World Economic Forum - Davos, Switzerland: extraterrestrials concocting government policy, brewing soda pop and minting Iraq's new bank notes.
(too old to reply)
Koyaanisqatsi Fahrvergnugen
2004-01-28 11:51:33 UTC
Have Extraterrestrials Made Contact With Government Leaders

Jan. 21 (Bloomberg) -- A galactic mystery hovers over the
World Economic Forum <http://www.weforum.org/> meeting in
Davos, Switzerland: How many of the 2,280 global leaders,
including 31 heads of state, gathered in this Alpine resort
conduct business with extraterrestrials?

It's on the agenda of the annual powwow of the influential
and affluent who will ask WEF participants such as U.S.
Vice President Dick Cheney, Coca-Cola Co. Chairman Douglas
Daft and De La Rue Plc Chief Executive Ian Much if the aliens
have landed and are collaborating with them and others to
concoct government policy, brew soda pop and mint Iraq's
new bank notes.

"The extraterrestrials have yet to make contact with me," said
Much in a telephone interview. Much will help moderate the
Thursday night dinner seminar (closed except to forum
participants) on "The Conspiracy Behind Conspiracy Theories:
Have Extraterrestrials Made Contact With Government Leaders?"
The British moneymaker is confident -- at least for now -- that
De La Rue remains the largest non-government printer of bank
notes in the Milky Way. "If the aliens are here," Much reckons,
"I'd absolutely expect them to call me to have their
currency printed."

Despite the twilight zone topic arching many an eyebrow
along the snow-covered strip of fashionable hotel bars,
WEF officials maintain their five-day program on "Partnering
for Security and Prosperity" requires an unambiguous
examination of extraterrestrial presence on Earth.
"The panelists are the best in their domain, they all have
expertise in specific fields," explains Philippe Bourguignon,
the forum's co-chief executive officer and a former CEO of
Club Mediterranee SA. "The themes and sessions at Davos
reflect the global agenda."

Hiding the Facts

And the public's pulse. A 1996 Gallup Poll found that
71 percent of Americans believe the government knows
more about UFOs than it has disclosed; a similar Roper
poll found that some 80 percent of those questioned
think Wall Street and Washington are hiding knowledge
of extraterrestrial contact. The Internet search
engine Google Inc. has as many Web pages dedicated to
UFOs as it does for investment banking.

"It is possible that UFOs really do contain aliens,
and the government is hushing it up," Cambridge
University physicist Stephen Hawking told British
television viewers in a 1998 interview.

U.S. President George W. Bush's recent call to put a
man on Mars before 2030 has swelled investor interest
in exotic technologies, last week boosting the
Bloomberg Aerospace Index 1.9 percent, its biggest
gain since October.

Take Me to Your Market Leader

Earth's leaders prospecting extraterrestrial commerce
as part of the forum's global agenda has set off a
doozy of anticipation perhaps not seen among UFO analysts
since "Close Encounters of the Third Kind'' was released
on DVD. Richard Boylan, a retired professor of behavioral
science at the University of California, couldn't be more
gleeful if Captain Kirk had beamed him aboard the
Starship Enterprise.
"The Davos dinner may represent the great leap forward
we need to unravel the fact that corporations and
governments are doing business with star visitors," says
Boylan, widely regarded by ufologists as a specialist in
intergalactic mergers and acquisitions.
Boylan says he isn't surprised the forum neglected to invite
him and his colleagues to Davos for the first significant,
high- level discussion on emerging alien markets and other
popular conspiracy theories that stretch from "Was the U.S.
government behind the attacks of 11 Sept.?" to whether
Humpty Dumpty fell or was pushed off the wall.
"I've learned to live with insults," the 64-year-old
psychologist says from his home in California.
"Billions of dollars have been spent to intimidate
witnesses and use the giggle factor to put on a funny farm
anyone who suggests corporations have privatized
extraterrestrial technology."

Working With The Visitors

According to the calmly resolute Boylan, more than 100
extraterrestrial races are in cahoots with firms that
include International Business Machines Corp., Ford Motor Co.,
Lucent Technologies Inc., Northrop Grumman Corp.,
Dow Corning Corp., Monsanto Co., Boeing Co. and
European Aeronautic, Defense & Space Co.
"Most Earth corporations are working with visitors from
the Altair star system," Boylan says.
Altair is the brightest star in the constellation Aquila,
15.7 light years from Wall Street. Forum participant
Martin Reese, Britain's royal astronomer, says "there is no
logical or illogical reason why Earth corporations would
be doing business with Altair."
Although Altairian executives were unavailable for comment,
Francois Auque, a managing director at EADS, says he's eager
to hear from them. "I'd love to establish links with
extraterrestrials," says Auque, one of the businessmen behind
the Aurora Project to discover if there's water on Mars.
"So far no messages on my cell phone.''

Reality at Play

Tall tales of little green men on Earth go back to Biblical
times, but conspiracy dinner panelist Dr. James Gilligan, a
professor of psychiatry and social policy at the University
of Pennsylvania, suggests today's widespread belief in the
fable is not necessarily a sign of reality slipping away.
"We live in a post-religious age with huge tensions between
secularism and traditional religious faith," Gilligan explains.
"In the past, people who believed in such phenomenal events
would be embraced as having a religious experience."
No matter the conspiracy theory, Gilligan says adherents don't
create their delusions from whole cloth. "There's always some
kernel of reality behind the belief," he says.
Rattling off lists of purported government documents,
first- person testimonies and ufological exegetes guaranteed
to bumfuzzle U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission regulators,
Boylan says star visitors have instructed global leaders to
publicly reveal the intergalactic mergers by 2007.

The Roswell Incident

Still, the American academic frets the politicians of Earth
won't honor the deal and that the forum's conspiracy dinner
may be part of the conspiracy.
"If all the extraterrestrial technology came out at once,"
Boylan reasons, "it would hurt stockholders in obsolescent
industries and the multinationals don't want to lose their
power." As Boylan tells it, the extraterrestrials first came
to Wall Street in 1947 by way of Roswell, New Mexico. It was
that year when U.S. Army Col. Philip Corso said he found five
aliens amid the buzzards and rattlesnakes at a UFO crash site
in the desert. The new arrivals were 4.5 feet tall with
grayish-brown skin, four- fingered hands and watermelon-sized
heads without hair.

Using Alien Knowledge

In his book "The Day After Roswell," Corso says he salvaged
parts from the downed UFO and managed a government-sponsored
reverse-engineering program that decanted the technology to
IBM, Bell Labs and Dow Corning. The flotsam of Roswell and
other UFO encounters, Boylan adds, was used to formulate laser
beams, fiber optics and Microsoft Corp.

Other analysts argue the alien knowledge was used to create
the management consultant industry.

"UFOs are not engaged in open contact with mankind,'' says
Swedish ufologist Bjorn Olav-Kvidal. "They act more like
U.S. officials for decades have resisted any suggestion that
the Roswell crash was more than a downed weather balloon or
the leftover from a high-altitude parachute test with mannequins.
Corporate confidence in alien technology hardly runs so high.

The Presidential Race

"I talk to extraterrestrials every day,'' mocks Denis Ranque,
chief executive of Thales SA, Europe's largest manufacturer of
electronic components for defense systems. "They call me up
every morning and tell me what to do."

After the forum delegates depart Davos on Sunday, ufologists
say the 2004 U.S. presidential campaign will become the best
venue to spot extraterrestrial market trends. During the 1996
race for the White House, for instance, Republican presidential
candidate Senator Bob Dole planted one of Gilligan's reality
acorns: "That's like the Air Force saying UFOs are impossible,"
Dole told reporters in response to President Bill Clinton's
statement that 2 percent economic growth was impossible
without inflation.

Where Do Democrats Stand?

Three years later and armed with a degree in physics,
Stephen Bassett founded the Extraterrestrial Phenomena
Political Action Committee. <http://www.x-ppac.org/>
This April, the 57-year-old activist and 2002 independent
congressional candidate from Maryland will host the First
Annual Exopolitics Expo. All the Democratic presidential
hopefuls have been invited to assemble in a Washington hotel
ballroom to spell out their positions on UFOs.
"Voters are increasingly willing to confront candidates on
the UFO issue," Bassett says. "There is an alien presence
in our air space and the government has access to their technology."
He should know. In 1996, Bassett registered with the U.S. Congress
as a lobbyist for "extraterrestrial affairs." Still, ET's man on
Capitol Hill remains somewhat skeptical about little green men
on Wall Street.
"I'm only 30 percent confident that aliens have contractual
relationships with major corporations,'' Bassett says.


WEF - Technology Pioneers:

Alien Technology
Bringing RFID Down to Earth ...
Alien Technology has developed, and holds exclusive patent
rights to, a manufacturing assembly technology called
Fluidic Self Assembly (FSA®) which was invented at UC Berkeley
by Prof. John S. Smith. FSA allows for the efficient placement
of very large numbers of small components across a surface in
a single operation. FSA has numerous potential uses.
The Company plans to first use the technology to manufacture
very low-cost RFID [Radio Frequency Identification] tags and
subsequently to address other potential markets such as
antennas and sensors. ...
2004-01-28 12:38:41 UTC
Koyaanisqatsi actually wrote...

Have Extraterrestrials Made Contact With Government Leaders

### - oh don't be so daft heh heh heh... like even if there WAS such a
thing as aliens ya' really think they'd ever wanna' come to this
godforsaken hell-hole??? (well, not unless they were perhaps feeling a
bit peckish and just so happened to be looking for snacks in the
neighbourhood hehe;)

i mean... next thing you're gonna' be suggesting that some of our
leaders actually ARE aliens, no? - and what's next: HITLER was an
alien too??? lol :)

slider in his best *Mo's* voice (of Simpson's-fame :)

"Aliens? - Oh for crying out loud! " :))
The Natural Philosopher
2004-01-28 13:28:43 UTC
slider wrote:

> Koyaanisqatsi actually wrote...
> Have Extraterrestrials Made Contact With Government Leaders
> ### - oh don't be so daft heh heh heh... like even if there WAS such a
> thing as aliens ya' really think they'd ever wanna' come to this
> godforsaken hell-hole??? (well, not unless they were perhaps feeling a
> bit peckish and just so happened to be looking for snacks in the
> neighbourhood hehe;)
> i mean... next thing you're gonna' be suggesting that some of our
> leaders actually ARE aliens, no? - and what's next: HITLER was an
> alien too??? lol :)

I am sure only an alien would have as little understanding of Earth ways
as Dubya.

I suspect he is really a telephone sanitizer from teh planet gallifrey.
2004-01-29 02:16:38 UTC
Natural Philosopher

what's next: HITLER was an
> alien too??? lol :)

I am sure only an alien would have as little understanding of Earth
ways as Dubya.

### - and which is really rather surprising considering his 'ole man
was actually head of the cia at one time! (i mean, if 'anyone' should
know what's been going on on this planet it'd likely be someone in his
position, but nah, bush senior was just as cloudy minded apparently;)
Koyaanisqatsi Fahrvergnugen
2004-01-28 13:04:14 UTC
"slider" <***@anashram.com> wrote in message news:<%2ORb.28452$***@stones.force9.net>...
> Have Extraterrestrials Made Contact With Government Leaders
> ### - oh don't be so daft heh heh heh... like even if there WAS such a
> thing as aliens ya' really think they'd ever wanna' come to this
> godforsaken hell-hole??? (well, not unless they were perhaps feeling a
> bit peckish and just so happened to be looking for snacks in the
> neighbourhood hehe;)
> i mean... next thing you're gonna' be suggesting that some of our
> leaders actually ARE aliens, no? - and what's next: HITLER was an
> alien too??? lol :)
> slider in his best *Mo's* voice (of Simpson's-fame :)
> "Aliens? - Oh for crying out loud! " :))

Stress relief for obtuse, missing-the-joke,
over-acting drama queens with lots of punctuation
in their fingers CLICK---> http://pbskids.org/teletubbies/
2004-01-28 16:15:21 UTC
On 28 Jan 2004 05:04:14 -0800, ***@ziplip.com (Koyaanisqatsi
Fahrvergnugen) wrote:

>"slider" <***@anashram.com> wrote in message news:<%2ORb.28452$***@stones.force9.net>...
>> Have Extraterrestrials Made Contact With Government Leaders
>> ### - oh don't be so daft heh heh heh... like even if there WAS such a
>> thing as aliens ya' really think they'd ever wanna' come to this
>> godforsaken hell-hole??? (well, not unless they were perhaps feeling a
>> bit peckish and just so happened to be looking for snacks in the
>> neighbourhood hehe;)
>> i mean... next thing you're gonna' be suggesting that some of our
>> leaders actually ARE aliens, no? - and what's next: HITLER was an
>> alien too??? lol :)
>> slider in his best *Mo's* voice (of Simpson's-fame :)
>> "Aliens? - Oh for crying out loud! " :))
> Stress relief for obtuse, missing-the-joke,
> over-acting drama queens with lots of punctuation
> in their fingers CLICK---> http://pbskids.org/teletubbies/
> http://www.bbc.co.uk/cbeebies/teletubbies/

No matter how much propaganda you post still doesn't change the fact that
Bush/Cheney are paranoid about aliens.


It may seem strange to suggest that the study of propaganda has relevance to
contemporary politics. After all, when most people think about propaganda,
they think of the enormous campaigns that were waged by Hitler and Stalin in
the 1930s. Since nothing comparable is being disseminated in our society
today, many believe that propaganda is no longer an issue.

But propaganda can be as blatant as a swastika or as subtle as a joke. Its
persuasive techniques are regularly applied by politicians, advertisers,
journalists, radio personalities, and others who are interested in
influencing human behavior. Propagandistic messages can be used to
accomplish positive social ends, as in campaigns to reduce drunk driving,
but they are also used to win elections and to sell malt liquor.

As Anthony Pratkanis and Elliot Aronson point out, "every day we are
bombarded with one persuasive communication after another. These appeals
persuade not through the give-and-take of argument and debate, but through
the manipulation of symbols and of our most basic human emotions. For better
or worse, ours is an age of propaganda." (Pratkanis and Aronson, 1991)

With the growth of communication tools like the Internet, the flow of
persuasive messages has been dramatically accelerated. For the first time
ever, citizens around the world are participating in uncensored
conversations about their collective future. This is a wonderful
development, but there is a cost.

The information revolution has led to information overload, and people are
confronted with hundreds of messages each day. Although few studies have
looked at this topic, it seems fair to suggest that many people respond to
this pressure by processing messages more quickly and, when possible, by
taking mental short-cuts.

Propagandists love short-cuts -- particularly those which short-circuit
rational thought. They encourage this by agitating emotions, by exploiting
insecurities, by capitalizing on the ambiguity of language, and by bending
the rules of logic. As history shows, they can be quite successful.

Propaganda analysis exposes the tricks that propagandists use and suggests
ways of resisting the short-cuts that they promote. This web-site discusses
various propaganda techniques, provides contemporary examples of their use,
and proposes strategies of mental self-defense.

Propaganda analysis is an antidote to the excesses of the Information Age.
small tortoiseshell
2004-01-28 19:42:48 UTC
***@ziplip.com (Koyaanisqatsi Fahrvergnugen) wrote in message news:<***@posting.google.com>...
> "slider"

HITLER queens


yeah right ...
2004-01-29 02:11:01 UTC
Koyaanisqatsi wrote

> "Aliens? - Oh for crying out loud! " :))

Stress relief for obtuse, missing-the-joke,
over-acting drama queens with lots of punctuation
in their fingers CLICK---> http://pbskids.org/teletubbies/

### - smile, well i'll concede i may have missed the joke (if it
really 'was' a joke:) - but ya' know, we get some very strange people
comin' around these days sayin' all 'sorts' of whacky things (hence
the voice of bar-room Mo :) - and well, aliens and crowley all in one
day must have turned my head for a moment or something maybe hehe:)

Hey Barney, i told ya' 3 times today already to quit sticking your
tongue in the coin-slot of that condom machine... geez, plus ya' see
what we gotta put up with around here :)
Koyaanisqatsi Fahrvergnugen
2004-01-29 09:09:57 UTC
"slider" <***@anashram.com> wrote in message news:<R3_Rb.28711$***@stones.force9.net>...
> Koyaanisqatsi wrote
> > "Aliens? - Oh for crying out loud! " :))
> Stress relief for obtuse, missing-the-joke,
> over-acting drama queens with lots of punctuation
> in their fingers CLICK---> http://pbskids.org/teletubbies/
> ### - smile, well i'll concede i may have missed the joke (if it
> really 'was' a joke:)

Read the article again, note the tongue-in-cheek tone.
Ain't rocket science...*

> - but ya' know, we get some very strange people
> comin' around these days sayin' all 'sorts' of whacky things (hence
> the voice of bar-room Mo :) - and well, aliens and crowley all in one
> day must have turned my head for a moment or something maybe hehe:)
> Hey Barney, i told ya' 3 times today already to quit sticking your
> tongue in the coin-slot of that condom machine... geez, plus ya' see
> what we gotta put up with around here :)

Cartoooooooons, yeah, okay, hah... kewl...
* World Economic Forum: http://www.weforum.org/

Some other time, the same place:

NOAA Internal AUV Workshop Agenda

February 4-5, 2004

NOAA Headquarters SSMC3
4th floor large conference room,
Silver Spring, MD 20910

Workshop Purpose: NOS is hosting a workshop for all NOAA
line offices to formalize NOAA's collaborative efforts in
the development and implementation of AUV (Autonomous
underwater vehicles ) technology. The workshop will
include presentations to educate potential users on the
current state of AUV technology and its benefits and
limitations, and provide a forum for NOAA offices to share
current project status and future plans.

Workshop Goals: NOS intends the workshop to establish
partnerships between NOAA offices pursuing AUV technology
and identify potential uses and common requirements.
The information shared during the workshop will provide
the input for a NOAA-wide workgroup which will be chartered
to create a formal NOAA AUV requirements document for both
shallow and deep water uses.

Questions about the Workshop?

National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration
Call Dave Pritchard: (301)713-2653 x153 or
Rob Downs: (301)713-2653 x148 or
Ben Evans: (206) 526-6891

Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution.
Abrupt Climate Change:
2004-01-29 12:57:46 UTC
Koyaanisqatsi wrote

Cartoooooooons, yeah, okay, hah... kewl..

### - heh... but then the whole world's a kinda cartoon didn't ya'
Koyaanisqatsi Fahrvergnugen
2004-01-30 11:38:49 UTC
"slider" <***@anashram.com> wrote in message news:<a88Sb.19805$***@wards.force9.net>...
> Koyaanisqatsi wrote
> Cartoooooooons, yeah, okay, hah... kewl..
> ### - heh... but then the whole world's a kinda cartoon didn't ya'
> know;))

All in the neurology...

Adult Swim

Space Migration Intelligence Squared Life Extension
SM+I^2+LE= SMILE http://fusionanomaly.net/smile.html
Leary's Last Trip: http://www.leary.com/LastTrip/

2004-01-30 16:42:15 UTC
Koyaanisqatsi wrote

> Cartoooooooons, yeah, okay, hah... kewl..
> heh... but then the whole world's a kinda cartoon didn't ya'
> know;))

All in the neurology...

### - only problem being that unfortunately we just don't live in a
clockwork universe that yields itself to convenient explanations (but
then you've probably even got an explanation for that too huh:))

Adult Swim

Space Migration Intelligence Squared Life Extension
SM+I^2+LE= SMILE http://fusionanomaly.net/smile.html
Leary's Last Trip: http://www.leary.com/LastTrip/


### - heh heh heh... lol i think i get it now - i.e. you're like this
kinda programmable robot that collects & outputs a bunch of (semi)
associated links depending on which buttons ya press? (i think my web
browser actually does something very similar hehe;)

strange too (or just coincidence?:) you should post the Tim Leary link
considering our present topic of conversation - i.e. i suppose you
realise that leary wasn't all that fond of science per-se, changing
his mind at the last minute NOT to have his head cyronised, he said
because he just didn't fancy waking up in maybe 150 years time
surrounded by a bunch of technical jerks in white coats and
clipboards hehe (go figure :)
Koyaanisqatsi Fahrvergnugen
2004-02-05 00:57:35 UTC
"slider" <***@anashram.com> wrote in message news:<IQvSb.118$***@stones.force9.net>...
> Koyaanisqatsi wrote
> > Cartoooooooons, yeah, okay, hah... kewl..
> >
> >
> > heh... but then the whole world's a kinda cartoon didn't ya'
> > know;))
> All in the neurology...
> ### - only problem being that unfortunately we just don't live in a
> clockwork universe that yields itself to convenient explanations (but
> then you've probably even got an explanation for that too huh:))
> Adult Swim
> http://www.adultswim.com/
> Space Migration Intelligence Squared Life Extension
> SM+I^2+LE= SMILE http://fusionanomaly.net/smile.html
> Leary's Last Trip: http://www.leary.com/LastTrip/
> http://www.thegreatillusion.com/
> ### - heh heh heh... lol i think i get it now - i.e. you're like this
> kinda programmable robot that collects & outputs a bunch of (semi)
> associated links depending on which buttons ya press? (i think my web
> browser actually does something very similar hehe;)
> strange too (or just coincidence?:) you should post the Tim Leary link
> considering our present topic of conversation - i.e. i suppose you
> realise that leary wasn't all that fond of science per-se, changing
> his mind at the last minute NOT to have his head cyronised, he said
> because he just didn't fancy waking up in maybe 150 years time
> surrounded by a bunch of technical jerks in white coats and
> clipboards hehe (go figure :)

Devil's Playground, Rumspringa

2004-02-10 23:55:21 UTC
"Koyaanisqatsi Fahrvergnugen" wrote:
> >
> > Adult Swim
> > http://www.adultswim.com/
> >
> > Space Migration Intelligence Squared Life Extension
> > SM+I^2+LE= SMILE http://fusionanomaly.net/smile.html
> > Leary's Last Trip: http://www.leary.com/LastTrip/
> >
> > http://www.thegreatillusion.com/
> Devil's Playground, Rumspringa
> http://www.google.com/search?hl=en&ie=UTF-8&oe=UTF-8&q=Devil%27s+Playground%2C+Rumspringa
> http://www.stickfigureproductions.com/

Those wild and crazy Amish!

Hyperfine Interactions 135: 3-50, 2001.
© 2002 Kluwer Academic Publishers. Printed in the Netherlands.

X-Ray-Driven Gamma Emission

Center for Photon-Induced Processes, Department of Physics
and Astronomy, Youngstown State University, Youngstown,
Ohio 44555, USA; e-mail: ***@cc.ysu.edu
Joint Institute for Nuclear Research, Dubna,
141980 Moscow Region, Russia
Moscow Institute of Radioengineering, Electronics
and Automation, 78 Vernadsky Ave.,
117454 Moscow, Russia

Received 23 July 2001; accepted 1 August 2001

Abstract. X-ray-driven gamma emission describes processes that
may release nuclear energy in a 'clean' way, as bursts of
incoherent or coherent gamma rays without the production of
radioactive byproducts. Over the past decade, studies in this
area, as a part of the larger field of quantum nucleonics,
have gained tremendous momentum. Since 1987 it has been
established that photons could trigger gamma emission from a
long-lived metastable nuclear excited state of one nuclide and
it appears likely that triggering in other isotopes will be
demonstrated conclusively in the near future. With these
experimental results have come new proposals for the creation
of collective and avalanche-like incoherent gamma-ray bursts
and even for the ultimate light source, a gamma-ray laser.
Obviously, many applications would benefit from controlled
bursts of gamma radiation, whether coherent or not. This paper
reviews the experimental results and concepts for the
production of gamma rays, driven by externally produced X-rays.

World Economic Forum - Davos, Switzerland: http://www.weforum.org/
Koyaanisqatsi Fahrvergnugen
2004-02-11 22:42:05 UTC
"RoboDwarfe 7.3" <|||> wrote:
> OutreZoneD wrote:
> > "Koyaanisqatsi Fahrvergnugen" wrote:
> >>>Adult Swim
> >>>http://www.adultswim.com/
> >>> Space Migration Intelligence Squared Life Extension
> >>> SM+I^2+LE= SMILE http://fusionanomaly.net/smile.html
> >>> Leary's Last Trip: http://www.leary.com/LastTrip/
> >>>http://www.thegreatillusion.com/
> >>Devil's Playground, Rumspringa
> >>http://www.google.com/search?hl=en&ie=UTF-8&oe=UTF-8&q=Devil%27
> s+Playground%2C+Rumspringa
> >>http://www.stickfigureproductions.com/
> > Those wild and crazy Amish!
> > Hyperfine Interactions 135: 3-50, 2001.
> > 2002 Kluwer Academic Publishers. Printed in the Netherlands.
> > X-Ray-Driven Gamma Emission
> > http://mev.btg.cc/BTG-Library/files/X-ray%20driven.pdf
> > Center for Photon-Induced Processes, Department of Physics
> > and Astronomy, Youngstown State University, Youngstown,
> > Ohio 44555, USA; e-mail: ***@cc.ysu.edu
> > Joint Institute for Nuclear Research, Dubna,
> > 141980 Moscow Region, Russia
> > Moscow Institute of Radioengineering, Electronics
> > and Automation, 78 Vernadsky Ave.,
> > 117454 Moscow, Russia
> > Received 23 July 2001; accepted 1 August 2001
> > Abstract. X-ray-driven gamma emission describes processes that
> > may release nuclear energy in a 'clean' way, as bursts of
> > incoherent or coherent gamma rays without the production of
> > radioactive byproducts. Over the past decade, studies in this
> > area, as a part of the larger field of quantum nucleonics,
> > have gained tremendous momentum. Since 1987 it has been
> > established that photons could trigger gamma emission from a
> > long-lived metastable nuclear excited state of one nuclide and
> > it appears likely that triggering in other isotopes will be
> > demonstrated conclusively in the near future. With these
> > experimental results have come new proposals for the creation
> > of collective and avalanche-like incoherent gamma-ray bursts
> > and even for the ultimate light source, a gamma-ray laser.
> > Obviously, many applications would benefit from controlled
> > bursts of gamma radiation, whether coherent or not. This paper
> > reviews the experimental results and concepts for the
> > production of gamma rays, driven by externally produced X-rays.
> > http://www.google.com/search?hl=en&ie=ISO-8859-1&q=X-Ray-Driven+G
> amma+Emission%2C+J.J.+Carroll
> > World Economic Forum - Davos, Switzerland: http://www.weforum.org/
> It is the weak nuclear force that has caught my attention.
> Gravity seems easily explanable as a total summing between
> dimensions/lightmachs.
> But the weak nuclear force with its persistence to location and slow
> decay seems to suggest something of importance.
> What I do not know but best guess as the intersecting lattice like
> waves of inertia that grow to a size that is an observable.
> Such as atoms and visible objects like chairs or people.
> Yet the outer negatively charged cloud of electrons seems to contain
> the smallest levels of the motion inertia phenomenom.

Echo of the Big Bang
Michael D. Lemonick

"Before The Big Bang"
Discover Magazine

Fluctuations in the Cosmic Microwave Background
2004-02-14 01:10:43 UTC
(Koyaanisqatsi Fahrvergnugen) wrote:
> "RoboDwarfe 7.3" <|||> wrote:
> > OutreZoneD wrote:
> > > "Koyaanisqatsi Fahrvergnugen" wrote:
> > >>>Adult Swim
> > >>>http://www.adultswim.com/
> > >>> Space Migration Intelligence Squared Life Extension
> > >>> SM+I^2+LE= SMILE http://fusionanomaly.net/smile.html
> > >>> Leary's Last Trip: http://www.leary.com/LastTrip/
> > >>>http://www.thegreatillusion.com/
> > >>Devil's Playground, Rumspringa
> > >>http://www.stickfigureproductions.com/
> > > Those wild and crazy Amish!
> > > Hyperfine Interactions 135: 3-50, 2001.
> > > 2002 Kluwer Academic Publishers. Printed in the Netherlands.
> > > X-Ray-Driven Gamma Emission
> > > http://mev.btg.cc/BTG-Library/files/X-ray%20driven.pdf
> > > This paper reviews the experimental results and concepts for the
> > > production of gamma rays, driven by externally produced X-rays.
> > > World Economic Forum - Davos, Switzerland: http://www.weforum.org/
> >
> > It is the weak nuclear force that has caught my attention.
> > Gravity seems easily explanable as a total summing between
> > dimensions/lightmachs.
> > But the weak nuclear force with its persistence to location and slow
> > decay seems to suggest something of importance.
> > What I do not know but best guess as the intersecting lattice like
> > waves of inertia that grow to a size that is an observable.
> > Such as atoms and visible objects like chairs or people.
> > Yet the outer negatively charged cloud of electrons seems to contain
> > the smallest levels of the motion inertia phenomenom.
> Echo of the Big Bang
> Michael D. Lemonick
> http://pup.princeton.edu/chapters/s7481.html
> "Before The Big Bang"
> Discover Magazine
> http://www.discover.com/issues/feb-04/cover/
> Fluctuations in the Cosmic Microwave Background
> http://map.gsfc.nasa.gov/m_uni/uni_101Flucts.html

The Ekpyrotic Universe: Colliding Branes
and the Origin of the Hot Big Bang

Density Perturbations in the Ekpyrotic Scenario

A Cyclic Model of the Universe

Cosmological Perturbations Through a General Relativistic Bounce

A Brief Introduction to the Ekpyrotic Universe
Paul J. Steinhardt
Princeton University
"The Ekpyrotic Model of the Universe proposes that our
current universe arose from a collision of two
three-dimensional worlds (branes) in a space with an
extra (fourth) spatial dimension. The proposal is
interesting in and of itself, but also because it is the
precursor to a more powerful and explanatory theory,
the Cyclic Model ..."

Dr. Woo Suk Hwang, Dr. Shin Yong Moon - Seoul National University
1977 Symmetry: http://pw1.netcom.com/~mthorn/1977symb.htm
Pontifex Maximus
2004-02-19 03:35:24 UTC

***@my-deja.com (OutreZoneD) wrote in message news:<***@posting.google.com>...
> (Koyaanisqatsi Fahrvergnugen) wrote:
> > "RoboDwarfe 7.3" <|||> wrote:
> > > OutreZoneD wrote:
> > > > "Koyaanisqatsi Fahrvergnugen" wrote:
> > > >>>Adult Swim
> > > >>>http://www.adultswim.com/
> > > >>> Space Migration Intelligence Squared Life Extension
> > > >>> SM+I^2+LE= SMILE http://fusionanomaly.net/smile.html
> > > >>> Leary's Last Trip: http://www.leary.com/LastTrip/
> > > >>>http://www.thegreatillusion.com/
> > > >>Devil's Playground, Rumspringa
> http://www.google.com/search?hl=en&ie=UTF-8&oe=UTF-8&q=Devil%27s+Playground%2C+Rumspringa
> > > >>http://www.stickfigureproductions.com/
> > > > Those wild and crazy Amish!
> > > > Hyperfine Interactions 135: 3-50, 2001.
> > > > 2002 Kluwer Academic Publishers. Printed in the Netherlands.
> > > > X-Ray-Driven Gamma Emission
> > > > http://mev.btg.cc/BTG-Library/files/X-ray%20driven.pdf
> [...]
> > > > This paper reviews the experimental results and concepts for the
> > > > production of gamma rays, driven by externally produced X-rays.
> http://www.google.com/search?hl=en&ie=ISO-8859-1&q=X-Ray-Driven+Gamma+Emission%2C+J.J.+Carroll
> > > > World Economic Forum - Davos, Switzerland: http://www.weforum.org/
> > >
> > > It is the weak nuclear force that has caught my attention.
> > > Gravity seems easily explanable as a total summing between
> > > dimensions/lightmachs.
> > > But the weak nuclear force with its persistence to location and slow
> > > decay seems to suggest something of importance.
> > > What I do not know but best guess as the intersecting lattice like
> > > waves of inertia that grow to a size that is an observable.
> > > Such as atoms and visible objects like chairs or people.
> > > Yet the outer negatively charged cloud of electrons seems to contain
> > > the smallest levels of the motion inertia phenomenom.
> >
> > Echo of the Big Bang
> > Michael D. Lemonick
> > http://pup.princeton.edu/chapters/s7481.html
> >
> > "Before The Big Bang"
> > Discover Magazine
> > http://www.discover.com/issues/feb-04/cover/
> >
> > Fluctuations in the Cosmic Microwave Background
> > http://map.gsfc.nasa.gov/m_uni/uni_101Flucts.html
> The Ekpyrotic Universe: Colliding Branes
> and the Origin of the Hot Big Bang
> http://xxx.lanl.gov/abs/hep-th/0103239
> Density Perturbations in the Ekpyrotic Scenario
> http://xxx.lanl.gov/abs/hep-th/0109050
> A Cyclic Model of the Universe
> http://xxx.lanl.gov/abs/hep-th/0111030
> Cosmological Perturbations Through a General Relativistic Bounce
> http://xxx.lanl.gov/abs/hep-th/0206138
> A Brief Introduction to the Ekpyrotic Universe
> Paul J. Steinhardt
> Princeton University
> http://feynman.princeton.edu/~steinh/npr/
> "The Ekpyrotic Model of the Universe proposes that our
> current universe arose from a collision of two
> three-dimensional worlds (branes) in a space with an
> extra (fourth) spatial dimension. The proposal is
> interesting in and of itself, but also because it is the
> precursor to a more powerful and explanatory theory,
> the Cyclic Model ..."
> [~][^][~]
> Dr. Woo Suk Hwang, Dr. Shin Yong Moon - Seoul National University
> http://www.snu.ac.kr:6060/engsnu/index.html
> [^][~][^]
> 1977 Symmetry: http://pw1.netcom.com/~mthorn/1977symb.htm

[Tony Smith]:

The web page you mentioned, http://feynman.princeton.edu/~steinh/npr/
describes in general terms the physics of a paper at
http://xxx.lanl.gov/abs/hep-th/0103239 by Steinhardt, Khoury, Ovrut,
and Turok entitiled The Ekpyrotic Universe: Colliding Branes and the
Origin of the Hot Big Bang and, as I understand it, it proposes to
replace the standard cosmological picture of a big bang followed by
inflation with a collision between two 4-dimensional membranes in a
5 dimensional subspace of the 11-dimensional space of a superstring

Since I like inflation, and I don't like the supersymmtry part of
superstrings, I don't agree with the Ekpyrotic Universe model of
Steinhardt et al.

Even if you like superstrings and their 11-dim M-theory, there may
be serious problems with the Ekpyrotic Universe of Steinhardt et al
as an alternative to inflation, as pointed out by Linde, Kallosh,
and Kofman at http://xxx.lanl.gov/abs/hep-th/0104073 where they say:

"... Khoury, Ovrut, Steinhardt and Turok ... suggest a ... cosmological
model and argued that it may resolve all major cosmological problems
without any use of inflation. Their model was called the ekpyrotic
universe, from the Greek-derived word ekpyrosis.
... inflation removes all previously existing inhomogeneities,
whereas in the ekpyrotic scenario even very small initial
inhomogeneities become exponentially large. Therefore instead of
resolving the homogeneity problem, it makes this problem much worse.
This demonstrates once again how diffcult it is to construct a
consistent cosmological theory without using inflation. ...".

The details of how Linde et al got to their conclusion is given in
their paper on the xxx e-print archives at

Steinhardt et al replied to the criticism of Linde et al in
http://xxx.lanl.gov/abs/hep-th/0105212 saying that the cricisism
of Linde et al "... rests on examples of Horava-Witten models in
the literature rather than on mathematical analysis.
...". However, as Steinhardt et al say, "... The ekpyrotic model ...
is built on the principle that the initial state is quasi-static
with properties dictated by symmetry, particularly supersymmetry. ...".

Since the supersymmtry to which they refer is doubtless the
naive 1-1 boson-fermion supersymmetry of superstring theory,
and since such naive 1-1 supersymmetry has NEVER been observed
in decades of high-energy physics experiments, I think that
the Ekpyrotic Universe is based on a defective foundation and
is therefore itself defective.

In summary, I think that the Ekpyrotic Universe is very good
press agentry (good in the capability/skill sense, not in
the moral sense) and very bad (in all senses) physics.

Tony 3 June 2001

TS' News-NetSurf:
The Chosen Few
2004-01-28 17:11:01 UTC
"Koyaanisqatsi Fahrvergnugen" <***@ziplip.com> wrote in message
> Have Extraterrestrials Made Contact With Government Leaders

I've sometimes indulged the thought that we may all have been replaced by
ETs, and are only awaiting a signal from the mothership(s) to activate our
awarenesses of our true origins. No way to disprove the notion if true, and
it would explain so much.

Btw, I wonder if there's a word in Hopi for life from elsewhere?


[big snipperoo]