TravelBlog: Dennis Mckenna and Schwann... The Costa Del Sol Caper
(too old to reply)
2004-08-19 00:46:31 UTC
Today I left Spain and arrived in Edinburgh for the festival and the
sunshine stopped. It had gone on for quite a considerable time though,
some 10 weeks, during which I've been drawn through my own dream -
slowly, helpless on the flow of ideas I'd had, now lost in the mists of
time. Here's the short version.

June: 6-17 onboard Maersk Constantia
June 18-28 Tenerife
June 29th - August 18th - Malaga - Marbella - Nerja - Granada - Ibiza -
Gibraltar + some other places better forgotten - like Benidorm

August 18th - Scotland - Edinburgh

Time. The present -

After my family went home, in stages, sometime in July, I resided at the
Villa with Joey and we waited for Dennis's arrival. I'd set this up by
phone and email with Dennis, but it wasn't till I got to Spain that he
confirmed that he'd be making it over. Hell, I've written ten thousand
words on our roadtrip, which covered much voyaging. The full story will
be told one day, but not here, not now. Let me just thrill you with the
possibilities out there....here's a short piece of our magical mystery

Title: Adapted from 'Cognition on the Costa Del Sol' for usenet

It isn't that I don't want to go out again; it's just that last night
would be hard to beat. Also, 'beat' is exactly the word we're feeling so
it doesn't take Dennis much to convince me that 'tomorrow' is going to
be hard enough to get through, even if Joey stops snoring long enough
for me to fall asleep. On the up-side, Dennis's argument convinces Joey
to move his mattress into the lounge so that I'll get some sleep, and
thus be able to drive the 600 clicks back to Las Farolas tomorrow
without unduly endangering anyone's life. Because it's already 2.00 AM,
'tomorrow' is just a word used to describe what's already happening. I
rejoice at having the room to myself and fall asleep thinking deep
orange, yellow and green thoughts.

I've slept well enough. It's now officially Saturday, and it's almost
time to return from forever - or return to forever? Whatever. We have
tickets booked for the return ferry and we're packed and ready with no
mistakes well before the 2.30 PM deadline. Lining up to say our
goodbyes, we hug Richard and the Goddesses goodbye, wishing we could've
stayed on a few nights longer. But it isn't like that because Joey has a
plane to catch at 9.00 AM Sunday morning and Dennis has to return to
Minnesota three days later. The Boys from Brazil are on a tight
schedule, even though there's 4 hours of enforced chilling on the ferry
to come. Mounting the ramp isn't without a sense of loss. This is a
place you could lose your car, your wife, your life; a nice fantasy, if
it wasn't tinged with child sacrifice, character dissolution and maybe
sudden death. Yes, the island of Tanit remains an enigmatic place,
somewhere I'll try to return to, if life works out that way. After the
usual dungeon nightmare inside the bowels of the ferry, during which I
get parted with Dennis and Joey, I find myself a chair upstairs in the
shade and start preparing myself for the mainland to appear in four
hours time, knowing that, as soon as it does, I'll be back on the

The ferry grinds slowly past the outer breakwater. The seas are higher
than when we'd arrived but this isn't any weather because I'm from the
Cape of Storms so I don't scare so easily. I wonder how Joey and Dennis
are doing but I'm not inclined to traipse all over the boat to see where
they've crashed. Twenty minutes outside of the harbour, a giant piece of
separated coastline appears to starboard. It's like Gibraltar, cliffs
falling into the sea, a short distance off the coast of Ibiza. I wonder
what purpose it served the predecessors, and other ambient stuff.
There's no rush, so I film us cruising by the island monolith even
though I have no practical use for the footage because chronicling
things doesn't need reason. It's a tech-fix, inducing enhanced memory
slices of fractal reality which bite back at you when least you expect
it. Will we always be at the edge of what's acceptable to print created,
media violated and consumer dominated humanity, or is there a lesson
somewhere that can be passed on memetically to the next continuum. If
so, then what's the lesson? At this time, I fall into a shallow trance,
peripherally aware that Dennis is reading a book with his eyes closed on
the couch behind me.

Schwann Cybershaman
Las Farolas
Costa Del Sol
9th August 2004

© All Media. 9th August 2004. Mythmaking and Legend by Schwann
Indrid Cold
2004-08-19 22:58:56 UTC
Post by memetico
Today I left Spain and arrived in Edinburgh for the festival and the
sunshine stopped. It had gone on for quite a considerable time though,
some 10 weeks, during which I've been drawn through my own dream -
slowly, helpless on the flow of ideas I'd had, now lost in the mists of
Pollutants cause huge rise in brain diseases
Scientists alarmed as number of cases triples in 20 years

Juliette Jowit, environment editor
Sunday August 15, 2004
The Observer

The numbers of sufferers of brain diseases, including Alzheimer's,
Parkinson's and motor neurone disease, have soared across the
West in less than 20 years, scientists have discovered.
The alarming rise, which includes figures showing rates of
dementia have trebled in men, has been linked to rises in levels
of pesticides, industrial effluents, domestic waste, car exhausts
and other pollutants, says a report in the journal Public Health.

Changing patterns of adult (45-74 years)
neurological deaths in the major Western
world countries 1979-1997
C. Pritchard, , D. Baldwin and A. Mayers

Exdrone, BAI Aerosystems, Inc.

X-47A Pegasus, Northrop Grumman Ryan

Unmanned Combat Aerial Vehicle (UCAV)
An ATS [Above Top Secret] Analysis & Discussion

Triangular Spacecraft

Instead of trying to produce a programme to
simulate the adult mind, why not rather try to
produce one which simulates the child's? If
this were then subjected to an appropriate
course of education one would obtain the
adult brain. -- Alan Turing, 1950

At Ai, we're raising a child machine from
infancy to adulthood - thus bringing Turing’s
vision to fruition - and creating entirely new
approaches to machine learning.
Sometimes this involves number-crunching
and algorithm design; sometimes it
means reading Green Eggs and Ham to a PC.

In our research, we take a strong behaviorist
approach, meaning that we work from
the principle that language is a skill, not
simply the output of brain functions, and,
therefore, can be learned. Led by Jason
Hutchens, a world-renowned chatbot
developer and winner of the Loebner Prize in
Artificial Intelligence, our scientists
create computer programs that are capable
of learning about language, but have no
preconceived notions about language
or about the world.

Our trainers, led by Anat Treister-Goren, Ph.D.,
an award-winning neurolinguist, teach the child
machine how to converse. Trainers observe the
child's behavior and work with the scientists to
modify the child's brain, seeking to make the
computer more "human." Every three months,
a new version of the child is developed, and the
existing "brain" is transferred to him, and the
process begins again. http://www.a-i.com/



Ed Fouche

Edgar Rothschild Fouche

Edgar Fouche's description of the USA's Top Secret
TR-3B triangular shaped nuclear powered aerospace craft's
propulsion system as follows:

"A circular, plasma filled accelerator ring called the Magnetic
Field Disrupter, surrounds the rotatable crew compartment and
is far ahead of any imaginable technology... The plasma, mercury
based, is pressurized at 250,000 atmospheres at a temperature of
150 degrees Kelvin, and accelerated to 50,000 rpm to create a
super-conductive plasma with the resulting gravity disruption.

The MFD generates a magnetic vortex field, which disrupts or
neutralizes the effects of gravity on mass within proximity,
by 89 percent...

The current MFD in the TR-3B causes the effect of making the
vehicle extremely light, and able to outperform and outmaneuver
any craft yet ...My sources say the performance is limited only
the stresses that the human pilots can endure. Which is a lot,
really, considering along with the 89% reduction in mass, the
G forces are also reduced by 89%.

The crew of the TR-3B should be able to comfortable take up to
40Gs... Reduced by 89%, the occupants would feel about 4.2 Gs.

The TR-3Bs propulsion is provided by 3 multimode thrusters
mounted at each bottom corner of the triangular platform.
The TR-3 is a sub-Mach 9 vehicle until it reaches altitudes
above l20,000 feet - then who knows how fast it can go!..."

MERCURY POISONING: http://tinyurl.com/3mehx

The Life Cycle of the Photon

BEWARE the Biomorphic Autonomous Spacecraft in your
DREAMS! http://pw1.netcom.com/~mthorn/satbot00.htm

The Birth of the Mind

Loading Image...

"A fine reddish dust has been distributed across the North Pole
in ever increasing amounts right up to June 8, 2004 when the
Dusting was the most extreme (see pic below taken just a few
days ago). This dust, because it is much darker than the
snow/ice accummulated beneath it, is concentrating the Sun's
heat in ways not 'normally' done, melting the polar icecap
and sending billions of small 'icebergs' into the Atlantic.
So what would be bringing us this dust? Not what you think..."

McKenna : http://deoxy.org/mckenna.htm
Heffter Research Institute : http://www.heffter.org/
Post by memetico
Here's the short version.
June: 6-17 onboard Maersk Constantia
June 18-28 Tenerife
June 29th - August 18th - Malaga - Marbella - Nerja - Granada - Ibiza -
Gibraltar + some other places better forgotten - like Benidorm
August 18th - Scotland - Edinburgh
Time. The present -
After my family went home, in stages, sometime in July, I resided at the
Villa with Joey and we waited for Dennis's arrival. I'd set this up by
phone and email with Dennis, but it wasn't till I got to Spain that he
confirmed that he'd be making it over. Hell, I've written ten thousand
words on our roadtrip, which covered much voyaging. The full story will
be told one day, but not here, not now. Let me just thrill you with the
possibilities out there....here's a short piece of our magical mystery
Title: Adapted from 'Cognition on the Costa Del Sol' for usenet
It isn't that I don't want to go out again; it's just that last night
would be hard to beat. Also, 'beat' is exactly the word we're feeling so
it doesn't take Dennis much to convince me that 'tomorrow' is going to
be hard enough to get through, even if Joey stops snoring long enough
for me to fall asleep. On the up-side, Dennis's argument convinces Joey
to move his mattress into the lounge so that I'll get some sleep, and
thus be able to drive the 600 clicks back to Las Farolas tomorrow
without unduly endangering anyone's life. Because it's already 2.00 AM,
'tomorrow' is just a word used to describe what's already happening. I
rejoice at having the room to myself and fall asleep thinking deep
orange, yellow and green thoughts.
I've slept well enough. It's now officially Saturday, and it's almost
time to return from forever - or return to forever? Whatever. We have
tickets booked for the return ferry and we're packed and ready with no
mistakes well before the 2.30 PM deadline. Lining up to say our
goodbyes, we hug Richard and the Goddesses goodbye, wishing we could've
stayed on a few nights longer. But it isn't like that because Joey has a
plane to catch at 9.00 AM Sunday morning and Dennis has to return to
Minnesota three days later. The Boys from Brazil are on a tight
schedule, even though there's 4 hours of enforced chilling on the ferry
to come. Mounting the ramp isn't without a sense of loss. This is a
place you could lose your car, your wife, your life; a nice fantasy, if
it wasn't tinged with child sacrifice, character dissolution and maybe
sudden death. Yes, the island of Tanit remains an enigmatic place,
somewhere I'll try to return to, if life works out that way. After the
usual dungeon nightmare inside the bowels of the ferry, during which I
get parted with Dennis and Joey, I find myself a chair upstairs in the
shade and start preparing myself for the mainland to appear in four
hours time, knowing that, as soon as it does, I'll be back on the
The ferry grinds slowly past the outer breakwater. The seas are higher
than when we'd arrived but this isn't any weather because I'm from the
Cape of Storms so I don't scare so easily. I wonder how Joey and Dennis
are doing but I'm not inclined to traipse all over the boat to see where
they've crashed. Twenty minutes outside of the harbour, a giant piece of
separated coastline appears to starboard. It's like Gibraltar, cliffs
falling into the sea, a short distance off the coast of Ibiza. I wonder
what purpose it served the predecessors, and other ambient stuff.
There's no rush, so I film us cruising by the island monolith even
though I have no practical use for the footage because chronicling
things doesn't need reason. It's a tech-fix, inducing enhanced memory
slices of fractal reality which bite back at you when least you expect
it. Will we always be at the edge of what's acceptable to print created,
media violated and consumer dominated humanity, or is there a lesson
somewhere that can be passed on memetically to the next continuum. If
so, then what's the lesson? At this time, I fall into a shallow trance,
peripherally aware that Dennis is reading a book with his eyes closed on
the couch behind me.
Schwann Cybershaman
Las Farolas
Costa Del Sol
9th August 2004
© All Media. 9th August 2004. Mythmaking and Legend by Schwann
