New computer
(too old to reply)
Doctress Neutopia
2006-02-13 20:26:08 UTC
I got a new computer and am excited about all I can do with it. I'm also
thinking of (finally) buying a video camera so that I will be able to
broadcast once I learn how to do it.

I've been getting into crystal power lately.

more after I find out if this works or not.

Doctress Neutopia
2006-02-13 20:29:17 UTC
It looks like it works.

Post by Doctress Neutopia
I got a new computer and am excited about all I can do with it. I'm also
thinking of (finally) buying a video camera so that I will be able to
broadcast once I learn how to do it.
I've been getting into crystal power lately.
more after I find out if this works or not.