Culture and love
(too old to reply)
2004-08-27 17:33:59 UTC
Culture, as a friend defined it, is a celebration of life. It is
a case of people using their talents to make the world a more
rich, more interesting, more beautiful place. It is a case of
people mining the resources of their minds, hearts and souls to
produce works that inspire and lead to development of inner
richness and beauty - that imparts of its riches to make the
people who hear it think, feel and experience beauty and
inspiration. Which beauty and inspiration stays in the society to
inspire better thought, better interaction, better relationships,
richer experience and richer life.

The use of culture - expressed in painting, poetry and song - to
invigorate and inspire better relationships deserves most note,
especially since this is a project that I pursue. A person who
has experienced a beautiful, passionate, spectacular relationship
finds himself to have seen the height of human experience. The
logical next step is to impart to others what he has known and to
inspire in others something similar to what he has experienced -
to provide a road map, a method, to access similar heights. For
this reason love is the subject about which most songs and poems
are written.

When I was in college, I heard people constantly saying that the
American civilization's art concerning love - its movies - were
not reflective of real life. The most widespread thought was that
Hollywood made it all up. Having experienced a spectacular love
relationship, I know that is a falsehood. Art is based on
experience. And now, having experienced a love as beautiful as any
of Hollywood's fabrication, I find myself, like Coleridge's
sailor, driven to tell my story to people and to inspire thought
and feeling that leads people to replicate similar beauty in their

It is frequently said that art is impractical; that it has no
relation to real life. The practical purpose of my poetry is to
convey to people the kind of beauty that I shared with Julia and
to inspire them to develop similar inner and outer beauty while
also opening their eyes to beautiful qualities in each other. The
practical utility of this is that, when properly understood and
applied, it enriches, beautifies and prolongs relationships. It
lets people develop inner beauty and see in each other beautiful
qualities; and through their joint efforts at developing and
sharing and appreciating each other's beauty make for each other
a lovely, rich, pleasant and fulfilling relationship - with
passion that is renewed each day and never goes bad, never goes
stale, never turns abusive and never dies.

Julia has shown me what is true beauty. She gave me my inspiration
as a poet and filled my soul with love. I impart now to anyone who
would listen a sight of a world that is as lovely as it is
wonderful, and hope to share with people the splendor that I have
known. I hope my words help people see beauty in each other. I
hope my words replenish relationships. I hope, after hearing my
poetry, man and wife will turn to each other and say to each
other, "I love you." I hope they stay in love and each day
revitalize their love for each other by cultivating and sharing
inner beauty and richness necessary for ongoing love.

Ilya Shambat
2004-08-28 06:56:34 UTC
Post by Bodhisattvacat
Culture, as a friend defined it, is a celebration of life.
You are fucked up dude. THat is not the definition of culture. Your friend
is a moron and you are gullible.

2004-09-12 02:35:44 UTC
Post by Bodhisattvacat
Culture, as a friend defined it, is a celebration of life.


See, I am your bodhisaatva.

