(too old to reply)
John F. Winston
2004-10-31 15:11:40 UTC
Subject: A Group Of You-Know-Whats Are Coming. Oct. 31, 2004.

It appears that Nidle's friends are going to send a group of you
know whats to straighten out things on this Earth. This is
cha-neled information and it is from Sheldan Nidle so if you that is
not to your liking then please don't read the following.


From: B
Subject: Galactic Federation Update:
Update by Sheldan Nidle for the Spi-itual Hierarchy and the
Galactic Federation
1 Kan, 12 Tzec, 13 Eb (October 26, 2004)
Greetings! We come before you again, dear Hearts, with more to
discuss. As your world transforms, and your new reality starts to
materialize before you, a lot of different energies are being used
by H-aven to permit this to happen. Your reality, like all others,
is made of resilient Light, bound into its many forms form this
inter-dimensional Light into a special grid, which manifests the
perceptions or 'rules' specified by the div-ne plan and you. Now,
as the divi-e plan alters these rules, a new grid is formed. This
grid, as noted by us on numerous occasions, is now in place, and
the Elohim who have been sent by Heave- to forge this new physical
reality are following the -ivine timetable set forth for them to
fully manifest your new world. The events presently unfolding on
your world fulfill the various mandates of the Creator. This is a
time of transition during which the foundation stones required to
complete this first contact mission are laid in place.
Under the aegis of He-ven's d-vine decrees, we have accomplished
a great deal. The many agreements reached with our Earth allies are
now being jointly carried out with our first contact ships and
personnel. Their diligent work is ready to bear fruit. As we speak,
a number of special operations are underway on, below, and above
your world. The behind-the-scenes confrontations continue between
the forces and operatives of your last dark c-bal and us. Our
purpose remains to oust them from power and restore your Earth to
a state of peace.
Your global society has endured eternities of w-rs, rebellions,
and untold savageries. The intent of He-ven is to bring you to a
state of balance and provide you with a chance to completely
transform your realities. To this end, she has brought forth a
great ar-y of peace and has positioned it throughout your world.
Each element of this sacred arm- has been assigned a specific
'cause', which will be manifested by those designated by He-ven.
She is supplying these elements with as much support as is
The progress of these diverse elements of H-aven's sacred ar-y is
proceeding as expected, though much remains to be done.
Nevertheless, the merging of these various contingents is now
underway. Each is responsible for six vital areas of change: the
several abundance programs, the new global financial system, the
upcoming overhaul of the current world power structure, the
creation of a new global gov-rnment, your ascension program, and
first contact. Each of these is interrelated; together, they form
your new reality.
Our personnel is involved throughout all these elements,
supervising, monitoring, protecting, and carrying out aspects of
these operations. Even first contact has turned into a joint
effort; ending the 'UFO Cover-Up' program by changing it into a
series of public disclosures can greatly ease the shock of the
arrival of massive numbers of Galactic Federation ships and
personnel to your shores. To this end, we have now adapted our
first contact procedures to include a series of programs designed to
bring these disclosures about as rapidly as possible.
The attempts by your last dark cab-l to thwart these operations
are endless. Their relentless interference has been amazing to
watch. Their dedication to hindering us has, however, been most
enlightening. We have learned that the tentacles of this enormous
ar-y of the dark reach into every section of your global society.
The number of 'hidden agents' is quite astounding. Yet, our ability
to identify, isolate, and uncover their treachery has been more than
a match for their attempts at disruption. Our efforts consequently
proceed steadily, and we are confident that success is just around
the corner. Throughout this journey, we have gained extensive
knowledge about how the dark manages to maintain your acquiescence
to its reprehensible activities. In most cases, it even receives
your full support for its self-seeking agendas. As these escalated,
more of you awakened to the nature of this deceit and began to
oppose their many ill-intentioned projects. This awakening has
been much appreciated by us all.
This awakening has led to the rise of new coalitions whose
purpose is to help us in defeating the many campaigns of the dark to
keep you in line. We sincerely wish at this time to thank you for
your tireless efforts to aid the Light in ending the age-old power
of the dark on your world. The events beginning to manifest are
merely the start of a major thrust to radically transform the
iniquities of your present reality into the exuberance of a positive
new one. To accomplish this, international initiatives separated
this dark -abal from its traditional sources of power and
influence. A great deal of focus and diligence was required on
the part of the sacred arm- assigned to this difficult task.
Nevertheless, creativity and perseverance won the day, and now the
final steps are coming on line that will result in the success we
so deeply desire.
Another important point is that those who were once so united in
their efforts to control you are now deeply divided. This completely
unreported or 'silent' Illuminoid internecine wa- has been in
effect now for over eight years. In past months, many factions once
opposed to each other have made peace with our side. This 'great
coming over', as we call it, has really helped to isolate this last
c-bal. Yet, some of these recruits have proved to be double agents
intent on playing both sides until the outcome became clear. Galactic
Federation personnel assigned to our Earth allies assisted them in
ferreting out these double agents and removing them from positions of
influence. They have either been restricted in their actions or
arrested and detained under house arrest. Their numbers are now
extremely small.
As we move toward victory, the various elements of this sacred
a-my are preparing your world for a series of bombshells. This shift
toward the Light on such a large scale is unprecedented on your
world. Your conventional wisdom about your reality is in effect to
evaporate in an instant, to be replaced by a new worldview founded
upon peace, cooperation, and an unbounded financial abundance. This
new understanding will enable you to undo the damage done to the
planet and to yourselves. For far too long, the 'special interests'
of your sec-et rulers have consigned the majority of your population
to ill health and a state of perpetual conflict with each other.
This disastrous state of affairs is now to be replaced with
well-presented alternatives from your Ascended Masters and us. You
will also receive technologies to enable you to clean up your
planet and your global society.
These coming changes will impel your society irresistibly toward
the Light. However, these metamorphoses require not only your
support, but also your participation. A democratic republic needs
the involvement of her citizens on a daily basis in the affairs of
gove-nment. The shirking of these responsibilities leads to the
disarray you see around you. It is essential that you take the
time necessary to ensure that the institutions of your democratic
republic work to meet the expressed needs of her citizens. Failure
to do so leads to great internal crises in the republic. Our task is
to give you the opportunity to correct the mistakes of the past and
to set up the proceedings that lead you to a galactic society and
your own star-nation. As always, the final responsibility is yours
alone. We Love you and know that Victory is now at hand!
Today, we discussed what is happening on your world. A
world-shaking shift is preparing to appear before you. We ask that
you use this time to remain focused upon your victory and committed
to doing what is necessary to obtain and retain your inevitable
success. Remember, Together, We are Victorious! We now take our
leave. Blessings, dear Ones! Know in your Heart of Hearts that
the perpetual Supply and infinite Abundance of H-aven is indeed
Yours! Selamat Gajun! Selamat Kasijaram! (Sirian for Be One! and
Be Blessed in Love and Joy!)
Planetary Activation Organization | Mailing Address: P. O.
Box 880151,
Pukalani, Maui, HI 96788-0151 U.S.A.
Voicemail: 808-573-3110 | Fax: (808) 573-2867 |
E-mail: ***@hawaii.rr.com |
Website address: www.paoweb.com

John Winston. ***@mlode.com
Mr. 4X
2004-10-31 21:29:31 UTC
Post by John F. Winston
Subject: A Group Of You-Know-Whats Are Coming. Oct. 31, 2004.
It appears that Nidle'SLAP!
is a kook.

When will you figure that out?
Wally Anglesea
2004-11-01 05:22:16 UTC
Post by John F. Winston
Subject: A Group Of You-Know-Whats Are Coming. Oct. 31, 2004.
It appears that Nidle's friends are going to send a group of you
know whats to straighten out things on this Earth. This is
cha-neled information and it is from Sheldan Nidle so if you that is
not to your liking then please don't read the following.
Sheldon Nidle is a con-artist and a fraud. Why do you support him?