Lady K. Talks About Chemtrails.
(too old to reply)
John F. Winston
2004-04-16 00:13:59 UTC
Subject: Lady K. Talks About Chemtrails. April 14, 2004.

This part tells why we are sprayed with Chemtrails. This is
channeled material, so be careful.


From: P
Subject: Lady Kadjina Speaks, April 11, 2004
Items Included:
* The Significance of the "Fuente Magma" Found Near Lake Titicaca
* Are the "Sylphs of the Gas Giants" Working to Clear the
* An Update on Yellowstone and Potential for Large Quakes or
* What's Really Happening With What Appears to be a Space W-r
Going on Near the Sun?
* What Can Kay and Wayne Do Regarding their Gopher Problem?
* Cause of 80 Dolphin Deaths Near Florida
* Is John Kerry the Reincarnated One that Looks Like the Tawatnaw
* A Perspective on the "Frequency Fence" Being Created with HA-RP
* Astrologers Predict Major Disasters, Inconsistent with Light
Anchored by 2007: What Gives?
* Reader Projects into Earth's Future; Sees 15 Planets and Many

Wayne: Could you comment on the discovery and significance of the
"Fuente Magma" stone that was found near Lake Titicaca

The timeframes that are referenced are of what would be considered
Modern Times of Earth existence. Planet Earth is much, much older
than any known current time frame. The Americas were originally part
of both Lemuria and Atlantis. The beings who came to Earth as
instructors, or shepherds of the evolving beings of those early
timeframes used both the cuneiform and other forms of pictograph
writings. They used the pictographs because the lesser-evolved
beings could more easily understand them.
Now the South American regions go back many millions of years of
time. Some of the earliest known civilizations or continents were
those of Pangaea, which were pre-Lemurian and pre-Atlantean. As
each civilization down through time would die out and leave Planet
Earth, there was always a remnant left over, and the artifacts of
these dying civilizations would be placed in various types of time
capsules. What we mean by that is that they would put them in caves
and they had ways of sealing those caves.
Now in these artifacts, there are two types of substances
basically used. One type would be substances of Earth origin, and
the other would be substances brought in by what you would call
galactic trade and barter systems. So what I would say to this
particular article is that you must get outside of the framework of
your 3rd dimensional archaeology and history. For this particular
piece is much more. It fits outside the box of knowns. As you had
what you might call extraterrestrials, also known as an-els or the
g-ds who married the daughters of men, so you have these same types
of beings in the Americas. The being that you know as Wh-te Eagle
was one of the great avatar priest-beings of the land you now know
as Chile, Peru, and the Deep South Countries of the South Americas.
Many of these very ancient cities are yet to be discovered, for they
lie within the mountains and under what you call sea level. It will
take a rising of the land to break open the chambers in which you
find these ancient lands. And within these mountains of Peru, for
instance, you will find history of humanity much older and much more
comprehensive than anything you have found thus far.
Now understand that your Book of Gen-sis is a composite of writings
from many star nations and were brought together to form a composite
whole of the sojourn of humanity. But the bits and pieces are
fragmented; they could not find the whole text, so they did in
essence the best they could. The missing pieces are yet to be found,
for they tell how Adam and Eve were a group of beings summoned forth
to bring higher levels of sp-ritual truth to Planet Earth. And they
lived and dwelled among many ra-es of beings that were already upon
the planet and had been for millions of years.
The creation of Planet Earth is written from a composite of many
texts from many lands. Down through time more modern man, with less
spiri-ual understanding, watered down the fullness of the meaning of
these ancient texts.
And so we have this particular object, which has a dual purpose.
Speaking to the very simplistic man of the time in the pictograph
type of engravings, as well as to the more highly evolved, who were
able to understand the deeper truths of the cuneiform type of
writing. There is a third component to this communication, which is
that of the story-teller. It was into his keeping that these types
of artifacts were entrusted, for he could put into words the deeper
meaning of the pictures and cuneiform and add much depth to
understanding. The story-teller was the interpreter; he could read
the messages on this artifact in the same way that your Tarot card
readers are able to ascertain depth of inspiration. It was very
much the same with this particular artifact. So here we have a
physical object with a 4th and 5th dimensional message, and it will
require an intuitive to bring forth the fullness.

Wayne: What about the "sylphs of the gas giants" working to clear
Are they real?

Absolutely! Kay has a picture that would require being full-sized
in order to see it clearly, but it definitely shows an an-elic
being walking upon the Earth. It shows many orbs as well as a
sundog. Now the sundog is the creation of the Sun shining through
metallic particles created by the chemtrails. In this photograph
you can see layers upon layers of energy rays going through the
sky. And these energy rays change colors from pinks to yellows,
greens, and purples. Now there are those that would argue that
these are simply flaws in the camera or film. And in some cases,
human imagination does get carried away, but more often than not
these are real phenomena and events.
We have said many times for all the worlds to come together and
all the kingdoms to unite, and this is what is being captured on

Wayne: There continues to be much bring written today about
strange things going on in the Yellowstone area, such as elk de-ths
potentially caused by escaping radioactive gas, missing reports of
earthquakes, proposed simulated gas leak and "terror-st" exercises
on March 21st, with continuing predictions of a major eruption.
(See the following sites:
Note also that there are Medicine Wheel Ceremonies Scheduled for
May 8th, centered in the Grand Tetons of Wyoming. Additionally,
it is suggested that the "Three Sisters" volcano region and the
Juan de Fuca and Gorda Ridge area in the Pacific Northwest is
"hotter" than Yellowstone (TimeStar:
http://www.timestar.org/ccneb.htm). This area began erupting
in '98, consistent with Edgar Cayce's 1934 message that the major
changes would begin between '58 and '98. Note also the 9th Thunder
"The dragon has shown his face, and as you read this is loosed
upon the land.
Soon that whole of humanity will watch in awe as the Dragon
breathes its fiery breath upon the land. The devastations will be
wide spread, and the true meaning of shock and awe understood, as
men of science, and the Priests of Organized Rel-gions stand by
in utter helplessness, observing the forces of nature unleashed.
Look to the area known as Long Valley Caldera for this is where
that events that will change the Earth forever will commence; and
the Earth Changes take hold of their destiny..."

What is your take on what is going on and if there is a potential
for massive earthquake and/or volcanic eruption within the next 6
months at Yellowstone or the Three Sisters Area of Oregon or the
Long Valley Caldera in Central California?

Once again we tell you, with all of the certainty that we can
muster, that major catastr-phics that would forever damage Mother
Earth and her life forms are not going to happen. There will be
many lesser events, however.
Now, the way to determine what we call major and lesser events can
be measured by the number of life forms that perish. You have had
major firestorms this past year, with a minimum loss of life. Now
we have told you also that the time has come for some animal life
forms to leave Planet Earth. This is by design. And there are also
pockets of human life forms that will also leave Planet Earth.
Those who leave the Earth in w-r-torn countries, countries afflicted
with great famine and water loss, and countries of poli-ical tyranny
will experience within their consciousness a deep desire for a
better way. These so-ls are sou-s who have not much hope. But when
they return to Earth in a future time, their consciousness will be
impregnated with the desire for the better way. There are some, of
course, who will not have a desire for the higher good for all:
these -ouls will not return to Earth at any time, but will continue
on in a simulated Earth-type realm and will evolve along until they
gain a desire for a better way.
Where Yellowstone is concerned, there are sinister forces at work.
There are gove-nments and factions of gover-ment that wish to
control, intimidate, force, and create force within humanity. The
chemtrails, for example, are one of the most dire and sinister of
theses. Part of your chemtrail activity has resulted in S-RS, the
death of many French people, the pois-ning of waterways, drought,
the spraying of flammable to create firestorms, inoculations of
people, and the sed-tion of people. Keep the people s-dated and
spring a wa- upon them, and they will not protest. That's what they
think, those that do these things.
However, it is beings very familiar with Chr-stian scr-ptures
that do these things, and they have forgotten one major prophecy:
"You shall take the poisons of the Earth and you shall not be
harmed." What does this mean? The chemtrails will not harm you.
Flo-ride and chlori-e in the water, pest-cides on your food, auto
emissions, will not harm you. Wayne has just said that they do
harm some people. It depends upon which vibrational frequency you
function upon. If you work the light, then these elements will
not harm you, but you must address these issues, because they do
harm those beings who you would call your younger brothers, or
those not as spi-itually evolved as those considered to be the

Part 1.

John Winston. ***@mlode.com
Stumpy Monroe
2013-02-21 07:37:43 UTC
Post by John F. Winston
Subject: Lady K. Talks About Chemtrails. April 14, 2004.
This part tells why we are sprayed with Chemtrails. This is
channeled material, so be careful.
From: P
Subject: Lady Kadjina Speaks, April 11, 2004
* The Significance of the "Fuente Magma" Found Near Lake Titicaca
* Are the "Sylphs of the Gas Giants" Working to Clear the
* An Update on Yellowstone and Potential for Large Quakes or
* What's Really Happening With What Appears to be a Space W-r
Going on Near the Sun?
* What Can Kay and Wayne Do Regarding their Gopher Problem?
* Cause of 80 Dolphin Deaths Near Florida
* Is John Kerry the Reincarnated One that Looks Like the Tawatnaw
* A Perspective on the "Frequency Fence" Being Created with HA-RP
* Astrologers Predict Major Disasters, Inconsistent with Light
Anchored by 2007: What Gives?
* Reader Projects into Earth's Future; Sees 15 Planets and Many
Wayne: Could you comment on the discovery and significance of the
"Fuente Magma" stone that was found near Lake Titicaca
The timeframes that are referenced are of what would be considered
Modern Times of Earth existence. Planet Earth is much, much older
than any known current time frame. The Americas were originally part
of both Lemuria and Atlantis. The beings who came to Earth as
instructors, or shepherds of the evolving beings of those early
timeframes used both the cuneiform and other forms of pictograph
writings. They used the pictographs because the lesser-evolved
beings could more easily understand them.
Now the South American regions go back many millions of years of
time. Some of the earliest known civilizations or continents were
those of Pangaea, which were pre-Lemurian and pre-Atlantean. As
each civilization down through time would die out and leave Planet
Earth, there was always a remnant left over, and the artifacts of
these dying civilizations would be placed in various types of time
capsules. What we mean by that is that they would put them in caves
and they had ways of sealing those caves.
Now in these artifacts, there are two types of substances
basically used. One type would be substances of Earth origin, and
the other would be substances brought in by what you would call
galactic trade and barter systems. So what I would say to this
particular article is that you must get outside of the framework of
your 3rd dimensional archaeology and history. For this particular
piece is much more. It fits outside the box of knowns. As you had
what you might call extraterrestrials, also known as an-els or the
g-ds who married the daughters of men, so you have these same types
of beings in the Americas. The being that you know as Wh-te Eagle
was one of the great avatar priest-beings of the land you now know
as Chile, Peru, and the Deep South Countries of the South Americas.
Many of these very ancient cities are yet to be discovered, for they
lie within the mountains and under what you call sea level. It will
take a rising of the land to break open the chambers in which you
find these ancient lands. And within these mountains of Peru, for
instance, you will find history of humanity much older and much more
comprehensive than anything you have found thus far.
Now understand that your Book of Gen-sis is a composite of writings
from many star nations and were brought together to form a composite
whole of the sojourn of humanity. But the bits and pieces are
fragmented; they could not find the whole text, so they did in
essence the best they could. The missing pieces are yet to be found,
for they tell how Adam and Eve were a group of beings summoned forth
to bring higher levels of sp-ritual truth to Planet Earth. And they
lived and dwelled among many ra-es of beings that were already upon
the planet and had been for millions of years.
The creation of Planet Earth is written from a composite of many
texts from many lands. Down through time more modern man, with less
spiri-ual understanding, watered down the fullness of the meaning of
these ancient texts.
And so we have this particular object, which has a dual purpose.
Speaking to the very simplistic man of the time in the pictograph
type of engravings, as well as to the more highly evolved, who were
able to understand the deeper truths of the cuneiform type of
writing. There is a third component to this communication, which is
that of the story-teller. It was into his keeping that these types
of artifacts were entrusted, for he could put into words the deeper
meaning of the pictures and cuneiform and add much depth to
understanding. The story-teller was the interpreter; he could read
the messages on this artifact in the same way that your Tarot card
readers are able to ascertain depth of inspiration. It was very
much the same with this particular artifact. So here we have a
physical object with a 4th and 5th dimensional message, and it will
require an intuitive to bring forth the fullness.
Wayne: What about the "sylphs of the gas giants" working to clear
Are they real?
Absolutely! Kay has a picture that would require being full-sized
in order to see it clearly, but it definitely shows an an-elic
being walking upon the Earth. It shows many orbs as well as a
sundog. Now the sundog is the creation of the Sun shining through
metallic particles created by the chemtrails. In this photograph
you can see layers upon layers of energy rays going through the
sky. And these energy rays change colors from pinks to yellows,
greens, and purples. Now there are those that would argue that
these are simply flaws in the camera or film. And in some cases,
human imagination does get carried away, but more often than not
these are real phenomena and events.
We have said many times for all the worlds to come together and
all the kingdoms to unite, and this is what is being captured on
Wayne: There continues to be much bring written today about
strange things going on in the Yellowstone area, such as elk de-ths
potentially caused by escaping radioactive gas, missing reports of
earthquakes, proposed simulated gas leak and "terror-st" exercises
on March 21st, with continuing predictions of a major eruption.
Note also that there are Medicine Wheel Ceremonies Scheduled for
May 8th, centered in the Grand Tetons of Wyoming. Additionally,
it is suggested that the "Three Sisters" volcano region and the
Juan de Fuca and Gorda Ridge area in the Pacific Northwest is
http://www.timestar.org/ccneb.htm). This area began erupting
in '98, consistent with Edgar Cayce's 1934 message that the major
changes would begin between '58 and '98. Note also the 9th Thunder
"The dragon has shown his face, and as you read this is loosed
upon the land.
Soon that whole of humanity will watch in awe as the Dragon
breathes its fiery breath upon the land. The devastations will be
wide spread, and the true meaning of shock and awe understood, as
men of science, and the Priests of Organized Rel-gions stand by
in utter helplessness, observing the forces of nature unleashed.
Look to the area known as Long Valley Caldera for this is where
that events that will change the Earth forever will commence; and
the Earth Changes take hold of their destiny..."
What is your take on what is going on and if there is a potential
for massive earthquake and/or volcanic eruption within the next 6
months at Yellowstone or the Three Sisters Area of Oregon or the
Long Valley Caldera in Central California?
Once again we tell you, with all of the certainty that we can
muster, that major catastr-phics that would forever damage Mother
Earth and her life forms are not going to happen. There will be
many lesser events, however.
Now, the way to determine what we call major and lesser events can
be measured by the number of life forms that perish. You have had
major firestorms this past year, with a minimum loss of life. Now
we have told you also that the time has come for some animal life
forms to leave Planet Earth. This is by design. And there are also
pockets of human life forms that will also leave Planet Earth.
Those who leave the Earth in w-r-torn countries, countries afflicted
with great famine and water loss, and countries of poli-ical tyranny
will experience within their consciousness a deep desire for a
better way. These so-ls are sou-s who have not much hope. But when
they return to Earth in a future time, their consciousness will be
impregnated with the desire for the better way. There are some, of
these -ouls will not return to Earth at any time, but will continue
on in a simulated Earth-type realm and will evolve along until they
gain a desire for a better way.
Where Yellowstone is concerned, there are sinister forces at work.
There are gove-nments and factions of gover-ment that wish to
control, intimidate, force, and create force within humanity. The
chemtrails, for example, are one of the most dire and sinister of
theses. Part of your chemtrail activity has resulted in S-RS, the
death of many French people, the pois-ning of waterways, drought,
the spraying of flammable to create firestorms, inoculations of
people, and the sed-tion of people. Keep the people s-dated and
spring a wa- upon them, and they will not protest. That's what they
think, those that do these things.
However, it is beings very familiar with Chr-stian scr-ptures
"You shall take the poisons of the Earth and you shall not be
harmed." What does this mean? The chemtrails will not harm you.
Flo-ride and chlori-e in the water, pest-cides on your food, auto
emissions, will not harm you. Wayne has just said that they do
harm some people. It depends upon which vibrational frequency you
function upon. If you work the light, then these elements will
not harm you, but you must address these issues, because they do
harm those beings who you would call your younger brothers, or
those not as spi-itually evolved as those considered to be the
Part 1.
Not near enough on "chemtrails"

