(too old to reply)
John F. Winston
2004-08-07 23:04:31 UTC
Subject: Correction Of Information. Aug. 7, 2004.

Here is a person who has attempted to put me straight about some
of the material I have posted.


From: Bob R <***@Alien.net>
Subject: Different Species Of Aliens. Part 3.
On Tue, 3 Aug 2004 08:50:33 -0700, "John F. Winston"
Subject: Different Species Of Aliens. Part 3. July 3, 2004.
This part talks about the good type space people, the Korendians,
who caused the Big Blackout in the NE part of the US a few years
Perfectly 'human' in proportion yet 4-5 ft. tall on the average.
Humans allegedly living on a colonized planet known as 'Korender'.
Gabriel Green described alleged contacts with this group in
publications during the late 1950's - early '60's. The accounts
published by Gabriel Green were rather fantastic, although perhaps
no less so than some other accounts. Robert Renaud is one of the
main "Korendian" co-tactees, and he claims that they have a large
underground facility somewhere in Massachusetts. The Korendians
claim alliance with the Arcturians and are part of a massive
collective Alliance of worlds who lean more to non-Interventionism
than to direct Interventionism.
This analysis has been around for seemingly forever, and is common
to every site that carries the list. This is a good place to rectify
the errors in it.
Humans allegedly living on a colonized planet known as

The origin of this and other "facts" in these items on the Net is
unknown. However, in the 12-planet system of the star Korena,
Korendor (with an "o") and Korenhal (the third and fourth planets
in the system) have indigenous life. There are colonies of varying
sizes on the others where such is possible.
Perfectly 'human' in proportion yet 4-5 ft. tall on the average.
The original published articles did not make an effort to describe
the Korendians' home-world physiology. Ergo, there was room for
misinterpretation. Re the appearance of the Korendians, this is
from my unpublished contact of 11-12 July 1987.
"This is your 'new' Korendian body as of your last replica visit
to our lovely little world. So, what do you think?" He looked
over at me, and apparently noticed my stunned expression, because
he leaned back in the seat and just smiled.
I studied that image for a long time. He was right. It was ugly.
It was expectedly short, although Orii told me it was somewhat
taller than the average, and solidly constructed for their gravity,
which is 3.2 times that of Earth. The eyes were about the same size
ratio to the head as ours, and placed at about the same location
on the face.
They were deep blue, almost indigo, with smaller pupils because
of Korena's light being about 1/6 brighter at the Korendian
surface than our sun's on Earth. There were no discernible eyebrows
(or in fact any hair at all). The skull structure over the eyes
protruded more than a Terran's, perhaps to shade the eyes from
overhead sunlight.
The ears were smaller in relation to the head than ours, lobeless
and distinctly peaked at the top. They were pressed almost flat
against the head. The nose was small, with slit nostrils. The
mouth was slit-like, with lips that were less pronounced than
ours, and slightly narrower in proportion to the jaw. It was
curled upward in what on Korendor must pass for a smile.
The head was rounded, with a larger cranial cavity (comparatively)
than a Terran's, and with concavity in the cheeks that started at
the lower jaw and ended in front of the ears. The neck was thick
and sinewy, again an effect of higher gravity. The torso was compact
and powerfully muscular. The arms and legs were at about the same
ratio of length to body height as ours, but were heavier and very
well developed.
The hands were proportionate to ours, but with slightly longer
fingers and a discernable webbing between the thumb and the rest
of the hand.
As with the rest of the body, it appeared to be quite strong. The
skin was very smooth. It was what we would call "wh-te" in color,
but with a "tanned" appearance not unlike what one would see on any
California beach.
This description was based on a computerized representation of
the body that I am given when visiting Korendor. Through frankly
grotesque by our standards, we are every bit as ugly and
unsettling to them.
This might not be overly comforting to Terrans, but we are not
the physical standard for the humanoid lifeforms in the universe.
Gabriel Green described alleged contacts with this group in
publications during the late 1950's - early '60's.
Some variations describe Mr. Green as having contacted them.
Although he was a con-actee, he was not involved with the
Korendians. He was -----issue #18, June 1963 to Issue #29, March
1969, with a couple of breaks.
The accounts published by Gabriel Green were rather fantastic,
although perhaps no less so than some other accounts.
Possibly the author meant "more so" rather than "less so",
judging by the context of the sentence, but that's a minor point.
IAC, one cannot relate stories of communications and contact with
alien beings without their being somewhat more unusual than a trip
to grandma's house for supper.
Robert Renaud is one of the main "Korendian" contactees...
(JW Robert Renaud is the one doing the talking in this report.)

In fact, I am the one and only Korendian "con-actee". There are a
couple of people out there who claim to be in communication with
them, but that is incorrect, and he claims that they have a large
underground facility somewhere in Massachusetts.

At one time there were several such bases. There are now only
two, one in Massachusetts and the other under the seabed off the
coast of California. Their activities here do not require more. In
addition, there are three on the moon, one under Plato, one under
Copernicus, and one small unmanned facility on the far side for
communications purposes. All are of a mi-itary nature.
The Korendians claim alliance with the Arcturians...
The Arcturians are aligned with both the Confederation and the UWA
(United Worlds Alliance). This is not uncommon, although the
majority of aligned worlds are with one or the other.
and are part of a massive collective Alliance of worlds...
The last count I received was 763,218 full members and 655
who lean more to non-Interventionism than to direct

Non-intervention is standard policy, but the Alliance is not
nearly as zealous about it as the Confederation. The Alliance
program here is an example of that.

Va i luce, brother John.

JW He is paying me a compliment here. I do consider him to be a
fellow worker.

John Winston. ***@mlode.com
Subject: The Theory Of All Things. Part 2. Aug. 7, 2004.

I once had a GURU or sometimes called a teacher who taught me
that we are sort of like sparks coming from the creator who have come
to Earth and we are learning things. When we get enough knowledge
and experiences then we will return to the creator.


The Creator's great "Divine Plan" has been to introduce into His
surrounding matrix of created Worlds of Matter, "Spi-itual" elements
of His own Being, parts of His own Spi-it-Consciousness projected
outside of Himself. He has therefore birthed parts of His very own
cells as evolving "Sparks of Sp-rit" and sent them out on a long
evolutionary "arc", down through worlds of created 'matter' to
learn from its complexity and become fully developed
separately-aware Beings. By observing their various interactions
with each other and with their surroundings in the worlds of
materiality, and from their subsequent experiences and lessons
learnt, He thus is able to further expand His own knowledge and
growth of new possibilities "outside" of Himself.
Launched into the as-yet-undeveloped matrix of matter, the first
created "Sparks of Sp-rit", starting out from the highest Light
Plane as the original Light Beings or 'Elohim', began with the
Creator's impulse and guidance to co-create the first lower
ev-lutionary material worlds of liquid and solid form.
These original Light Beings were then encouraged, after first
co-creating material worlds, to give birth to further sp-rit/so-l
extensions of themselves.
Thus was created a descending and growing hierarchy of sou-s
which were then to embark on a great cycle of Evo-ution, away from
the unity of the Creator, down through worlds of matter and then
eventually to return back up to the unity of the Creator as fully
conscious and aware individuals. These e-olving s-ul/s-irits were
themselves to further create during their long descent, more and
more complex and dense material worlds to inhabit and experience
the richness of life, and also to give birth to even more
s-ul-extensions of themselves as children of their own sp-rit. And
so it was over time that great Universes were developed, each one
containing millions of Galaxies, and within each Galaxy itself,
vast numbers of Solar Systems with their surrounding complement
of inhabited Planets and individualized so-ls.
From the start, the Creator also birthed a special hierarchy of
An-els and Archan-els as a separate evolving stream of "Servants of
Creation". These were to act as Hea-enly Messengers and to ensure
the vital maintenance, nurturing, and growth of all forms of created
matter in the various Universes.
Serving as dedicated and unswerving Servants of Creation, they
have not been given the same the latitude of "free will" to deviate
and explore outside of the Creator's Great Evo-utionary Plan, such
as we ev-lving so-ls are allowed to do through our learning from
the duality of "good" and "ev-l".
On Earth, we have many lower orders of this Ang-lic Realm working
invisibly on our behalf; they are known here as the Devic Evo-ution.
For example, one of the main groups within the world of nature is
the Elemental Kingdom, whose main duty is to assist the growth and
maintenance of the Mineral and Plant Kingdoms.
These are the Nature Sp-rits, Elementals and Fai-ies visible only
to those humans with "ps-chic" sight.
After a long period of evolu-ion, the first wave of Elohim
sp-rit/so-ls, descending on their exploratory and ev-lutionary path
down from the original high Sp-ritual Planes of Light, created the
lower level Etheric Plane. Here, over eons of time they also created
the Etheric kingdoms of mineral, plant, animal and human life on
etheric planets, where life was still relatively spi-itual, peaceful
and easy to live. However, these elder sp-rit/s-uls felt a further
impulse to delve further down into greater complexity and matter in
their exploration of life on the downward arc of ev-lution. And so,
over a long period of time they created an even more complex and
dense form of matter at a lower vibration rate and with further
inhabited worlds to go with it. Thus was developed the dense
Physical Plane, which we on Earth and a few other physical planets
live presently live on.
When these pioneering Co-Creators first began to create a physical
planet such as Earth, they had to start from the very fundamental
patterns of creation, involving greater atomic complexity. They had
to start from the basics of Creation by creating primitive ev-lving
"blobs" of matter, such as amoebas and simple plant life. Over
millions of years they were gradually able to build upon this with
more developed plant and mineral life, developing into greater
complexity, detail and refinement. The results can now be seen in
the amazing variety, color and beauty of mineral, plant and animal
life surrounding us here on Earth. Though we may thoughtlessly
imagine that they "just happened", each tree, flower, butterfly,
animal, and human Earth embodiment has at some time been lovingly
"designed" and given a method to propagate and grow by those
original Creator Elohim originating from higher sp-ritual levels.
Into these new lower worlds of matter, capable of sustaining more
and more complex lifeforms, the Elder spi-its then birthed further
waves of younger so-l-extensions of themselves, destined to
eventually carry on the process of their creation at these new
lower levels. The Elder s-uls would thus be able to further learn
from the experiences of their spi-it offspring. Through this long
process of living and creating in denser physical worlds, all
sou-s, young and old, were developing an ever increasing awareness
of a separated individual-self from the Creator's own consciousness.
Through this learning of new and conflicting alternatives, the
difficult choices and painful lessons of the lower planes, they
were to all eventually evolve into ultimately aware and wise Beings,
worthy to become co-creators at the side of the Creator.
And so, as the later waves of sou-s continued to descend into
these lower worlds of matter, experiencing and being affected by the
increasing vibrational density and complexity around them, they were
developing a growing stronger sense of separate individuality from
the Creator, a stronger developing sense of self, separated and
detached from the Creator's own Consciousness.
This sense of individual identity, of individualized self, over
time developed into a great conflict between Self and the Unity of
the Creator, between Matter and S-irit. This conflict is at present
the dominant stage of evolu-ion experienced here and now on Earth.
This conflict has arisen as a result of, or an expression of, the
Creator's gift of free choice or free will, in which He has allowed
the outgoing, exploring s-uls to take their own evo-utionary path,
to experiment, explore their own evol-tionary directions and to
consequently make their own mistakes and take evo-utionary 'dead
end' paths. The intention was always that they were to find their
own evol-tionary direction as much as possible uninfluenced by
the Creator's own pre-determined Will and Consciousness.
Only through this process are we truly able to gain deep wisdom;
we have to make our own choices ourselves and learn from our own
mistakes and the attendant effects, good or bad. At the same time
the Creator's own awareness and knowledge is being greatly expanded
as our multiple experiences are fed back to Him. These acts of
co-creation help to expand and develop our Creator's Cosmos further,
into a yet greater combined Entity within the surrounding deep
This "gift" of free choice may nevertheless at times be seen here
on Earth as a cu-se, when we view the damage we have done with it.
But we must also see the positive side of its potential, as we
recognize and develop man's individual Earth-bound creativity in
the fields of architecture, art, music, literature and ideas. And
even the "bad" that we do; the w-rs, conflicts and environmental
destruction, will teach us valuable lessons, resulting in an
ever-deepening wisdom. Ultimately we must come to see free choice
and our creative potential as those on higher levels already see
it: a Cosmic gift, given to us as an experiment in Di-ine Creation.
As we learn to discriminate between the Path of Self-interest and
the Path of the Universal Law, so we grow in the wisdom of
experience. With that wisdom we will ultimately become "qualified"
to co-create on higher levels, with the power, the privilege and
the responsibility of independent judgment. Though this state of
wisdom may as yet be a long way off, we may nevertheless hold it
before us as an inspiration and a shining objective.
"This Earth is a very special place. You have been given the
supreme gifts of the G-d-Head: divinity, creativity, and free
choice. You are, in essence, Go-s in the making and this Earth is
a school for -ods. You are highly privileged to incarnate on Her,
to be a part of the school of Earth and to advance your sp-ritual
consciousness through the exercise of those Cosmic talents. There
are many Beings on other planets who are not permitted to achieve
consciousness in this way. You may now see why Earth is looked
upon with envy by the other planets in the Solar System, for
they do not all possess that potential. You have, in fact, the
potential and the destiny to outstrip every other plane of
consciousness within this Solar Body if only you could but harness
your being and direct it with wisdom and love."
[The Master ZEN TAO, chan-eled through the Ramala Centre,

Chapter Two: EVOL-TION

Creation itself is an expansion of our Creator's thought and
self-awareness. Evolution of s-ul entities is another aspect of
this expansion. Through the process of Evo-ution, individual
souls, each a "Spark" of the Creator's Consciousness, embark on
a journey of exploration and growth, ultimately returning to unity
with the Creator, endowed with the fullness of wisdom and

Part 2.

John Winston. ***@mlode.com
John F. Winston
2004-08-10 05:17:26 UTC