The Time Cannon.....
(too old to reply)
2005-06-03 15:58:38 UTC
one minute you're here, the next instant you're gone so is the nature of
current reality attainable? infinity is not a number and who has time to
count if it's all in the instant so i think we're being continually shot
out of a time cannon and that's why we can't see where we're
going because the common background (here) is blurred by speeed.. i
plugged in a new flat screen LCD, then, instead of illuminating
my eyesight and allowing me into another level of colour, it just blew
my operating system...it's just so tedious...anyway, i eventually, (four
days later) i am again at a complex level of passwords, codes, codecs
and resolutions.....besides all this, capturing reality, processing it,
and then insinuating back it into the common consciousness has to be one
of the ways at getting my good into the system...one has to have a
belief system:)

Robert Morpheal
2005-06-06 04:14:25 UTC
one minute you're here, the next instant you're gone so is the nature of current reality attainable? infinity is not a number and who has time to count if it's all in the instant so i think we're being continually shot out of a time cannon and that's why we can't see where we're

It's all forever, once it is said, thought, perceived, done, or not
said, thought and not done. All the same. All part of the enternal,
infinite, record.

Time is, in that sense, an illusion.

Now, what was your point ?

2005-06-06 15:41:11 UTC
In article <***@sympatico.ca>, ***@sympatico.ca
Post by Robert Morpheal
one minute you're here, the next instant you're gone so is the nature of current reality attainable? infinity is not a number and who has time to count if it's all in the instant so i think we're being continually shot out of a time cannon and that's why we can't see where we're
It's all forever, once it is said, thought, perceived, done, or not
said, thought and not done. All the same. All part of the enternal,
infinite, record.
Time is, in that sense, an illusion.
Now, what was your point ?
i'm too busy 'being there' to have one....it's a postcard from the
Robert Morpheal
2005-06-08 11:36:12 UTC
Post by unknown
i'm too busy 'being there' to have one....it's a postcard from the
The trouble with that is that people fall over the edge and don't even
realize that they have fallen over.

We lose a lot of people that way.

Kevin S. Wilson
2005-06-08 16:10:52 UTC
On Wed, 08 Jun 2005 07:36:12 -0400, Robert Morpheal
Post by Robert Morpheal
Post by unknown
i'm too busy 'being there' to have one....it's a postcard from the
The trouble with that is that people fall over the edge and don't even
realize that they have fallen over.
The other problem is that "postcards from the edge" is a tired,
shopworn title for a bad movie, and only the worst kind of hack writer
would resort to using it while pretending it is clever and fresh.

Oh, wait. You're replying to Schwang. Never mind.
Post by Robert Morpheal
We lose a lot of people that way.
Let's hope so.
Robert Morpheal
2005-06-11 01:19:36 UTC
Post by Kevin S. Wilson
The other problem is that "postcards from the edge" is a tired,
shopworn title for a bad movie, and only the worst kind of hack writer
would resort to using it while pretending it is clever and fresh.
Alright "Views From Over the Edge" ? From the edge is cliched, but
from over the edge is fresh and original. More with the tenor of the
times. I am now claiming copyright on "Views From Over the Edge" Also
copyright on "View From Over the Edge" in case I decide singular rather
than plural is best. Ok ?
Post by Kevin S. Wilson
Oh, wait. You're replying to Schwang. Never mind.
Which one ? I'm never quite certain. Then again, that is true about
most people. As long as it is a round peg in a round hole, any round peg
will do, seems to be the post-modern, post conceptual, viewpoint.

I am not saying that I agree, but I know Schwang does not care about it.
He thinks it is all ok.
Post by Kevin S. Wilson
Let's hope so.
We have to try to speed up the processing. They need processing.

Remember that soylent green is people.

2005-06-11 04:59:24 UTC
Post by Kevin S. Wilson
The other problem is that "postcards from the edge" is a tired,
shopworn title for a bad movie,
A wonderful quote from an unknown source:

"If you're not living life on the edge, you're taking up too much space..."
Robert Morpheal
2005-06-11 06:45:55 UTC
Post by ~xy~
"If you're not living life on the edge, you're taking up too much space..."
Soon you have everyone lined up along the edge. Who, then, is
going to stand behind them all and give them the final push ?

TeaLady (Mari C.)
2005-06-11 21:52:08 UTC
Post by Robert Morpheal
Post by ~xy~
"If you're not living life on the edge, you're taking up
too much space..."
Soon you have everyone lined up along the edge. Who, then,
is going to stand behind them all and give them the final
push ?
Guy at one end and gal at other each have an end of rope in
their hands. The rope is behind all the others, taut, and at
waist level. Guy and gal lean forwards, shove arms out, rope
catches, all fall down.
TeaLady (mari)

Sunshine is not conducive to the efficient work environment.
Therefore all access to the outdoors shall be limited to those
persons who perform non-productive tasks, and managers.
Robert Morpheal
2005-06-12 15:01:52 UTC
Post by TeaLady (Mari C.)
Guy at one end and gal at other each have an end of rope in
their hands. The rope is behind all the others, taut, and at
waist level. Guy and gal lean forwards, shove arms out, rope
catches, all fall down.
I like that. Shall we ? Do you think all the others will fall for it ?

TeaLady (Mari C.)
2005-06-13 02:25:02 UTC
Post by Robert Morpheal
Post by TeaLady (Mari C.)
Guy at one end and gal at other each have an end of rope
in their hands. The rope is behind all the others, taut,
and at waist level. Guy and gal lean forwards, shove arms
out, rope catches, all fall down.
I like that. Shall we ? Do you think all the others will
fall for it ?
Only if we convince them that it is the latest fashion to wear
teh belt only in the back loops.
TeaLady (mari)

Sunshine is not conducive to the efficient work environment.
Therefore all access to the outdoors shall be limited to those
persons who perform non-productive tasks, and managers.
Robert Morpheal
2005-06-13 21:53:10 UTC
Post by TeaLady (Mari C.)
Only if we convince them that it is the latest fashion to wear
teh belt only in the back loops.
Would you be sexually attractive to me ? Or not ? Now that we
are discussing fashion. It immediately makes my mind stray to sex.
Post by TeaLady (Mari C.)
Sunshine is not conducive to the efficient work environment.
Therefore all access to the outdoors shall be limited to those
persons who perform non-productive tasks, and managers.
They will never see the light of day again.

Throw them in the hole.

Mark Edwards
2005-06-08 06:23:05 UTC
Post by Robert Morpheal
Post by unknown
i'm too busy 'being there' to have one....it's a postcard from the
The trouble with that is that people fall over the edge and don't
even realize that they have fallen over.
We lose a lot of people that way.
But the upside is that when those people claw themselves back up from
the edge, you gain lots of homicidal, demon-infested maniacs with bad
hair and a penchant for world domination.

Mark Edwards
Proof of Sanity Forged Upon Request
Robert Morpheal
2005-06-10 10:58:11 UTC
Post by Mark Edwards
But the upside is that when those people claw themselves back up from
the edge, you gain lots of homicidal, demon-infested maniacs with bad
hair and a penchant for world domination.
You have mistaken the people who keep well away from the edge, all of
the time, from those who fall over the edge. I know it is difficult to
discern that fact, but look carefully and you'll see it too.

Sylvia Else
2005-06-06 04:30:42 UTC
Post by unknown
infinity is not a number
This inifinity you're talking about - which infinity is it? There is
more than one.

For example, there are countable infinities, and uncountable infinities.

Some may argue whether there's really more than one countable infinity,
since inidividual elements of the infinity can be matched one for one.

So there's a lot more than mere inifinity. That's merely the start.

2005-06-06 15:12:36 UTC
That's news to me. I thought infinity meant infinite, which means that
it can be ascribed a symbol, but not a number. I suppose, like most
else, it depends how it was 'meant' and I meant 'infinite, without
number or end...

thanks for the interesting comment....


Post by Sylvia Else
Post by unknown
infinity is not a number
This inifinity you're talking about - which infinity is it? There is
more than one.
For example, there are countable infinities, and uncountable infinities.
Some may argue whether there's really more than one countable infinity,
since inidividual elements of the infinity can be matched one for one.
So there's a lot more than mere inifinity. That's merely the start.
Sylvia Else
2005-06-07 03:32:15 UTC
Post by unknown
That's news to me. I thought infinity meant infinite, which means that
it can be ascribed a symbol, but not a number. I suppose, like most
else, it depends how it was 'meant' and I meant 'infinite, without
number or end...
thanks for the interesting comment....
An example of a countable infinity is the set of rational numbers. You
can write them all down this way

1/1 2/1 3/1 4/1 5/1 ...

1/2 2/2 3/2 4/2 5/2 ...

1/3 2/3 3/3 4/3 5/3 ...

1/4 2/4 3/4 4/4 5/4 ...

1/5 2/5 3/5 4/5 5/5 ...


Now you take ever larger diagonal sweeps through them

1/1 1/2 2/1 1/3 2/2 3/1 1/4 2/3 3/2 4/1 1/5 2/4 3/3 4/2 5/1 ...

So there's a systematic way of putting them into a list, and you can
count them in the sense that you can assign an integer to each of them

1 1/1
2 1/2
3 2/1
4 1/3
5 2/2
6 3/1
7 1/4
8 2/3
9 3/2
10 4/1
11 1/5
12 2/4
13 3/3
14 4/2
15 5/1


OK - big deal.

But try it with all numbers, including the irrational ones. Suppose we
wrote their decimal expansions down in a list, like this. Some end with
a (countably) infinite number of zeros, but most don't.

1 abcdef.....
2 ghijkl.....
3 zyxwv......
4 mnopq......

where the letters stand for arbitrary digits (not necessarily different).

Now, write a number whose first digit is not the first digit of the
first number (ie, not a), whose second digit is not the second digit of
the second number (ie, not h), and so on.

Since it has at least one digit that differs from the corresponding
digit of a number in the list, our constructed number cannot be in the
list, despite the list supposedly containing all the numbers.

The conlusion must be that it is not possible to write down all the
numbers in a list, even if the list is infinitely long. This is an
uncountable infinity.

Robert Morpheal
2005-06-12 02:59:33 UTC
Post by Sylvia Else
Post by unknown
That's news to me. I thought infinity meant infinite, which means that
it can be ascribed a symbol, but not a number. I suppose, like most
else, it depends how it was 'meant' and I meant 'infinite, without
number or end...
thanks for the interesting comment....
An example of a countable infinity is the set of rational numbers. You
can write them all down this way
1/1 2/1 3/1 4/1 5/1 ...
1/2 2/2 3/2 4/2 5/2 ...
1/3 2/3 3/3 4/3 5/3 ...
1/4 2/4 3/4 4/4 5/4 ...
1/5 2/5 3/5 4/5 5/5 ...
Now you take ever larger diagonal sweeps through them
1/1 1/2 2/1 1/3 2/2 3/1 1/4 2/3 3/2 4/1 1/5 2/4 3/3 4/2 5/1 ...
So there's a systematic way of putting them into a list, and you can
count them in the sense that you can assign an integer to each of them
1 1/1
2 1/2
3 2/1
4 1/3
5 2/2
6 3/1
7 1/4
8 2/3
9 3/2
10 4/1
11 1/5
12 2/4
13 3/3
14 4/2
15 5/1
OK - big deal.
But try it with all numbers, including the irrational ones. Suppose we
wrote their decimal expansions down in a list, like this. Some end with
a (countably) infinite number of zeros, but most don't.
1 abcdef.....
2 ghijkl.....
3 zyxwv......
4 mnopq......
where the letters stand for arbitrary digits (not necessarily different).
Now, write a number whose first digit is not the first digit of the
first number (ie, not a), whose second digit is not the second digit of
the second number (ie, not h), and so on.
Since it has at least one digit that differs from the corresponding
digit of a number in the list, our constructed number cannot be in the
list, despite the list supposedly containing all the numbers.
The conlusion must be that it is not possible to write down all the
numbers in a list, even if the list is infinitely long. This is an
uncountable infinity.
No. No. No. Arrrgh..... No.

In mythematics (mathematics to some who still believe that that language
describes all and everything completely accurately) infinity is simply
an incalculable. There are many reasons why you cannot calculate
something, but there you have it it is infinite.

That isn't absolute infinity. Absolute infinity is really really
infinite and not simply mythematical.

As for time, you would have to be able to handle coordinates plotted in
five irreducable dimensions to get even a start at it. Try to draw that
on a piece of paper the way you would 3 or attempt to draw 4. Now make
it 5 so that they all work together. Good luck. You have to be able to
plot your course using that.... time traveller.

Then you take that and multiply it by the number of branching paths,
according to bifurcations of quantum destinies, to allow for your five
dimensional system being doubled, tripled, quadrupled, etc. Oh, yes, the
five and five and five and more fives can overlap, coincide, and do all
sorts of wonderful things to mess you up.

What you see if never what you get.

Sylvia Else
2005-06-12 07:22:42 UTC
Post by Robert Morpheal
No. No. No. Arrrgh..... No.
In mythematics (mathematics to some who still believe that that language
describes all and everything completely accurately) infinity is simply
an incalculable. There are many reasons why you cannot calculate
something, but there you have it it is infinite.
There is a theorem in mathametics (Goedel's incompleteness theorem) that
says that within any finite set of axioms, there are true statements
that cannot be proved, and false statements that cannot be disproved.
Thus anyone who believed what you said was believed could not have been
properly studying their mathematics.
Post by Robert Morpheal
That isn't absolute infinity. Absolute infinity is really really
infinite and not simply mythematical.
Who was talking about absolute infinity?

Anyway, you can't talk about any infinity if you're not doing maths, as
it's an invention of maths anyway.
Post by Robert Morpheal
As for time, you would have to be able to handle coordinates plotted in
five irreducable dimensions to get even a start at it. Try to draw that
on a piece of paper the way you would 3 or attempt to draw 4. Now make
it 5 so that they all work together. Good luck. You have to be able to
plot your course using that.... time traveller.
What makes you think that just because you've plotted a course in five
dimensions that travel along that course would be travel in time?

This whole talk about travel in dimensions comes from people who
mistakenly believe that mathematical physics is saying something about
what's really out there. It doesn't do that. All it is is a way of
predicting the results of experiments. Nothing more.

Robert Morpheal
2005-06-13 21:58:26 UTC
There is a theorem in mathametics (Goedel's incompleteness theorem) that says that within any finite set of axioms, there are true statements that cannot be proved, and false statements that cannot be disproved. Thus anyone who believed what you said was believed could not have been properly studying their mathematics.
Well said, as to your saying it and Goedel's saying it. That does not
prove Goedel correct, but I tend to agree with Goedel anyway even if he
cannot be proven or disproven on that theorem.
What makes you think that just because you've plotted a course in five
dimensions that travel along that course would be travel in time?
You can't, you need a suitable field generator to carry your ship along
the correct vector. The five dimensions are necessary to plot the
vector. Navigation.
This whole talk about travel in dimensions comes from people who
mistakenly believe that mathematical physics is saying something about
what's really out there. It doesn't do that. All it is is a way of
predicting the results of experiments. Nothing more.
Well, said, but stretching the truth slightly. It is descriptive as
is any language. However the representation is no more the Truth than
is the perception that is being represented.

Now, the practical validity of what is described, predicted as to
relations among what is perceived,... is what you are saying. Yes.

Now that you have proven you are in fact an intelligent life form,
would I find you attractive to have sex with ? What do you think ?

I need to know.

Also, are you licensed to carry a firearm and do you sleep with it under
your pillow at night ? I also need to know that. For other reasons.

Sylvia Else
2005-06-14 01:58:55 UTC
Post by Robert Morpheal
Now that you have proven you are in fact an intelligent life form,
would I find you attractive to have sex with ? What do you think ?
More than likely, however I assure you that it is not a piece of
information that has any bearing at all on your future experience.

Robert Morpheal
2005-06-14 05:27:52 UTC
Post by Sylvia Else
More than likely, however I assure you that it is not a piece of
information that has any bearing at all on your future experience.
That's unfortunate. You were the right genetic type. You are denying a
genius a chance to be born.

Sylvia Else
2005-06-15 00:00:49 UTC
Post by Robert Morpheal
That's unfortunate. You were the right genetic type. You are denying a
genius a chance to be born.
Society is hard on us geniuses. I wouldn't want to inflict it on yet
another person.

Robert Morpheal
2005-06-15 04:05:15 UTC
Post by Sylvia Else
Society is hard on us geniuses. I wouldn't want to inflict it on yet
another person.
I'm not "society". A bit more of an outsider than I seem to be around
here, actually. In some ways. So I am definitely gentle with a genius.
Genius, in a woman, arouses me.

I saw a "time cannon" in a dream. A massive, almost unimaginable, shaft
in the rock, and equipment to generate the field embedded in the walls.
It might not look like that at all. After all it was only in a dream.

I wish you would reconsider.

Society desparately needs geniuses.

I would love to have a child who would invent the first practical
interstellar "engine" to convey human beings through
five dimensional space-time matrices along vectors that explore
"many-worlds". Once you know that closed temporal loops really
do occur, you know that the field necessary to convey that type
of vessel is possible. It's such a romantic metaphor. Or a child
who would find the secret of how the programs are stored for
inheritence in organisms, not simply the bio-mechanical blueprints
and the wiring diagrams. Another metaphor. A child that would
amaze me by solving the fundamental problems of the universe and
humanity's survival in it. I am not a scientist, or a mathematician.

Do you have any idea how rarely I have said I would love to have
a child ? I am one of the most reluctant of men in that regard.

As to great paradigm changing discoveries that change the world, I am
probably being far too romantic.

Perhaps we could simply enjoy a little too much good red wine, or white
wine if you prefer, and let nature take its course ? There is something
about the taste of wine stained lips that is also appealing.

Sylvia Else
2005-06-15 06:17:24 UTC
Post by Robert Morpheal
I wish you would reconsider.
Society desparately needs geniuses.
Do you have any idea how rarely I have said I would love to have
a child ? I am one of the most reluctant of men in that regard.
Well, it's all very romantic sounding, but as is so often the case with
romance, terribly impractical. There are minor issues such as my being
on the other side of the world from you (I think), happily married, and
too old to be having more children anyway.

As for you having children...

I happen to have been reading a new report into the Australia Child
Support system.

Many countries in the developed world are having problems maintaining
their populations, and they probably need more geniuses, even if they
don't appreciate them. However, the child support system, wherever you
are, will confiscate a large part of your income if you should separate
from the mother of your child. You'd be taking one hell of a risk if you
got some woman pregnant. My advice to you would have to be "don't".

Robert Morpheal
2005-06-16 01:26:28 UTC
Well, it's all very romantic sounding, but as is so often the case with romance, terribly impractical. There are minor issues such as my being on the other side of the world from you (I think), happily married, and too old to be having more children anyway.
Oh, well, back to the drawing board and invent something else.... I
always get the design completely wrong. I don't think I will ever get it
right in this lifetime. It's hopeless.
Many countries in the developed world are having problems maintaining
their populations, and they probably need more geniuses, even if they
don't appreciate them. However, the child support system, wherever you
are, will confiscate a large part of your income if you should separate
from the mother of your child. You'd be taking one hell of a risk if you
got some woman pregnant. My advice to you would have to be "don't".

You're probably right.

The future of the human species is really not worth that kind of
financial risk.

Nowadays women tend to lure men into getting them pregnant simply so
they can dump them after that and collect the child support. Never know
which one might do it. It's like playing Russian roulette. Every sperm
is only another bullet aimed at yourself.

The world population is bound to drop rapidly considering that.

Financial castration is always an option.
And routinely practiced in the "free" world.

HellPope Huey
2005-06-16 15:30:35 UTC
Post by Robert Morpheal
Nowadays women tend to lure men into getting them pregnant simply so
they can dump them after that and collect the child support. Never know
which one might do it.
There are so many things wrong with that statement, you deserve to
have your colon tied in a bow around your penis.


HellPope Huey
I'm as smart as a whip;
too bad whips are just
constructs of treated leather

"The vanity of teaching
doth oft tempt a man
to forget that he is a blockhead."
~ George Savile,
Marquess de Halifax

"The problem with the world
is there are too many stupid people
and nobody to eat 'em."
- Carlos Mencina
Sylvia Else
2005-06-16 22:50:49 UTC
Post by Robert Morpheal
Nowadays women tend to lure men into getting them pregnant simply so
they can dump them after that and collect the child support. Never know
which one might do it.
There are so many things wrong with that statement, you deserve to have
your colon tied in a bow around your penis.
A woman is not necessarily even aware of her own motives for getting
into a relationship. Whether or not the scenario is quite as calulated,
or frequent, as Robert is suggesting, it's clear that a man is taking a
significant risk to both his emotional and financial health when he
fathers children.

I wrote an article for Austrlia's Online Opinion on this subject:


Robert Morpheal
2005-06-20 04:31:56 UTC
Post by HellPope Huey
There are so many things wrong with that statement, you deserve to
have your colon tied in a bow around your penis.
We'll make you wear your's as a bow tie.

HellPope Huey
2005-06-20 17:13:20 UTC
Post by Robert Morpheal
Post by HellPope Huey
There are so many things wrong with that statement, you deserve to
have your colon tied in a bow around your penis.
We'll make you wear your's as a bow tie.
I'd prefer to wear it as a halo. It'll get more mileage that way.


HellPope Huey
The Church of the SubGenius brings out
my Inner Locker Room Ape.

"Is there any tread left on the tires at all
or would it be like
throwing a hot dog down a hallway?"
- Stewie to some hookers on "Family Guy"

I have the heart of a child.
I keep it in a jar on my shelf.
- Robert Bloch
Robert Morpheal
2005-06-22 01:30:17 UTC
Post by HellPope Huey
I'd prefer to wear it as a halo. It'll get more mileage that way.

