Hippies and slander
(too old to reply)
Paul Ilechko
2004-09-09 20:50:32 UTC
What absolute rubbish.
Peter J Ross
2004-09-09 23:04:11 UTC
The true way to understand something is through
reading something more intelligent than Scumbat-screed.

Where's your acceptance speech for your Unabomber Surprise Award,

[AUK added, support group snecked]
PJR :-)
alt.usenet.kooks award-winners and FAQs:

(Remove NOSPAM to reply.)
2004-09-10 01:31:29 UTC
Post by Peter J Ross
The true way to understand something is through
reading something more intelligent than Scumbat-screed.
Where's your acceptance speech for your Unabomber Surprise Award,
I can't believe the FNVWtard even goes out of way to chase an acceptance
speech. That's very obssessed.
Post by Peter J Ross
[AUK added, support group snecked]
PJR :-)
(Remove NOSPAM to reply.)
Dr. Flonkenstein
2004-09-11 02:17:38 UTC
Post by yyyiiinnnggg
That's very obssessed.
Are you speaking of the monkey of spank each day?
mhm 27x12
smeeter #28
Usenet Valhalla Circle #19 & #21
Bartlo's hate lits #1: <***@enter.net>
CEO Alcatroll Labs Inc.

The Way of the Kook:
2004-09-11 04:36:16 UTC
Post by Dr. Flonkenstein
Post by yyyiiinnnggg
That's very obssessed.
Are you speaking of the monkey of spank each day?
I was speaking of a narcissist kook who felt his own monkey wasn't enough of
a spank.
Post by Dr. Flonkenstein
mhm 27x12
smeeter #28
Usenet Valhalla Circle #19 & #21
CEO Alcatroll Labs Inc.
Dr. Flonkenstein
2004-09-11 14:18:56 UTC
Post by yyyiiinnnggg
Post by Dr. Flonkenstein
Post by yyyiiinnnggg
That's very obssessed.
Are you speaking of the monkey of spank each day?
I was speaking of a narcissist kook who felt his own monkey wasn't enough of
a spank.
Echographia mucho, k00k?
Post by yyyiiinnnggg
Post by Dr. Flonkenstein
mhm 27x12
smeeter #28
Usenet Valhalla Circle #19 & #21
CEO Alcatroll Labs Inc.
mhm 27x12
smeeter #28
Usenet Valhalla Circle #19 & #21
Bartlo's hate lits #1: <***@enter.net>
CEO Alcatroll Labs Inc.

The Way of the Kook:
2004-09-12 09:36:06 UTC
Post by Dr. Flonkenstein
Post by yyyiiinnnggg
Post by Dr. Flonkenstein
Post by yyyiiinnnggg
That's very obssessed.
Are you speaking of the monkey of spank each day?
I was speaking of a narcissist kook who felt his own monkey wasn't enough of
a spank.
Echographia mucho, k00k?
what does kook neurology has to do with the fact FNVWturd chases an
"acceptance speech" ignored by a "winner" that kooks elected? the fact is
you kooks felt really bad about yourselves thus you need victims to position
yourselves above them using "kookology" measurements?
Post by Dr. Flonkenstein
Post by yyyiiinnnggg
Post by Dr. Flonkenstein
mhm 27x12
smeeter #28
Usenet Valhalla Circle #19 & #21
CEO Alcatroll Labs Inc.
mhm 27x12
smeeter #28
Usenet Valhalla Circle #19 & #21
CEO Alcatroll Labs Inc.
Dr. Flonkenstein
2004-09-12 17:26:26 UTC
Post by yyyiiinnnggg
Post by Dr. Flonkenstein
Post by yyyiiinnnggg
Post by Dr. Flonkenstein
Post by yyyiiinnnggg
That's very obssessed.
Are you speaking of the monkey of spank each day?
I was speaking of a narcissist kook who felt his own monkey wasn't
enough of
Post by Dr. Flonkenstein
Post by yyyiiinnnggg
a spank.
Echographia mucho, k00k?
what does kook neurology has to do with the fact FNVWturd chases an
"acceptance speech" ignored by a "winner" that kooks elected?
Almost as much as you illiteracy has to do with the rantings you tried to
pass on at alt.rec.poetry as "poetry".
Post by yyyiiinnnggg
the fact is
That you're arrogant but miss the intelligence to back up your inflated
ego, k00k.
Post by yyyiiinnnggg
you kooks felt really bad about yourselves thus you need victims to position
yourselves above them using "kookology" measurements?
nice try at another IKYABWAI, pedok00k!
mhm 27x12
smeeter #28
Usenet Valhalla Circle #19 & #21
Bartlo's hate lits #1: <***@enter.net>
CEO Alcatroll Labs Inc.

The Way of the Kook:

In mid: <chqvrt$kl8$***@pita.alt.net> the hypocrite k00k Ying-a-ling reproaches
others of what he does himself in http://tinyurl.com/3cly3:
"quick to call others pedo?"
Steve Hayes
2004-09-13 04:02:34 UTC
The true way to understand something is through understanding its
mechanism. It is to see what drives something and how it takes place.
It is to understand it from inside out; as opposed to typical Western
practice of judging by appearance.
I was put off reading this article by the opening paragraph. Vague
generalisations are not usually a good way to begin an article -- it fails to
grab the reader's attention.
The people who judge by appearances fail to see the spirit, the
feeling, that guides things.
This is perhaps where you should have begun.
Onion magazine in its coverage of
Woodstock says that all that happened was that a bunch of people got
laid. That's not all that happened and that's not what was special
about it; what was special about it was the feeling of love and warmth
and camaraderie and shared power that permeated the place. A person
who judges by appearances fails to see this, fails to notice this, and
thus fails to understand what is happening when people have beautiful
experiences. And it is of beautiful experiences that people, as a
result of such manner of thinking, are being robbed.
When I went to college, the propaganda was that hippies did not have a
correct view of reality and therefore suffered the consequences. It may
very well be that they had an incorrect view of reality; but let us not
place them in that category alone. Let us also say that Apostle John,
Plato, Hindu gurus and quantum physicists who made statements that can
be reasonably interpreted the way in which hippies did, also had an
incorrect view of reality. And that it was these beliefs that are
responsible for the 60s.
Again, you generalise too much.

This suggests that hippies were a coherent group, with clearly defined views,
opinions and behaviour.

It wasn't so.

Hippies were a movement, people in different places who had a few things in
common, but differed from one another in many respects. One of the things they
had in common was the vision of an alternative society that could become a
reality now. But the alternative socity they envisaged was not necessarily the
same thing. Some had a primitive Christian view (the "Jesus freaks), some had
a Hindu one (the "Hare Krishna" groups), some just wanted to live in a
drug-induced fantasy world, some wanted a political revolution (the Che
Guevara fan club), to give just a few examples. Some mingled some of these
themes, and others, but in different combinations.

ObBook: Ringolevio, by Emmet Grogan.
Steve Hayes
E-mail: ***@hotmail.com
Web: http://www.geocities.com/hayesstw/stevesig.htm
Dennis M. Hammes
2004-09-13 11:18:36 UTC
Post by Steve Hayes
The true way to understand something is through understanding its
mechanism. It is to see what drives something and how it takes place.
It is to understand it from inside out; as opposed to typical Western
practice of judging by appearance.
I was put off reading this article by the opening paragraph. Vague
generalisations are not usually a good way to begin an article -- it fails to
grab the reader's attention.
The people who judge by appearances fail to see the spirit, the
feeling, that guides things.
This is perhaps where you should have begun.
Onion magazine in its coverage of
Woodstock says that all that happened was that a bunch of people got
laid. That's not all that happened and that's not what was special
about it; what was special about it was the feeling of love and warmth
and camaraderie and shared power that permeated the place. A person
who judges by appearances fails to see this, fails to notice this, and
thus fails to understand what is happening when people have beautiful
experiences. And it is of beautiful experiences that people, as a
result of such manner of thinking, are being robbed.
When I went to college, the propaganda was that hippies did not have a
correct view of reality and therefore suffered the consequences. It may
very well be that they had an incorrect view of reality; but let us not
place them in that category alone. Let us also say that Apostle John,
Plato, Hindu gurus and quantum physicists who made statements that can
be reasonably interpreted the way in which hippies did, also had an
incorrect view of reality. And that it was these beliefs that are
responsible for the 60s.
Again, you generalise too much.
This suggests that hippies were a coherent group, with clearly defined views,
opinions and behaviour.
It wasn't so.
Hippies were a movement,
Sticking the middle finger in the air is a "movement," not a
Hippies had little common knowledge and no common purpose; they
were named /by outside observers/ as having that Middle Finger in
common as far as the outside observer could see.
Since the 1500s, they have been called "Protestants."
The observers failed, then and now, to note that the Middle Finger
doesn't have anything in common with any other Middle Finger but the
Post by Steve Hayes
people in different places who had a few things in
common, but differed from one another in many respects. One of the things they
had in common was the vision of an alternative society that could become a
reality now. But the alternative socity they envisaged was not necessarily the
same thing. Some had a primitive Christian view (the "Jesus freaks), some had
a Hindu one (the "Hare Krishna" groups), some just wanted to live in a
drug-induced fantasy world, some wanted a political revolution (the Che
Guevara fan club), to give just a few examples. Some mingled some of these
themes, and others, but in different combinations.
Protestants revel in showing their differences. The more
"different" they are, the less any law applies to /them/.
The Perfect Protestant is Perfectly Unique -- and you better watch
out because his friends are /just like him/.
Post by Steve Hayes
ObBook: Ringolevio, by Emmet Grogan.
Steve Hayes
Web: http://www.geocities.com/hayesstw/stevesig.htm
The most essential gift for a good writer is
a built-in, shock-proof, shit detector. -- Hemingway