(too old to reply)
John F. Winston
2005-01-24 17:01:39 UTC
Subject: Where Were You Before The Tree Of Life Was Planted?
Jan. 23, 2004.

I don't want to try to tell you that you and I are old but there
is a good chance that we were alive before Tree Of Life was in

The following information tends to establish that as a fact.

Part of this is ch-nneled information, so be careful. This is
also very deep information, so some of you will probably not
decide to read it.


From: p

Subject: Where We Came From:
From Where Were You Before The Tree of Life? V1
Chapter 5 - The Experiment
. . it was more valuable to create a situation whereby there was
separate element - to create a universe that would then have the
structure to give the atoms or cells that would be populating the
Universe different existences, in those proportions necessary for
each atoms attainments of its choosing.

------ The Nine.

"In the Beginning," explain the Nine," the One breathed breathless
by itself, and turning inward upon itself the tension of One, and
became the manifold all varying densities and intensities of matter
and sp-rit, with the potential to become one union."
Certainly this is a wonderful example of the implosion explanation
of Creation - but its major point is that we are the MANY who have the
potential of becoming the ONE again in our return to a more perfect
union. We are those individualized sparks of G-d who must also take
responsibility for our Creation and for what it is we are creating,
both now and in the nows that represent what we call the future.
Ra-tha is always one who has been able to cut to the very heart of
the matter (a word whose roots themselves go back to the original in
matter or mother, hence giving us the expression-- the female
form "mater-ialized"):
"Your body is young. Man, in the uprightness of his tested
mobility, is only ten and one-half million years old. But you, the
light-beings, have always been. Because how does one determine the
beginning of contemplative thought based on time, when there wasn't
anything called time? So, you are ancient. And for billions of
years, as you term and measure time, you created electrum. Then,
lowering electrum into gross matter became a new and different
adventure. Thus, through billions of years of design and
exploration, man became a living, breathing creature of coagulated
thought and intense matter.
"ALL OF THIS PLANE YOU CREATED. That is why reality would not be
here if it weren't for the lot of you. The animals are beloved, for
they have been given the breath of life through you, their creators.
The flowers are beloved, for they have the patterns of your beauty
in them . . . all life does. And it is all because of you.
"Who are you? You are the great go-s of light, the great creators
of all life. You are the grand, infinite thought, magnified and
lowered into creative matter. You are -od, the forever thought,
experiencing the form called humanity. You are G-d manifested as man
to continue the expansion of thought into forever."
And it is those thoughts, filled with the energy of our emotions
which will create positive energies of Creation, or the dark
energies of negativity and decay. It is we too who are responsible,
in part, for the creation that is Lucifer. It is we who give him a
place to exist within our own hearts, and supply him with the energy
to exist - or not.
Lucifer, (Latin for "light-bearer"), is a translation of the He-rew
expression for "bright one." The Heb-ew prophet Isa-ah used the term
in referring to the king of Babylon, describing the frustrated
ambition of the morning star to rise higher than all the other
stars, a perfect allusion to the aims and goals of Lucifer
himself: "How art thou fallen from he-ven, O Lucifer, son of the
morning" (Isa-ah 14:12). In the New Te-tament, star imagery is also
applied to the figure of Christ: In 2 Pe-er 1:19 he is called "day
star" (Greek phosphoros), and in Re-elation 22:16 he is called
"morning star." The identification of Is-iah's Lucifer with the
De-il began with Saint Jerome and other Fathers of the Ch-rch,
who held that Je--s implied the identification when he said, "I
beheld Satan as lightning fall from heav-n" (Lu-e 10:18).
Consequently, in Patristic literature, Lucifer is used as a synonym
for Satan. (JW I have had the privilege of meeting Lucifer through
the internet in the past. He is now dead but he did send me one of
his books that explained many of his past lives. He led a group of
about 6 planets called the Unholy Six and they were conquering a lot
of planets. One of the planets where he was confronted by Michael
was called Maldek. He was asked to give up and he and his friends
would be helped. He decided not to be helped and blew up his own
spaceship. The planet Maldek became the Meterorite Belt. He was
later incarnated on Earth in such role as Pilate. He later was
born with the name Vaughn and was taught about his past lives. He
repented of his past, died and is now serving with the forces of
Light.) The Gnostic scripture The Secret Book According to John
discloses the nature of Lucifer at his creation, and already implies
some similarities or some kind of relationship to J--us:
"Its anointment
"(18) And the invisible vi-gin sp-rit rejoiced at the light that
had come to exist and that had been shown forth out of the first
power of the spi-it's forethought, who is the Barbelo. And the
spir-t anointed it (the spark) with its own kindness until it
became perfect needing no further kindness since it had been
anointed with the kindness of the invisible spiri-. And it stood
at rest in the presence of the -pirit, which was . . (28) pouring
upon it. And the moment that it received from the s-irit it
glorified the holy sp-rit and perfect forethought, because of
which it had become disclosed."
One early term for Lucifer is Ba'al. Ba'al is a Hebr-w word that
means "lord" or "master." The only question is to which lord or
master they were referring to when using this expression.
Numerous deities were addressed by that title in the Middle East
throughout ancient history, but all their names have not come down
to us. It would have caused great confusion if the English
translators of the Old Te-tament had translated ba'al into the
English word "lord". So they left the word in He-rew. To the reader
in English it appears to be a name rather than the honorific title
it is, a title that is still used in the J-wish faith. For example,
one who can work mir-cles in the name of Go- is known as Ba'al shem,
the lord or master of the Name. . . the Je-s did not accuse
Jeh-vah's rival of being the de-il, but rather denigrated him by
calling him the lord over nothing, the Lord of the Flies or in
He-rew Ba'al-zbub. Over a thousand years later, impassioned
Chri-tians decided that any rival of J-hovah had to be the Dev-l
and anglicized the He-rew Lord of the Flies to Beelzebub, which they
declared to be the name of Satan.
In the Heb-ew Bible, as in mainstream J-daism to this day, Satan or
Lucifer never appears as Western Chri-tendom has come to know him,
as the leader of an "e-il empire," an army of hostile sp-rits who
make w-r on Go- and humankind alike? As he first appears in the
He-rew Bi-le, Satan is not necessarily e-il, much less opposed to
-od. On the contrary, he appears in the book of Numbers and in Job
as one of G-d's obedient servants - a messenger, or an-el, a word
that translates the H-brew term for messenger (mal'ak) into Greek
(Angelos). In Heb-ew, the angels were often called "sons of Go-"
(ben e `elohim), and were envisioned as the hierarchical ranks of a
great army, or the staff of a royal court.
Fusion, or the combining of all the parts into a Whole, is the true
nature of G-d. Fission, the breaking apart of that which is one
Whole, is of the nature of Lucifer. This can be seen in the
explosive nature that has enveloped Mankind. That which is Dark such
as the atom bomb, and the `Big Bang' theory of Creation, and nuc-ear
fission as a form of creating energy, are much more readily accepted
than anything which is a coming together of elements, such as fusion.
In a speech given at the University of Munich, obtained from the SS
se-ret archives, Dr. W. O. Schumann declared:
"In everything we recognize two principles that determine the
events: light and darkness, good and e-il, creation and destruction
- as in electricity we know plus and minus. It is always: either -
"These two principles - the creative and destructive - also
determine our technical means . . . . everything destructive is of
Satanic origin, everything creative is divine . .Every technology
based upon explosion or combustion has thus to be called Satanic.
The coming n-w age will be an age of a new, positive, divine
In Morals and Dogma, Mas-nic Grand Commander Albert Pike wrote:
"Lucifer, the Light-bearer. Strange and mysterious name to give to
the Sp-rit of Darkness. Lucifer, the Son of the Morning. Is it he
who bears the Light, and with its splendors intolerable blinds
feeble, sensual, or selfish So-ls? Doubt it not!"
Fear is the greatest factor in keeping us here in a state of
fission rather than of fusion. The spiri-ual hierarchy know this.
The Nine also know this, for it is part of their role here to act
as "guides, as elements of direction, as elements of purpose for
those that are manifested into this Universe":
". . .There will be times, many times in many lifetimes, when
this energy will not come to them, its not something to be afraid
When this power comes it seems like there is no free will, but
it's the greatest free will. It is the gift of being one with the
universal one without the interference of free will. It is the
universal center that all humans may know if they only let go of
"When all conscious beings in the Universe are united in
consciousness, that consciousness is what we call -od. . . "G-d'
is an inner core of eternal power, and the outer core is the
The twenty-four heads of the civilizations, which are called the
Universal Civilizations, have their own cohorts and family, but
also act to supervise the myriad other civilizations of the
These twenty-four physical civilizations exist in another
dimensional realm, a different level of density in the Universe.

Part 1.

John Winston. ***@mlode.com
2005-01-24 17:47:21 UTC
The 'Nine' are lead by a carnival of clowns.

Resistance is not futile.
