Model me the western mind.....
(too old to reply)
2006-08-12 22:36:38 UTC

Bear witness to the fact that the 'western' mind requires everything be
brought into impossibly tight focus, then mapped. Once the model is
made, catalogued, then memetically (media) distributed, it automatically
assumes that it has no reason to re-catalogue, so it feels justified in
continually referring back to corrupted, or outdated librararies.
(.dlls), and delivering its 'fundamental truth' therefrom.

The problem with history is that it's obviously a trap. What I'm
proposing now should, at this time, already be mandatory on this planet.

A unificatory gesture by ALL members of the UN is hereby required to
pass a new resolution, that, "hate speech of ANY kind, is a crime
against humanity".

Anyone guilty of this crime will be hunted down by a Judge, captured,
then flown in a CIA undercover jet to an unknown destination where they
will be forced to listen to George Bush, (on cocaine), 18 hours a day,
for the rest of their lives.

<stone mallet hitting wood.wav>

Next case!

Judge Gosht (schwann)
Galactic Conflict Mediator
Mr Stickball
2006-08-31 15:29:40 UTC
Boy we have a bright one here, don't we? Maybe we can drink some
tainted kool-ade too!

Pegasus51a Empire #210510
Great FREE Massive Multiplayer Online games:
http://uc.gamestotal.com - Unification Wars, a Fun Spaced Based MMO
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link, and message me (Pegasus51a) and I'll send you starter cash on the

2006-08-31 15:38:22 UTC
Post by Mr Stickball
Boy we have a bright one here, don't we? Maybe we can drink some
tainted kool-ade too!
are you talking to somebody, or was that sort of aimed at the sky?
International Satanic Conspiracy
Customer Support Specialist
I think it's a crime that they haven't made finger-painting an Olympic
sport yet.
2006-08-31 15:52:12 UTC
Post by unknown
Post by Mr Stickball
Boy we have a bright one here, don't we? Maybe we can drink some
tainted kool-ade too!
are you talking to somebody, or was that sort of aimed at the sky?
You mean there are actually Usenet posts that AREN'T? Well, I know
there are a few aimed at specific mouths like a money shot in an amputee
plumper porny, but I could have sworn it was ALL binary twaddle. I learn
a little something new every day.


HellPope Huey
I reserve the right to be
at LEAST as weird as you.

The moment you cheat for the sake of beauty,
you know you're an artist.
~ Max Jacob

You couldn't entertain an audience at GUNPOINT
with trained spider monkeys doing an aerial act
swinging from your nut hair.
~ Vile Ol' Dr. Legume
2006-08-31 20:49:37 UTC
From: cknoettg - view profile
Date: Sat, Aug 26 2006 7:12 am
Email: "cknoettg" <***@excite.com>
Groups: alt.drugs.psychedelics

I do not believe in making hate speech a crime - I believe in freedom
of expression.

Rationalism is one aspect of Western modernity that acts in the way
that you have described, but it does not sum up the "Western mind" at
all. We are so guilty that people were killed in the building up of
the West that we forget that all peoples, at one point or another have
killed for petty reasons.

you are correct but the West now lags behind because of its obsessive
compulsion/attachment to 'stuff'..

Instead of castigating the "Western," we should be advocates of
peace and service.

truly you are correct...if i was a buddhist...

There was not a time in history that peace
prevailed. We would truly be ushering in a new era. Our intellectual
enemies, if there are any, are those who would claim that peace is not
in "our genes," or our "human nature." We have a tricky task . . . I
wish everyone all the best in their efforts to envision and build a
better world....

i nevertheless applaud your answer and esp agree with what u wrote in
the para above..


2006-08-31 16:57:56 UTC
In article <***@4ax.com>, Zapanaz
<http://joecosby.com/code/mail.pl> says...
Post by unknown
Post by Mr Stickball
Boy we have a bright one here, don't we? Maybe we can drink some
tainted kool-ade too!
are you talking to somebody, or was that sort of aimed at the sky?
somebody. anybody. the great ray of creation in the sky. dig it.
Capt. Zeston Norelco
2006-08-31 19:29:54 UTC
Post by unknown
somebody. anybody. the great ray of creation in the sky. dig it.
I Do,

But I traded it in for a ray of destruction when the seventies were

I Think I Got A Better Deal Out Of It,

Capt. Zeston Norelco
2006-08-31 20:59:02 UTC
Post by Capt. Zeston Norelco
Post by unknown
somebody. anybody. the great ray of creation in the sky. dig it.
I Do,
But I traded it in for a ray of destruction when the seventies were
I Think I Got A Better Deal Out Of It,
Capt. Zeston Norelco
lol..that's funny...yeh...
2006-08-31 21:00:52 UTC
Post by Capt. Zeston Norelco
Post by unknown
somebody. anybody. the great ray of creation in the sky. dig it.
I Do,
But I traded it in for a ray of destruction when the seventies were
ps..Gurdjieff and Ouspensky proposed this (great ray of creation) in the
'20's...it's not a 70's thing, tho if you're trying to make me look like
a hippy, well, it aint that difficult...but i sure don't look like one
Bill Cleere
2006-09-06 04:38:09 UTC
Post by Capt. Zeston Norelco
Post by unknown
somebody. anybody. the great ray of creation in the sky. dig it.
I Do,
But I traded it in for a ray of destruction when the seventies were
I Think I Got A Better Deal Out Of It,
Capt. Zeston Norelco
You got the Eighties, Nineties, and Zeroes.

Shoulda tried to call off the deal a long time ago.

-- Bill Cleere

"I prefer the pleasure of writing bits of nonsense to that of
wearing an embroidered coat which costs 800 francs." (Stendhal)
don wheeler
2006-09-01 03:31:43 UTC
Post by unknown
<http://joecosby.com/code/mail.pl> says...
Post by unknown
Post by Mr Stickball
Boy we have a bright one here, don't we? Maybe we can drink some
tainted kool-ade too!
are you talking to somebody, or was that sort of aimed at the sky?
somebody. anybody. the great ray of creation in the sky. dig it.
"In trying to give, you see that you have nothing.
Seeing that you have nothing, you try to give of yourself.
Trying to give of yourself, you see that you are nothing.
Seeing that you are nothing, you desire to become.
In desiring to become, you begin to live."
-- Rene Daumal
2006-09-01 04:10:53 UTC
On Thu, 31 Aug 2006 23:31:43 -0400, don wheeler
Post by don wheeler
"In trying to give, you see that you have nothing.
Seeing that you have nothing, you try to give of yourself.
Trying to give of yourself, you see that you are nothing.
Seeing that you are nothing, you desire to become.
In desiring to become, you begin to live."
-- Rene Daumal
My god what a load of meaningless crap.

It does have that vaguely existentialist tone though which seems to
impress people who want to throw wise-sounding quotes around but don't
actually know anything. The trick seems to be that if you can negate
what you say repeatedly people think it is some kind of Taoism and if
you can talk about being nothing people think it kind of sounds like
something a monk or philosopher would say.

Generally these would be the people who only have a vague idea about
Taoism which was garnered from other pithy meaningless quotes that
they didn't really get but sounded wise, and who have never met any
actual monks in real life but did think the TV show "Kung Fu" had some
great wisdom in it.
International Satanic Conspiracy
Customer Support Specialist
Whom is on first?

And why does he smell like pee?
2006-09-01 04:29:05 UTC
On Thu, 31 Aug 2006 21:10:53 -0700, Zapanaz
Post by unknown
On Thu, 31 Aug 2006 23:31:43 -0400, don wheeler
Post by don wheeler
"In trying to give, you see that you have nothing.
Seeing that you have nothing, you try to give of yourself.
Trying to give of yourself, you see that you are nothing.
Seeing that you are nothing, you desire to become.
In desiring to become, you begin to live."
-- Rene Daumal
My god what a load of meaningless crap.
It does have that vaguely existentialist tone though which seems to
impress people who want to throw wise-sounding quotes around but don't
actually know anything. The trick seems to be that if you can negate
what you say repeatedly people think it is some kind of Taoism and if
you can talk about being nothing people think it kind of sounds like
something a monk or philosopher would say.
Generally these would be the people who only have a vague idea about
Taoism which was garnered from other pithy meaningless quotes that
they didn't really get but sounded wise, and who have never met any
actual monks in real life but did think the TV show "Kung Fu" had some
great wisdom in it.
"If you want to be something, be nothing ~
If you want to have something, have nothing ~
If you want to be wise, empty your mind ~
If you want peanut butter, eat jelly ~ "

- Zen Master "Bob"
International Satanic Conspiracy
Customer Support Specialist
"Your problem is that you think you have time"
-=-Don Juan to Carlos Castaneda
2006-09-01 12:03:25 UTC
Post by unknown
On Thu, 31 Aug 2006 23:31:43 -0400, don wheeler
Post by don wheeler
"In trying to give, you see that you have nothing.
Seeing that you have nothing, you try to give of yourself.
Trying to give of yourself, you see that you are nothing.
Seeing that you are nothing, you desire to become.
In desiring to become, you begin to live."
-- Rene Daumal
My god what a load of meaningless crap.
It does have that vaguely existentialist tone though which seems to
impress people who want to throw wise-sounding quotes around but don't
actually know anything. The trick seems to be that if you can negate
what you say repeatedly people think it is some kind of Taoism and if
you can talk about being nothing people think it kind of sounds like
something a monk or philosopher would say.
Generally these would be the people who only have a vague idea about
Taoism which was garnered from other pithy meaningless quotes that
they didn't really get but sounded wise, and who have never met any
actual monks in real life but did think the TV show "Kung Fu" had some
great wisdom in it.
International Satanic Conspiracy
Customer Support Specialist
Whom is on first?
Post by unknown
And why does he smell like pee?
becaue you can only smell youself on the internet
don wheeler
2006-09-01 13:36:25 UTC
Post by w***@yahoo.com
Post by unknown
On Thu, 31 Aug 2006 23:31:43 -0400, don wheeler
Post by don wheeler
"In trying to give, you see that you have nothing.
Seeing that you have nothing, you try to give of yourself.
Trying to give of yourself, you see that you are nothing.
Seeing that you are nothing, you desire to become.
In desiring to become, you begin to live."
-- Rene Daumal
My god what a load of meaningless crap.
It does have that vaguely existentialist tone though which seems to
impress people who want to throw wise-sounding quotes around but don't
actually know anything. The trick seems to be that if you can negate
what you say repeatedly people think it is some kind of Taoism and if
you can talk about being nothing people think it kind of sounds like
something a monk or philosopher would say.
Generally these would be the people who only have a vague idea about
Taoism which was garnered from other pithy meaningless quotes that
they didn't really get but sounded wise, and who have never met any
actual monks in real life but did think the TV show "Kung Fu" had some
great wisdom in it.
International Satanic Conspiracy
Customer Support Specialist
Whom is on first?
Post by unknown
And why does he smell like pee?
becaue you can only smell youself on the internet
What a loaf of bread looks like depends on how hungry you are.

"There are people in the world so hungry, that God cannot appear to them
except in the form of bread."
- Mahatma Gandhi
2006-09-02 04:27:52 UTC
On Fri, 01 Sep 2006 09:36:25 -0400, don wheeler
Post by don wheeler
Post by w***@yahoo.com
Post by unknown
On Thu, 31 Aug 2006 23:31:43 -0400, don wheeler
Post by don wheeler
"In trying to give, you see that you have nothing.
Seeing that you have nothing, you try to give of yourself.
Trying to give of yourself, you see that you are nothing.
Seeing that you are nothing, you desire to become.
In desiring to become, you begin to live."
-- Rene Daumal
My god what a load of meaningless crap.
It does have that vaguely existentialist tone though which seems to
impress people who want to throw wise-sounding quotes around but don't
actually know anything. The trick seems to be that if you can negate
what you say repeatedly people think it is some kind of Taoism and if
you can talk about being nothing people think it kind of sounds like
something a monk or philosopher would say.
Generally these would be the people who only have a vague idea about
Taoism which was garnered from other pithy meaningless quotes that
they didn't really get but sounded wise, and who have never met any
actual monks in real life but did think the TV show "Kung Fu" had some
great wisdom in it.
International Satanic Conspiracy
Customer Support Specialist
Whom is on first?
Post by unknown
And why does he smell like pee?
becaue you can only smell youself on the internet
What a loaf of bread looks like depends on how hungry you are.
"There are people in the world so hungry, that God cannot appear to them
except in the form of bread."
- Mahatma Gandhi
Caressing bent up to the jug again
With sheaths and pills
Invading all those stills
In a hovel of a bed
I will scream in vain
Oh please miss Lane
Leave me with some pain
Went walking through this city's neon lights
In fear of disguising my warping seathing
Pressure lines and graceless heirs
Intangible of price
Trying so hard to find what? What was right
I came upon your room it stuck into my head
We leapt into the bed degrading even lice
You took delight in taking down
All my shielded pride
Until exposed became my darker side
Puckering up and down some avenue of sin
Too cheap to ride they're worth a try
If only for the old times cold times
Don't go waving your pretentious love
He's soliciting on his tan brown brogues
Girating through some lonesome devils row
Pinpointing well meaning upper class prey
Of walking money checks posessing holes
He often sleekly offers his services
Exploitation of his finer years
Work with loosely woven fabrics
Of lonely office clerks
Any lay suffices his dollar green eye
International Satanic Conspiracy
Customer Support Specialist
Fran: Do you know that in Tibet when they want something they give something away?
Bernard: Do they? That must be why they're such a dominant global power.
2006-09-01 15:42:03 UTC
In article <***@4ax.com>, Zapanaz
<http://joecosby.com/code/mail.pl> says...
Post by unknown
On Thu, 31 Aug 2006 23:31:43 -0400, don wheeler
Post by don wheeler
"In trying to give, you see that you have nothing.
Seeing that you have nothing, you try to give of yourself.
Trying to give of yourself, you see that you are nothing.
Seeing that you are nothing, you desire to become.
In desiring to become, you begin to live."
-- Rene Daumal
My god what a load of meaningless crap.
It does have that vaguely existentialist tone though which seems to
impress people who want to throw wise-sounding quotes around but don't
actually know anything. The trick seems to be that if you can negate
what you say repeatedly people think it is some kind of Taoism and if
you can talk about being nothing people think it kind of sounds like
something a monk or philosopher would say.
Generally these would be the people who only have a vague idea about
Taoism which was garnered from other pithy meaningless quotes that
they didn't really get but sounded wise, and who have never met any
actual monks in real life but did think the TV show "Kung Fu" had some
great wisdom in it.
funny. the ebb and flow of things, as it were...now you chaps have each
a piece of it, yet will bargain it away for the other so you will always
have only a part...yet the quote, as you righteously say, leans towards
the dissolution of thought, rather than to the creativity of thought,
which are in essence the same thing, the squaring of the circle, sacred
geometry, HAARP, the Concorde, Bill Gates, and everything else you'd
like to own/possess/desire...

Bill Cleere
2006-09-06 04:51:35 UTC
Post by unknown
On Thu, 31 Aug 2006 23:31:43 -0400, don wheeler
Post by don wheeler
"In trying to give, you see that you have nothing.
Seeing that you have nothing, you try to give of yourself.
Trying to give of yourself, you see that you are nothing.
Seeing that you are nothing, you desire to become.
In desiring to become, you begin to live."
-- Rene Daumal
My god what a load of meaningless crap.
It does have that vaguely existentialist tone though which seems to
impress people who want to throw wise-sounding quotes around but don't
actually know anything. The trick seems to be that if you can negate
what you say repeatedly people think it is some kind of Taoism and if
you can talk about being nothing people think it kind of sounds like
something a monk or philosopher would say.
Generally these would be the people who only have a vague idea about
Taoism which was garnered from other pithy meaningless quotes that
they didn't really get but sounded wise, and who have never met any
actual monks in real life but did think the TV show "Kung Fu" had some
great wisdom in it.
Interesting comedy definition of Taoism you have there:

"If I don't understand it, it's the Way of the Tao, and
therefore meaningless."

The poem stands on its own. It's a very simple statement of a
person's experience. Each sentence is a simple insight that
results from a period of the writer's life in which he did things
a certain way, and after a time recognized that the results were
not what he expected. And so he moved on to what seemed to
be the sensible next step. Same result. Finally he added it all up
and figured out what he had left. He drew the incomparably
commonsensical conclusion, "Hell, guess this is the only thing
I done that ain't totally fucked-up, so I'll go with it."

Fuckin' guy just kept his eyes open, did the math, and wrote
up the results in a very tidy little packet.

-- Bill Cleere

"I prefer the pleasure of writing bits of nonsense to that of
wearing an embroidered coat which costs 800 francs." (Stendhal)
2006-09-06 05:10:46 UTC
On Tue, 5 Sep 2006 21:51:35 -0700, "Bill Cleere"
Post by Bill Cleere
"If I don't understand it, it's the Way of the Tao, and
therefore meaningless."
I didn't say anything bearing the remotest resemblence to that.
Post by Bill Cleere
The poem stands on its own. It's a very simple statement of a
person's experience. Each sentence is a simple insight that
results from a period of the writer's life in which he did things
a certain way, and after a time recognized that the results were
not what he expected. And so he moved on to what seemed to
be the sensible next step. Same result. Finally he added it all up
and figured out what he had left. He drew the incomparably
commonsensical conclusion, "Hell, guess this is the only thing
I done that ain't totally fucked-up, so I'll go with it."
up the results in a very tidy little packet.
uh ok. Nice night out drinking tonight, huh?
International Satanic Conspiracy
Customer Support Specialist
Bill Cleere
2006-09-06 05:21:51 UTC
Post by unknown
On Tue, 5 Sep 2006 21:51:35 -0700, "Bill Cleere"
Post by Bill Cleere
"If I don't understand it, it's the Way of the Tao, and
therefore meaningless."
I didn't say anything bearing the remotest resemblence to that.
did too
Post by unknown
Post by Bill Cleere
The poem stands on its own. It's a very simple statement of a
person's experience. Each sentence is a simple insight that
results from a period of the writer's life in which he did things
a certain way, and after a time recognized that the results were
not what he expected. And so he moved on to what seemed to
be the sensible next step. Same result. Finally he added it all up
and figured out what he had left. He drew the incomparably
commonsensical conclusion, "Hell, guess this is the only thing
I done that ain't totally fucked-up, so I'll go with it."
up the results in a very tidy little packet.
uh ok. Nice night out drinking tonight, huh?

-- Bill Cleere

"I prefer the pleasure of writing bits of nonsense to that of
wearing an embroidered coat which costs 800 francs." (Stendhal)
2006-09-01 15:38:33 UTC
In article <BQNJg.1712$***@newsfe11.lga>, ***@optonline.net
Post by don wheeler
Post by unknown
<http://joecosby.com/code/mail.pl> says...
somebody. anybody. the great ray of creation in the sky. dig it.
"In trying to give, you see that you have nothing.
Seeing that you have nothing, you try to give of yourself.
Trying to give of yourself, you see that you are nothing.
Seeing that you are nothing, you desire to become.
In desiring to become, you begin to live."
-- Rene Daumal
nice one....!
don wheeler
2006-09-05 15:10:16 UTC
Post by unknown
Post by don wheeler
Post by unknown
<http://joecosby.com/code/mail.pl> says...
somebody. anybody. the great ray of creation in the sky. dig it.
"In trying to give, you see that you have nothing.
Seeing that you have nothing, you try to give of yourself.
Trying to give of yourself, you see that you are nothing.
Seeing that you are nothing, you desire to become.
In desiring to become, you begin to live."
-- Rene Daumal
nice one....!
I wanted to answer the Gurdjieff quote with one by Lord Buckley
(The late American Hipster) but could not find a suitable one to cut and
paste in the short time I afford this news group.......
2006-09-05 17:57:14 UTC
In article <yrgLg.2273$***@newsfe09.lga>, ***@optonline.net
Post by don wheeler
Post by unknown
Post by don wheeler
Post by unknown
<http://joecosby.com/code/mail.pl> says...
somebody. anybody. the great ray of creation in the sky. dig it.
"In trying to give, you see that you have nothing.
Seeing that you have nothing, you try to give of yourself.
Trying to give of yourself, you see that you are nothing.
Seeing that you are nothing, you desire to become.
In desiring to become, you begin to live."
-- Rene Daumal
nice one....!
I wanted to answer the Gurdjieff quote with one by Lord Buckley
(The late American Hipster) but could not find a suitable one to cut and
paste in the short time I afford this news group.......
may your timeousness increase....
don wheeler
2006-09-06 02:31:36 UTC
Post by unknown
Post by don wheeler
Post by unknown
Post by don wheeler
Post by unknown
<http://joecosby.com/code/mail.pl> says...
somebody. anybody. the great ray of creation in the sky. dig it.
"In trying to give, you see that you have nothing.
Seeing that you have nothing, you try to give of yourself.
Trying to give of yourself, you see that you are nothing.
Seeing that you are nothing, you desire to become.
In desiring to become, you begin to live."
-- Rene Daumal
nice one....!
I wanted to answer the Gurdjieff quote with one by Lord Buckley
(The late American Hipster) but could not find a suitable one to cut and
paste in the short time I afford this news group.......
may your timeousness increase....
I am enlarging my timitity as we speak
2006-09-09 18:41:21 UTC
Post by don wheeler
Post by unknown
may your timeousness increase....
I am enlarging my timitity as we speak
follow me, i am right behind you...
Bill Cleere
2006-09-06 04:58:33 UTC
Post by unknown
Post by don wheeler
Post by unknown
Post by don wheeler
Post by unknown
<http://joecosby.com/code/mail.pl> says...
somebody. anybody. the great ray of creation in the sky. dig it.
"In trying to give, you see that you have nothing.
Seeing that you have nothing, you try to give of yourself.
Trying to give of yourself, you see that you are nothing.
Seeing that you are nothing, you desire to become.
In desiring to become, you begin to live."
-- Rene Daumal
nice one....!
I wanted to answer the Gurdjieff quote with one by Lord Buckley
(The late American Hipster) but could not find a suitable one to cut and
paste in the short time I afford this news group.......
may your timeousness increase....
Let's blow a little light gaseous groove on the kitty,
courtesy of the aforementioned Lord Buckley:

And Alvar Nuñez Cabeza de Vaca, The Gasser, said at
the end of the letter, he said, right at the end of this letter,
he said, "Your Majesty, I'm hip that you're a great
swingin' king, with a fat book."

And he said, "I want to knock a page on it."

He said,

"I found out on this expedition that there is a great power
within that when used in beauty and immaculate purity
can cure and heal and cause miracles."

And he said,

"When you use it it spreads like a magic garden.
And when you do not use it it recedes from you."

-- Alvar Nuñez Cabeza de Vaca, "The Gasser"
Fifteen hundred and leapin' ten.
Bill Cleere
2006-09-06 04:37:05 UTC
Post by unknown
<http://joecosby.com/code/mail.pl> says...
Post by unknown
Post by Mr Stickball
Boy we have a bright one here, don't we? Maybe we can drink some
tainted kool-ade too!
are you talking to somebody, or was that sort of aimed at the sky?
somebody. anybody. the great ray of creation in the sky. dig it.
The Mother Neon Tube. Be down wid' it.

-- Bill Cleere

"I prefer the pleasure of writing bits of nonsense to that of
wearing an embroidered coat which costs 800 francs." (Stendhal)
2006-09-09 18:42:11 UTC
Post by Bill Cleere
Post by unknown
somebody. anybody. the great ray of creation in the sky. dig it.
The Mother Neon Tube. Be down wid' it.
-- Bill Cleere
"I prefer the pleasure of writing bits of nonsense to that of
wearing an embroidered coat which costs 800 francs." (Stendhal)
