Information From Winifred.
(too old to reply)
John F. Winston
2004-10-20 14:09:25 UTC
Subject: Information From Winifred. Oct. 20, 2004.

Here is some information about different subjects from Winifred,
my interdimensional friend.


From: W
And There Was War In He-ven
Part 3 <-- <http://ufo.whipnet.org/creation/war.in.heaven/
index2.html> |
In reference to this we will quote from a 'synopsis' of the
experiences of a Brazilian "cont-ctee" Jefferson Souza, as it
appeared in a catalog put out by the UFO LIBRARY., 11684 Ventura
Blvd. #708., Studio City, CA 91604. Many of the individuals referred
to in the catalog, which offers taped interviews or lectures of
these individuals, are either "con-actees" who have had friendly
encounters with the so-called "Nordic" human-like beings who pilot
many of the "alien" craft, or who have been "abductees" who have
been manipulated by the more nefarious "Gray" sauroid entities.
Quoting from their description of Mr. Souza's experiences:

"Gray" sauroid entities. Quoting from their description of Mr.
Souza's experiences:
Reaction to the first sighting of a UFO is unpredictable. Jeff
Souza had his first contact in 1979 when he was only 13. The memory
of it was tucked away in the recesses of his mind. Twenty alien
contacts during the next 10 years never fully restored the image.
But those years were filled with excitement that would result in
one of the most inspirational stories of alien contact ever
The young Brazilian was possessed of intelligence and intuition.
He studied and managed to complete one semester of medical school
before giving up his formal education. "In contact with two ra-es
of extraterrestrials, Jeff has met them in Brazil, Argentina and
the Un-ted States. But where they occurred is unimportant when
compared to the depth and scope of what he learned.
The gentle VEGANS and the business-like UMMITES taught Souza
more than he could ever imagine about technology and life on all
planets. He was transported aboard a spaceship by light
(antigravity rays? - Branton) and taken to other planets and (other)
parts of the world. On one such trip he suffered an unusual
reaction - all his hair fell out. His watch broke at every contact.
Jeff Souza has been questioned by experts in the field of alien
He has been clinically regressed through hypnotism to the time
of his first contact but the answers came only in Portuguese. At
that age, Jeff could not speak English.
The details he has learned are awe inspiring. Answers to questions
about time, space, matter, energy, life and sp-rituality easily
roll from his tongue. All prompted by the alien contacts of his
past and present.
His interview and the recorded details of his many physical
SOUZA WE LEARN ABOUT THE SEVEN RAC-S (human and/or sauroid? -
"There is a final precaution from his contacts - we must all learn
the lessons given to Jeff Souza because we are destroying our planet
and if we don't change, not even the friendly aliens will be able
to save us."
We see here then a definite connection between the Death Valley
subterranea inhabited by the neo-Grecian(?) Hav-musuvs and the
human societies in "Vega" and "Ummo", which as we shall later see
are, according to other co-tactees, tied-in with other human
colonies or civilizations in Tau Ceti, Epsilon Eridani, the Pleiades
and elsewhere.
Also, do the "benevolent" humans-aliens allegedly working at the
Nevada Test Site have any connection with the Hav-Musuvs? Were the
"human" occupied bases on Luna as seen by N-SA officials, according
to George H. Leonard and others, actually installations placed
there by the Hav-musuvs or another society tied-in with them? These
are questions we intend to answer in this and future files.
As we've indicated, there are numerous accounts that an ancient
r-ce who utilize high-technology now resides in the bowels of Mt.
Shasta in the Cascade Range of northern California. According to
researcher William F. Hamilton, who claims to have met
representatives of this society (and whose account we will quote
in much greater detail in a later File), the inhabitants of the
subterranean "city" under Mt. Shasta are usually tall, blue- eyed
blonds who number in excess of over one-and-a-half million in their
large 5-leveled underground city. Mt. Shasta has been a major site
for UFO contacts. Also Indian legends - as well as stories of
strange people being seen on it's slopes - abound there. These
accounts are so well-known that many of the travel guides to the
Mountain mention the legends of the ancient people who are said
to dwell within this ancient volcanic peak.
Aside from the apparent "Greek" connection with the underground
city allegedly existing beneath Mt. Shasta, Mr. Hamilton also
alleges that some of the "Telosians" claim to be descended from the
"Quetzals" and "Naga-Mayas". This seems to indicate a possible
Meso-American connection or origin of some of the inhabitants of
Shasta. However, James Churchward (who authored several books
describing the history of an alleged sunken island-continent which
he believed existed within the Indian Ocean and which went by the
name of "MU") has indicated that the "Naga-Mayas" were a human
tribe tied-in with ancient India. Whether the Telosians are
descended from ancient Mayapan, India or Greece is not clear. It
is possible that many ancient empires, such as was suggested by
the Hav-musuv account, flowed- in to each other and traded and
interacted with each other to some extent. Another ancient society
which might have played a role in the subterran Guatemalan or
Californian societies were the Egyptians. Zecharia Sitchin, author
of many books, states that some Mayas may originally have came
from Egypt, which might be the case when we realize the apparent
similarities between the Egyptians and Mayas as they can be seen
in the Mayan and Egyptian Pyramids, and so on. Whether the Mayas
were originally descended from the Egyptians OR ancient Indians,
there is much evidence that the Mayas WERE a highly scientific
society nonetheless, who were well advanced in medicine, astronomy
and mathematics. In fact, Charles Berlitz (author of many books on
the Bermuda Triangle) refers to the account of a Colorado art
historian by the name of Jose Arguelles. Arguelles claimed to have
met an old Mayan 'sage' who told him that his people the Mayas
still exist as a civilization (went underground? - Branton) and
that they have in the last millennia succeeded in "navigating" at
least seven nearby planetary systems through advanced spacefaring
technologies. In relation to this a man by the name of Morris
Doreal, also of Colorado (a state which is or was believed to be
the home of an advanced sub terranean human r-ce), runs an
organization called the "Brotherhood of the W-ite Temple". Doreal
claims to have visited a few of the ancient underground cities
and alleges that several "members" of his organization are
Guatemalan Indians of Mayan descent who have told him their own
knowledge of subterranean cities inhabited by both good and ev-l
(reptilian?) beings. Now back to the subject of the Hav-musuvs and
the mysterious Death Valley region.
In 1961, SEARCH Magazine published a letter in it's October
issue, pp. 76-81, from a Gene A. Statler of (at the time) North
Street, Jackson, Missouri. Excerpts from this letter are given
Dear Mr. Palmer: A few days ago I wrote you a letter in which I
brought to your attention an item which was placed by you in the
Classified Advertisements section of the December, 1959, issue of
In this ad, you requested any information as to the whereabouts
of L. Taylor Hansen, who had disappeared twelve years prior to that
issue, and he was quoted as saying that he had discovered a bl-ck,
polished shaft, leading down into the earth near Death Valley.
You will remember that I mentioned that it was strange to have
the poem, 'The Curse of Tippecanoe', listed as written by Hansen
if the author had been missing for fourteen years. Well, my face is
really red! While looking over some of the newest SEARCH and FLYING
SAUCER magazines, I found that no less than five articles in the
past three issues of your magazines have been written by Mr. Hansen.
Therefore, I can safely assume that Mr. Hansen is not missing!
Please accept my apologies for my rash statements. I'll try to be a
little more comprehensive in my investigations the next time I try
to make an earth-shaking announcement!
However, my one suggestion still stands. Why not inform everyone,
if you have not already done so, as to the real, whole story behind
Hansen's disappearance and his discovery? What was his polished,
bla-k shaft?
Ray Palmer's editorial reply to Statler's letter was as follows:
"...It is true that we searched for Mr. Hansen for all those years,
and when we found him, he had this cryptic remark to make
concerning his whereabouts: 'It would be best just to drop the
subject.' However, we do have Mr. Hansen back doing articles for
us, and not only that, but we have one book manuscript in
production - one on Atlantis, and one on Lemuria. We feel sure
that these will be quite sensational, and it may be they will
answer a lot of unanswered questions concerning Mr. Hansen and his
mysterious twelve-year silence."
As we have seen by the Hav-musuv and related accounts, hidden
technological societies descended from ancient Greeks or other
ancient societies, very well may have established aerospace travel
several hundred, if not a few thousand, years ago.

Part 1.

John Winston. ***@mlode.com
Mr. 4X
2004-10-20 21:01:14 UTC
Post by John F. Winston
Subject: Information From Winifred. Oct. 20, 2004.
Here is some information about different subjects from Winifred,
my interdimensional friend.
Ha ha ha ha ha.
