Cognition Factor....Party soon over?
(too old to reply)
2006-07-18 19:54:50 UTC
No doubt there will be scientists who will explain the 30% drop in the
Gulf Stream as part of 'a cycle' we hadn't yet identified, but
frighteningly, more and more politicians are becoming aware of the
seriousness of the global ecological situation. I have news from the
Global Conference on Ecology, held on Madagascar last month that it
won't be long (50 years) before the global ecosystem breaks down
irretrievably. At this time it becomes unable to continue to support the
culture of consciousness as we (humanity) now know it, so keep those
TV's on and watch the war, or is it the re-run of a sitcom you missed?
Meantime, the good news is that, even if we wreck things completely, it
is likely that some form of life will remain, even if it is clustered
around undersea volcanoes, 5 clicks beneath the surface of the ocean.
But don't let that worry you while you debate whether Zedane should've
got his red ticket or not, because we're all asylum tested and
psycholgist approved. Unless we do something fast this game is over,
which wont matter to those without kids or conscience. Diversity is
dissapearing in this world of ours faster than we can observe, and
diversity is what we need for survival. Diversisty of culture, diversity
of nature. Sustainability isn't where we're at.

Meantime, my 'Cognition Factor' movie is finally in post-production and
will probably be released sometime later in the year, after first
previewing at an undisclosed film festival. I am being helped in this by
several freelancers, Mike, my D.O.P., Byron, sound track, Zoe, titles
and 2D animation, and including Suspended Animation, a local CGI company
who like what I'm doing. Sofar the 'contactees' filmed and appearing in
the movie, besides Terence Mckenna and myself, are;

Prof. Dennis Mckenna (Ethnobotany)
Dr. Rupert Sheldrake (morphic resonance)
Prof. Ralph Abraham (Chaos Theory)
Dr. Ralph Metzner (Anthropology)
Dr. Stan Krippner (Philosophy)
Prof. David Peat (Proto-mind)
Alex Grey (artist)
John Shirley (Author)
Roberto Venosa (Artist)
David Jay Brown (Author)
Barry Lategan (Photographer)
Prof. Tony Fairall (astronomer)
Prof. Rebecca Ackerman (bio-anthropologist)
Prof. Karin Essler (ecologist)
Dr. Myke Scott (botanist)
Charmaine (Sangoma)
Dr. Libby Hubbard (future education)
Prof. Guy Midgely (Ecologist)
Craig Foster (Film Maker)
Chris Roland (Film Maker)
Brummbauer (Artist)
Dr. Barak Morgan (Neuroscience)

To accomplish this several long distance trips were necessary, the most
recent was going to London to film Dr. Rupert Sheldrake this year in
January. Subsequently I have finished all the local shoots, except one
minor shoot involving myself:)

I suppose I will eventually write a story about how this all came to be,
but I have been silent on usenet for long enough so I guess it's time to
fess up and get flamed:)


2006-07-19 05:47:29 UTC
Post by unknown
No doubt there will be scientists who will explain the 30% drop in the
Gulf Stream as part of 'a cycle' we hadn't yet identified, but
frighteningly, more and more politicians are becoming aware of the
seriousness of the global ecological situation. I have news from the
Global Conference on Ecology, held on Madagascar last month that it
won't be long (50 years) before the global ecosystem breaks down
[chuckle] the ecosystem will recover
once it gets rid of this virus called
2006-07-19 20:18:48 UTC
In article <RHjvg.6835$***@newsread4.news.pas.earthlink.net>, fritz313
@yahoo.com says...
Post by fe'do
Post by unknown
No doubt there will be scientists who will explain the 30% drop in the
Gulf Stream as part of 'a cycle' we hadn't yet identified, but
frighteningly, more and more politicians are becoming aware of the
seriousness of the global ecological situation. I have news from the
Global Conference on Ecology, held on Madagascar last month that it
won't be long (50 years) before the global ecosystem breaks down
[chuckle] the ecosystem will recover
once it gets rid of this virus called
that's what the experts 'do' agree on:)
2006-07-19 21:30:43 UTC
Post by fe'do
Post by unknown
No doubt there will be scientists who will explain the 30% drop in the
Gulf Stream as part of 'a cycle' we hadn't yet identified, but
frighteningly, more and more politicians are becoming aware of the
seriousness of the global ecological situation. I have news from the
Global Conference on Ecology, held on Madagascar last month that it
won't be long (50 years) before the global ecosystem breaks down
[chuckle] the ecosystem will recover
once it gets rid of this virus called
2006-07-25 03:04:30 UTC
Post by unknown
Dr. Libby Hubbard (future education)
Oh, you still keep in touch with her?

Tell her that Ilya Shambat ("DR. ROCKET") said hi.
2006-08-02 23:10:23 UTC
Post by i***@hotmail.com
Post by unknown
Dr. Libby Hubbard (future education)
Oh, you still keep in touch with her?
Tell her that Ilya Shambat ("DR. ROCKET") said hi.
sorry, missed this part of the thread, or was it the hard drive crash i
just suffered? in any event, yes indeed i speak to her on the phone when
the moon is full. that kind of thing. besides which she sent me an
excellent rant which she and her boyfriend filmed for me on this ridge
overlooking Tucson, Arizona, the grand sprawl, yknow. gonna use it with
glee in the movie...she 'is' the only Dr. Of Future Education on this
planet, yknow..she sounds great alongside the others...

stay tooned!

