good ole days
(too old to reply)
2005-02-16 17:15:00 UTC
I hear ya, dood. It's ME! Bigfoot. Where is the doctress?
Where are the Fruitopians? Where is my Monster Truck! Where
is that guy that from South Africa that wanted to boink Abby?

-Bigfoot (Quality control officer for MTN's testosterone supply.)
2005-02-18 21:58:46 UTC
Post by Bigfoot
I hear ya, dood. It's ME! Bigfoot. Where is the doctress?
Where are the Fruitopians? Where is my Monster Truck! Where
is that guy that from South Africa that wanted to boink Abby?
-Bigfoot (Quality control officer for MTN's testosterone supply.)
Hey BigFoot, you mean Geertjan? (Gearjam). Libby is around. MTN are not.
I think the witch hangs out on alt.pouting.sandwich. But now we have
single artisans like the guy that posts non stop nonsense in the longest
thread ever...sometimes he even replies to himself....wots new with you?

newish with me? well, read the travel journal, tho it's last Augustish


since then, I've been working on finishing the Mckenna movie, and two
thirds way thru Book 2 and for fun I just put a 350 cu V8 chevy engine
into an old bayliner i picked up cheap the year before last....

if you want to see a teaser of the upcoming Mckenna DVD it's on the P2P
network. (emule, kazaa, etc...) releasing third half of 2005, with
Dennis Mckenna...PJ has kindly hosted the file for North America (I
think). So, if you wanna d/l the 3 MB file, either search 'cognition
factor' on emule, kazaa, etc....or use the direct ed2k link kindly
provided by PJ below...


hope all is good wid u....

