes you wonder."

From: Dowap <***@petitmorte.net>
Message-ID: <170620011811213678%***@petitmorte.net>

"When you gonna start your pedo flood again Timmay????"

From: Dowap <***@petitmorte.net>
Message-ID: <270120031922264866%***@petitmorte.net>

"Big Tu Tu is obsessed with the following:

Sodomizing men with Black Dildos
Drug Use

Did I miss anything?"

From: Dowap <***@petitmorte.net>
Message-ID: <221020022001490228%***@petitmorte.net>

"I must assume that the both of you have some sort of pedophillia."

From: Dowap <***@petitmorte.net>
Message-ID: <130520011630032148%***@petitmorte.net>

"You are a total fucking moron. You finally shut your yap enough so you
didn't look as stupid as your pedo buddy rikijo and then you start
again. Really, in all honesty (not an age flame), how old are you??? If
you are under 25 then I can sort of understand your behavior."

"What is this obsession you, vintard, and rikijoke (the three stooges)
have with animals and sex?? Do you three trade bestiality porn? Do you
trade the bestiality porn because rikijoke can't get more pedo porn?"

From: Dowap <***@petitmorte.n3t>
Message-ID: <070120022041356089%***@petitmorte.n3t>

"Here is my list of people that appear to have pedophilia tendencies
based on their postings. You should start with the following first:


Hope that helps.


You so easy!"

From: Dowap <***@petitmorte.net>
Message-ID: <231020012218339271%***@petitmorte.net>

"So go suck on that you bunch of closet Pedo's.

From: Dowap <***@petitmorte.net>
Message-ID: <171020011658180072%***@petitmorte.net>

"Now go trade your pedo porn with your assjockey Marty."

From: Dowap <***@petitmorte.n3t>
Message-ID: <070120022045058657%***@petitmorte.n3t>

"I think your obsession in Pedo speaks for itself Marty. Those that live
in glass house and all that."

From: Dowap <***@petitmorte.net>
Message-ID: <151120011659039426%***@petitmorte.net>

"Lil'diki giving away his own pedo and pron secrets. Hey carlos, someone
is looking for a pron password, why don't you help them out??"



"Bwahahhahaha!!!!", indeed, Dooslop!

Before I point out to the PedoLamer his World-Class PKB's, Dooslop sets
himself up for yet *another* World-Class PKB/Spank as he berates me for
thread-dropping and not responding to him quickly enough:


Date: Wed, 24 Sep 2003 13:42:06 -0400
From: Dowap <***@petitmorte.net>
Message-ID: <240920031342061718%***@petitmorte.net>

How come you only responded to my posts from yesterday that were all
before this post you responded to. I mean shit dean, you sound so angry
here and I think I made at least another ten posts after I brought you
out of the plonker. Not as much fun head to head?

Date: Wed, 24 Sep 2003 13:33:44 -0400
From: Dowap <***@petitmorte.net>
Message-ID: <240920031333441617%***@petitmorte.net>

Yes, you are a true coward dean. What are you going to threaten me
with? Come on tough guy I'll play. I've seen how seriously you take
usenet. Now go back and answer my posts. Oh wait, dean stopped
answering once he found out he was no longer killfiled.

Date: Thu, 25 Sep 2003 21:33:38 -0400
From: Dowap <***@petitmorte.net>
Message-ID: <250920032133387354%***@petitmorte.net>

Spank! Answer all of your dropped threads dean. Answer all the
questions you avoided by asking another question. Good crackhead.


The very next day, after having his 17 of his PedoLames posted, a dazed
Dooslop *spanks* me for responding *too* quickly and decides to drop all


Subject: Chumphries waits a whole eleven minutes to start responding!
Date: Thu, 25 Sep 2003 22:10:32 -0400
From: Dowap <***@petitmorte.net>
Message-ID: <250920032210320216%***@petitmorte.net>

Just one point since I'm not going to respond to every individual
obsession of yours. I have never post edited you. Unlike you. There is
at least one thread you haven't responded to yet dean!

Oh spanking we will go, oh spanking we will go!


Did you enjoy your Spanks, Dooslop? Would you like another?

Dooslop on his drug use:


From: Dowap <***@petitmorte.net>
Date: Thu, 25 Sep 2003 22:20:20 -0400
Post by Soapy
Post by ±
Post by Morpheal
How much meth have you smoked today, PedoMan?
Obviously a lot less than you pedolamer, a lot less.
5 grams?
All I know is it is less than you.


To paraphrase Dooslop - I can only assume that is what you have with
your obssesion with drugs. You know, call everyone else a addict in a
lame attempt to divert attention from yourself. You are a sick boi
Dowap. You really should see a psychiatrist about this obsession you
have with crack, it is not right.


Searched Groups for crack OR meth OR coke OR crackhead OR cocaine OR
heroin OR pipe OR rehab author: "dowap" from Sep 20, 2003 to Sep 27,
2003. Results 1 - 10 of about 68.

Sort of like how you are overly concerned with me, Dooslop, says more
about you than you might think, if you can think that is. Perhaps you
should seek the help of a professional to work out some hidden issues
you may have?


Searched Groups for dean OR deano OR ± OR
***@WHATISSPAMhotmail.com author: "dowap" from Sep 20, 2003 to
Sep 27, 2003. Results 1 - 10 of about 129

Obsess much, Dooslop?


Coming soon: more stuff! ©

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2003-10-05 02:18:36 UTC
Post by ±
What does Momma Cass say?
Much less than Jim Morrison says.

2003-10-07 09:10:11 UTC
Post by Morpheal
Post by ±
What does Momma Cass say?
Much less than Jim Morrison says.
Post by Morpheal

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2003-10-07 23:59:44 UTC
No. She is forever choking.

2003-10-08 01:48:21 UTC
Post by Morpheal
No. She is forever choking.
She comes in colors.
Post by Morpheal

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2003-10-11 23:29:38 UTC
Post by ±
She comes in colors.
Punch and Judy always did come in colors. They each colored one
another's worlds. Nasty. Very nasty.

the thirty three dead Guido's were also very aweful colors. You
wouldn't want to know what their colors were like.

2003-10-12 12:26:42 UTC
Post by Morpheal
the thirty three dead Guido's were also very aweful colors.
99 Luftballons.
Post by Morpheal

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2003-10-15 10:38:45 UTC
Post by ±
99 Luftballons.
66 Doctresses.

As for the Luftballons,... real cute, but that was a long, long
time ago. One has to move one, rather than becoming stuck on one song.

2003-10-16 10:15:42 UTC
Post by Morpheal
Post by ±
99 Luftballons.
66 Doctresses.
44 bottles of beer in the wall.
Post by Morpheal

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2003-10-19 02:37:54 UTC
Post by ±
44 bottles of beer in the wall.
The incarnation of the doctress that I met in Toronto drinks beer.
She is semi-illiterate, as to her essay skills, but she does drink beer.

2003-10-19 02:54:33 UTC
Post by Morpheal
Post by ±
44 bottles of beer in the wall.
The incarnation of the doctress that I met in Toronto drinks beer.
She is semi-illiterate, as to her essay skills, but she does drink beer.
Appropriate Newsgroup added!!!
2003-10-19 03:37:43 UTC
Post by Morpheal
Post by ±
44 bottles of beer in the wall.
The incarnation of the doctress that I met in Toronto drinks beer.
She is semi-illiterate, as to her essay skills, but she does drink beer.
What about hard liquor?
Post by Morpheal

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2003-10-19 14:08:29 UTC
Post by ±
What about hard liquor?
I think that would do it. Then there might be a seminar of
little doctresses, produced. I mean, it is a gaggle of geese,
a flock of doves, so a seminar of doctresses ????

2003-10-21 00:57:39 UTC
Post by Morpheal
Post by ±
What about hard liquor?
I think that would do it. Then there might be a seminar of
little doctresses, produced. I mean, it is a gaggle of geese,
a flock of doves, so a seminar of doctresses ????
A decilitre of doctresses.
Post by Morpheal

"Who told you this?"


"They talk a lot, don't they?"

"They certainly do."

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2003-10-21 21:48:57 UTC
Post by ±
A decilitre of doctresses.
I didn't think it was safe to do that kind of carriage trading.
Besides that, it might not have become the right genetic mix to
suit Uncle Sam and company. No, she could take a picture of the
sack headed mannikins and go home to America. That's ok. I didn't
take the carriage trading thing seriously anyway. After all there
were twinges of feminaziism too, you know. That stuff frightens me
enough to get my Peter Pan Getaway Boots on and fly from the scene.

2003-10-23 08:30:55 UTC
Post by Morpheal
Post by ±
A decilitre of doctresses.
I didn't think it was safe to do that kind of carriage trading.
Besides that, it might not have become the right genetic mix to
suit Uncle Sam and company. No, she could take a picture of the
sack headed mannikins and go home to America. That's ok. I didn't
take the carriage trading thing seriously anyway. After all there
were twinges of feminaziism too, you know. That stuff frightens me
enough to get my Peter Pan Getaway Boots on and fly from the scene.
But have you noticed Camille Paglia is now quiet as a house mouse?
Post by Morpheal

"Who told you this?"


"They talk a lot, don't they?"

"They certainly do."

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2003-10-23 21:56:11 UTC
Post by ±
But have you noticed Camille Paglia is now quiet as a house mouse?
I don't care, I simply want to find a wife or girlfriend who
is nicely shaped, with a slender waist and nice breasts.

I don't care about house mice.

2003-10-24 02:21:55 UTC
Post by Morpheal
I don't care about house mice.
Then you aint no mouser.
Post by Morpheal

Jereon *finally* explains it for us all:

From: "FJ" <***@hotmail.com>
Newsgroups: alt.flame
Subject: Re: PING: Adrian Smith
Date: Tue, 21 Oct 2003 23:29:27 +0200
Organization: The Brethren Of Beelzebub
Message-ID: <3f95a59d$0$2948$***@news.sexzilla.net>

Oh, introductions: Mister Smith, meet Mister Christie (aka Mister
Gortician), special friend of Mister Humphries. Mister Christie, meet
Mister Smith, curator of the Texas Tom Museum.

And yes, Mister Smith, the gentleman in question does not like me very
much on account of yours truly having said nasty things about his Lord
and Master Mister Humphries. Usually, he isn't this forthright in
expressing his opinions on my good self since he prefers to leave that
to Mister Nescio and Miss Metet. In short, this poultry excrement is
quite easily ignored.

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2003-10-27 04:24:27 UTC
Post by ±
Then you aint no mouser.
There is a lot of recoil in that comment.

2003-10-26 12:23:20 UTC
Post by Morpheal
Post by ±
Then you aint no mouser.
There is a lot of recoil in that comment.
Helter Skelter.
Post by Morpheal

Jereon *finally* explains it for us all:

From: "FJ" <***@hotmail.com>
Newsgroups: alt.flame
Subject: Re: PING: Adrian Smith
Date: Tue, 21 Oct 2003 23:29:27 +0200
Organization: The Brethren Of Beelzebub
Message-ID: <3f95a59d$0$2948$***@news.sexzilla.net>

Oh, introductions: Mister Smith, meet Mister Christie (aka Mister
Gortician), special friend of Mister Humphries. Mister Christie, meet
Mister Smith, curator of the Texas Tom Museum.

And yes, Mister Smith, the gentleman in question does not like me very
much on account of yours truly having said nasty things about his Lord
and Master Mister Humphries. Usually, he isn't this forthright in
expressing his opinions on my good self since he prefers to leave that
to Mister Nescio and Miss Metet. In short, this poultry excrement is
quite easily ignored.

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2003-10-27 15:01:54 UTC
Post by ±
Helter Skelter.
You're saying I am too dangerous ?

2003-10-27 05:14:51 UTC
Post by Morpheal
Post by ±
Helter Skelter.
You're saying I am too dangerous ?
Post by Morpheal

Jereon *finally* explains it for us all:

From: "FJ" <***@hotmail.com>
Newsgroups: alt.flame
Subject: Re: PING: Adrian Smith
Date: Tue, 21 Oct 2003 23:29:27 +0200
Organization: The Brethren Of Beelzebub
Message-ID: <3f95a59d$0$2948$***@news.sexzilla.net>

Oh, introductions: Mister Smith, meet Mister Christie (aka Mister
Gortician), special friend of Mister Humphries. Mister Christie, meet
Mister Smith, curator of the Texas Tom Museum.

And yes, Mister Smith, the gentleman in question does not like me very
much on account of yours truly having said nasty things about his Lord
and Master Mister Humphries. Usually, he isn't this forthright in
expressing his opinions on my good self since he prefers to leave that
to Mister Nescio and Miss Metet. In short, this poultry excrement is
quite easily ignored.

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2003-10-28 11:24:15 UTC
Since the death of the Guidos I have had to do their job and mine.

2003-10-28 06:13:54 UTC
Post by Morpheal
Since the death of the Guidos I have had to do their job and mine.
*All* dead?
Post by Morpheal

Jereon *finally* explains it for us all:

From: "FJ" <***@hotmail.com>
Newsgroups: alt.flame
Subject: Re: PING: Adrian Smith
Date: Tue, 21 Oct 2003 23:29:27 +0200
Organization: The Brethren Of Beelzebub
Message-ID: <3f95a59d$0$2948$***@news.sexzilla.net>

Oh, introductions: Mister Smith, meet Mister Christie (aka Mister
Gortician), special friend of Mister Humphries. Mister Christie, meet
Mister Smith, curator of the Texas Tom Museum.

And yes, Mister Smith, the gentleman in question does not like me very
much on account of yours truly having said nasty things about his Lord
and Master Mister Humphries. Usually, he isn't this forthright in
expressing his opinions on my good self since he prefers to leave that
to Mister Nescio and Miss Metet. In short, this poultry excrement is
quite easily ignored.

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2003-10-29 11:20:47 UTC
Post by ±
*All* dead?
One more accounted for. Impaled on a lampost in front of the
Neutopian constabulary's main headquarters building. Two still missing
and presumed dead.

2003-10-28 23:14:08 UTC
Post by Morpheal
Post by ±
*All* dead?
One more accounted for. Impaled on a lampost in front of the
Neutopian constabulary's main headquarters building. Two still missing
and presumed dead.
The lady said all you gentlemen must leave.
Post by Morpheal

Jereon *finally* explains it for us all:

From: "FJ" <***@hotmail.com>
Newsgroups: alt.flame
Subject: Re: PING: Adrian Smith
Date: Tue, 21 Oct 2003 23:29:27 +0200
Organization: The Brethren Of Beelzebub
Message-ID: <3f95a59d$0$2948$***@news.sexzilla.net>

Oh, introductions: Mister Smith, meet Mister Christie (aka Mister
Gortician), special friend of Mister Humphries. Mister Christie, meet
Mister Smith, curator of the Texas Tom Museum.

And yes, Mister Smith, the gentleman in question does not like me very
much on account of yours truly having said nasty things about his Lord
and Master Mister Humphries. Usually, he isn't this forthright in
expressing his opinions on my good self since he prefers to leave that
to Mister Nescio and Miss Metet. In short, this poultry excrement is
quite easily ignored.

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2003-10-30 11:27:05 UTC
Post by ±
The lady said all you gentlemen must leave.
That's only because she was so perverse that she secretly wanted
all me to cut off their peni and to grow breasts.

2003-10-31 00:16:55 UTC
Post by Morpheal
Post by ±
The lady said all you gentlemen must leave.
That's only because she was so perverse that she secretly wanted
all me to cut off their peni and to grow breasts.
Post by Morpheal

Jereon *finally* explains it for us all:

From: "FJ" <***@hotmail.com>
Newsgroups: alt.flame
Subject: Re: PING: Adrian Smith
Date: Tue, 21 Oct 2003 23:29:27 +0200
Organization: The Brethren Of Beelzebub
Message-ID: <3f95a59d$0$2948$***@news.sexzilla.net>

Oh, introductions: Mister Smith, meet Mister Christie (aka Mister
Gortician), special friend of Mister Humphries. Mister Christie, meet
Mister Smith, curator of the Texas Tom Museum.

And yes, Mister Smith, the gentleman in question does not like me very
much on account of yours truly having said nasty things about his Lord
and Master Mister Humphries. Usually, he isn't this forthright in
expressing his opinions on my good self since he prefers to leave that
to Mister Nescio and Miss Metet. In short, this poultry excrement is
quite easily ignored.

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2003-11-01 11:26:28 UTC
I am sure you are thinking carefully about volunteering for the program.
The doctresses have had quite an influence on you.

2003-11-01 07:11:05 UTC
Post by Morpheal
I am sure you are thinking carefully about volunteering for the program.
The doctresses have had quite an influence on you.
Post by Morpheal

Jereon *finally* explains it for us all:

From: "FJ" <***@hotmail.com>
Newsgroups: alt.flame
Subject: Re: PING: Adrian Smith
Date: Tue, 21 Oct 2003 23:29:27 +0200
Organization: The Brethren Of Beelzebub
Message-ID: <3f95a59d$0$2948$***@news.sexzilla.net>

Oh, introductions: Mister Smith, meet Mister Christie (aka Mister
Gortician), special friend of Mister Humphries. Mister Christie, meet
Mister Smith, curator of the Texas Tom Museum.

And yes, Mister Smith, the gentleman in question does not like me very
much on account of yours truly having said nasty things about his Lord
and Master Mister Humphries. Usually, he isn't this forthright in
expressing his opinions on my good self since he prefers to leave that
to Mister Nescio and Miss Metet. In short, this poultry excrement is
quite easily ignored.

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Bill Cleere
2003-11-01 18:19:25 UTC
Post by Morpheal
I am sure you are thinking carefully about volunteering for the program.
The doctresses have had quite an influence on you.

-- Bill Cleere

"I prefer the pleasure of writing bits of nonsense to that of
wearing an embroidered coat which costs 800 francs." (Stendahl)
2003-11-01 20:01:22 UTC
Post by Bill Cleere
Post by Morpheal
I am sure you are thinking carefully about volunteering for the program.
The doctresses have had quite an influence on you.
Post by Bill Cleere
-- Bill Cleere
"I prefer the pleasure of writing bits of nonsense to that of
wearing an embroidered coat which costs 800 francs." (Stendahl)

Jereon *finally* explains it for us all:

From: "FJ" <***@hotmail.com>
Newsgroups: alt.flame
Subject: Re: PING: Adrian Smith
Date: Tue, 21 Oct 2003 23:29:27 +0200
Organization: The Brethren Of Beelzebub
Message-ID: <3f95a59d$0$2948$***@news.sexzilla.net>

Oh, introductions: Mister Smith, meet Mister Christie (aka Mister
Gortician), special friend of Mister Humphries. Mister Christie, meet
Mister Smith, curator of the Texas Tom Museum.

And yes, Mister Smith, the gentleman in question does not like me very
much on account of yours truly having said nasty things about his Lord
and Master Mister Humphries. Usually, he isn't this forthright in
expressing his opinions on my good self since he prefers to leave that
to Mister Nescio and Miss Metet. In short, this poultry excrement is
quite easily ignored.

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Bill Cleere
2003-11-02 03:32:51 UTC
Post by ±
Post by Bill Cleere
Post by Morpheal
I am sure you are thinking carefully about volunteering for the program.
The doctresses have had quite an influence on you.
2003-11-02 05:42:56 UTC
Post by Bill Cleere
Post by ±
Post by Bill Cleere
Post by Morpheal
I am sure you are thinking carefully about volunteering for the program.
The doctresses have had quite an influence on you.

Jereon *finally* explains it for us all:

From: "FJ" <***@hotmail.com>
Newsgroups: alt.flame
Subject: Re: PING: Adrian Smith
Date: Tue, 21 Oct 2003 23:29:27 +0200
Organization: The Brethren Of Beelzebub
Message-ID: <3f95a59d$0$2948$***@news.sexzilla.net>

Oh, introductions: Mister Smith, meet Mister Christie (aka Mister
Gortician), special friend of Mister Humphries. Mister Christie, meet
Mister Smith, curator of the Texas Tom Museum.

And yes, Mister Smith, the gentleman in question does not like me very
much on account of yours truly having said nasty things about his Lord
and Master Mister Humphries. Usually, he isn't this forthright in
expressing his opinions on my good self since he prefers to leave that
to Mister Nescio and Miss Metet. In short, this poultry excrement is
quite easily ignored.

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Bill Cleere
2003-11-02 18:02:40 UTC
Post by ±
Post by Bill Cleere
Post by ±
Post by Bill Cleere
Post by Morpheal
I am sure you are thinking carefully about volunteering for the program.
The doctresses have had quite an influence on you.
Muthuh Uth
2003-11-03 07:31:09 UTC
Post by Morpheal
Post by ±
Post by Bill Cleere
Post by ±
Post by Bill Cleere
Post by Morpheal
I am sure you are thinking carefully about volunteering for the
Post by ±
Post by Bill Cleere
Post by ±
Post by Bill Cleere
Post by Morpheal
The doctresses have had quite an influence on you.
Muthuh Uth
Ernuh Kuhvacs.

Jereon *finally* explains it for us all:

From: "FJ" <***@hotmail.com>
Newsgroups: alt.flame
Subject: Re: PING: Adrian Smith
Date: Tue, 21 Oct 2003 23:29:27 +0200
Organization: The Brethren Of Beelzebub
Message-ID: <3f95a59d$0$2948$***@news.sexzilla.net>

Oh, introductions: Mister Smith, meet Mister Christie (aka Mister
Gortician), special friend of Mister Humphries. Mister Christie, meet
Mister Smith, curator of the Texas Tom Museum.

And yes, Mister Smith, the gentleman in question does not like me very
much on account of yours truly having said nasty things about his Lord
and Master Mister Humphries. Usually, he isn't this forthright in
expressing his opinions on my good self since he prefers to leave that
to Mister Nescio and Miss Metet. In short, this poultry excrement is
quite easily ignored.

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Bill Cleere
2003-11-03 16:05:26 UTC
Post by Morpheal
Post by Bill Cleere
Post by ±
Post by Bill Cleere
Post by ±
Post by Bill Cleere
Post by Morpheal
I am sure you are thinking carefully about volunteering for the
Post by Bill Cleere
Post by ±
Post by Bill Cleere
Post by ±
Post by Bill Cleere
Post by Morpheal
The doctresses have had quite an influence on you.
Muthuh Uth
Ernuh Kuhvacs.
Lanuh Tuhnuh
2003-11-05 07:56:25 UTC
Post by Bill Cleere
Post by Morpheal
Post by Bill Cleere
Post by ±
Post by Bill Cleere
Post by ±
Post by Bill Cleere
Post by Morpheal
I am sure you are thinking carefully about volunteering for the
Post by Bill Cleere
Post by ±
Post by Bill Cleere
Post by ±
Post by Bill Cleere
Post by Morpheal
The doctresses have had quite an influence on you.
Muthuh Uth
Ernuh Kuhvacs.
Lanuh Tuhnuh
Tinuh Tuhrner.

Jereon *finally* explains it for us all:

From: "FJ" <***@hotmail.com>
Newsgroups: alt.flame
Subject: Re: PING: Adrian Smith
Date: Tue, 21 Oct 2003 23:29:27 +0200
Organization: The Brethren Of Beelzebub
Message-ID: <3f95a59d$0$2948$***@news.sexzilla.net>

Oh, introductions: Mister Smith, meet Mister Christie (aka Mister
Gortician), special friend of Mister Humphries. Mister Christie, meet
Mister Smith, curator of the Texas Tom Museum.

And yes, Mister Smith, the gentleman in question does not like me very
much on account of yours truly having said nasty things about his Lord
and Master Mister Humphries. Usually, he isn't this forthright in
expressing his opinions on my good self since he prefers to leave that
to Mister Nescio and Miss Metet. In short, this poultry excrement is
quite easily ignored.

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Bill Cleere
2003-11-05 20:34:23 UTC
Post by Morpheal
Post by Bill Cleere
Post by ±
Post by Bill Cleere
Post by ±
Post by Bill Cleere
Post by ±
Post by Bill Cleere
Post by Morpheal
I am sure you are thinking carefully about volunteering for the
Post by Bill Cleere
Post by ±
Post by Bill Cleere
Post by ±
Post by Bill Cleere
Post by ±
Post by Bill Cleere
Post by Morpheal
The doctresses have had quite an influence on you.
Muthuh Uth
Ernuh Kuhvacs.
Lanuh Tuhnuh
Tinuh Tuhrner.
Luthuh Bluhsuhtt
2003-11-03 19:52:48 UTC
Chop, chop.

2003-11-03 07:31:43 UTC
Post by Morpheal
Chop, chop.
You ate all the Guidos!
Post by Morpheal

Jereon *finally* explains it for us all:

From: "FJ" <***@hotmail.com>
Newsgroups: alt.flame
Subject: Re: PING: Adrian Smith
Date: Tue, 21 Oct 2003 23:29:27 +0200
Organization: The Brethren Of Beelzebub
Message-ID: <3f95a59d$0$2948$***@news.sexzilla.net>

Oh, introductions: Mister Smith, meet Mister Christie (aka Mister
Gortician), special friend of Mister Humphries. Mister Christie, meet
Mister Smith, curator of the Texas Tom Museum.

And yes, Mister Smith, the gentleman in question does not like me very
much on account of yours truly having said nasty things about his Lord
and Master Mister Humphries. Usually, he isn't this forthright in
expressing his opinions on my good self since he prefers to leave that
to Mister Nescio and Miss Metet. In short, this poultry excrement is
quite easily ignored.

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2003-11-05 02:54:39 UTC
Post by ±
You ate all the Guidos!
No. The Guido factory was doing some test marketing.
They passed out samples. Chocolate Guidos. It's the latest craze.

Guido became a heroic cult figure at the time of his demise.

2003-11-05 08:00:10 UTC
Post by Morpheal
Chocolate Guidos. It's the latest craze.
Electrical banana is bound to be the very next phase.
Post by Morpheal

Jereon *finally* explains it for us all:

From: "FJ" <***@hotmail.com>
Newsgroups: alt.flame
Subject: Re: PING: Adrian Smith
Date: Tue, 21 Oct 2003 23:29:27 +0200
Organization: The Brethren Of Beelzebub
Message-ID: <3f95a59d$0$2948$***@news.sexzilla.net>

Oh, introductions: Mister Smith, meet Mister Christie (aka Mister
Gortician), special friend of Mister Humphries. Mister Christie, meet
Mister Smith, curator of the Texas Tom Museum.

And yes, Mister Smith, the gentleman in question does not like me very
much on account of yours truly having said nasty things about his Lord
and Master Mister Humphries. Usually, he isn't this forthright in
expressing his opinions on my good self since he prefers to leave that
to Mister Nescio and Miss Metet. In short, this poultry excrement is
quite easily ignored.

/ \
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2003-11-06 23:02:26 UTC
Post by ±
Electrical banana is bound to be the very next phase.
A strap on electrical banana for every lesbian couple. No doubt.
Except they are wired DC, not AC. It's safer to use batteries.

2003-10-17 10:47:51 UTC
And we have had more than enough of smallness.
Watch out for kitchenettes, and bridgettes.
There are crossing problems with bridgettes, and then after
the bridgette you get Lloyd, who is bridges. Nothing small there.

I am running away. Fast as I can.

All of that is too indicative of something too too dangerous.

2003-10-18 11:12:27 UTC
Post by Morpheal
I am running away. Fast as I can.
Don't look back.
Post by Morpheal

/ \
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2003-10-19 14:10:04 UTC
Post by ±
Don't look back.
I prefer to look front, not back. That's where her breasts are.
The back is only shoulder blades. Nowhere near as erotic.

2003-10-21 00:58:51 UTC
Post by Morpheal
Post by ±
Don't look back.
I prefer to look front, not back. That's where her breasts are.
The back is only shoulder blades. Nowhere near as erotic.
You've obviously never have been to Japan.
Post by Morpheal

"Who told you this?"


"They talk a lot, don't they?"

"They certainly do."

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2003-10-23 21:57:10 UTC
Post by ±
You've obviously never have been to Japan.
What ? Are you saying that Japanese women never choose breast
augmentations ? I can't believe that.

2003-10-24 02:22:47 UTC
Post by Morpheal
I can't believe that.
Be careful of the advice you buy.

Jereon *finally* explains it for us all:

From: "FJ" <***@hotmail.com>
Newsgroups: alt.flame
Subject: Re: PING: Adrian Smith
Date: Tue, 21 Oct 2003 23:29:27 +0200
Organization: The Brethren Of Beelzebub
Message-ID: <3f95a59d$0$2948$***@news.sexzilla.net>

Oh, introductions: Mister Smith, meet Mister Christie (aka Mister
Gortician), special friend of Mister Humphries. Mister Christie, meet
Mister Smith, curator of the Texas Tom Museum.

And yes, Mister Smith, the gentleman in question does not like me very
much on account of yours truly having said nasty things about his Lord
and Master Mister Humphries. Usually, he isn't this forthright in
expressing his opinions on my good self since he prefers to leave that
to Mister Nescio and Miss Metet. In short, this poultry excrement is
quite easily ignored.

/ \
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2003-10-27 04:25:26 UTC
Post by ±
Be careful of the advice you buy.
It costs far too much. So I'll have to continue to do without any.

2003-10-26 12:23:41 UTC
Post by Morpheal
Post by ±
Be careful of the advice you buy.
It costs far too much. So I'll have to continue to do without any.
Post by Morpheal

Jereon *finally* explains it for us all:

From: "FJ" <***@hotmail.com>
Newsgroups: alt.flame
Subject: Re: PING: Adrian Smith
Date: Tue, 21 Oct 2003 23:29:27 +0200
Organization: The Brethren Of Beelzebub
Message-ID: <3f95a59d$0$2948$***@news.sexzilla.net>

Oh, introductions: Mister Smith, meet Mister Christie (aka Mister
Gortician), special friend of Mister Humphries. Mister Christie, meet
Mister Smith, curator of the Texas Tom Museum.

And yes, Mister Smith, the gentleman in question does not like me very
much on account of yours truly having said nasty things about his Lord
and Master Mister Humphries. Usually, he isn't this forthright in
expressing his opinions on my good self since he prefers to leave that
to Mister Nescio and Miss Metet. In short, this poultry excrement is
quite easily ignored.

/ \
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2003-10-27 15:03:08 UTC
Post by ±
Cat food is too expensive. We have to eat less costly, less
nutritionally balanced and less quality controlled people food.

2003-10-27 05:15:20 UTC
Post by Morpheal
Post by ±
Cat food is too expensive. We have to eat less costly, less
nutritionally balanced and less quality controlled people food.
Cat food, not fit for a dog.
Post by Morpheal

Jereon *finally* explains it for us all:

From: "FJ" <***@hotmail.com>
Newsgroups: alt.flame
Subject: Re: PING: Adrian Smith
Date: Tue, 21 Oct 2003 23:29:27 +0200
Organization: The Brethren Of Beelzebub
Message-ID: <3f95a59d$0$2948$***@news.sexzilla.net>

Oh, introductions: Mister Smith, meet Mister Christie (aka Mister
Gortician), special friend of Mister Humphries. Mister Christie, meet
Mister Smith, curator of the Texas Tom Museum.

And yes, Mister Smith, the gentleman in question does not like me very
much on account of yours truly having said nasty things about his Lord
and Master Mister Humphries. Usually, he isn't this forthright in
expressing his opinions on my good self since he prefers to leave that
to Mister Nescio and Miss Metet. In short, this poultry excrement is
quite easily ignored.

/ \
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2003-10-28 11:25:27 UTC
Post by ±
Cat food, not fit for a dog.
We are all beaten dogs, anyway. If only I could find a woman who
would have me as her pet, I would have it made. No such luck.

2003-10-28 06:14:23 UTC
Post by Morpheal
Post by ±
Cat food, not fit for a dog.
We are all beaten dogs, anyway. If only I could find a woman who
would have me as her pet, I would have it made. No such luck.
Hush puppy.
Post by Morpheal

Jereon *finally* explains it for us all:

From: "FJ" <***@hotmail.com>
Newsgroups: alt.flame
Subject: Re: PING: Adrian Smith
Date: Tue, 21 Oct 2003 23:29:27 +0200
Organization: The Brethren Of Beelzebub
Message-ID: <3f95a59d$0$2948$***@news.sexzilla.net>

Oh, introductions: Mister Smith, meet Mister Christie (aka Mister
Gortician), special friend of Mister Humphries. Mister Christie, meet
Mister Smith, curator of the Texas Tom Museum.

And yes, Mister Smith, the gentleman in question does not like me very
much on account of yours truly having said nasty things about his Lord
and Master Mister Humphries. Usually, he isn't this forthright in
expressing his opinions on my good self since he prefers to leave that
to Mister Nescio and Miss Metet. In short, this poultry excrement is
quite easily ignored.

/ \
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2003-10-29 11:21:55 UTC
Post by ±
Hush puppy.
It was a very tough winter last year. We boiled and ate the hush
puppies. After all, we are talking about Canada. It's a cold, tough,
environment populated by survivors.

2003-10-28 23:14:30 UTC
Post by Morpheal
Post by ±
Hush puppy.
It was a very tough winter last year. We boiled and ate the hush
puppies. After all, we are talking about Canada. It's a cold, tough,
environment populated by survivors.
You ate shoes?
Post by Morpheal

Jereon *finally* explains it for us all:

From: "FJ" <***@hotmail.com>
Newsgroups: alt.flame
Subject: Re: PING: Adrian Smith
Date: Tue, 21 Oct 2003 23:29:27 +0200
Organization: The Brethren Of Beelzebub
Message-ID: <3f95a59d$0$2948$***@news.sexzilla.net>

Oh, introductions: Mister Smith, meet Mister Christie (aka Mister
Gortician), special friend of Mister Humphries. Mister Christie, meet
Mister Smith, curator of the Texas Tom Museum.

And yes, Mister Smith, the gentleman in question does not like me very
much on account of yours truly having said nasty things about his Lord
and Master Mister Humphries. Usually, he isn't this forthright in
expressing his opinions on my good self since he prefers to leave that
to Mister Nescio and Miss Metet. In short, this poultry excrement is
quite easily ignored.

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2003-10-30 11:28:44 UTC
Post by ±
You ate shoes?
We ate the Hush Puppies. We now have a large collection of shoe horn.
You know they are planning to declare shoe horn protected the way they
have protected elephant ivory and rhino horn ?

2003-10-31 00:23:42 UTC
Post by Morpheal
Post by ±
You ate shoes?
We ate the Hush Puppies. We now have a large collection of shoe horn.
You know they are planning to declare shoe horn protected the way they
have protected elephant ivory and rhino horn ?
"When there was no meat, we ate fowl. When there was no fowl, we ate
crawdads. When there was no crawdads to be found, we ate sand."
Post by Morpheal

Jereon *finally* explains it for us all:

From: "FJ" <***@hotmail.com>
Newsgroups: alt.flame
Subject: Re: PING: Adrian Smith
Date: Tue, 21 Oct 2003 23:29:27 +0200
Organization: The Brethren Of Beelzebub
Message-ID: <3f95a59d$0$2948$***@news.sexzilla.net>

Oh, introductions: Mister Smith, meet Mister Christie (aka Mister
Gortician), special friend of Mister Humphries. Mister Christie, meet
Mister Smith, curator of the Texas Tom Museum.

And yes, Mister Smith, the gentleman in question does not like me very
much on account of yours truly having said nasty things about his Lord
and Master Mister Humphries. Usually, he isn't this forthright in
expressing his opinions on my good self since he prefers to leave that
to Mister Nescio and Miss Metet. In short, this poultry excrement is
quite easily ignored.

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2003-11-01 11:27:21 UTC
Post by ±
"When there was no meat, we ate fowl. When there was no fowl, we ate
crawdads. When there was no crawdads to be found, we ate sand."
And when there was no sand we ate Eli May.

2003-11-01 07:14:29 UTC
Post by Morpheal
Post by ±
"When there was no meat, we ate fowl. When there was no fowl, we ate
crawdads. When there was no crawdads to be found, we ate sand."
And when there was no sand we ate Eli May.
Elaine May?

Since Mike Nichols left her, she's had no taste.
Post by Morpheal

Jereon *finally* explains it for us all:

From: "FJ" <***@hotmail.com>
Newsgroups: alt.flame
Subject: Re: PING: Adrian Smith
Date: Tue, 21 Oct 2003 23:29:27 +0200
Organization: The Brethren Of Beelzebub
Message-ID: <3f95a59d$0$2948$***@news.sexzilla.net>

Oh, introductions: Mister Smith, meet Mister Christie (aka Mister
Gortician), special friend of Mister Humphries. Mister Christie, meet
Mister Smith, curator of the Texas Tom Museum.

And yes, Mister Smith, the gentleman in question does not like me very
much on account of yours truly having said nasty things about his Lord
and Master Mister Humphries. Usually, he isn't this forthright in
expressing his opinions on my good self since he prefers to leave that
to Mister Nescio and Miss Metet. In short, this poultry excrement is
quite easily ignored.

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2003-11-03 19:53:50 UTC
Post by ±
Elaine May?
Since Mike Nichols left her, she's had no taste.
You tried to eat her ?

Maybe you didn't season her correctly.

2003-11-03 07:36:19 UTC
Post by Morpheal
Post by ±
Elaine May?
Since Mike Nichols left her, she's had no taste.
You tried to eat her ?
Maybe you didn't season her correctly.
Improper breeding.
Post by Morpheal

Jereon *finally* explains it for us all:

From: "FJ" <***@hotmail.com>
Newsgroups: alt.flame
Subject: Re: PING: Adrian Smith
Date: Tue, 21 Oct 2003 23:29:27 +0200
Organization: The Brethren Of Beelzebub
Message-ID: <3f95a59d$0$2948$***@news.sexzilla.net>

Oh, introductions: Mister Smith, meet Mister Christie (aka Mister
Gortician), special friend of Mister Humphries. Mister Christie, meet
Mister Smith, curator of the Texas Tom Museum.

And yes, Mister Smith, the gentleman in question does not like me very
much on account of yours truly having said nasty things about his Lord
and Master Mister Humphries. Usually, he isn't this forthright in
expressing his opinions on my good self since he prefers to leave that
to Mister Nescio and Miss Metet. In short, this poultry excrement is
quite easily ignored.

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2003-11-05 02:58:02 UTC
Post by ±
Improper breeding.
I disagree. She was bred and raised for firm, yet tender, flesh.
Only the slightest marbeling of fat. Same as a good sirloin steak.
Whole grain fed. No artificial hormones, steroids, or antibiotics.
So, enjoy. Shall I get you some steak sauce ?

2003-11-05 08:00:53 UTC
Post by Morpheal
Shall I get you some steak sauce ?
How about steak tartar?
Post by Morpheal

Jereon *finally* explains it for us all:

From: "FJ" <***@hotmail.com>
Newsgroups: alt.flame
Subject: Re: PING: Adrian Smith
Date: Tue, 21 Oct 2003 23:29:27 +0200
Organization: The Brethren Of Beelzebub
Message-ID: <3f95a59d$0$2948$***@news.sexzilla.net>

Oh, introductions: Mister Smith, meet Mister Christie (aka Mister
Gortician), special friend of Mister Humphries. Mister Christie, meet
Mister Smith, curator of the Texas Tom Museum.

And yes, Mister Smith, the gentleman in question does not like me very
much on account of yours truly having said nasty things about his Lord
and Master Mister Humphries. Usually, he isn't this forthright in
expressing his opinions on my good self since he prefers to leave that
to Mister Nescio and Miss Metet. In short, this poultry excrement is
quite easily ignored.

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2003-11-06 23:03:05 UTC
Post by ±
How about steak tartar?
Too late. She already cooked her goose.


2003-09-15 08:13:47 UTC
Post by HiveMind Snuhboi
Post by 03:15:38 GMT
There can be no fragments within a hive mind;
any member that dissents is kicked out or otherwise ceases to be a
part of the whole.

"We think for ourselves, something rather unique in these parts."
- Dean Humphries speaks for ourselves in article
_ ___ ____
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Aaron M. Henne
flaagg at comcast dot net
HiveMind Snuhboi
2003-09-16 01:22:46 UTC
Post by flaXagg
Post by HiveMind Snuhboi
Post by 03:15:38 GMT
There can be no fragments within a hive mind;
any member that dissents is kicked out or otherwise ceases to be a
part of the whole.
Flamer Employee of the Month - four months in a row, Aarroonn Hhennnee.
Can I borrow a feeling?

Bass for your anus:

Usenetserver.com sucks. The worst news admins. Incompetent. Censorous.
Bill Cleere
2003-09-14 23:03:31 UTC
Post by 03:15:38 GMT
Post by Bill Cleere
Post by 03:15:38 GMT
[Ms Neutopia and the term "hivemind"]
I didn't say she made up the term, I said she introduced it to
Usenet. I was there at the time.
She didn't introduce the term to Usenet, as a cursory glance in the
Groups Google archive reveals.
Thank you for the correction. I'll say that the ruckus
around her brought the term into wide use on Usenet.
I'd argue that the ruckus around Doctress Neutopia didn't reach the
Flonk. Prior to this year, her name had been mentioned here only a
handful of times, and those articles didn't talk about hive minds.
That's fine, then, no problem. Sad that the Doctress,
a kook of rare device, has been so little known, but
then the Flonk has of recent years tended toward a
certain insularity, so I suppose it's not all that much
of a surprise.
Post by 03:15:38 GMT
I'd also argue that since the term is in somewhat widespread use
outside of Usenet, it's rather more likely that the person who brought
it up this time was introduced to it in, say, SF literature (she has
shown an interest in that sort of thing) rather than in the writings
of any net.personality.
That may be, as well. A I think I've already said,
I am more than willing to stand corrected. My
compliments to Madame Orr and all the girls down
at the old Orr House.
Post by 03:15:38 GMT
Post by Bill Cleere
Post by 03:15:38 GMT
The term "HiveMind", of whosever coinage or usage, can only mean a
group of people who cannot think for themselves *and by definition
don't know it*. In any other construction the term is pointless.
I don't agree. The term's definition only prevents a hive mind from
being aware of what it is if you include that requirement in the
definition. More generally, the requirements are strong conformity and
groupthink (with telepathic communication and an "overmind" being
optional). This doesn't make the term pointless, far from it.
I'm not following your distinction. One might say, to
illustrate, that liberal Democrats and conservative Republicans
think alike in conformity with certain assumptions, but probably
it would be hard to find very many who agree on "every" issue.
These groups have internal disagreements. Within both liberal
Democrats and conservative Republicans, there are subgroups that are
defined by their differing views on certain issues. (Should we give
tax breaks to the rich or the really, really rich? Should we
concentrate on hugging trees or pampering criminals?) These factions
want the others to go along with their views.
By contrast, the members of a proper hive mind will go along with what
they believe to be the group consensus no matter what they really
think about the issue. There can be no fragments within a hive mind;
any member that dissents is kicked out or otherwise ceases to be a
part of the whole.
Matter of definition. A hive is unthinking and
100% controlled. Bees don't decide whether to do
their jobs or get kicked out.
Post by 03:15:38 GMT
Post by Bill Cleere
The whole point of a concept of "HiveMind" is that there is
a group that agrees automatically, without thinking, on everything.
Your definition differs from mine, but I still don't see why you think
that a hive mind can't be aware of what it is. What prevents a group
from agreeing automatically, without thinking, on that they agree
automatically and without thinking on everything?
That is one of the finest tautologies I have ever
seen on teh Usenet. Really, it was a splendid
thing. I had to read it six times. It totally
proves my point.
Post by 03:15:38 GMT
Post by Bill Cleere
Post by 03:15:38 GMT
If there's one thing I know about skiffy based on watching it on TV,
it's that any self-respecting hive mind likes to argue, using the
mouth of one of its more photogenic parts, that its conformist ways
are superior to the jut-jawed hero's individualist mindset. If parts
of a hive mind can't know about their own condition, they can hardly
cause dismay to ruggedly handsome space cadets by making speeches
about the joys of collectivism, can they now?
What's skiffy?
It's what purists call "SF".
Ahhh... That's why I wouldn't know it, not being
either a purist, or a fan of SF, but rather of
the finest writers of SF.

-- Bill Cleere
Green Dappled Monotremata
2003-09-15 00:10:33 UTC
Post by Bill Cleere
Post by 03:15:38 GMT
Post by Bill Cleere
Post by 03:15:38 GMT
[Ms Neutopia and the term "hivemind"]
I didn't say she made up the term, I said she introduced it to
Usenet. I was there at the time.
She didn't introduce the term to Usenet, as a cursory glance in the
Groups Google archive reveals.
Thank you for the correction. I'll say that the ruckus
around her brought the term into wide use on Usenet.
I'd argue that the ruckus around Doctress Neutopia didn't reach the
Flonk. Prior to this year, her name had been mentioned here only a
handful of times, and those articles didn't talk about hive minds.
That's fine, then, no problem. Sad that the Doctress,
a kook of rare device, has been so little known, but
then the Flonk has of recent years tended toward a
certain insularity, so I suppose it's not all that much
of a surprise.
Post by 03:15:38 GMT
I'd also argue that since the term is in somewhat widespread use
outside of Usenet, it's rather more likely that the person who brought
it up this time was introduced to it in, say, SF literature (she has
shown an interest in that sort of thing) rather than in the writings
of any net.personality.
That may be, as well. A I think I've already said,
I am more than willing to stand corrected. My
compliments to Madame Orr and all the girls down
at the old Orr House.
Post by 03:15:38 GMT
Post by Bill Cleere
Post by 03:15:38 GMT
The term "HiveMind", of whosever coinage or usage, can only mean a
group of people who cannot think for themselves *and by definition
don't know it*. In any other construction the term is pointless.
I don't agree. The term's definition only prevents a hive mind from
being aware of what it is if you include that requirement in the
definition. More generally, the requirements are strong conformity and
groupthink (with telepathic communication and an "overmind" being
optional). This doesn't make the term pointless, far from it.
I'm not following your distinction. One might say, to
illustrate, that liberal Democrats and conservative Republicans
think alike in conformity with certain assumptions, but probably
it would be hard to find very many who agree on "every" issue.
These groups have internal disagreements. Within both liberal
Democrats and conservative Republicans, there are subgroups that are
defined by their differing views on certain issues. (Should we give
tax breaks to the rich or the really, really rich? Should we
concentrate on hugging trees or pampering criminals?) These factions
want the others to go along with their views.
By contrast, the members of a proper hive mind will go along with what
they believe to be the group consensus no matter what they really
think about the issue. There can be no fragments within a hive mind;
any member that dissents is kicked out or otherwise ceases to be a
part of the whole.
Matter of definition. A hive is unthinking and
100% controlled. Bees don't decide whether to do
their jobs or get kicked out.
Post by 03:15:38 GMT
Post by Bill Cleere
The whole point of a concept of "HiveMind" is that there is
a group that agrees automatically, without thinking, on everything.
Your definition differs from mine, but I still don't see why you think
that a hive mind can't be aware of what it is. What prevents a group
from agreeing automatically, without thinking, on that they agree
automatically and without thinking on everything?
That is one of the finest tautologies I have ever
seen on teh Usenet. Really, it was a splendid
thing. I had to read it six times. It totally
proves my point.
I agree with this post.
Post by Bill Cleere
Post by 03:15:38 GMT
Post by Bill Cleere
Post by 03:15:38 GMT
If there's one thing I know about skiffy based on watching it on TV,
it's that any self-respecting hive mind likes to argue, using the
mouth of one of its more photogenic parts, that its conformist ways
are superior to the jut-jawed hero's individualist mindset. If parts
of a hive mind can't know about their own condition, they can hardly
cause dismay to ruggedly handsome space cadets by making speeches
about the joys of collectivism, can they now?
What's skiffy?
It's what purists call "SF".
Ahhh... That's why I wouldn't know it, not being
either a purist, or a fan of SF, but rather of
the finest writers of SF.
-- Bill Cleere
Come on join the dereliction _________________________________
Don't you hesitate /\ \
Get on down to the wasteland \_| THOU SHALT NOT POST OFF-TOPIC |
Let your mind deteriorate | THOU SHALT NOT CROSS-POST |
Didn't we have good fun | ____________________________|_
(I don't know I cannot tell) \_/______________________________/
My mind has gone all numb
In this apathetic hell mhm 35x7 smeeter #40 btwh 4.0

Ah aaaaHHHH ahh. Duh, duh duh, duh duh-duh duh. Meow. Meow! Meow! Meow!
03:15:38 GMT
2003-09-21 12:24:52 UTC
Post by Bill Cleere
Post by 03:15:38 GMT
I'd argue that the ruckus around Doctress Neutopia didn't reach the
Flonk. Prior to this year, her name had been mentioned here only a
handful of times, and those articles didn't talk about hive minds.
That's fine, then, no problem. Sad that the Doctress,
a kook of rare device, has been so little known, but
then the Flonk has of recent years tended toward a
certain insularity, so I suppose it's not all that much
of a surprise.
My impression is that, if anything, turnover in regular posters and
cultural exchange with previously unknown newsgroups has become more
widespread in recent years. In old days the AFK-MN folks shared their
exploits with the Flonk, but that was pretty much it. Flonk regulars,
on their own, rarely took a proactive stance in exploring uncharted
newsgroups. Nowadays we have newbies arriving from a wide variety of
places and regulars often post in other social newsgroups, too.

I think the idea that the Flonk of yore was a dynamic troll central
bustling with rambunctious crossposters always eager to help a troller
in need is wrong. I don't know why some people see the Flonk that way,
because to me it's an idealised version of what the Nose - not the
Flonk - used to be.

Post by Bill Cleere
Post by 03:15:38 GMT
Post by Bill Cleere
Post by 03:15:38 GMT
The term "HiveMind", of whosever coinage or usage, can only mean a
group of people who cannot think for themselves *and by definition
don't know it*. In any other construction the term is pointless.
I don't agree. The term's definition only prevents a hive mind from
being aware of what it is if you include that requirement in the
definition. More generally, the requirements are strong conformity and
groupthink (with telepathic communication and an "overmind" being
optional). This doesn't make the term pointless, far from it.
I'm not following your distinction. One might say, to
illustrate, that liberal Democrats and conservative Republicans
think alike in conformity with certain assumptions, but probably
it would be hard to find very many who agree on "every" issue.
These groups have internal disagreements. Within both liberal
Democrats and conservative Republicans, there are subgroups that are
defined by their differing views on certain issues. (Should we give
tax breaks to the rich or the really, really rich? Should we
concentrate on hugging trees or pampering criminals?) These factions
want the others to go along with their views.
By contrast, the members of a proper hive mind will go along with what
they believe to be the group consensus no matter what they really
think about the issue. There can be no fragments within a hive mind;
any member that dissents is kicked out or otherwise ceases to be a
part of the whole.
Matter of definition. A hive is unthinking and
100% controlled. Bees don't decide whether to do
their jobs or get kicked out.
It's true that bees don't decide whether to do their jobs, but that
isn't a feature specific to living in a hive; bugs that don't live in
communities also don't decide whether they want to do their jobs.

Certain types of bees do get kicked out. Drones can get kicked out if
the hive's food supply is short. Queen bees get kicked out, too, when
their production of eggs declines. When that happens, the old queen
takes a swarm of loyalists with her and attempts to establish a new

Also, did you know that Utah holds the title "The Beehive State"? It's
Post by Bill Cleere
Post by 03:15:38 GMT
Your definition differs from mine, but I still don't see why you think
that a hive mind can't be aware of what it is. What prevents a group
from agreeing automatically, without thinking, on that they agree
automatically and without thinking on everything?
That is one of the finest tautologies I have ever
seen on teh Usenet. Really, it was a splendid
thing. I had to read it six times. It totally
proves my point.
It's hardly a tautology, as far as I can tell. Nor do I see how
anything I wrote means that a hive mind can't know what it is.

Ari <***@all.at>
HiveMind Snuhboi
2003-09-21 14:27:20 UTC
Post by 03:15:38 GMT
Post by Bill Cleere
Post by 03:15:38 GMT
I'd argue that the ruckus around Doctress Neutopia didn't reach the
Flonk. Prior to this year, her name had been mentioned here only a
handful of times, and those articles didn't talk about hive minds.
That's fine, then, no problem. Sad that the Doctress,
a kook of rare device, has been so little known, but
then the Flonk has of recent years tended toward a
certain insularity, so I suppose it's not all that much
of a surprise.
My impression is that, if anything, turnover in regular posters and
cultural exchange with previously unknown newsgroups has become more
widespread in recent years. In old days the AFK-MN folks shared their
exploits with the Flonk, but that was pretty much it. Flonk regulars,
on their own, rarely took a proactive stance in exploring uncharted
newsgroups. Nowadays we have newbies arriving from a wide variety of
places and regulars often post in other social newsgroups, too.
I think the idea that the Flonk of yore was a dynamic troll central
bustling with rambunctious crossposters always eager to help a troller
in need is wrong. I don't know why some people see the Flonk that way,
because to me it's an idealised version of what the Nose - not the
Flonk - used to be.
Post by Bill Cleere
Post by 03:15:38 GMT
Post by Bill Cleere
Post by 03:15:38 GMT
The term "HiveMind", of whosever coinage or usage, can only
mean a group of people who cannot think for themselves *and by
definition don't know it*. In any other construction the term
is pointless.
I don't agree. The term's definition only prevents a hive mind
from being aware of what it is if you include that requirement in
the definition. More generally, the requirements are strong
conformity and groupthink (with telepathic communication and an
"overmind" being optional). This doesn't make the term pointless,
far from it.
I'm not following your distinction. One might say, to
illustrate, that liberal Democrats and conservative Republicans
think alike in conformity with certain assumptions, but probably
it would be hard to find very many who agree on "every" issue.
These groups have internal disagreements. Within both liberal
Democrats and conservative Republicans, there are subgroups that are
defined by their differing views on certain issues. (Should we give
tax breaks to the rich or the really, really rich? Should we
concentrate on hugging trees or pampering criminals?) These factions
want the others to go along with their views.
By contrast, the members of a proper hive mind will go along with
what they believe to be the group consensus no matter what they
really think about the issue. There can be no fragments within a
hive mind; any member that dissents is kicked out or otherwise
ceases to be a part of the whole.
Matter of definition. A hive is unthinking and
100% controlled. Bees don't decide whether to do
their jobs or get kicked out.
It's true that bees don't decide whether to do their jobs, but that
isn't a feature specific to living in a hive; bugs that don't live in
communities also don't decide whether they want to do their jobs.
Certain types of bees do get kicked out. Drones can get kicked out if
the hive's food supply is short. Queen bees get kicked out, too, when
their production of eggs declines. When that happens, the old queen
takes a swarm of loyalists with her and attempts to establish a new
Also, did you know that Utah holds the title "The Beehive State"? It's
Post by Bill Cleere
Post by 03:15:38 GMT
Your definition differs from mine, but I still don't see why you
think that a hive mind can't be aware of what it is. What prevents a
group from agreeing automatically, without thinking, on that they
agree automatically and without thinking on everything?
That is one of the finest tautologies I have ever
seen on teh Usenet. Really, it was a splendid
thing. I had to read it six times. It totally
proves my point.
It's hardly a tautology, as far as I can tell. Nor do I see how
anything I wrote means that a hive mind can't know what it is.
A moment of silence for the Nose.

I make periodic attempts at a renaissance there, you know. But the power
of the flonk compels me.
Can I borrow a feeling?

Bass for your anus:

Usenetserver.com sucks. The worst news admins. Incompetent. Censorous.
Bill Cleere
2003-09-21 18:35:47 UTC
Post by 03:15:38 GMT
Post by Bill Cleere
Post by 03:15:38 GMT
Your definition differs from mine, but I still don't see why you think
that a hive mind can't be aware of what it is. What prevents a group
from agreeing automatically, without thinking, on that they agree
automatically and without thinking on everything?
That is one of the finest tautologies I have ever
seen on teh Usenet. Really, it was a splendid
thing. I had to read it six times. It totally
proves my point.
It's hardly a tautology, as far as I can tell. Nor do I see how
anything I wrote means that a hive mind can't know what it is.
Post by Bill Cleere
Post by 03:15:38 GMT
What prevents a group
from agreeing automatically, without thinking, on that they agree
automatically and without thinking on everything?
I've tried, but I can't unwind it. Sorry.

-- Bill Cleere
03:15:38 GMT
2003-09-21 19:38:12 UTC
Post by Bill Cleere
Post by 03:15:38 GMT
Post by Bill Cleere
That is one of the finest tautologies I have ever
seen on teh Usenet. Really, it was a splendid
thing. I had to read it six times. It totally
proves my point.
It's hardly a tautology, as far as I can tell. Nor do I see how
anything I wrote means that a hive mind can't know what it is.
Post by Bill Cleere
What prevents a group from agreeing automatically, without
thinking, on that they agree automatically and without thinking
on everything?
I've tried, but I can't unwind it. Sorry.
The statement isn't a tautology because the opposite can also be true.
It's not uncommon for a group of people to agree without much (if any)
thought that the members are independent, even rebellious thinkers -
though they act alike, dress alike, and have similar views on art and
politics. That sort of thing occurs more or less often within various
youth counterculture groups, for example.

The point I was making, however, was this: a hive mind can be
self-aware. Its members can know - be told - what it is that they're
members of, and go along with everything anyway. They can be convinced
that it is better to belong to a hive mind than to go at things alone.
I don't understand why you think that this goes against your
definition of a hive mind.
Ari <***@all.at>
Bill Cleere
2003-09-22 02:09:50 UTC
Post by 03:15:38 GMT
Post by Bill Cleere
Post by 03:15:38 GMT
Post by Bill Cleere
That is one of the finest tautologies I have ever
seen on teh Usenet. Really, it was a splendid
thing. I had to read it six times. It totally
proves my point.
It's hardly a tautology, as far as I can tell. Nor do I see how
anything I wrote means that a hive mind can't know what it is.
Post by Bill Cleere
What prevents a group from agreeing automatically, without
thinking, on that they agree automatically and without thinking
on everything?
I've tried, but I can't unwind it. Sorry.
The statement isn't a tautology because the opposite can also be true.
It's not uncommon for a group of people to agree without much (if any)
thought that the members are independent, even rebellious thinkers -
though they act alike, dress alike, and have similar views on art and
politics. That sort of thing occurs more or less often within various
youth counterculture groups, for example.
The point I was making, however, was this: a hive mind can be
self-aware. Its members can know - be told - what it is that they're
members of, and go along with everything anyway. They can be convinced
that it is better to belong to a hive mind than to go at things alone.
I don't understand why you think that this goes against your
definition of a hive mind.
The problem is the initial step. You said they "agree automatically,
without thinking," to "agree automatically, without thinking."
I call that tautological. It's creation out of nothing, so to speak.

-- Bill Cleere
03:15:38 GMT
2003-09-24 10:48:07 UTC
Post by Bill Cleere
Post by 03:15:38 GMT
The statement isn't a tautology because the opposite can also be true.
It's not uncommon for a group of people to agree without much (if any)
thought that the members are independent, even rebellious thinkers -
though they act alike, dress alike, and have similar views on art and
politics. That sort of thing occurs more or less often within various
youth counterculture groups, for example.
The point I was making, however, was this: a hive mind can be
self-aware. Its members can know - be told - what it is that they're
members of, and go along with everything anyway. They can be convinced
that it is better to belong to a hive mind than to go at things alone.
I don't understand why you think that this goes against your
definition of a hive mind.
The problem is the initial step. You said they "agree automatically,
without thinking," to "agree automatically, without thinking."
I call that tautological. It's creation out of nothing, so to speak.
But they can just as easily (because they're not thinking) agree
automatically that they _don't_ agree automatically, without thinking.
They won't be right, but that has never stopped anyone.
Ari <***@all.at>
2003-09-21 20:42:01 UTC

Good post. Yes, the interconnecting thing, known by the barbarians as
'x-posting', 'velveeta' etc., hasn't always been acceptable. Let us not
forget those who fell in the uphill battle to get this 'out-reach' meme
initialised on usenet. You know who you are.


My impression is that, if anything, turnover in regular posters and
cultural exchange with previously unknown newsgroups has become more
widespread in recent years. In old days the AFK-MN folks shared their
exploits with the Flonk, but that was pretty much it. Flonk regulars,
on their own, rarely took a proactive stance in exploring uncharted
newsgroups. Nowadays we have newbies arriving from a wide variety of
places and regulars often post in other social newsgroups, too.

I think the idea that the Flonk of yore was a dynamic troll central
bustling with rambunctious crossposters always eager to help a troller
in need is wrong. I don't know why some people see the Flonk that way,
because to me it's an idealised version of what the Nose - not the
Flonk - used to be.
Ari <***@all.at>
2003-09-22 12:58:37 UTC
Post by 03:15:38 GMT
Post by Bill Cleere
Post by 03:15:38 GMT
I'd argue that the ruckus around Doctress Neutopia didn't reach the
Flonk. Prior to this year, her name had been mentioned here only a
handful of times, and those articles didn't talk about hive minds.
That's fine, then, no problem. Sad that the Doctress,
a kook of rare device, has been so little known, but
then the Flonk has of recent years tended toward a
certain insularity, so I suppose it's not all that much
of a surprise.
My impression is that, if anything, turnover in regular posters and
cultural exchange with previously unknown newsgroups has become more
widespread in recent years. In old days the AFK-MN folks shared their
exploits with the Flonk, but that was pretty much it. Flonk regulars,
on their own, rarely took a proactive stance in exploring uncharted
newsgroups. Nowadays we have newbies arriving from a wide variety of
places and regulars often post in other social newsgroups, too.
I think the idea that the Flonk of yore was a dynamic troll central
bustling with rambunctious crossposters always eager to help a troller
in need is wrong. I don't know why some people see the Flonk that way,
because to me it's an idealised version of what the Nose - not the
Flonk - used to be.
Post by Bill Cleere
Post by 03:15:38 GMT
Post by Bill Cleere
Post by 03:15:38 GMT
The term "HiveMind", of whosever coinage or usage, can only mean a
group of people who cannot think for themselves *and by definition
don't know it*. In any other construction the term is pointless.
I don't agree. The term's definition only prevents a hive mind from
being aware of what it is if you include that requirement in the
definition. More generally, the requirements are strong conformity and
groupthink (with telepathic communication and an "overmind" being
optional). This doesn't make the term pointless, far from it.
I'm not following your distinction. One might say, to
illustrate, that liberal Democrats and conservative Republicans
think alike in conformity with certain assumptions, but probably
it would be hard to find very many who agree on "every" issue.
These groups have internal disagreements. Within both liberal
Democrats and conservative Republicans, there are subgroups that are
defined by their differing views on certain issues. (Should we give
tax breaks to the rich or the really, really rich? Should we
concentrate on hugging trees or pampering criminals?) These factions
want the others to go along with their views.
By contrast, the members of a proper hive mind will go along with what
they believe to be the group consensus no matter what they really
think about the issue. There can be no fragments within a hive mind;
any member that dissents is kicked out or otherwise ceases to be a
part of the whole.
Matter of definition. A hive is unthinking and
100% controlled. Bees don't decide whether to do
their jobs or get kicked out.
It's true that bees don't decide whether to do their jobs, but that
isn't a feature specific to living in a hive; bugs that don't live in
communities also don't decide whether they want to do their jobs.
Certain types of bees do get kicked out. Drones can get kicked out if
the hive's food supply is short. Queen bees get kicked out, too, when
their production of eggs declines. When that happens, the old queen
takes a swarm of loyalists with her and attempts to establish a new
Also, did you know that Utah holds the title "The Beehive State"? It's
Post by Bill Cleere
Post by 03:15:38 GMT
Your definition differs from mine, but I still don't see why you think
that a hive mind can't be aware of what it is. What prevents a group
from agreeing automatically, without thinking, on that they agree
automatically and without thinking on everything?
That is one of the finest tautologies I have ever
seen on teh Usenet. Really, it was a splendid
thing. I had to read it six times. It totally
proves my point.
It's hardly a tautology, as far as I can tell. Nor do I see how
anything I wrote means that a hive mind can't know what it is.
Would you agree that contradiction is part of tautology?
Post by 03:15:38 GMT

I make short work of spanked-beyond-recognition Starshine
Moonbeam/Trippy, as he admits his utter and thorough defeat:

From: Starshine Moonbeam <***@tacoshells.com>
Newsgroups: alt.discordia, alt.alien.vampire.flonk.flonk.flonk,
alt.fan.scarecrow, alt.flame, alt.usenet.kooks
Subject: High Noon.......
Date: Fri, 19 Sep 2003 03:24:27 -0500
Message-ID: <***@news.alt.net>

I just have one thing to say to you.

You're the biggest chickenshit I've ever seen. At least Jet and Leola
tried to hold the proverbial gun to the head of the enemy. You however,
did it to a person who hasn't done a damn thing to you. Classy.

I have absolutely no respect for you at all now. You are lower than
anybody on usenet. ANYBODY. Yes, even Jet. Yes, even Leola.

I said I'd do whatever I had to and I'm not that desperate to win. Not
at the price of a good poster going down for a past mistake of
association. Not like this.

I concede.

Message-ID: <***@4ax.com>:

##### ###### # # # # # ###
# # # # # # ## # # # ###
# # # # # # # # # # ###
##### ###### # # # # # ### #
# # ####### # # # # #
# # # # # # ## # # ###
##### # # # # # # # ###

/ \
/ \ /-----\
| (@) | | SnuH |
| (O) | \_ ___/
| / | ||
| \ /_ / //
\ \____/ / /
\ /
03:15:38 GMT
2003-09-22 14:39:52 UTC
Post by ±
Post by 03:15:38 GMT
Post by Bill Cleere
Post by 03:15:38 GMT
Your definition differs from mine, but I still don't see why you think
that a hive mind can't be aware of what it is. What prevents a group
from agreeing automatically, without thinking, on that they agree
automatically and without thinking on everything?
That is one of the finest tautologies I have ever
seen on teh Usenet. Really, it was a splendid
thing. I had to read it six times. It totally
proves my point.
It's hardly a tautology, as far as I can tell. Nor do I see how
anything I wrote means that a hive mind can't know what it is.
Would you agree that contradiction is part of tautology?
No, Dean Humphries, I wouldn't agree that contradiction is part of
tautology. A tautology is always true. A contradiction is always
false. They are, to use an expression popular in mathematics, "totally
different bag". Totally different.
Ari <***@all.at>
2003-09-24 22:07:33 UTC
Post by 03:15:38 GMT
Post by ±
Post by 03:15:38 GMT
Post by Bill Cleere
Post by 03:15:38 GMT
Your definition differs from mine, but I still don't see why you think
that a hive mind can't be aware of what it is. What prevents a group
from agreeing automatically, without thinking, on that they agree
automatically and without thinking on everything?
That is one of the finest tautologies I have ever
seen on teh Usenet. Really, it was a splendid
thing. I had to read it six times. It totally
proves my point.
It's hardly a tautology, as far as I can tell. Nor do I see how
anything I wrote means that a hive mind can't know what it is.
Would you agree that contradiction is part of tautology?
No, Dean Humphries, I wouldn't agree that contradiction is part of
tautology. A tautology is always true. A contradiction is always
Well, Mr. Asikainen - here's Merriam-Webster's definition of


Main Entry: con·tra·dic·tion
Pronunciation: "kän-tr&-'dik-sh&n
Function: noun
Date: 14th century
1 : act or an instance of contradicting
2 a : a proposition, statement, or phrase that asserts or implies both
the truth and falsity of something b : a statement or phrase whose parts
contradict each other <a round square is a contradiction in terms>
3 a : logical incongruity b : a situation in which inherent factors,
actions, or propositions are inconsistent or contrary to one another


You might be able to make a slight case, not much more.
Post by 03:15:38 GMT
They are, to use an expression popular in mathematics, "totally
different bag". Totally different.
I find that contradiction is often used as tautology at UseNet.
Post by 03:15:38 GMT

I make short work of spanked-beyond-recognition Starshine
Moonbeam/Trippy, as he admits his utter and thorough defeat:

From: Starshine Moonbeam <***@tacoshells.com>
Newsgroups: alt.discordia, alt.alien.vampire.flonk.flonk.flonk,
alt.fan.scarecrow, alt.flame, alt.usenet.kooks
Subject: High Noon.......
Date: Fri, 19 Sep 2003 03:24:27 -0500
Message-ID: <***@news.alt.net>

I just have one thing to say to you.

You're the biggest chickenshit I've ever seen. At least Jet and Leola
tried to hold the proverbial gun to the head of the enemy. You however,
did it to a person who hasn't done a damn thing to you. Classy.

I have absolutely no respect for you at all now. You are lower than
anybody on usenet. ANYBODY. Yes, even Jet. Yes, even Leola.

I said I'd do whatever I had to and I'm not that desperate to win. Not
at the price of a good poster going down for a past mistake of
association. Not like this.

I concede.

Message-ID: <***@4ax.com>:

##### ###### # # # # # ###
# # # # # # ## # # # ###
# # # # # # # # # # ###
##### ###### # # # # # ### #
# # ####### # # # # #
# # # # # # ## # # ###
##### # # # # # # # ###


While choking back bitter tears at alt.tv.pee-wee-herman, Trippy
reflects on his crushing loss:


From: Starshine Moonbeam <***@tacoshells.com>
Newsgroups: alt.tv.pee-wee-herman, alt.alien.vampire.flonk.flonk.flonk,
alt.fan.scarecrow, alt.discordia, alt.flame, alt.fan.headkase
Subject: Re: Stooge Admits To Drunken Posting - "For once, Deano was
Date: Mon, 22 Sep 2003 17:55:00 -0500
Message-ID: <***@news.alt.net>

Even in defeat, I was *still* a better man than you.

/ \
/ \ /-----\
| (@) | | SnuH |
| (O) | \_ ___/
| / | ||
| \ /_ / //
\ \____/ / /
\ /
Bill Cleere
2003-09-25 03:09:59 UTC
Post by ±
Post by 03:15:38 GMT
Post by ±
Post by 03:15:38 GMT
Post by Bill Cleere
Post by 03:15:38 GMT
Your definition differs from mine, but I still don't see why you think
that a hive mind can't be aware of what it is. What prevents a group
from agreeing automatically, without thinking, on that they agree
automatically and without thinking on everything?
That is one of the finest tautologies I have ever
seen on teh Usenet. Really, it was a splendid
thing. I had to read it six times. It totally
proves my point.
It's hardly a tautology, as far as I can tell. Nor do I see how
anything I wrote means that a hive mind can't know what it is.
Would you agree that contradiction is part of tautology?
No, Dean Humphries, I wouldn't agree that contradiction is part of
tautology. A tautology is always true. A contradiction is always
Well, Mr. Asikainen - here's Merriam-Webster's definition of
Main Entry: con·tra·dic·tion
Pronunciation: "kän-tr&-'dik-sh&n
Function: noun
Date: 14th century
1 : act or an instance of contradicting
2 a : a proposition, statement, or phrase that asserts or implies both
the truth and falsity of something b : a statement or phrase whose parts
contradict each other <a round square is a contradiction in terms>
3 a : logical incongruity b : a situation in which inherent factors,
actions, or propositions are inconsistent or contrary to one another
You might be able to make a slight case, not much more.
Post by 03:15:38 GMT
They are, to use an expression popular in mathematics, "totally
different bag". Totally different.
I find that contradiction is often used as tautology at UseNet.
You are also mixing up the bags, I think.

At any rate, the original statement, considered by some
Post by ±
Post by 03:15:38 GMT
Post by ±
Post by 03:15:38 GMT
Post by Bill Cleere
Post by 03:15:38 GMT
Your definition differs from mine, but I still don't see why you think
that a hive mind can't be aware of what it is. What prevents a group
from agreeing automatically, without thinking, on that they agree
automatically and without thinking on everything?
You can't try to write something like that. It's like
a nice bit of poetry, that shouldn't be over-analyzed.

-- Bill Cleere
03:15:38 GMT
2003-09-29 09:48:27 UTC
Post by ±
Post by 03:15:38 GMT
Post by ±
Would you agree that contradiction is part of tautology?
No, Dean Humphries, I wouldn't agree that contradiction is part of
tautology. A tautology is always true. A contradiction is always
Well, Mr. Asikainen - here's Merriam-Webster's definition of
Main Entry: con·tra·dic·tion
Pronunciation: "kän-tr&-'dik-sh&n
Function: noun
Date: 14th century
1 : act or an instance of contradicting
2 a : a proposition, statement, or phrase that asserts or implies both
the truth and falsity of something b : a statement or phrase whose parts
contradict each other <a round square is a contradiction in terms>
3 a : logical incongruity b : a situation in which inherent factors,
actions, or propositions are inconsistent or contrary to one another
You might be able to make a slight case, not much more.
Oh, I'm able to make a bit stronger case than that, Dean Humphries.
Observe this:

--- begin quotes from Merriam-Webster ---

Main Entry: tau·tol·o·gy
Pronunciation: to-'tä-l&-jE
Function: noun
Inflected Form(s): plural -gies
Etymology: Late Latin tautologia, from Greek, from tautologos
Date: 1574
1 a : needless repetition of an idea, statement, or word b : an
instance of tautology
2 : a tautologous statement

Main Entry: tau·tol·o·gous
Pronunciation: to-'tä-l&-g&s
Function: adjective
Etymology: Greek tautologos, from taut- + legein to say -- more at
Date: 1714
1 : involving or containing rhetorical tautology : REDUNDANT
2 : true by virtue of its logical form alone
- tau·tol·o·gous·ly adverb

--- end quotes from Merriam-Webster ---

A tautology is a statement that is true by virtue of its logical form
alone or an act of needless repetition. A contradiction is a statement
that is false because of its logical form or an assertion that
something is both true and false at the same time. In logic they're
opposites, and outside of logic they have nothing in common.
Post by ±
Post by 03:15:38 GMT
They are, to use an expression popular in mathematics, "totally
different bag". Totally different.
I find that contradiction is often used as tautology at UseNet.
Usenet is rife with faulty reasoning, but that's no reason to consider
such argumentation accurate. I'm afraid you're mistaken.
Ari <***@all.at>
2003-10-01 10:10:18 UTC
Post by 03:15:38 GMT
Post by ±
Post by 03:15:38 GMT
Post by ±
Would you agree that contradiction is part of tautology?
No, Dean Humphries, I wouldn't agree that contradiction is part of
tautology. A tautology is always true. A contradiction is always
Well, Mr. Asikainen - here's Merriam-Webster's definition of
Main Entry: con·tra·dic·tion
Pronunciation: "kän-tr&-'dik-sh&n
Function: noun
Date: 14th century
1 : act or an instance of contradicting
2 a : a proposition, statement, or phrase that asserts or implies both
the truth and falsity of something b : a statement or phrase whose parts
contradict each other <a round square is a contradiction in terms>
3 a : logical incongruity b : a situation in which inherent factors,
actions, or propositions are inconsistent or contrary to one another
You might be able to make a slight case, not much more.
Oh, I'm able to make a bit stronger case than that, Dean Humphries.
--- begin quotes from Merriam-Webster ---
Main Entry: tau·tol·o·gy
Pronunciation: to-'tä-l&-jE
Function: noun
Inflected Form(s): plural -gies
Etymology: Late Latin tautologia, from Greek, from tautologos
Date: 1574
1 a : needless repetition of an idea, statement, or word b : an
instance of tautology
2 : a tautologous statement
Main Entry: tau·tol·o·gous
Pronunciation: to-'tä-l&-g&s
Function: adjective
Etymology: Greek tautologos, from taut- + legein to say -- more at
Date: 1714
1 : involving or containing rhetorical tautology : REDUNDANT
2 : true by virtue of its logical form alone
- tau·tol·o·gous·ly adverb
--- end quotes from Merriam-Webster ---
A tautology is a statement that is true by virtue of its logical form
alone or an act of needless repetition. A contradiction is a statement
that is false because of its logical form or an assertion that
something is both true and false at the same time. In logic they're
opposites, and outside of logic they have nothing in common.
Post by ±
Post by 03:15:38 GMT
They are, to use an expression popular in mathematics, "totally
different bag". Totally different.
I find that contradiction is often used as tautology at UseNet.
Usenet is rife with faulty reasoning, but that's no reason to consider
such argumentation accurate. I'm afraid you're mistaken.
I'd expect nothing less from someone Borged by the HiveMind.
Post by 03:15:38 GMT
2003-09-23 23:51:06 UTC
Post by ±
Would you agree that contradiction is part of tautology?
That is a very tight argument. Very taut, in fact.

2003-09-25 06:48:25 UTC
Post by Morpheal
Post by ±
Would you agree that contradiction is part of tautology?
That is a very tight argument. Very taut, in fact.
Tauter than Tartan?
Post by Morpheal

September Scorecard:

I make short work of spanked-beyond-recognition Starshine
Moonbeam/Trippy, as he admits his utter and thorough defeat:

From: Starshine Moonbeam <***@tacoshells.com>
Newsgroups: alt.discordia, alt.alien.vampire.flonk.flonk.flonk,
alt.fan.scarecrow, alt.flame, alt.usenet.kooks
Subject: High Noon.......
Date: Fri, 19 Sep 2003 03:24:27 -0500
Message-ID: <***@news.alt.net>

I just have one thing to say to you.

You're the biggest chickenshit I've ever seen. At least Jet and Leola
tried to hold the proverbial gun to the head of the enemy. You however,
did it to a person who hasn't done a damn thing to you. Classy.

I have absolutely no respect for you at all now. You are lower than
anybody on usenet. ANYBODY. Yes, even Jet. Yes, even Leola.

I said I'd do whatever I had to and I'm not that desperate to win. Not
at the price of a good poster going down for a past mistake of
association. Not like this.

I concede.

Message-ID: <***@4ax.com>:

##### ###### # # # # # ###
# # # # # # ## # # # ###
# # # # # # # # # # ###
##### ###### # # # # # ### #
# # ####### # # # # #
# # # # # # ## # # ###
##### # # # # # # # ###


While choking back bitter tears at alt.tv.pee-wee-herman, Trippy
reflects on his crushing loss:


From: Starshine Moonbeam <***@tacoshells.com>
Newsgroups: alt.tv.pee-wee-herman, alt.alien.vampire.flonk.flonk.flonk,
alt.fan.scarecrow, alt.discordia, alt.flame, alt.fan.headkase
Subject: Re: Stooge Admits To Drunken Posting - "For once, Deano was
Date: Mon, 22 Sep 2003 17:55:00 -0500
Message-ID: <***@news.alt.net>

Even in defeat, I was *still* a better man than you.


SSRI-gobbling (Message-ID: <291020021949397696%***@petitmorte.net>)
Dooslop says he's never pedolamed:

Date: Thu, 17 Jul 2003 18:26:01 -0400
From: Dowap <***@petitmorte.net>

"True cowards and immature brain damaged people use the pedo lame."

Date: Sat, 12 Apr 2003 21:45:29 -0400
From: Dowap <***@petitmorte.net>

"If someones best response is going to be a pedo lame then they ain't
worth my time."

Date: Sun, 31 Aug 2003 18:52:30 -0400
From: Dowap <***@petitmorte.net>
Message-ID: <310820031852306478%***@petitmorte.net>

"And best of all you have been destroyed to such an extent you are using
the lamest of lames, the pedo lame."


Welllll... maybe just *one* time:

Subject: Re: Hypocrite Soapy to da rescue.
Date: Wed, 10 Sep 2003 18:22:16 -0400
From: Dowap <***@petitmorte.net>

"I believe I called one person a pedo in response to being called a pedo
quite a while ago."


Welllll... maybe just *seventeen* times:

From: Dowap <***@petitmorte.net>
Message-ID: <221120011053406363%***@petitmorte.net>

"Have you hidden your child pron??? I can only assume that is what you
have with your obssesion with pedophillia. You know, call everyone else
a pedo in a lame attempt to divert attention from yourself. You are a
sick boi Ray."

From: Dowap <***@petitmorte.net>
Message-ID: <280120030001541020%***@petitmorte.net>

"You really should see a psychiatrist about this obsession you
have with pedophillia, it is not right. Are you trying to throw the
police off your tracks by lying about me? Did your father/uncle rape
you? Do they still sodomize you?"

From: Dowap <***@petitmorte.net>
Message-ID: <080220031954512447%***@petitmorte.net>

"Don't forget his predilection towards pedophillia."

From: Dowap <***@petitmorte.net>
Message-ID: <040720032324058631%***@petitmorte.net>

"So, dimmy do you get aroused by pre-pubescent children? Why not post
your police report?"

From: Dowap <***@petitmorte.net>
Message-ID: <230220031713538035%***@petitmorte.net>

"Damn, tu tu has the pedophillia *and* the animal thing going . Does
this mean he only has sex with young animals?"

From: Dowap <***@petitmorte.net>

Sort of like how you are overly concerned with pedophillia, says more
about you than you might think, if you can think that is. Perhaps you
should seek the help of a professional to work out some hidden issues
you may have?

From: Dowap <***@petitmorte.net>
Message-ID: <020220030246025150%***@petitmorte.net>

"I wonder if his Daddy knows about his leanings towards pedophillia or
maybe he picked that up from his dad or is it uncle.

From: Dowap <***@petitmorte.net>
Message-ID: <080220032054356299%***@petitmorte.net>

"Is big tu tu still spewing his desire for gay sex? If he isn't talking
about pedophillia he's talking about gay sex. Makes you wonder."

From: Dowap <***@petitmorte.net>
Message-ID: <170620011811213678%***@petitmorte.net>

"When you gonna start your pedo flood again Timmay????"

From: Dowap <***@petitmorte.net>
Message-ID: <270120031922264866%***@petitmorte.net>

"Big Tu Tu is obsessed with the following:

Sodomizing men with Black Dildos
Drug Use

Did I miss anything?"

From: Dowap <***@petitmorte.net>
Message-ID: <221020022001490228%***@petitmorte.net>

"I must assume that the both of you have some sort of pedophillia."

From: Dowap <***@petitmorte.net>
Message-ID: <130520011630032148%***@petitmorte.net>

"You are a total fucking moron. You finally shut your yap enough so you
didn't look as stupid as your pedo buddy rikijo and then you start
again. Really, in all honesty (not an age flame), how old are you??? If
you are under 25 then I can sort of understand your behavior."

"What is this obsession you, vintard, and rikijoke (the three stooges)
have with animals and sex?? Do you three trade bestiality porn? Do you
trade the bestiality porn because rikijoke can't get more pedo porn?"

From: Dowap <***@petitmorte.n3t>
Message-ID: <070120022041356089%***@petitmorte.n3t>

"Here is my list of people that appear to have pedophilia tendencies
based on their postings. You should start with the following first:


Hope that helps.


You so easy!"

From: Dowap <***@petitmorte.net>
Message-ID: <231020012218339271%***@petitmorte.net>

"So go suck on that you bunch of closet Pedo's.

From: Dowap <***@petitmorte.net>
Message-ID: <171020011658180072%***@petitmorte.net>

"Now go trade your pedo porn with your assjockey Marty."

From: Dowap <***@petitmorte.n3t>
Message-ID: <070120022045058657%***@petitmorte.n3t>

"I think your obsession in Pedo speaks for itself Marty. Those that live
in glass house and all that."

From: Dowap <***@petitmorte.net>
Message-ID: <151120011659039426%***@petitmorte.net>

"Lil'diki giving away his own pedo and pron secrets. Hey carlos, someone
is looking for a pron password, why don't you help them out??"



"Bwahahhahaha!!!!", indeed, Dooslop!

/ \
/ \ /-----\
| (@) | | SnuH |
| (O) | \_ ___/
| / | ||
| \ /_ / //
\ \____/ / /
\ /
Doctress Neutopia
2003-09-26 04:13:45 UTC
If parts
Post by 03:15:38 GMT
of a hive mind can't know about their own condition, they can hardly
cause dismay to ruggedly handsome space cadets by making speeches
about the joys of collectivism, can they now?
Hivemind that allows for individuality.

The Universal Human embedded within Unique Self. Finding one's new role
within the Gaia cosmology.

The way to Neutopia
2003-09-26 15:41:01 UTC
Post by Doctress Neutopia
The Universal Human embedded within Unique Self.
That's what *SHE* said!

"We think for ourselves, something rather unique in these parts."
- Dean Humphries speaks for ourselves in article
_ ___ ____
_ __ ___ | |__ _ __ ___ / _ \__ _|___ \
| '_ ` _ \| '_ \| '_ ` _ \ (_) \ \/ / __) |
|_| |_| |_|_| |_|_| |_| |_| /_//_/\_\_____|

Aaron M. Henne
flaagg at comcast dot net
2003-10-05 02:23:44 UTC
Post by 03:15:38 GMT
If parts
Post by 03:15:38 GMT
of a hive mind can't know about their own condition, they can hardly
cause dismay to ruggedly handsome space cadets by making speeches
about the joys of collectivism, can they now?
Hivemind that allows for individuality.
You keep wishing for a hivemind, and that means someone gets to be queen
bee. Well, that one instance is very individual, but the others are
rather drone or dead, in comparison.
Post by 03:15:38 GMT
The Universal Human embedded within Unique Self. Finding one's new role within the Gaia cosmology.
Oh no, Doctress, more idealism ? Please return to Freud and the study
of psychological projection, and do not pass go, and do not collect 200
of anything, until you do comprehend that bit first.
Post by 03:15:38 GMT
The way to Neutopia
Absolute silence.

The ultimate joke about idealism. John Lennon's Neutopian National
Anthem. It indicates the very same flaw about idealism that I am getting
irked about in regard to your viewpoint. John didn't go for the idealist
utopias either.
