Cognition Evolution (CE) ---Stage 1---
(too old to reply)
2004-09-04 14:06:46 UTC
In article <ch6m69$4t2$***@ctb-nnrp2.saix.net>, ***@wol.co.za
People give money for making movies. They're called "producers". It's
part of your job to get the necessary funding. Get on with it.
I'm the director not the producer. I thought you understood that.
I cannot be everything and do everything. Next you are going to demand
that I do car mechanics, brain surgery and pro football.
Lazy, though. Part of any job is financial responsibility.
Moira, the Faerie Godmother
It's open season on Faerie Godmothers !
Frosty the chicken is finished. Now it's your turn.
You need to *find* the producer. Didn't they teach you anything useful at
film school?
Moira, the Faerie Godmother
I have returned safely to Cape Town from Europe with 15 hours of DV
film. After three months on the road I am the producer, the director,
the cast and the crew and so what, or rather - now what? :) but before i
return to targeting my audience at the edit desk i must say the ipod i
bought at Heathrow is helping me reduce background noise by draping me
in my favourite ambient tunez...somewhere, back in my IT days, i grokked
the expression; "feature creep", and this understanding helps me deal
with infinite reality in fractal slices....

2004-09-06 15:38:43 UTC
Post by _Schwann_
I have returned safely to Cape Town from Europe with 15 hours of DV
film. After three months on the road I am the producer, the director,
the cast and the crew and so what, or rather - now what? :) but before i
return to targeting my audience at the edit desk i must say the ipod i
bought at Heathrow is helping me reduce background noise by draping me
in my favourite ambient tunez...somewhere, back in my IT days, i grokked
the expression; "feature creep", and this understanding helps me deal
with infinite reality in fractal slices.... schwann

So, that makes you relatively wealthy. You have proved nothing else in
saying that. It all costs significant sums of money. You did something
with your money, that you wanted to do.

